
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
This shit really fucks me off.


A primary school that taught pupils about homosexuality as part of a programme to challenge homophobia has stopped the lessons after hundreds of children were withdrawn by parents in protest.

Parkfield community school in Saltley, Birmingham, has been the scene of weekly protests over the lessons, which parents claim are promoting gay and transgender lifestyles.

On Friday about 600 Muslim children, aged between four and 11, were withdrawn from the school for the day, parents said.


Feb 2, 2018
So fucking gross, imagine the positive lasting effects we could have of instilling empathy towards these groups at a young age :(


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
It's really fucking sad how many parents care more about controlling who their kids are rather than letting them choose for themselves.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck those shitty parents, let the children chose who they are, don't force them to be judgmental old farts like you.


Oct 26, 2017
It's really fucking sad how many parents care more about controlling who their kids are rather than letting them choose for themselves.

They're projecting their own insecurities onto them.

I see it all the time, with people close to me also. Boys have to be 'boys' and that's it. The kids are petrified of being perceived to be anything outside of the norm. I saw one 5 year old turn into a puddle of tears because an adult gave him an Elsa bottle of Volvic rather than a Cars one.

For kids caught up in this who are actually different, or who are gay? It's child abuse really, fullstop. I can't overemphasize that. If you, as a parental or central figure in a child's life, shame a child for something about themselves that they cannot change, you are psychologically abusing them, and risk leaving them with a kind of PTSD that lingers well into adulthood. But these people don't think about this, because they refuse to acknowledge that these kids exist. They think 'difference' and 'homosexuality' comes later (if they don't believe it's a choice). Their ignorance on this = children suffering with mental torture in silence.

I'd love to see what was in the curriculum here. I doubt for the younger ones it was anything more than acknowledging gay people and families headed by gay couples exist and are to be respected. I bet this was all whipped up by a few ultra-conservatives who completely misrepresented the situation and leaned in on the latent homophobia of the rest. Like anti-vaxx stuff, people lose their heads whenever someone starts talking about 'protecting your kids'.

As for what the gov should do - if you want to run a strictly religious school, then it should be funded privately. But god help any of your kids for the hell you'll put them through if they are different, and god help your conscience.
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Nov 9, 2017
What the fuck. They should keep going anyway, despite the protests. Where I work (in Sweden, which probably has different legislation for this sort of thing) we inform our students - both teens and adults, many of which muslims - of human rights, including those of the LGBTQ community, and if anyone has a problem with that, well, too fucking bad. I can, and have taken the debate with people of various religious beliefs who disagree and doesn't want to listen to us speak about how you have to treat, say, transgender people with the same respect as anyone else, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Don't give in to this bullshit, Parkfield. Don't give the bigots an inch.


Oct 30, 2017
Remember kids, the rights and humanity of LGBT people just stop existing when enough nasty little busybodies get miffed enough.

If you're LGBT yourself, well, that's nothing that a lifetime of internalized shame, repression, and misdirected rage can't cure. Have fun.


Oct 26, 2017
"Gay and transgender lifestyles"? Fuuuuuccckkkk ooooooooooooooffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Shameful, this kind of education is exactly what the world needs.
Fuck the parents, but also fuck the school/system for caving.

The more I think about the difference that this class could've made, the angrier I get.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Parents have been protesting outside the Saltley school, which is rated as outstanding by Ofsted. At one protest they held signs that read "say no to promoting of homosexuality and LGBT ways of life to our children", "stop exploiting children's innocence", and "education not indoctrination".

Conservative religious parents did the same shit for schools in Toronto.


Nov 5, 2017
These people are terrified their kids could turn out gay, so they desperately want to believe that if nobody tells them about gays, nothing will happen.


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck sake. Man how do you get through to these people? I have a muslim cousin who live in the UK and she would forbade her son and daughter to participate in kindergarten christmas celebration. It really make me sad for the children.


Oct 26, 2017
How about we all protest bullshit religions instead? Let's ostracise these people like they would gay people. Fuck them.


Oct 27, 2017
The simple solution there is to send the parents a letter saying that if they continue to withdraw the children from school, then they will have to find a new school.


Oct 30, 2017
These people are terrified their kids could turn out gay, so they desperately want to believe that if nobody tells them about gays, nothing will happen.

That's pretty much it. It's difficult from the school's perspective to fight against such ingrained prejudices without bigoted parents spoiling everything.

How do you solve an issue like this where the kids will basically unlearn everything they hear at school about LGBT issues when they go home to their parents anyway? If your parents are bigots, you have to be an intelligent and brave kid not to fall into the same thing.


Oct 25, 2017
The parents should have ZERO say what's taught in schools. Complete joke.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The simple solution there is to send the parents a letter saying that if they continue to withdraw the children from school, then they will have to find a new school.

And then they send them to a faith school where it's even worse.

At a bare minimum our Government should not be publicly funding ANY faith school. If you want to send your kids to one it should have to be funded out of your own pocket.


Nov 1, 2017

Labour MP as well, clearly going after the homophobic vote.

The lessons were very tame as well I think, just letting the kids know that gay people exist and it is normal in Britain.
Oct 29, 2017
Only Muslim children? Not gonna lie, I'm surprised.
Why? As much as people say they're 'Christian' in the UK, they really aren't and just pay lip-service. Especially to the extent of being anywhere near an American definition of Christian.

Add that and a big Muslim population in Brum and it's no surprise at all. The Muslim community in Britain has a big issue with homophobia, I'm at work so can't link the studies but it's not exactly great.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck sake. Man how do you get through to these people? I have a muslim cousin who live in the UK and she would forbade her son and daughter to participate in kindergarten christmas celebration. It really make me sad for the children.
One of my school mates when I was like 10 was... Mormon, I think?
Anyway, not only was he forbidden from joining the class for stuff like Easter, St. Nicolas or Christmas, but also Fasching(Carnival), where kids just dress up like a non-scary Halloween.
I still got the drawing someone made to show off the costumes he missed, with him included...

I get that faith is something uplifting, empowering and positive for some, but this stuff makes it a prison you force your kids into.
Fuck these parents.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
"We are not a bunch of homophobic mothers," she said. "We just feel that some of these lessons are inappropriate. Some of the themes being discussed are very adult and complex and the children are getting confused.

"They need to be allowed to be children rather than having to constantly think about equalities and rights."

Fuck off?

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
I wish they taught these lessons when i was young :^( hopefully some day for those kids

Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017
Labour MP as well, clearly going after the homophobic vote.

The lessons were very tame as well I think, just letting the kids know that gay people exist and it is normal in Britain.
Was just about to post this. I was shocked when watching it. What a vile and clueless MP... How LGBT = 18+ rhetoric is still being spouted in 2019 I do not know.


Oct 26, 2017
Why? As much as people say they're 'Christian' in the UK, they really aren't and just pay lip-service. Especially to the extent of being anywhere near an American definition of Christian.

Add that and a big Muslim population in Brum and it's no surprise at all. The Muslim community in Britain has a big issue with homophobia, I'm at work so can't link the studies but it's not exactly great.
In my personal experience that is the same in continental Europe. Every time I've came into contact with Muslim faith it has been pretty toxic. Ranging from "women are worthless and only exist to produce male offspring" to "physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children is part of our Muslim faith and culture".
Same goes for all the shit the Catholic church pulls off. No one dares to go against that for fear of alienating voters.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Why? As much as people say they're 'Christian' in the UK, they really aren't and just pay lip-service. Especially to the extent of being anywhere near an American definition of Christian.

Add that and a big Muslim population in Brum and it's no surprise at all. The Muslim community in Britain has a big issue with homophobia, I'm at work so can't link the studies but it's not exactly great.

Extensive polling conducted by ICM suggests that in most cases attitudes held by the British Muslim population do not broadly differ from those held by the population at large, but there are significant differences when it comes to some issues such as homosexuality and women's rights.

However, when asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed that homosexuality should be legal in Britain, 18% said they agreed and 52% said they disagreed, compared with 5% among the public at large who disagreed. Almost half (47%) said they did not agree that it was acceptable for a gay person to become a teacher, compared with 14% of the general population.



Oct 27, 2017
Kent, UK
"education not indoctrination"

Lol, please don't tell me the parents think learning about homosexuality will turn their kids gay? Definitely the parents that need educating in this case.


Oct 26, 2017
These people are terrified their kids could turn out gay, so they desperately want to believe that if nobody tells them about gays, nothing will happen.

Meanwhile, let's consider what all this does to kids in schools right now coming to terms with their sexuality, knowing how desperate their parents are for them not to be this.

We are learning nothing. Yeah, it's better now when you're an adult and gay, but until then, you're still stuck in a timewarp. And it's precisely at this time when you're least able to deal with this shit.
Oct 27, 2017
What's on the syllabus for PSE nowadays?
I'm not sure what's meant to be covered right now, but it's actually being updated for the 2020 school year.

Under new compulsory health education lessons, primary children will be taught about how to look after their own mental wellbeing and also to recognise when their classmates might be struggling.

They will cover why simple self-care, such as getting enough sleep and spending time outdoors and with friends, is important.

Teaching about the excessive use of electronic devices and limiting time spent online is also included.

In terms of relationships education, primary children will also be taught age-appropriate online safety - including what to do if they come across things they are uncomfortable with, the importance of respect for others even when posting anonymously and the risks of talking to people on the internet who they don't know in real life.

Secondary-age pupils will also have health education, focusing on mental health.

The curriculum will aim to ensure that young people can spot the signs of common mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression in themselves or others.

They will learn how to discuss their emotions accurately and sensitively and how to access professional help.

They will also cover the impact of alcohol and drugs on physical and mental health.

In terms of sex and relationships, lessons will cover online safety topics, including the serious risks of sharing private photos, the impact of viewing explicit or harmful content - including how to report it and receive support.

Lessons will cover how the internet can promote an unhealthy view of sex and relationships.

The guidance says that pupils need to understand "that some people are LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender], that this should be respected in British society, and that the law affords them and their relationships recognition and protections".


Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
I feel bad for the kids. Many of them will be gay, bi or trans and they've just had their faces rubbed in how much their parents will despise them if they ever come out. Disgusting.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That area is basically a Pakistani/Bangladeshi immigrant community so no, it's not a surprise.

The issue was first raised by parent Fatima Shah, who initially pulled her 10-year-old daughter out of the school, saying children were too young to be learning about same-sex marriages and LGBT in the classroom. "It's inappropriate, totally wrong," she said.

Shah, whose daughter has now returned to the school, which is rated as outstanding by Ofsted, has revealed that she will continue to fight against the teaching of No Outsiders. She added: "Children are being told it's OK to be gay, yet 98% of children at this school are Muslim. It's a Muslim community. He said all parents are on board with it, but the reality is, no parents are on board with it."

Shah claimed her children were becoming "confused" about homosexuality and that the local community's concerns were not being taken on board. She said: "We have nothing against Mr Moffat – we are as British as they come. We respect the British values … but the problem is, he is not respecting our ethos as a community.

"We don't send our children to school to learn about LGBT. We send them to school to learn maths, science and English."

Hazel Pulley, the chief executive of Excelsior Multi Academy Trust which runs the school, said she was disappointed by the protest. She said: "We've been doing No Outsiders for four years now and it's been so successful … We want the best for our children. We want them to be accepting and to welcome anybody."

Mohammed Idrees, the Muslim councillor who spoke out in support of the protesting parents and said pupils were "too young" to be taught about homosexuality, has since apologised for his comments and has been formally reported to Birmingham City Council's Standards Committee by Conservative councillor Gareth Moore, who is gay.


Can't quite tell if 98% is a bit hyperbolic or not.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not sure what's meant to be covered right now, but it's actually being updated for the 2020 school year.


Without seeing the specifics, if this is the intention:

The guidance says that pupils need to understand "that some people are LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender], that this should be respected in British society, and that the law affords them and their relationships recognition and protections".

and if that is manifested appropriately, then the scandal here should be in what these parents are doing.

As for religion as a 'protected characteristic', I'm sorry, but religion doesn't trump an innate human quality. I understand that these parents obviously don't see homosexuality as something innate - they see it as a 'lifestyle choice' or whatever - but their ignorance should not be pandered to. The government shouldn't back down on this.


Banned for use of alt account
Dec 22, 2018
Isn't this the area where the Trojan horse scandal occurred?


Mar 18, 2018
Only Muslim children? Not gonna lie, I'm surprised.

Christianity here is not like it is in the US. And while we shouldn't discriminate against Muslims, let's be real for a second, it's still a religion. Insular communities of Muslims that live in isolation from the rest of a nation are gonna have some pretty fucking unacceptable views.

Labour MP as well, clearly going after the homophobic vote.

The lessons were very tame as well I think, just letting the kids know that gay people exist and it is normal in Britain.

She can fuck off 'n' all.
Oct 27, 2017
All sounds really sane and helpful, too much conservative wants to regress not give children the tools they need to survive and thrive in society, mental health learning is a bless for everyone
It does sound good, but parents will still have the right to withdraw their children if they don't like the content being taught. This material should be mandatory.