Dec 2, 2017
Hello, and welcome to UK Era OT. This is a thread for UK Era to discuss life, how we all hate the tories, and discuss life living in 'things are looking pretty good' UK, and the fact the government is seemingly determined to price us all out of actually existing. The UK Era community is pretty friendly and loves to chat, so drop in and ask anything you like. Let's have an FAQ

Q - My cost of living is skyrocketing, and I can't afford to pay for both massively increased energy bills and food. What can I do?

A - Well first of all just know, a lot of us are in the same boat. The rising costs of energy, housing, food, is a cause of deep concern for a lot of us. You are not alone.
One resource to try and save cash is Martin Lewis's website, Money Saving Expert, linked here Money Saving Expert

Another helpful resource sometimes is HotDealsUK

If your struggling with high train prices, you can apply for a railcard to get your train tickets a little cheaper Here.

If you are in serious debt, citizens advice can help you out a lot. Here is the link for

Northern Ireland

If you are struggling with housing or homelessness, Shelter is a great resource.

If its an issue of struggling to pay for food, then getting a referral to your local food bank can be very helpful. This will vary by where you live, but citizens advice is a good place to start to be issued with a food voucher. If you don't want to talk to citizens advice about it, contacting local charities can also provide you with a food voucher, which will usually give you enough food for a few days at least. This is only one Trust that offers food bank services

The Trussell Trust

In England, people on benefits are able to apply for an interest free budgeting loans, repayments will be taken automatically from your payments Here

In Scotland, it is also possible to apply for a crisis grant to your local council, which is one off payment you won't have to pay back you'll be eligible for if your considered to be a low income. More information is available here Crisis Grant

In Wales, you can apply to the discretionary assistance fund Here

In Northern Ireland, you can apply for discretionary support or a benefits advance , with more information Here

You can also get a £150 council tax rebate to help with your energy bills depending on which council tax you fall into, with more information Here

You can also apply for universal credit. More information is available here Here. You can start to make a claim and create an account to claim Here.
If eligible, you can apply for disability living allowance Here. You can also apply for personal independence payment Here.

Q - I'm a trans person and feel very unsafe in the UK at the moment.

A - Yep, the hostile atmosphere to trans people in the UK right now is awful, and being exploited by the government. There is support available.
Mermaids is a great place to get in touch with.
Transunite is also helpful.
As is Stonewall
Era also has a great trans community Here.
Scotland Era can find help at ScottishTrans Here.
Welsh Era can find some resources Here.
Northern Ireland can find help and resources Here.
You can make your voices known to your local MP regarding defending and talking about trans issues and parliament, find your local MP Here.

Q - My mental health is very poor right now. Can I get help for this?

A - Yes you can. The first thing to do is contact your local GP. They will assess you and your level of crisis. Chances are, you will be placed on a long waiting list for treatment, which I know makes you feel worse much of the time. Other resources available include

NHS Urgent Mental Health support in England Here.
Help for Scotland Era can be found Here.
For Wales, Mind offers some resources Here.
Northern Ireland Era can find resources Here.
If you are in immediate danger, call 999, or go your local accident and emergency. Do not let anyone make you feel as though as you don't deserve to be there, or you are wasting time, cos you are not. You are important, and valuable, and deserve to feel better.
You can also talk to the Samaritans 24/7 on the number 116 123.
You can also Text Shout at anytime for free, on 85258, for a confidential conversation.
You can also obviously talk to Era, anytime you just need a vent or some people to talk to.

Q - Is it a Batch, barm, cob or bap?

A - Well this well vary according to region and person, but the correct answer is bap.

If there's anything to add, or anything I've missed, do let me know.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Added this to my watched list. Live in Hertfordshire. Thankfully the bill increases at the moment haven't hurt me too bad but I feel awful for all the people suffering. Fuck our government so much.
Oct 30, 2017
Your Imagination
Thanks for this OP :)

EDIT: Back at the old place, they had a yearly or so meet-up in London; might be nice to get around to doing that, depending on how much others would be up for it? Or even a Summer's drink in Hyde Park when the weather gets nice.


Oct 26, 2017
Added to my watchlist, thanks for the informative first post.

The energy price situation is not good, our bill has gone up by x2.5 from a fixed price deal of £100 pm last year. Feel for those struggling to make ends meet.


Oct 27, 2017
Hi UK peeps, hope we're all well.

When exactly are we supposed to be getting the £150 council tax rebate?


Oct 31, 2017
Northern powerhouse isn't getting anywhere near the amount of support it needs to deliver anything like what was promised...

But I'm still a proud northern... Lucky I'm not really struggling, but I don't know how many people will manage with the bills over the coming months... It is awful..
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Hi everybody, trans girl here living in the south. I don't post all that much on this site but like this thread idea. I'm pretty petrified right now.

The link to Stonewall in the OP is broken and takes you to the 'find your MP' instead. WildflowerWildfire - Sorry for tagging, it makes me feel like I'm being annoying but felt I should bring this to your attention.

It's a roll, though I guess bap is acceptable.
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017
Hi everybody, trans girl here living in the south. I don't post all that much on this site but like this thread idea. I'm pretty petrified right now.

The link to Stonewall in the OP is broken and takes you to the 'find your MP' instead. WildflowerWildfire - Sorry for tagging, it makes me feel like I'm being annoying but felt I should bring this to your attention.

It's a roll, though I guess bap is acceptable.
No not annoying at all, I'll sort it out now.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there anyone here that was refused pre-settlement status (completely incorrectly but that's another matter) and still waiting on a response on their appeal?

My wife was refused back in July. And we submitted the appeal at the start of August and we've STILL not heard anything. God brexit is such a huge waste of time and money.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like it'll be 14th April. According to some council websites anyway.
My council (Allerdale) said it would be May before they pay the rebate - but the wording is such that it maybe only applies to people who they can't confirm the details for.

Direct Debit payers

If you are eligible and currently pay your Council Tax by direct debit, the £150 will be paid into the same bank account used to pay your Council Tax.

The exception to this is where the name on the bank account details according to our records does not match to the person (or persons) we have liable to pay the Council Tax.

If this is the case, we will write to you with details on how you can confirm your accounts information. Payments will be made from May 2022, after April's Council Tax instalment has been paid.

Deleted member 59

Added to my watched list. My councill (Sandwell) have yet to give a date for the £150. My workplace have also yet to give us any idea if we're getting payrises this year. April is a perfect storm of increased NI contributions, increased utilities, rising costs everywhere.... They best give us a payrise!


Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Hey all, I mostly lurk Era but thought I'd introduce myself here and make an effort to be more active in the community!
I'm living in the midlands right now but hail from the east. I'm often enamoured by our country's natural landscape and positive culture, but I despair at the direction we're headed in a variety of ways, politically, socially, economically... and least not with all the topics mentioned in the OP. I really hope anyone reading this is safe and well.

(It's a bread roll)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I survived a whole lockdown's worth of GodofPhwoar's curtain twitching and all I got was this lousy t shirt.

Nearly £70 for a full tank of petrol yesterday. It really is getting ridiculous.
Oct 30, 2017
Your Imagination
Hi everybody, trans girl here living in the south. I don't post all that much on this site but like this thread idea. I'm pretty petrified right now.

The link to Stonewall in the OP is broken and takes you to the 'find your MP' instead. WildflowerWildfire - Sorry for tagging, it makes me feel like I'm being annoying but felt I should bring this to your attention.

It's a roll, though I guess bap is acceptable.
Hey hey, welcome in! Feel free to chat anytime - we are all here for each other!

Also, it's a bap ;)


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Wiltshire Council say they intend to contact people about the £150 'by the end of April', with them sending out letters to anyone who doesn't pay by direct debit so they can arrange for payment


Nov 22, 2019
It's a 'roll' around here. But I can work with anything, it's the filling that counts and whether it's crusty or not! Flaky, crusty white roll over a soft one for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Q - My mental health is very poor right now. Can I get help for this?
A - Yes you can. The first thing to do is contact your local GP.

For anyone struggling to make this jump, please please know it will be the best thing you force yourself to do. My GP has saved my life and I am now on medication that would cost an American $500 per month, have a 6 week course of talking with a social prescriber and have been referred for talking counselling. All for free. I know this will vary depending on your GP but please please give it a chance. We are so lucky to still have the NHS.

Hi everybody, trans girl here living in the south.

There are so many of us who support and love you.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a roll, unless it's got chips on it then it's a buttie, but no need to worry about that since the UK only has a few weeks of sunflower oil supplies left to make them.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Sunflower oil the new toilet paper. Restaurants will be feeling that but they probably buy the big industrial amounts. Time for lard 🤮

Speaking of chips, how do you make really good wedges from potatoes? Got a bag I really should use and it's a warmer day so no heating and cooking it is. Any good spice toppings?


Oct 25, 2017
The £150 council tax rebate was deducted straight from my Council Tax Bill so no money in or out for me, just a reduction in the total due for the year. Scotland though so maybe you all down there in the wildlands have it done differently? Best of luck everyone in the UK, stay cosy and as healthy as you can. As to whether Bap or whathaveyou - I generally call them softie. Were I to eat bacon it would be a bacon softie, not a Bacon Bap or Cob or the like. But I don't eat bacon so it's a moot point on that.


Oct 25, 2017
After avoiding it for years, people I know are starting to get covid. I just got over it myself. We've definitely become far too lax too soon.

Went to lunch with my 93 YO grandmother, 65 YO mother, and brother.. and my brother tested positive a few days later. Thankfully both my mum and grandma didn't catch it.

Sorry for a slightly gloomy post, just s bit peeved about it right now. England is increasingly feeling like a ridiculous place to live.


Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Bread roll/bun/bap are soft, latter is larger/flatter, ideal for chips - though this design is called a 'buttie'
Cob is crispier, harder, rounder - ideal for throwing at your enemies.
Speaking of... anyone else aware of 'cob' used as a colloquialism for 'throw'? think it's a northern/Yorkshire term. Cob, lob, chuck.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Isn't it a farce they are coming up with an energy strategy next week or something, probably pie in the sky stuff as usual. I know it's a longer issue than 12 years of Tories but god they need booted asap.

To me chip butty is just chips between any sort of bread or roll.

I guess the cob ones are the rock hard ones we get in newsagents.


Oct 28, 2017

Deleted member 59

Seeing as we're all talking money here, thought this might be relevant to some.

I only discovered the Asda Rewards app/card is a thing last week. Only applicable in a limited range of stores right now, but it seems pretty good. It's like asda doing their own Xbox Game Pass Rewards with monthly missions and star products contributing to your earnings. I've earned £5 so far. (£3 for my first shop over £10 and the other £2 from star products). I should net quite a bit more over the coming weeks with Missions like "buy 10 freezer products by April 20th. Earn £1" "spend £10 on Easter eggs. Earn £1" "spend £15 on fresh fruit and veg by april £13th. Earn £1"

The usual rewards for spending X amount on your shopping in say a 2 month period also exist.

MC Boing

Oct 20, 2020
Added to watchlist! Like others I only really lurk here but seems like a good thread to talk in now and then. I'm MC Boing and currently living in London, and the correct answer is definitely bap.

A question to everyone who managed to get NHS help for depression and other related illnesses, how long did it really take for you to get the help you needed? I've needed some sort of help for my mental health for years now but I guess that fear of the never ending waiting list has always put me off.