
Oct 28, 2017
Manchester, UK
I struggle to believe that this is the start of an organised campaign in the Tory party to scrap the postal ballot, purely because they must understand this. Their target demographic are the ones that make up the majority of the postal vote.

But then again, none of the current Tory party are exactly the brightest.

That MP is one of a large number of absolute morons that won seats in 2019 just because of brexit, it will go back to being a safe Labour seat at the next election. He's just mouthing off because a) he is a moron and b) he knows he is out

Genuinely is really sad how we have a Labour party willingly taking on a doctor who was absolutely fine with the stuff the Tories have done to the NHS since 2010 and then even uttering the phrase "front line of the small boats crisis".

I previously said in here that Starmer and Reeves would be no better than Cameron and Osbourne but honestly I think their rhetoric on immigration is going to be even worse


Oct 27, 2017
The hilarious thing about Labour trying to court Tory voters is that barely any of them are switching allegiances, opting to stay at home or voting for the reform party.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, like Poulter as well I understand. Seems a play to ease the minds of former Tory voters switching to Labour, without having to commit to having them as part of the party after the election in a few months

So she's bad enough that you wouldn't want her in the party longterm but she's palatable enough that it's worth giving her their blessing for the drama of her defecting?

I don't know why it would possibly make a difference to anyone that she's not standing at the next election, 0 principles from Starmer either way.


Oct 25, 2017
The hilarious thing about Labour trying to court Tory voters is that barely any of them are switching allegiances, opting to stay at home or voting for the reform party.

This isn't true at all. Depending on the results you're looking at 10% to 30% from 2019 switching, and even at the very lowest end 10% is *absolutely* massive for a direct swing.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
Labour really wants to be the party of the 95% normal distribution. I don't think this works anymore, the right is not going to stop the attack on the left no matter how much centrists want peace.


Jan 5, 2022
What makes you think the "Centrists" want peace? Other than that achieved by the left shutting up so they can brag about eg, getting carrier bags taxed in return for killing the poor.

For instance.
Jan 20, 2023
absolutely unbelievable amount of consent manufacturing going on rn in anticipation of the student encampments ramping up because of the principals or whatever being called to downing street to talk about it today.

1) constant talk of the "violence" at the us "protests" (nb: that violence was all, or lets generously say, 99.99999% on the police side)
2) standard expected talk of antisemitism increasing etc etc, while also in the same breath explicitly stating that anti zionism is anti semitism. the tory female mp they had on radio 4 this morning said 203% increase, but did not say in what time frame, or what that meant whatsoever. just "oooh bad thing go up"
3) tory MPs talking about "attacks and violence on jewish students" without being able to cite an actual example just "we had a case, a while ago, in leeds i think? terrible stuff". If something solid had actually happened it would be nationwide news.

the bbc at least just straight up openly and without any semblance of """""balance"""" painting the encampments as unreasonable, ready to erupt at any minute, and full of hateful bigots that are scaring staff and students. just the exact opposite of reality.

just getting ready to absolutely fucking bash these peaceful encampments into the ground and the framing is so blatantly one sided it is well, i'd say its unbelievable but no it really isn't.

i shouldn't listen to the news in the morning. especially not radio 4