
Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
I'm thankful to the admin for the reboot.

Hopefully this thread can be more rooted in the genuinely interesting and credible current events than descending into the sort of conspiracy dog-whistles that plagued the last one.

Bio Booster Armoire

Prophet of Truth
Apr 21, 2020
If the mods are sincere, hopefully this moderation goes both ways - we had people (largely ignored) posting some fringe-y crap, but there were also users posting specious comparisons, constantly derailing the thread, who didn't engage with the discussion at all who were just as disruptive.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn shame about the old thread. Feel it was the wrong choice to have it locked. But, here we are.

Anyway... i imagine this whole process and what happens this week in the hearings will be mostly a slow crawl. But im hoping its significant enough to start putting more and more pressure on the powers that be to release more info eventually. Maybe even influence even more whistleblowers with top credentials to come forward.


Mar 5, 2018
First(?) they merged a shitty thread into the OT and then they nuke it? Wow...

How long is the hearing expected to last?


Jan 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
User Warned: Metacommentary
If the mods are sincere, hopefully this moderation goes both ways - we had people (largely ignored) posting some fringe-y crap, but there were also users posting specious comparisons, constantly derailing the thread, who didn't engage with the discussion at all who were just as disruptive.

Based on the "reasons" they gave to lock the old thread we both know this is not gonna happen.


Nov 1, 2017
Yeah...this thread is gonna be walking on eggshells. Part of the fun in this topic is sharing the more extreme stories, which I've almost always viewed as fun what if's rather than taking at face value, which is a big part of the appeal of ufology for many in general. I do understand how spreading certain things can be damaging and harmful to the perception of the subject and its legitimacy, but not nearly as toxic and societally dangerous as Q-caliber garbage. I don't really see the harm in entertaining random sightings shared on social media and old stories that are a part of the lore. Like can we not talk about something like the Fatima sightings? I'm not clear on the line here as for what constitutes 'conspiracy theory'. For instance, Grusch's testimony is essentially saying there's a shadow group/rogue part of the military that's taking part in UAP retrieval without publicly elected govt figure/body oversight. Shadow govt is like the granddaddy of conspiracy theories and intrinsically linked to this subject. So is that specific claim of Grusch's considered a conspiracy theory? The rules for this new thread seem vague on that front, as again that is central to Grusch's claims as a whistleblower.

Forerunner could just as easily been able to edit the OP of the og thread, or the new disclaimer could be added at the top of each page as has been done in other threads on this site. Closing such a huge thread with so much info that OP contributed over two plus years is some heavy handed, reactionary nonsense.

YEP. Disappointing. Any really FAR out conspiracy shit just generally got ignored from what I could tell. If anything specific got out of hand, not sure why a mod edit couldn't have handled it or something. Now any number of scared, ERA ultra skeptic's who get offended by any random story can report it and get this thread shut down too?


Jan 21, 2018
Definitely interested in watching the hearings tomorrow.

Hope we can keep this thread alive as this is one of the most safest/grounded places to have these discussions.


Oct 29, 2017
YEP. Disappointing. Any really FAR out conspiracy shit just generally got ignored from what I could tell. If anything specific got out of hand, not sure why a mod edit couldn't have handled it or something. Now any number of scared, ERA ultra skeptic's who get offended by any random story can report it and get this thread shut down too?

Yeah never saw any extended discussion on that crap. Just a few posts that never got engaged with.


Oct 27, 2017
What happened to the old thread? It was going for like three years with legit info. I saw the title change last week but now it's gone? That was literally one of the best threads on this side of the forum


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Drive-By Posting
I hope the alien that's been assigned to watch me isn't disappointed in how often I masturbate.

If aliens are real do you think they'd stop us from extincting ourselves?
Oct 27, 2017
I believe there is life somewhere in the universe but I can't wrap my head around aliens on earth. As cool as it would be I highly doubt that's what behind these UFO appearances. When you think about how advanced this civilization would need to be you have to question why so many of their aircraft keep crashing.

On the other hand is hard to believe this crazy ultra advanced tech that defies physics belongs to another country. Considering how much more the US invests in military compared to any other country in the planet the idea that another nation can simply "invade" their airspace unchallenged multiple times is kinda puzzling.

Hopefully the hearing will serve as a first step in understanding just wtf is going on.

Deleted member 149904

Jun 12, 2023
I believe there is life somewhere in the universe but I can't wrap my head around aliens on earth. As cool as it would be I highly doubt that's what behind these UFO appearances. When you think about how advanced this civilization would need to be you have to question why so many of their aircraft keep crashing.

On the other hand is hard to believe this crazy ultra advanced tech that defies physics belongs to another country. Considering how much more the US invests in military compared to any other country in the planet the idea that another nation can simply "invade" their airspace unchallenged multiple times is kinda puzzling.

Hopefully the hearing will serve as a first step in understanding just wtf is going on.
Regarding the crashing, consider this:

Ants are intelligent. But their intelligence is nothing compared to ours. Yet, we crash all the time. Not just things like small planes, but big giant projects relying the full capabilities of NASA/ESA, the US military - and more - , all crashing from time to time. Not even counting deliberate crashes.

If there is a civilisation out there whose intelligence dwarves ours just as we dwarf ants, then it stands to reason that they also could crash, and it wouldn't be strange at all.
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC
I believe there is life somewhere in the universe but I can't wrap my head around aliens on earth. As cool as it would be I highly doubt that's what behind these UFO appearances. When you think about how advanced this civilization would need to be you have to question why so many of their aircraft keep crashing.

On the other hand is hard to believe this crazy ultra advanced tech that defies physics belongs to another country. Considering how much more the US invests in military compared to any other country in the planet the idea that another nation can simply "invade" their airspace unchallenged multiple times is kinda puzzling.

Hopefully the hearing will serve as a first step in understanding just wtf is going on.
I don't find this strange? Humans are advanced and crash vehicles all the time. Having more advanced technology doesn't make you infallible. If we were to show someone from the year 1,800 a space shuttle launching they would have no idea what in the world is going on. If someone was to travel back in time from a few centuries from now, we prob. could not comprehend what they would be showing us. Now imagine thousands or millions of years, but the point still stands. Technology is not magic.

Edit; I see the poster before me made a very similar response.

Panicky Duck

Dec 14, 2020
I believe there is life somewhere in the universe but I can't wrap my head around aliens on earth. As cool as it would be I highly doubt that's what behind these UFO appearances. When you think about how advanced this civilization would need to be you have to question why so many of their aircraft keep crashing.

I imagine the amount of crashes must be miniscule. Assuming the UAP's are indeed extraterrestrial in nature, consider how many of them have crashed throughout history. Now compare that to the amount of reported sightings that don't involve a crash. Then, compare it to the amount of sightings that go unreported. Then, the amount of UAP's that go completely undetected. Admittedly, some of these numbers are unknowable, but I suspect they are fairly large.

How many alleged crashes have there been, anyway? Off the top of my head:
  • 1930's Italy
  • 1947 Roswell, New Mexico
  • 1996 Varginha, Brazil
Anyone can feel free to let me know about any others. I'm genuinely curious.


Oct 25, 2017
Just to add to the crashing stuff. Maybe the tech involved is sensitive to atmospheric changes? Like lightning hitting it for example. Or perhaps said craft had compromises in their hulls or whatever from years/decades of use. Could be a number of potential scenarios where the pilots arent even at fault.
Oct 27, 2017
Regarding the crashing, consider this:

Ants are intelligent. But their intelligence is nothing compared to ours. Yet, we crash all the time. Not just things like small planes, but big giant projects relying the full capabilities of NASA/ESA, the US military - and more - , all crashing from time to time. Not even counting deliberate crashes.

If there is a civilisation out there whose intelligence dwarves ours just as we dwarf ants, then it stands to reason that they also could crash, and it wouldn't be strange at all.

I don't find this strange? Humans are advanced and crash vehicles all the time. Having more advanced technology doesn't make you infallible. If we were to show someone from the year 1,800 a space shuttle launching they would have no idea what in the world is going on. If someone was to travel back in time from a few centuries from now, we prob. could not comprehend what they would be showing us. Now imagine thousands or millions of years, but the point still stands. Technology is not magic.

Edit; I see the poster before me made a very similar response.

I imagine the amount of crashes must be miniscule. Assuming the UAP's are indeed extraterrestrial in nature, consider how many of them have crashed throughout history. Now compare that to the amount of reported sightings that don't involve a crash. Then, compare it to the amount of sightings that go unreported. Then, the amount of UAP's that go completely undetected. Admittedly, some of these numbers are unknowable, but I suspect they are fairly large.

How many alleged crashes have there been, anyway? Off the top of my head:
  • 1930's Italy
  • 1947 Roswell, New Mexico
  • 1996 Varginha, Brazil
Anyone can feel free to let me know about any others. I'm genuinely curious.
You all make good points. Maybe I'm overestimating our new overlords.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Back to lurking, but it's pretty disappointing the original thread was nuked. There was a lot of legitimately good information and discussion there.


Oct 26, 2017
Regarding the crashing, consider this:

Ants are intelligent. But their intelligence is nothing compared to ours. Yet, we crash all the time. Not just things like small planes, but big giant projects relying the full capabilities of NASA/ESA, the US military - and more - , all crashing from time to time. Not even counting deliberate crashes.

If there is a civilisation out there whose intelligence dwarves ours just as we dwarf ants, then it stands to reason that they also could crash, and it wouldn't be strange at all.

We don't really crash all the time, just last week flightradar registered the a record number of flights per day: 250k. Thats millions of flights per month.

How many millions of flights of alien spacecraft do we have?

It could still happen but the analogy you make is not warranted.

Bio Booster Armoire

Prophet of Truth
Apr 21, 2020
Speaking hypothetically, if such craft were real, we would not have enough data about their design or capabilities to make any definite assumptions about how likely they are or not to crash. It's the same for no. of flights per day; we could never say with any degree of authority how active they are because we have no way of recording, or even verifying, such data.

It's just a pointless discussion, that can be proved to neither party's satisfaction, that ulimately goes nowhere, imo.


Nov 3, 2017
I believe there is life somewhere in the universe but I can't wrap my head around aliens on earth. As cool as it would be I highly doubt that's what behind these UFO appearances. When you think about how advanced this civilization would need to be you have to question why so many of their aircraft keep crashing.

Let's speculate some more.
They might not be ultra-advanced.
Humans, supposedly, are currently reverse engineering alien craft that, supposedly, crashed.
Perhaps some other civilization did the same thing, or stole it, or whatever, and are flying around with these things.


You'd think the guidance computer would not let it crash though.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I imagine the amount of crashes must be miniscule. Assuming the UAP's are indeed extraterrestrial in nature, consider how many of them have crashed throughout history. Now compare that to the amount of reported sightings that don't involve a crash. Then, compare it to the amount of sightings that go unreported. Then, the amount of UAP's that go completely undetected. Admittedly, some of these numbers are unknowable, but I suspect they are fairly large.

How many alleged crashes have there been, anyway? Off the top of my head:
  • 1930's Italy
  • 1947 Roswell, New Mexico
  • 1996 Varginha, Brazil
Anyone can feel free to let me know about any others. I'm genuinely curious.
Coulthart claimed there was one too big to move that a building/facility was built over top of it.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
On the crashes, I like to imagine there's their own version of Congressional hearings going on investigating substance abuse among their space pilots.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Christopher Mellon on News Nation: "I've been told that we have recovered technology that did not originate on this earth by officials in the Department of Defense and by former intelligence officials."

"I expect Dave [Grusch] will provide some new information that we have not heard before."

Hopefully he can expand on the "people have been killed to keep this secret" allegation. Ross Coulthart said he would if asked.

Edit: Just saw the mod notice in the other thread. I think News Nation is mainstream and I think Ross Coulthart and Christopher Mellon are credible sources.

For what it's worth, News Nation is pretty right wing but they are also giving coverage of the hearings a lot of promotion so I can see why that will get sourced a lot. Sadly it's my mom's boyfriend's news source of choice.

Deleted member 149904

Jun 12, 2023
For what it's worth, News Nation is pretty right wing but they are also giving coverage of the hearings a lot of promotion so I can see why that will get sourced a lot. Sadly it's my mom's boyfriend's news source of choice.
News nation isn't right wing. That's NewsMax you're thinking of probably.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
News nation isn't right wing. That's NewsMax you're thinking of probably.

No man, News Nation. Watch it and see the way they portray political arguments. Maybe it's better throughout the day but the mornings you can really tell there's a slant. It's not really here or there as far as the thread is concerned, I don't think they're a bad source, but imo they definitely have a bias regardless of how watchdogs rank them.

Edit: All I'll say on it is this...

Here's a Times article (pot calling the kettle black) from 2021 on some employees expressing concerns and even resigning at the right wing tilt. It was coming out even then. Honestly i think they get away with it because they're still a young news organization and the window has shifted so much.


Journalists Rebel at NewsNation, a Newcomer in Cable News (Published 2021)

Two top editors at the channel’s new prime-time newscast resigned amid staff complaints of a right-wing tilt and concern over the involvement of the former Fox News chief Bill Shine.

I don't want to harp on it because that's not what the thread is for, but I think it behooves people to pay attention to it.
Last edited:


Jun 11, 2018
Just read the reasoning as to why the last thread was locked? wtf? This whole thing is a conspiracy no matter what the truth turns out to be.
If there's craft here that the people and elements of the congress and government aren't aware of that is both a conspiracy and points to a shadowy world that operates outside of oversight and the elected government.
If this whole thing is untrue then the pentagon, dod, high level witnesses are involved in some kind of weird pysop for whatever reason to deceive the public which is also a conspiracy.
Also I understand the arguments that the thought of ancient cultures being unable to create their own civilizations without external help is racist and problematic, but to think that if everything being put forwards is true, then this is highly unlikely to be a modern phenomena and likely the story has an ancient aspect to it, however that plays out.
I also think that limiting the discussion to not be able to cover fringe topics seems short sighted as our understanding of this phenomena is very human centric and limited. There may be elements within the truth that deal with topics we traditionally consider woo, or are uncomfortable to talk about from out traditional scientific understanding of our place in the universe.
I understand the need for sensible moderation given all this coming to the forefront but limiting topics of discussion and removing countless pages of amazing discussion and research that brought people on this board together seems off.

Anyway, I look forward to the hearings and hope that the people who ask the questions are informed and ask ''good questions'' of these people and that while I do not expect to learn anything ''new'' that this opens up the floodgates to others who may have information and begins a process where the general public is more informed and demanding of answers.


Nov 1, 2017
All of this speculation and discussion on crashes…..reporting all of you for conspiracy theory talk!! 🙄

I will say at least the mod warned that drive by troll post from earlier…I don't think that's happened before.
Aug 15, 2022
Just read the reasoning as to why the last thread was locked? wtf? This whole thing is a conspiracy no matter what the truth turns out to be.
If there's craft here that the people and elements of the congress and government aren't aware of that is both a conspiracy and points to a shadowy world that operates outside of oversight and the elected government.
If this whole thing is untrue then the pentagon, dod, high level witnesses are involved in some kind of weird pysop for whatever reason to deceive the public which is also a conspiracy.
Also I understand the arguments that the thought of ancient cultures being unable to create their own civilizations without external help is racist and problematic, but to think that if everything being put forwards is true, then this is highly unlikely to be a modern phenomena and likely the story has an ancient aspect to it, however that plays out.
I also think that limiting the discussion to not be able to cover fringe topics seems short sighted as our understanding of this phenomena is very human centric and limited. There may be elements within the truth that deal with topics we traditionally consider woo, or uncomfortable to talk about.
I understand the need for sensible moderation given all this coming to the forefront but limiting topics of discussion and removing countless pages of amazing discussion and research that brought people on this board together seems off.

Anyway, I look forward to the hearings and hope that the people who ask the questions are informed and ask ''good questions'' of these people and that while I do not expect to learn anything ''new'' that this opens up the floodgates to others who may have information and begins a process where the general public is more informed and demanding of answers.

i'm one of the people who briefly mentioned "shadow government" but only in the context of the whistleblower's claims. an intelligence group using taxpayer money while operating off the books is precisely what he's claiming iirc so it's going to be hard not to even mention it in context. it's also one of the big concerns in congress/the senate and will most assuredly come up tomorrow. believing and propagating that notion as a certainty or stretching it to overlap alt-right bigotry steeped in hate and help beat their deep state drum, is very different. but the mods don't have an easy job with this topic imo especially with determining context. just hope drive-by's are controlled while fun and interesting commentary (and meta) is allowed. big claims are going to give way to big discussions.

topic: happy to see aoc on board, i appreciate her transparency in general and she's funny so i'm excited to see her reactions, along with some others. glad the wait is short and hope this leads to more hearings (and testimony 👺)
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Even though I feel there is only a chance in a billion that we have vistors from other worlds among us, either living or ai, I still enjoy checking out these threads. The time it takes for intelligent life to evolve, the life of a quality star system and the massive distances to travel has me wondering what these objects are.

Pointing to politicians as some proof that there something out there is just silly, these people will do or say anything to get on some funded committee. And what is the deal with the editing in the one AOC video?

Now any number of scared, ERA ultra skeptic's who get offended by any random story can report it and get this thread shut down too?
I support others right to different opinions, I am not all knowing, and a community to discuss theories no matter how fringe but this stuff I have seen often and is hilarious.

If I see 0 credible evidence and don't believe a few pilots or some grifting politician doesn't make me scared. A person isn't an ultra skeptic if they just don't take someones word on things they have seen and the only evidence is top secret.


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Oct 26, 2017
I was a hardcore follower from my single digits up until my late 20s but I've become a hardcore skeptic since then.

However, the amount of attention this is getting and my older age is making me more interested in this again. Especially when you have so many government officials interested.