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Nov 21, 2017
Yep. If you understand my reference to the thread title, you know which game I am talking about: Until Dawn.

Thanks to those who joined my poll thread and my error failure thread I posted a week ago, I could finally play this game and finish it after reinstalling the game literally 4 times

P.s. If you understand the reference, there is always a big chance you have finished the game. If you don't, well i'm going to tell you.. it's going to have big spoiler. And when i say big, it literally means big

Now, lets get to the point. If we are talking about good cinematic game, I would easily recommend Until Dawn. So, let me start from the gameplay which is the game's main strength. After that we go to the thing that I dislike from the game

Buttefly Effect

Basically Until Dawn is a TPS game combined with choices and QTE. There are several characters with different PoV that you play in this game. Not going to discuss all characters in this game, but but but I'm pick two of the most that I find interesting.
  • Ashley. So, ashley is basically the good girl and nice girl that I think people will like. Well.. at least chris likes her
  • Emily. Ohhh, this is interesting. You know.. she is typical bitchy girl who people will dislike. I think deep down matt also agreed with this but im not sure, i didnt ask him
Now, lets get to the more interesting part. I think I can say that those characters are two sides of the same coin. Ashley is the antithesis of Emily, and Emily is the antithesis of Ashley. At the beginning of story, you are introduced to Emily and Ashley. Emily starts out as a whining type of girl next door and Ashley starts out as a kind cute girl that chris fell in love with.

As the story goes, bad situation reveals the true nature of human. This is the interesting part, Emily is a whiny girl, but when things go south she becomes a badass who can protect herself. I love the section when she is alone in the mine. It shows me when she is in alert of emergency mode, she will try her best to survive. And yes, she is capable to do that. She fights Smeagol that wendigo, she escapes death

Ashley. Well.... when things go worse, people can also show their vicious side. Ashley started out as a kind little teen, but as the story goes her true nature comes out. She turns into a mean heartless girl who only cares herself. Like.. literally. She is the one who encourages Mike to shoot Emily, and when she finds out the truth, she can only say "I'm sorry Emily. I hope you understand that" (like really? If i were ashley, at least i would not ask for the understanding). You literally do not tell people to understand right before you falsely put them under death sentence

Price That We Pay

Despite of the game being so good and fun, I dont really think the game was worth 60 dollars, the initial price should be 50 i guess. The reason is the game is too short, even for multiple playthrough. I mean we played game like Witcher 3, persona 5, comparing this to UD feels so different. You know what i mean. There is a gap in the length

Also, the only thing that i dislike from the game is the lack of skip button. There are some scenes that i think i dont wanna watch over and over (imagine i have to reinstall the game 4 times and watch the same scene again... again.. again). At least if you dont have it on first playthrough, please have it on second or after you beat the game once.

That's it! Thank you for reading and skimming

And last. 4 people survived, one died at mines, the rest at the epilogue (you know which one im talking about)

Oh. I think Supermassive should try Next Destination concept. I would be fun with similar gameplay to this one
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 31, 2017
I loved it, I usually hate stereotype cheesy horror movies but it worked perfectly in video game form because you were making the dumb decisions.

Emily was the only one I tried to kill and she was one of the very few that survived for some reason haha.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I was more impressed with Emily when I found out the actress plays Cheyenne on Superstore.


Oct 29, 2017
I loved the game and am excited to see what Supermassive has in store for a full-fledged game next. I also hope the performance is better in the next game, but I'm not worried about that, I think they're using the Decima (Horizon, Death Stranding) engine and probably have more experience with it now.

Despite of the game being so good and fun, I dont really think the game was worth 60 dollars, the initial price should be 50 i guess. The reason is the game is too short, even for multiple playthrough. I mean we played game like Witcher 3, persona 5, comparing this to UD feels so different. You know what i mean. There is a gap in the length
I disagree with this. I'm not trying to say UD is worth $60, and I'm not saying it's not. But it's unfair to compare every $60 game to some of the longest games this generation. I could say the same for Uncharted 4 or Detroit or other average length singleplayer games. Plus the game's been out for years, it's probably nowhere near $60 right now.


Nov 21, 2017
Plus the game's been out for years, it's probably nowhere near $60 right now
That's why i put initial price there (i wanted to buy it at that time, but i didnt. I forgot why, it wasnt about the pricing though). But i understand that, because i bought it at around 10 bucks two weeks ago. Lol

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I'd much rather pay 60 for Until Dawn which has great twists and turns and gameplay that's consistently engaging than the Witcher which dragged and dragged and I hate played for half of it.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
When is Emily going to get her own spin-off though?

It's rare that a character is so inherently bitchy and nauseous that they go full circle and by some sheer miracle become awesome and likeable.


Oct 29, 2017
That's why i put initial price there (i wanted to buy it at that time, but i didnt. I forgot why, it wasnt about the pricing though). But i understand that, because i bought it at around 10 bucks two weeks ago. Lol
Yeah but even then my point is you should put value on how long the game is because that isn't fair a bunch of games.


Oct 31, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed it. For some strange reason I bought it not knowing anything about it and bought it solely after having a look at the back of the box. It was a pleasant surprise. It is a relatively short game, but I wouldn't have wanted it to be much longer. I would happily play a similar game, however I feel that much of my enjoyment came from a complete lack of expectation.


Oct 26, 2017
The fact that Emily ended up being the best character was probably the biggest twist in the game in my opinion lol.
Oct 25, 2017
Emily and Mike were my favorite characters by far.
They both started the worst but easily became my favorites through the game.
Jan 10, 2018
I did not enjoy it as much. Not a fan of the movie genre and in video game format it just goes on for too long. The characters, the plot and the twists were all standard fair and they left me quite indifferent.

Seth Balmore

Oct 27, 2017
I loved Until Dawn. Best David Cage game that David Cage never made. Me and a bunch of friends are planning a replay soon, actually.

The entire cast did a wonderful job but Emily in particular is a standout yeah, she's a perfect example of character you love to hate and her actress is 99% responsible of that. So good.

TPS is an... interesting way to describe this game, OP.
Oct 31, 2017
I love how some people
shot her when the time came because they hated her and some people found her strangely endearing.


Oct 30, 2017
i bought it cause it was cheap and i heard so many good things about it ,, ended up as one of my favorites games of this gen . such an amazing game .

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
I only wanted the geeky blonde lad to live. The game forced me to kill him even though it said I had a choice. I gave up after that.
Dec 6, 2017
Got it when it was free on PS+ not knowing anything about it. I kept waiting for the actual gameplay to start thinking it was all just an introduction and ended up having to google some reviews.

It's definitely not the game's fault but this was 100% not for me despite being quite funny for an hour or two.
Oct 30, 2017
I knew who you were talking about and man I couldn't wait to let Emily die something fierce!

Okay, not really, I tried to save everyone, took a second playthrough for me to save everyone as I lost 2 people the first time.

Biggest surprise game of the generation for me. Was never on my radar and I barely watched any media of it beforehand, but absolutely loved it.

Shame we never got a sequel. :(


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
Some of the jump scares were beyond stupid and turned me off of the rest of the game.

Do you hate clowns or zombies more?


Oct 25, 2017
Wish I could vote "meh" as that's mostly how I felt about it. It didn't overstay its welcome and the uncanny valley facial expressions were great. Also enjoyed the gore and how most every character can go out gruesomely.

The story didn't go as off-the-rails as I was hoping. Wasn't a fan of how some characters felt unimportant, like they'd drift away and come back suddenly at the end playing next-to-no part in the overall plot. After beating the game, I had no desire to go back and see the different scenarios as they didn't seem that interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually really liked Emily. I think she was my favorite character overall.

I'd love another game by Supermassive in the same style.


Self-requested ban
Jun 1, 2018
Man, I love this game. I love horror and was able to play this with my wife making all of our decisions. Almost had everyone survive our first time through until my pug jumped on my lap during the final QTE and killed off a character.

Even though I know where it's going, I can play this game probably once a year.

Also, Emily is terrible. I understand the anger but after everything you went through, don't go snitching to the cops that Mike pulled a gun on you! Why would he know the monster lore of the area.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw the thread title and new immediatelly it's about Until Dawn and Emily.
Hated her first. Loved her after my second playthrough. One of the best horror games in the last 10 years.
We need an Until Dawn sequel NOW!