
Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
Xbox Game Bar gave me issues with RDR2, playing with a wired "Series" controller. Once I killed it, no more issue. Background apps can fuck up all sorts of shit, so I run as few as possible and no bloaty hw monitors or mobo/mouse software etc.


Oct 30, 2017
Ubisoft should add Asus Aura Armory Crate.

Had so many problema with it, it installs a lot of services in windows and keeps phoning home all the time.

And about the Indie Dev's don't tell me to uninstall software, just go to a Steam forum of a more graphically advanced Indie. Most of the time there is a sticky telling you to troubleshoot, first disable x, y or z.

They just don't have a Twitter "loud" enough.


Apr 9, 2021
the Netherlands
Like I said I've had more issues with Ubisoft games and their own overlay, but apart from that overlays like Afterburner can definitely cause issues. I'm fine with this list even if it is worded the way it is, those programs can cause issues on certain setups and configurations so I do not see the harm in this list. I think the offense here is how they've worded it combined with people saying that Ubisoft games run like ass because of those programs, which is definitely not the case. If you were to contact their support when running into issues I'm pretty sure they would send you the same list to see if any one of those programs might be interfering with the game. All pretty standard stuff. Now if Ubi were to come out and say something along the lines of: "if you run any of these programs our games will not work (as intended) for you" then it would be different.

Flappy Pannus

Feb 14, 2019
Now if Ubi were to come out and say something along the lines of: "if you run any of these programs our games will not work (as intended) for you" then it would be different.
...but that's uh, kinda what they did. I mean that list is entitled "Software likely to interfere with Ubisoft games", that's what's drawing attention, even if the rest of the page is sensible troubleshooting stuff.


Apr 9, 2021
the Netherlands
...but that's uh, kinda what they did. I mean that list is entitled "Software likely to interfere with Ubisoft games", that's what's drawing attention, even if the rest of the page is sensible troubleshooting stuff.
Let me rephrase, out of all possible software running on your pc those are the most likely to interfere with games. What I meant was that they never state that if you run any of these pieces of software our games will not work. But I get that it might get misinterpreted, especially since Ubi games on PC have many issues especially around launch

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
....huh? You don't need to use BPM to use SteamInput with non-steam games, you can just configure the controller through Steam's desktop UI.
I do need BPM to get the controller's configuration working (Steam Controller) for none steam games, I'm not talking about crafting up a config but actually using it. Some games work fine outside of BPM but a majority don't to a point where I just use one GLOSC link for everything, using Galaxy 2.0 as my game library, changing configs on that one GLOSC profile.


I need the blue icon to show up for a lot of games, and that only happen with BPM. I trouble shot so much with Steam Controller, and Steam Input that I've tried just about everything. Sometimes Steam worked well without needing to be in BPM, then a update later I could no longer just launch games from normal steam and have the configs work, beta, no beta, admin mode, the usual with trying to get the Steam Controller acting right with non Steam games, and sometimes even Steam games (rarely).


Apr 19, 2020
I had just typed up a very long reply about your previous comparison between a multi billion dollar AAA studio and indie studios but I deleted it because I got so worked up about it...
I'm just curious to know why you're so upset about a studio actually trying to help their players improve their enjoyment of a game? Like... what's so "ridiculous" about it?
The fact that they cant work around stuff that everyone else can.

Flappy Pannus

Feb 14, 2019
I do need BPM to get the controller's configuration working (Steam Controller) for none steam games, I'm not talking about crafting up a config but actually using it. Some games work fine outside of BPM but a majority don't to a point where I just use one GLOSC link for everything, using Galaxy 2.0 as my game library, changing configs on that one GLOSC profile.


I need the blue icon to show up for a lot of games, and that only happen with BPM. I trouble shot so much with Steam Controller, and Steam Input that I've tried just about everything. Sometimes Steam worked well without needing to be in BPM, then a update later I could no longer just launch games from normal steam and have the configs work, beta, no beta, admin mode, the usual with trying to get the Steam Controller acting right with non Steam games, and sometimes even Steam games (rarely).

Ok then, I don't have a Steam controller so perhaps that's the reason, I use Steam's XBOX/DS4 support to get my custom configs working with non-steam games without the BMP overlay and they custom mappings have always been applied.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

Canas Renvall

Mar 4, 2018
The post and tweet do not say anything about Ubisoft saying "not our fault". This is normal tech support stuff that any major company should put out, because it's actually useful.

Honestly the OP is so ridiculous and spiteful. Ubisoft has made many mistakes, but this ain't it chief. And seeing some of the replies, Jesus, it's like some of you haven't ever touched a computer before. No wonder devs and journalists leave here all the time. It's real disheartening.

Deleted member 93841

User-requested account closure
Mar 17, 2021
Ubisoft should add Asus Aura Armory Crate.

Had so many problema with it, it installs a lot of services in windows and keeps phoning home all the time.

Asus Armory Crate is hands-down the worst software I've dealt with that isn't actually malware. It should be classed as malware by all antivirus programs to prevent users from installing it. I can't believe a company as big as Asus would put out software so terribly designed.

For many people the only way to undo the damage it does is to do a clean Windows reinstall, except that not even that always works. On some BIOSes it gives itself root access and reinstalls itself as soon as you reinstall Windows.

It's unbelievably terrible.

The fact that they cant work around stuff that everyone else can.

Again, not every other studio does. And again, just because something is on this list does not mean it definitely interferes with their games.

I'm not sure what you find so difficult to understand. No single developer can guarantee compatibility with all kinds of 3rd party software that changes regularly due to updates. Any one of these apps can interfere with any of the games you play on your PC. The only difference between Ubisoft and other developers is, Ubisoft is tweeting very basic tech support stuff that most people who understands PC gaming would take for granted.
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Ubisoft should add Asus Aura Armory Crate
My clean install was so borked after installing that I just up and formatted the drive and started over rather that deal with it. 'Unistalling' the software did nothing. There is a bios option to disable it from installing at least.

Also thats a rather safe list and general good advice for troubleshooting PC issues. The fact that bad faith title/OP stands as is, is poor.

edit: Zewp knows what's up


Oct 25, 2017
I think the only piece of software I've ever known to cause issues with a specific game is Logitech's mouse software royally tanking performance in the original F.E.A.R., regardless of how powerful your hardware was. It's a shame, as I always use Logitech mice. Apparently, it has something to do with the polling rate or something.


Oct 28, 2017
Well in their defence every single one of those apps has settings/ways to influence a game's performance, stability, overlay UI interaction or input functionality in a way that they are likely culprits in many PC specific complaints.

That being said a list provided with no context on what aspects of those applications can cause issues or if any of said issues really are specific to Ubisoft titles doesn't really paint a good picture. Same when taking into consideration the less than perfect PC situation for a lot of Ubisoft titles (Mostly surrounding CPU performance)


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017

The same can be applied to other games that have decent ports and work, so...


Dec 19, 2019
The fact that they cant work around stuff that everyone else can.
Just because other devs have not listed Discord as a software that could cause issues doesn't mean that games are immune to problems, it just means they haven't given a warning or have had an issue yet. You're taking an absence of warning as a guarantee of compatibility between two different pieces of software, which isn't entirely reasonable. Both a game and Discord are competing for gpu resources and access, that alone make it a potential cause of performance issues or other bugs.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Weird thread. All these things can interfere with -ANY- game. Does not mean they do, just they can. They're pointing it out to give people first steps when they're trying to troubleshoot some issues.

God damn "bitch eating crackers" syndrome on this forum sometimes.

I've had so many issues with Razer Synapse in the past for example, completely randomly breaking games - and it took forever to figure that out. A list like this would've helped me save a lot of time lol
Thank you for saying what had to be said.


Oct 26, 2017
Guys, it's not that serious. The OP is poking fun at the fact that the software most likely to interfere with Ubisoft's games is the multiple layers of DRM it applies rather than any external program. It's a harmless joke.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This thread is a perfect example for why you should always read through a thread before dumping your hot takes

I d o n t e v e n p l a y U b i s o f t g a m e s and yet somehow I'm familiar with issues that all these programs can cause because I've experienced many of them WITH OTHER GAMES. Hence the list I posted on Page 1 that you might have even read if you weren't in such a rush to earn that capital G
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Nov 3, 2017
I've had my fair share of issues with all recent ubi games. The latest being fc6, but a list of programs that might interfere with games does not equal all ubigames don't work because of said software.
Youre right, in the vast majority of cases the external software in that list has nothing to do with their games consistently having issues. Thats the entire point of this thread and why people are mocking those clowns.


Oct 26, 2017
Weird thread. All these things can interfere with -ANY- game. Does not mean they do, just they can. They're pointing it out to give people first steps when they're trying to troubleshoot some issues.
God damn "bitch eating crackers" syndrome on this forum sometimes.
This place could really use less shit posting like this thread.
What a thread, straight out of GameFAQs.
I see it's your first time using a computer, don't worry you'll get the hang of it eventually
Honestly the OP is so ridiculous and spiteful. Ubisoft has made many mistakes, but this ain't it chief. And seeing some of the replies, Jesus, it's like some of you haven't ever touched a computer before. No wonder devs and journalists leave here all the time. It's real disheartening.
What an embarassing thread
And people wonder why devs fled the forum en masse
Knurek : Everything Ubisoft says is dumb, it's not me that acts in bad faith.

Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Apr 1, 2018
Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Sorry, I didn't realize I was replying to an expert ...
Seriously, you're embarrassing yourself with this post.


Oct 27, 2017
Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Cheeky posts won't make this thread any less dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.
This is what you take from all of this huh


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Couple of things on the list are slightly suspect but also kind of expected because of how common they are. Most of the list is totally something to check if they're running, though, because crap can downturn really fast with how they run on Windows (and even Linux, in some cases. Discord loves to eat more RAM and CPU than should ever be needed).

Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Ah, classic. Get called on bullshit then try to dash it back as a joke by posting a meme.


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder if one of those software was the reason I couldn't play with a friend on Splinter Cell Blacklist even after spending hours doing port forwarding and going as far as using the DMZ, etc..
Not that I would be okay with the idea that I should stop using any of them, when a single game ultimately couldn't work properly with it but every other game in existence could.


Mar 20, 2020
Weird thread. All these things can interfere with -ANY- game. Does not mean they do, just they can. They're pointing it out to give people first steps when they're trying to troubleshoot some issues.

God damn "bitch eating crackers" syndrome on this forum sometimes.

I've had so many issues with Razer Synapse in the past for example, completely randomly breaking games - and it took forever to figure that out. A list like this would've helped me save a lot of time lol

The earlier you accept that this forum is full of enthusiasts that have no actual knowledge of game developpement, the better for you mental health tbh...
When it comes to shitting on game devs for illogical reasons, people here are very good. And when its about bigger companies, they are even better !

Deleted member 5129

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Ah, so you're just trolling. Cool. What an embarrassment.


Apr 10, 2019
Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in consoles where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gamers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to disable Discord on their system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.
Ubisoft, publicly apologize and fix this list or you can kiss your business goodbye.
Well, now you know, and knowing is the battle.
Good to know OP is taking the feedback in stride.


Oct 30, 2017
I mean, they're not wrong. Background applications are still using resources and may impact other software performance, like encoding/decoding video, torrent using all of your available I/O, and so on.

Who the f use VMware while gaming? lol

In any case, this is still bad communication on their part. They could've written it better, maybe, but they're not wrong on the matter.


Oct 27, 2017
So you see, it's not Ubi's fault their games run like crap. It's you trying to use exotic programs like Discord or Skype, see?

It's strange to see someone who's heard of Discord defend Skype in this way

Edit: Why doesn't OP just ask all the devs of the listed software to "optimize" them so that Ubisoft can't "complain"