Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Gaming probably peaked with the Amiga.. Lemmings, Worms, Sensible Soccer, Cannon Fodder, Simon the Sorcerer, Monkey Island etc.
Mega Drive and Mega CD for me. Streets of Rage 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Road Avenger and the other FMV games on the CD. I had a Mark1 Mega Drive/CD combo and I loved that so fucking much, I wish I still had it, but I sold when money was tight.

Or Rockstar Ate My Hampster
Paperboy is up there for me.

I'd actually love to see an indie game version of it for current gen hardware.


Oct 25, 2017
If we are talking about old games, the best on C64 were Flimbos Quest and Raid Over Moscow.

Flimbo looked and sounded amazing and RoM had such variety in its levels that it was incredibly impressive.
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
I started my gaming journey on the Atari 2600 (specifically an Atari 2600 Jr that me and my brother got given by a family member who didn't use it anymore) but I was too young to really get it other than using to play Space Invaders and Centipede, I knew it was fun though.

Then was the Master System which was the first time I played anything with real depth like Golden Axe Warrior (a very good Zelda clone) and Alex Kidd they hooked me in big time and after that the Mega Drive which became one of my top 5 systems all time, even now.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
we're the ones that when we get to the old peoples home will be upgrading the wifi and getting arcade machines put in instead of cribbage boards
In theory but in practice we will all be thrown into a cupboard and checked in on every week or so by the one 16 year old they hire to manage 500 old people in the collapsing nursing home built with crumbling concrete.
Feb 15, 2023
If we are talking about old games, the best on C64 were Flimbos Quest and Raid Over Moscow.

Flimbo looked and sounded amazing and RoM had such variety in its levels that it was incredibly impressive.

Flimbo is incredible. I think I had it on cartridge.

Oh god the music. Up there with Myth and Supremacy's OST's.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiCxXMquPKs

I liked all the Thalamus games like Retrograde and Creatures, too. The latter's trap levels were frustrating but great. God they were so, so hard.

While I'm at it -

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKHImVMWq3o

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFjEkKKKQlo

(both by Jeroen Tel)
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
we're the ones that when we get to the old peoples home will be upgrading the wifi and getting arcade machines put in instead of cribbage boards
I'll be the one making the poor bastards cart in heavy CRT's to my room and set up a cabinet with all the old consoles I've kept over the years. Have mercy on their backs, by the time we're their age the TV's will be seamlessly integrated into the walls probably, so actually physical freestanding TV's will be a novelty by then.


Oct 27, 2017
ok fuck cleaning gas hobs. Have ordered an induction to be fitted this week. That grimy bastard has been with us for 20 years now and while the shiny flat part is ok if you wipe it down daily, the black support grill thing is disgusting as are the actual burners themselves. not to mention them falling off if you as much as lightly brush against them.

good riddance.

The igniter is broken on mine so I've had to use a candle lighter to light them for about 2 years lol


May 3, 2023
I work with and interact with 18-21 year olds constantly, so I kinda love where this thread is heading for making me feel younger.

Anyway, best gen was the 5th gen; PS1 era. MGS, FFVII-IX, an absolute mountain of RPGs, loads of kart racers, Spyro, Crash, Tekken, Hogs of War, Tomb Raider and Tony Hawk's. Absolute class.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
I got my Miyoo Mini+ and loaded it with every game ever made, up to and including PS1. It's amazing what these little things can do. The world is my oyster!

And what have I been playing ever since I got it?

It's not the best version of Tetris. It's not even the best version of Tetris on the Game Boy. But the nostalgia factor is overwhelming.

I'm gonna play Final Fantasy 6 next, when I can be arsed. Got a bunch of 8- and 16-bit console stuff to play as I missed most of it (Speccy and Amiga kid).


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I got my Miyoo Mini+ and loaded it with every game ever made, up to and including PS1. It's amazing what these little things can do. The world is my oyster!
Pretty sure piracy talk isn't allowed on here.
Neighbours is back today on Amazon, and I must say it is magnificent.
Didn't even know, have they even been promoting it? Are they still doing the five episodes a week thing or is it a different format?


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
All this 'gaming peaked' stuff from people my age and younger makes me feel *really old*. So thanks for that.

It hasn't peaked :P

Space Quest isn't even the best Space Quest, let alone the best adventure game. Heck, a better one came out less than a year ago!

I'd much rather be playing next month's new releases than to be back playing Amiga games.


Oct 25, 2017
new neighbours? nah. Give me reruns of the old shit with Mike and Mrs Mangel and Bouncer and plain Jane superbrain and I'm in.


Oct 25, 2017
I got my Miyoo Mini+ and loaded it with every game ever made, up to and including PS1. It's amazing what these little things can do. The world is my oyster!

And what have I been playing ever since I got it?

It's not the best version of Tetris. It's not even the best version of Tetris on the Game Boy. But the nostalgia factor is overwhelming.

I'm gonna play Final Fantasy 6 next, when I can be arsed. Got a bunch of 8- and 16-bit console stuff to play as I missed most of it (Speccy and Amiga kid).
I do love all the retro handheld consoles and watch lots of videos on them (I know the Miyoo is one of the highest regarded) but as someone who works from home and doesn't go anywhere, I simply have no need for them.

I instead got a series X and set it up for emulation and the wife got me an external 10 TB HDD so I could hypothetically store everything ever up to the Wii if I was into that sort of thing.

Best thing is being able to play PS1 games in 4K on Retroarch with the settings that correct the wobbling effect on PS1 games which makes a huge difference in games like MGS.


Jun 7, 2022
Didn't even know, have they even been promoting it? Are they still doing the five episodes a week thing or is it a different format?

Only 4 eps a week. It's front and center on Prime today but if you weren't following it I don't think there has been a huge amount of fanfare.

new neighbours? nah. Give me reruns of the old shit with Mike and Mrs Mangel and Bouncer and plain Jane superbrain and I'm in.
Mike and Jane are both in it currently.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Best thing is being able to play PS1 games in 4K on Retroarch with the settings that correct the wobbling effect on PS1 games which makes a huge difference in games like MGS.

That's the opposite of what I'd do. I'd want maximum wobble, and a filter that makes the 4K TV look like a CRT. But yeah the Xbox looks lovely for emulation. No hacking or owt, just whack it in dev mode.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the opposite of what I'd do. I'd want maximum wobble, and a filter that makes the 4K TV look like a CRT. But yeah the Xbox looks lovely for emulation. No hacking or owt, just whack it in dev mode.
Nah I'm all for getting rid of the wobble and making things look as good as possible. Vagrant Story and FF9 looks so much better with all the bells and whistles turned on.

But yeah I did have it in retail mode but after they took that away I just set up Dev mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Nah I'm all for getting rid of the wobble and making things look as good as possible. Vagrant Story and FF9 looks so much better with all the bells and whistles turned on.

I've turned on screen ghosting for Game Boy games to make it more authentic. But what I should do is turn off the backlight so I can only play under a lamp or in direct sunlight.

I remember trying to play in the back of the car at night, using streetlights.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
That Miyoo Mini is £78… too expensive for what is basically a novelty.

I paid £35, and don't see a handheld with a proper d-pad, that plays everything, as a novelty. But if you're not into retro games at all I can see why you'd think so.

I bought from Temu the day before the "don't use Temu they're stealing all your data" stories hit.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
I'm going to make it clear that I'm the baby of the thread by saying my first system was the game boy pocket, and I had the Star Wars: A New Hope game for it. I spent countless hours trying to beat that thing.


Oct 27, 2017
Gaming peaked when I went to school with 1 hour sleep because I was so addicted to Age of Empires 2 lol


Oct 25, 2017
You should give it a go, it still holds up.
I will have to remember to give it a try.
I'm going to make it clear that I'm the baby of the thread by saying my first system was the game boy pocket, and I had the Star Wars: A New Hope game for it. I spent countless hours trying to beat that thing.
The first I owned was a C64 which was pre-owned but my nan owned an Atari so I used to play that if we went there.

I was always a little behind with games machines compared to some friends because we were poor but I would eventually get one second hand or through someone we knew etc.