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Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
US has been always the same for decades when it comes to foreign policy, its an aggressive empire regardless of whos in charge.

no it hasn't, trying to equate different administrations and saying "they are all the same" is easily disproven based on war times, diplomatic goals, what was attempted to be avoided and so forth.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
US has been always the same for decades when it comes to foreign policy, its an aggressive empire regardless of whos in charge.

The whole world knows this (yeah, generalization, I know, it's for point's sake), except for Americans. They kind of think this is just a Trump thing, but that ape just doesn't care about being "PC" about it. He's just American Government without a mask on.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Can't tell if this post is serious or not.

A war with Iran is going to cripple the US diplomatically and economically, Trump has already done permanent damage to the US in terms of global leadership.

The current administration is not equipped to deal with an escalating shooting war with a prominent local power, they can't even get a handle on this situation.

The US getting bogged down in a war it's not equipped in handling, not to mentioned a war that has always been known to be a nightmare scenario for multiple reasons for any well managed administration, would essentially end global influence of the US for anything geopolitical.

This potential war has far ranging implications beyond the conflict itself

Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It looks like the Saudis are going to yank on Trump's chain and Iran's allies will probably do the same. I'm not holding my breath, but it's possible.

Like that will help, he will probably be infuriated that they are suggesting not to respond to Iran and that will make him look weak.

all in all how is this not shitting on Trumps legacy? Everything he is doing is damaging his own legacy in the end


Oct 27, 2017
In terms of foreign policy, who has tried to be different? Carter? Since the 40s we were anti Communist, so anti USSR, anti China, we've been at war with North Korea sice the 50s, have hated Iran since 1980, the only real major policy shifts were Egypt and arms control with the USSR. The Iran nuclear deal didn't lead to a cessation of our proxy wars with Iran, though it might have had it lived long enough. China's admission into the WTO was big but aside from us fighting them in Korea and our support of Taiwan nothing changed there. For a government that switches hands every 4 to 8 years we're remarkably(unfortunately) hesitant to move on from the past.


Oct 25, 2017
no it hasn't, trying to equate different administrations and saying "they are all the same" is easily disproven based on war times, diplomatic goals, what was attempted to be avoided and so forth.
Every US administration played war games. Since the 50s and specially since the fall of the Soviet Union. No wonder why the US military budget has been always like its a world war.


Mar 4, 2018
A war with Iran is going to cripple the US diplomatically and economically, Trump has already done permanent damage to the US in terms of global leadership.

The current administration is not equipped to deal with an escalating shooting war with a prominent local power, they can't even get a handle on this situation.

The US getting bogged down in a war it's not equipped in handling, not to mentioned a war that has always been known to be a nightmare scenario for multiple reasons for any well managed administration, would essentially end global influence of the US for anything geopolitical.

This potential war has far ranging implications beyond the conflict itself
Only one major flaw: Iran and Russia are allies. Letting the US bomb Iran into pavement prevents Russia from projecting into the Middle East-- which they have a vested interest in doing as a major petroleum exporter in competition with the Saudis. The way Trump's done this is so woefully stupid it risks too much for Putin.


Oct 25, 2017
In terms of foreign policy, who has tried to be different? Carter? Since the 40s we were anti Communist, so anti USSR, anti China, we've been at war with North Korea sice the 50s, have hated Iran since 1980, the only real major policy shifts were Egypt and arms control with the USSR. The Iran nuclear deal didn't lead to a cessation of our proxy wars with Iran, though it might have had it lived long enough. China's admission into the WTO was big but aside from us fighting them in Korea and our support of Taiwan nothing changed there. For a government that switches hands every 4 to 8 years we're remarkably(unfortunately) hesitant to move on from the past.
Dont forget the Condor plan for Latin America.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Every US administration played war games. Since the 50s and specially since the fall of the Soviet Union. No wonder why the US military budget has been always like its a world war.

Yes, every US administration tries to forward US interests. That's what any country does.

Trying to equate each administration as "equal" when one administration is responsible for striking global climate deals, nuclear deals to prevent wars and so forth, while others literally start forever wars is beyond ignorant.

The moment a shooting war starts with Iran, we are locked into a forever war with Iran because the end result is Iran will attempt to develop a nuke and the US and the West will not allow such an outcome. The only way to end that outcome is indefinite US occupation of centrifuges.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Yes but without fucking up the rest of the world like the US does.

When bad administrations have control of the Executive Branch bad things happen, that's what we've been saying for decades. The US "fucks up the world" because the US is a global super power and has extended reach with allies and adversaries. Get more people like Obama in office and the US won't be tearing up nuclear deals and climate deals or cheering on shit like Brexit.


Nov 11, 2017
When bad administrations have control of the Executive Branch bad things happen, that's what we've been saying for decades. The US "fucks up the world" because the US is a global super power and has extended reach with allies and adversaries. Get more people like Obama in office and the US won't be tearing up nuclear deals and climate deals or cheering on shit like Brexit.

I don't think the USA will be able to recover from Trump breaking its "democracy" as it stands now, the two party system is a failure if one of the parties wants to destroy the constitution. Geo-politically, there is 0 point in negotiating anything with the USA if it will all just change at a whim. Contracts/agreements mean nothing.

Even if they wrote in that this is for X-years and must be Y, it will still be balled up.


Nov 18, 2017
Yes, every US administration tries to forward US interests. That's what any country does.

Trying to equate each administration as "equal" when one administration is responsible for striking global climate deals, nuclear deals to prevent wars and so forth, while others literally start forever wars is beyond ignorant.

The moment a shooting war starts with Iran, we are locked into a forever war with Iran because the end result is Iran will attempt to develop a nuke and the US and the West will not allow such an outcome. The only way to end that outcome is indefinite US occupation of centrifuges.
Equal in the sense that they commit war crimes. Of course there is nuance that can make one administration worse than the other. No one is disputing that.

I mean Bill Clinton bombed a Sudan medicine factory, leading to 10k+ children dying of disease.
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
Iran wouldn't want a war against the US. The immediate rhetoric after Soleimani's death is loud and aggressive, but I really think it's just posturing and I really doubt it would ever amount to anything significant that it prompts a direct, open war with the United States. Bringing Iran to a war against the US is something I bet the Mullahs wouldn't want because it can jeopardize
their cozy seats, especially after such a huge riot recently where their people broke out in huge protests against them (which they responded in violence too)--not to mention the economy there is practically in shambles too.

They don't want a direct, open war with the US taking place inside Iranian borders, sure. But a proxy-based, asymmetrical warfare campaign taking place on Iraqi soil that further destabilizes the region and slowly drains the US of their influence and standing? They've already proven they're down for that.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Equal in the sense that they commit war crimes. Of course there is nuance that can make one administration worse than the other. No one is disputing that.

I mean Bill Clinton bombed a Sudan medicine factory, leading to 10k+ children dying of disease.

Yea, see the thing is "nuance" isn't major globe altering decisions that alter the course of geopolitical history. That's not what "nuance" means.


Apr 4, 2018
They don't want a direct, open war with the US taking place inside Iranian borders, sure. But a proxy-based, asymmetrical warfare campaign taking place on Iraqi soil that further destabilizes the region and slowly drains the US of their influence and standing? They've already proven they're down for that.

And now they have huge swaths of Iraqis who will outright welcome it.


Jun 19, 2018
We'll see. The guy who just got killed practically ran the entire show on Iran's sphere of influence in ME. Without him I don't know whether Iran is capable of influencing the region in the same capacity, he's really that unique of an individual.
What Iran was running in the region is by no means the product of one single person. And even if he really was that unique, he has been doing this long enough for those around him to get how it works by now. Real change from the assassination of one person didn't really pan out for tiny militia/terrorist organizations, expecting it from a country backed army with influences through at least four countries is just naive!


Nov 18, 2017
Yea, see the thing is "nuance" isn't major globe altering decisions that alter the course of geopolitical history. That's not what "nuance" means.
I would argue a lot of our presidents did that. For example, Bill Clinton ensured that Yeltsin win the election in Russia. He essentially did the same as Putin did with Trump. Yeltsin appointed Putin. Bush invaded Iraq, leaving a power vacuum where ISIS benefited from no Sadam. Obama did a regime change war ousting Gaddafi, leading to a further distrust in America demanding nuclear disarmament. I don't see why any country would want to get rid of nukes when nukes could serve as a deterrent from the US invading countries (Sadam, Gaddafi).

I still think Republican administration is worse. There is no disputing that. Especially at a time when we need to combat climate change. I'm just saying that when foreigners or other Americans mention how America continually violates international law and continues its endless wars destabilizing the middle east, they are right.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I would argue a lot of our presidents did that. For example, Bill Clinton ensured that Yeltsin win the election in Russia. He essentially did the same as Putin did with Trump. Yeltsin appointed Putin. Bush invaded Iraq, leaving a power vacuum where ISIS benefited from no Sadam. Obama did a regime change war ousting Gaddafi, leading to a further distrust in America demanding nuclear disarmament. I don't see why any country would want to get rid of nukes when nukes could serve as a deterrent from the US invading countries (Sadam, Gaddafi).

I still think Republican administration is worse. There is no disputing that. Especially at a time when we need to combat climate change. I'm just saying that when foreigners or other Americans mention how America continually violates international law and continues its endless wars destabilizing the middle east, they are right.

Libya was a UN resolution with no major powers voting against and NATO led via France and the UK. Just placing that resolution and saying "Obama regime change" is literally twisting shit into a knot to try and spin narrative.


Oct 25, 2017

That cushy private sector job would be there for him later too if he decided to actually ride through what has been started.

There isn't much to read into here, he is bailing the fuck out because he must really see what is going down inside the decision process atm.

Is there anyone left in the military command structure that has the courage and moral fortitude to refuse an illegal order from the president?

Even Mattis bailed because he didn't want to be put into situation where he has to choose.
Oct 27, 2017
I know we have posters from Iran here, so am looking to get more information 'from the ground' as it were. From the way these funeral goers are dressed, they seem to be from the highly conservative segment of Iranian society. Do the urban and 'more secular' populations that people have talked about in past Iran threads including the anti mandatory hijab one mourn Soleimani too? Assuming the more secular members are actually representative of the population at large which from those crowds, I am guessing it is not and the amount of people against mandatory hijab are sadly a minority.


Nov 2, 2017
The voice of the Iraqi people that have been protesting since October, we don't want to be punished for a pat of the back by Iran.



Apr 4, 2018
I know we have posters from Iran here, so am looking to get more information 'from the ground' as it were. From the way these funeral goers are dressed, they seem to be from the highly conservative segment of Iranian society. Do the urban and 'more secular' populations that people have talked about in past Iran threads including the anti mandatory hijab one mourn Soleimani too?

I am a complete outsider but I would imagine that for Iranians who weren't a fan of Soleimani that Trump's rhetoric since the assassination has done a hell of a lot to get them on board with the conservative elements of Iranian society.
Oct 27, 2017
I think even the more liberal elements of Iranian society hate Trump too, and I would too if he was gleefully wanting to destroy my cultural relics and history. Just wanting to get a read on the situation over there since I know a lot of Iranian women skirt the boundaries of the law by showing as much hair as is legally possible. But present someone a common enemy, and they will unite around the leadership even if they hate them in normal times.


Alt account
Oct 18, 2019
Th voice of the Iraqi people that have been protesting since October, we don't want to be punished for a pat of the back by Iran.

Fuck this. Its not the Iraqi's people's fault that the US assassinated a general on their territory. The Iraqi people shouldn't have to beg for shit. Them rightfully kicking the US' ass to the curb shouldn't be a sanctionable action.

Also, wasn't the current Iraqi regime basically installed by the US?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
That cushy private sector job would be there for him later too if he decided to actually ride through what has been started.

There isn't much to read into here, he is bailing the fuck out because he must really see what is going down inside the decision process atm.
On its own it might not be something to read into but given that it follows an exodus of Pentagon officials all fleeing the U.S. military apparatus over the past few weeks, it paints a rather sobering picture of what's to come.

Trump hasn't hit bottom yet. Heck, there might not be a bottom for this miscreant.


Nov 2, 2017
Fuck this. Its not the Iraqi's people's fault that the US assassinated a general on their territory. The Iraqi people shouldn't have to beg for shit. Them rightfully kicking the US' ass to the curb shouldn't be a sanctionable action.

Also, wasn't the current Iraqi regime basically installed by the US?
The point is the Iraqi government is actively working against the benefit of their people just to please Iran, this is a war between 2 countries and they should have known well choosing a side would have consequences.


Nov 11, 2017
all of these people that step down without alerting the US public or making official statements/declarations are all 100% cowards.

Everyone pretends oaths mean shit, until you're actually met by a real threat to democracy.

Fuck reading between lines.

They just get replaced by more white supremacists who have no idea what they're doing. Must be NICE to not have to worry about the admin being fucking fascist. They've got theirs.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
The point is the Iraqi government is actively working against the benefit of their people just to please Iran, this is a war between 2 countries and they should have known well choosing a side would have consequences.

Logically you choose the side that you share a huge border with an have a lot in common with culturally. You don't side with imperialists on the other side of the world who will eventually tire of supporting you and leave (the Kurds know this well). Iraq is making the smart decision by siding with Iran.


Oct 26, 2017
In terms of foreign policy, who has tried to be different? Carter? Since the 40s we were anti Communist, so anti USSR, anti China, we've been at war with North Korea sice the 50s, have hated Iran since 1980, the only real major policy shifts were Egypt and arms control with the USSR. The Iran nuclear deal didn't lead to a cessation of our proxy wars with Iran, though it might have had it lived long enough. China's admission into the WTO was big but aside from us fighting them in Korea and our support of Taiwan nothing changed there. For a government that switches hands every 4 to 8 years we're remarkably(unfortunately) hesitant to move on from the past.
Carter worked from pretty much the same playbook.
The arming of the Taliban in Afghanistan started under him, and even though Aaron Sorkin made a movie about how that was actually a great idea, the whole world is still paying for that disastrous policy, his reaction to the Iran hostage crisis was to send in the troops, and Korea, well, it's worth reading what the US did during the Gwangju Uprising under him.
American foreign policy is just bad, I think it has more to do with the general cold war framework the US still work under more than any individual president (though as always in American politics, Republican tend to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse at this shit).

I think America really needs an honest to god peace policy, and it needs it soon.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
The whole world knows this (yeah, generalization, I know, it's for point's sake), except for Americans. They kind of think this is just a Trump thing, but that ape just doesn't care about being "PC" about it. He's just American Government without a mask on.

Yep...ppl probably dont know we assassinated irans leader before and put in a puppet cause they would not give us oil. Which is why they hate us when they threw that guy out. Bernie to my knowledge is the only us presidential candidate to talk about that


Oct 27, 2017
Carter worked from pretty much the same playbook.
The arming of the Taliban in Afghanistan started under him, and even though Aaron Sorkin made a movie about how that was actually a great idea, the whole world is still paying for that disastrous policy, his reaction to the Iran hostage crisis was to send in the troops, and Korea, well, it's worth reading what the US did during the Gwangju Uprising under him.
American foreign policy is just bad, I think it has more to do with the general cold war framework the US still work under more than any individual president (though as always in American politics, Republican tend to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse at this shit).

I think America really needs an honest to god peace policy, and it needs it soon.
Uh...that was definitely not the message of Charlie Wilson's War.
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