
Oct 25, 2017
House House House!!!

Stay on target folks! We got this!

House = Trump can be subpoenaed and Mueller could be picked up for House Intel Special Counsel if Trump tries to get rid of him from the FBI.


Oct 25, 2017

Yep. And consider gerrymandering as well and a lot is tilted against urban voters. This is only gonna get more pronounced as that divide gets wider.

2010 is never going to stop biting us in the ass. Fucking up the supreme court is going to lead to the exact same thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Which is why the Democrats need locally appealing senate candidates in red / swing states.

Joe Manchin speaks to West Virginia.

Even in (probable) defeat, Beto O'Rourke is the best candidate for Texas right now.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that the answer is to Sanderise or Clintonise everything.
Not a coincidence that Howard Dean's 50 state strategy paid huge dividends in 2006/2008.


Oct 25, 2017
Man it's after 3am here in Berlin and I'm watching the US midterms. Why? I don't know. Fuck Trump I guess. So does it look good or bad for humanity right now?

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Oct 27, 2017
Harlem, NYC
What happened to all those Puerto Ricans that moved to Florida and were supposed to turn the state blue?

Man, this is so disappointing.

Beto was a long shot, but Gillum seemed like a sure thing.

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Fam, over the Cubans that been there since the 70's? And love voting Republican...Was never going to happen.


Oct 26, 2017
I said it in 2016 and I'll say it now, Dems HAVE to get new leadership, and a new direction. Running on "but Trump is bad", no matter how true, is clearly a losing strategy.

Yep, focus on policy, they should had learn from the presidential election. Democrats talking shit about Trump just encourage more Republican to vote.


Oct 25, 2017
After really getting to know my co-worker I feel like I finally understand why people vote republican. I always thought religion played a big role and maybe it does but my co-worker is atheist. He is scared of everything and only worries about himself, republicans play into that fear extremely well. He doesn't like Trump but there was talk about a driving tax in Illinois and that was enough to him to vote republican.
Selfishness is definitely a modern Republican/Conservative trait sadly. Overwhelmingly so.

My manager is this way because he too is afraid of everything and isn't willing to engage the world fully, really fucking sad.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
After really getting to know my co-worker I feel like I finally understand why people vote republican. I always thought religion played a big role and maybe it does but my co-worker is atheist. He is scared of everything and only worries about himself, republicans play into that fear extremely well. He doesn't like Trump but there was talk about a driving tax in Illinois and that was enough to him to vote republican.

Fear is definitely a primary motivator for Republicans. Thus why even as they control all parts of government Fox News is constantly in disaster mode and Trump has to make up caravan threats. It's always BE SCARED, ONLY I CAN PROTECT YOU


Oct 26, 2017
Mentioned this in PoliERA, but please take a 15-30 min break for the sake of your mental health.


Oct 25, 2017
Really wish blue states would more reliably boot their republican ass governors. Like, just because they aren't responsible for the bullshit in the upper levels of government doesn't mean they don't enable it.

Unless he's willing to throw some haymakers, nah.
I don't even want Biden in 2020 but the dude can throw haymakers for days. Like shit, dude dunked on Ryan in 2012.