Oct 26, 2017



May 3, 2023
You heard it here first, everyone. David Lammy is unironically calling for the Gaza student protestors to do Spear of the Nation type resistance, in the same way as Mandela.


Jan 5, 2022
A reminder at this point that while the I likes you to think it's related to the Independent it's actually now owned by the Daily Mail.

Mr. Virus

Oct 27, 2017
Wondering if the Tories are saying stuff like this just so Labour will say "no we won't we're not like the Tories", but also conscious of the fact that they wouldn't be making changes like that anyway.


Oct 28, 2017
Braverman has recently been talking about social care as if she gives a shit. Take it all with a pinch of salt, she wants that leadership position after Sunak.


May 16, 2020
You have to wonder at this point if Labour are deliberately trying to sabotage their election hopes. They have been questionable with their policies for ages now, but why on earth would you voluntarily accept a rape apologist into your party? Inheriting problems for no gain.


Oct 28, 2017
Manchester, UK
You have to wonder at this point if Labour are deliberately trying to sabotage their election hopes. They have been questionable with their policies for ages now, but why on earth would you voluntarily accept a rape apologist into your party? Inheriting problems for no gain.

They know a lot of people will vote with them anyway because they aren't the Tories


Oct 28, 2017
I just want to know how Starmer is keeping a lid on it so far. It's not like he got rid of every slightly leftwing MP who may be worried about this trajectory. Doesn't look like it's anything more than "trust me bro, Tories are fucked, we can do what we like and gravy train from now on".


Jan 5, 2022
I imagine at this point any left of centre right Labour MP is just shutting the hell up for the most part knowing that if they stand down or get themselves kicked out all it does is allow Labour to select someone right wing for their constituency.

And these are the people who actually live and come from the area they represent other than most Tories.

(And to be briefly fair to my local Tory MP, he's a twat of course but he IS a local).


Oct 27, 2017

The New Yorker article is a pretty in depth investigation into how her arrest and trial were incredibly poorly handled, how the failings of a hospital were pinned on one woman. And this article doesn't mention it at all? Just goes "yeah people in the U.K. can't read this article about this monster who murdered tons of kids." I know it's because it's inexplicably tacked onto an existing article, but a bizarre choice nonetheless.

Anyway you can read the New Yorker article here, it's a good read. https://archive.ph/2024.05.13-11201...-guilty-of-killing-seven-babies-did-she-do-it (she definitely did it though, to be clear.)
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Oct 25, 2017
From what I can see it's basically repeating the claims of that journalist during the trial, that were published in multiple places, arguing she didn't do it. But then his statistics and evidence were taken apart by people more familiar with the case.


Oct 27, 2017
From what I can see it's basically repeating the claims of that journalist during the trial, that were published in multiple places, arguing she didn't do it. But then his statistics and evidence were taken apart by people more familiar with the case.
I think there's still a lot of worth in it from the view of the failing around it all that let her get away with it for so long, although I agree the framing of the article itself is bad as it's trying to inject some possibility she didn't do it into it.


Jan 5, 2022
The Americans on Twitter are universally deciding it means she didn't, not least because the article omits all the evidence against her.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, that's not surprising. That's Americans for you.

Or I guess more accurately, that's twitter users for you. At this point the only thing surprising about that for me is that the people still using twitter are declaring she didn't do it rather than trying to claim it was good she did it actually.


Oct 25, 2017
Not political in the electoral sense but very odd!
Odd reporting restrictions seem to be commonplace now. I've posted about a local case a couple times here; last year when two girls were killed by a car crashing into their school; and their parent's fight for justice. Given the severity of it, they've struggled to maintain national attention, and even local journo's tread lightly. Police stonewall with the "lack of forensic investigators", court dates keep being delayed, near zero communication with the victim's parents etc

The police know who did it, and she's been to hospital, arrested and re-released multiple times, but somehow managed to avoid being named or reported on in anyway. It stinks of an injunction by someone rich or powerful.


Oct 27, 2017
Odd reporting restrictions seem to be commonplace now. I've posted about a local case a couple times here; last year when two girls were killed by a car crashing into their school; and their parent's fight for justice. Given the severity of it, they've struggled to maintain national attention, and even local journo's tread lightly. Police stonewall with the "lack of forensic investigators", court dates keep being delayed, near zero communication with the victim's parents etc

The police know who did it, and she's been to hospital, arrested and re-released multiple times, but somehow managed to avoid being named or reported on in anyway. It stinks of an injunction by someone rich or powerful.
Yes! I keep thinking of this case because I just can't understand how the Land Rover driver has remained anonymous for so long.

Like you say, I suspect it's someone rich/powerful but you would think it would be an open and shut case by now.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron

Teachers must tell pupils gender ideology is a ‘contested belief’

Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, to issue guidance after PM ordered a review into relationships, sex and health education lessons

Children under nine will not be taught sex education

Government also wants to stop schools suggesting biological sex can change, under plans to be announced this week
Teachers will have to make clear that gender ideology is a "contested belief" rather than fact if they bring it up in lessons, Gillian Keegan will say later this week.

The Education Secretary is set to issue guidance on Thursday following criticism that some pupils were being taught that there were 72 genders.

Schools will not be told to hold lessons on gender ideology, which states that people can be born the wrong sex and that they can change their identity to the opposite sex or other categories such as non-binary.

But if they do hold lessons on the issue, they must make it clear that it is a contested belief. In other words, they must say that the "gender-critical" belief that there are just two biological sexes is also valid.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Great. Section 28 all over again.

/s just in case - I'm a teacher and fuck this.

Yep, this shit is simply Section 28 for the 21st century

It does make me think Sunak will try and draw things out then, so that these guidelines are established and in effect for whenever a new government takes over. An election in July would too readily allow someone to go 'So we'll not be doing that' (not that I'd trust Labour to oppose, because that would mean taking a stance)
Jun 24, 2019
Those who wants to outlaw Sex Ed in schools are nonce enablers, fitting for the Tories.

Sex Ed is crucial in teaching safety and boundaries; children can recognise the signs of abuse and speak up about their experience. Girls or children born as female can also start puberty early at age 7, it's woefully fucked up to deny them knowledge. Not many children are even lucky to have parents that can teach them sexual health.

Importing the tactics of young earth creationists from the US. Lovely.

Honestly, this ban and the removal of the 50% cap in faith school is breeding ground for nonce enabling, queerphobia, misogyny, and anti-abortion rhetoric.


Jun 24, 2021
A funny story for the day at least

Poverty is hilarious, good shout

Those who wants to outlaw Sex Ed in schools are nonce enablers, fitting for the Tories.

Sex Ed is crucial in teaching safety and boundaries; children can recognise the signs of abuse and speak up about their experience. Girls or children born as female can also start puberty early at age 7, it's woefully fucked up to deny them knowledge. Not many children are even lucky to have parents that can teach them sexual health.

Honestly, this ban and the removal of the 50% cap in faith school is breeding ground for nonce enabling, queerphobia, misogyny, and anti-abortion rhetoric.

Yup, how do you know if you're being abused if you don't know what consent is? All in the name of the Nonce and Future King, Andrew, no doubt.


Oct 25, 2017
are they banning sex ed, or are they posturing? They're banning - where before it was at the school's choice. I'd be curious to know how many schools chose to teach at that age. If they didn't anyway, then its a ban with no real substance other than pandering to headlines