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Oct 25, 2017
Context though: this was their way of calling someone a globalist. So basically RIP globalism, I think. Not we're all going to die. Unless you consider the complete collapse of the global economy and starvation "death," I guess.
yeah this is, like, the (white) nationalist wing gloating that the (((globalists))) are on the outs. The globe emoji was used as shorthand for Gary Cohn


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Remember when the Republican president said they should take away people's guns and for someone that was that straw against the Democrats.



Oct 25, 2017
You guys have me literally praying that this is just pieces of shit being anti-semitic and not that the guy capable of destroying the world has been hired.
Oct 27, 2017
I hope we get some really painful Boeing tariffs. Every week the EU should target a new sector from largely Red states. C'mon world, fuck our shit up


Oct 25, 2017
Stefano De Stefano may as well be a Democrat with his platform. Lol

And his gun policy is pretty similar to what dems will end up doing when they get in office...


Oct 27, 2017



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Like.... I'm not one to call people out buuuuut. This reasoning is so backwards. Just say you want to vote for a Republican, don't give some half-assed reasoning that has no logic behind it.
Oct 26, 2017
I just want to be clear but the Democratic position of:
-Bump Stocks are bad, we should probably ban them.
-Universal Background checks are good!
-Arming teachers in schools is fucking stupid!
-It might be nice to be able to do some CDC research on guns again ya know.
-Do we really need AR-15s? Can we at least raise the age you can buy them? Like 20 companies are already doing that!
-Gun restraining orders (a way to legally take away guns from people that are known to be a threat while also respecting due process) is good and most conservatives like this idea too!

was too much for you and pushed you to vote Republican?

GRVO's are good and appear to be working.

What has pushed me Republican is actually the 2018 AWB. It bans every semi-auto firearm, and many bolt action rifles. Semi-auto's constitutes the majority of modern guns. Many pistols are on the list of guns to be banned. Over 175 Democrats signing on something that bans something that is a constitutional right is completely anti-ethical, especially in a time of sky rocketing hate crime numbers. Democrats have also employed a dangerous rhetoric that likens all gun owners and supporters - even on their own team - as child killers. I believe in the Second Amendment because as a black person, the 13th amendment grants me freedom from slavery. The 14th amendment guarantees that I have equal protection and that I have the right of the 2nd to protect myself and my family. In a time of rising hate crimes against minorities, as a black trans woman I find the need to bear arms an intrinsic right for my own safety and individual liberty. Democrats signing a bill that bans almost all modern firearms is a betrayal. Of course, they don't expect the bill to get past committee, and therefore is a symbolic bill to show they're "doing something", but it deeply shows their preferable mindset on guns and do not find gun ownership for self protection to be an inherent right but a privilege. I find this to be highly un-American and will do anything in my power to put them in their place. The fact they claim to speak for me, that they care for me, but don't want me to protect myself in a time of bubbling hate is an injustice. The fact that Democrats concentrate on guns like the AR-15 despite the fact that most gun homicides are achieved via the handgun shows how much they really care about the issue. To make matters worse, most of these deaths take place in urban centers and are black victims. The fact they claim to care about black people but really just don't seem to give one fuck about gang crime but care tons about the happy suburban town that is affected by one single school shooting tells me everything: they are either ineffectual or simply do not care about black lives. I am therefore, just a vote. I am one of hundreds of thousands that have joined the NRA since Parkland and the awful rhetoric surrounding that horrific event. I have also joined other 2A organizations.

I will answer only one of your questions because the rest are typical anti-gun virtue signaling.

It is in relation to AR's. I will post this in rebuttal:

Personally, I will be purchasing an AR-15 for home defense. My neighborhood has had a string of robberies lately and I live alone. Right now I only have pistols. It's not enough. This is without mentioning that in Texas at least, there is a need for the AR-15 in certain places due to overpopulation of destructive animals. They're used to hunt them. Further, let's flip the question. Do you really need your high powered computer or iPad? Nope. "Assault rifles" kill less than 400 people a year but Democrats are willing to bet it all on that. They will lose, and lose hard.
Oct 25, 2017
All of us sane people knew that Trump was going to be a colossal disaster. He's exceeded our expectations of how bad he can be.


Oct 28, 2017
My main concern about November 2018 was that the economy may not be bad enough at the time for people to feel the pain and realize democrats could handle it better.

With each passing day that concern is alleviating.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand having such a hard on for firearms that you're willing to throw everyone besides straight white christian males under the bus. I can't wrap my head around being a black LGBT woman and starting to vote Republican, in this day and age, solely because you really want your AR-15s. you do you, though.
Last edited:
Nov 20, 2017
GRVO's are good and appear to be working.

What has pushed me Republican is actually the 2018 AWB. It bans every semi-auto firearm, and many bolt action rifles. Semi-auto's constitutes the majority of modern guns. Many pistols are on the list of guns to be banned. Over 175 Democrats signing on something that bans something that is a constitutional right is completely anti-ethical, especially in a time of sky rocketing hate crime numbers. Democrats have also employed a dangerous rhetoric that likens all gun owners and supporters - even on their own team - as child killers. I believe in the Second Amendment because as a black person, the 13th amendment grants me freedom from slavery. The 14th amendment guarantees that I have equal protection and that I have the right of the 2nd to protect myself and my family. In a time of rising hate crimes against minorities, as a black trans woman I find the need to bear arms an intrinsic right for my own safety and individual liberty. Democrats signing a bill that bans almost all modern firearms is a betrayal. Of course, they don't expect the bill to get past committee, and therefore is a symbolic bill to show they're "doing something", but it deeply shows their preferable mindset on guns and do not find gun ownership for self protection to be an inherent right but a privilege. I find this to be highly un-American and will do anything in my power to put them in their place. The fact they claim to speak for me, that they care for me, but don't want me to protect myself in a time of bubbling hate is an injustice. The fact that Democrats concentrate on guns like the AR-15 despite the fact that most gun homicides are achieved via the handgun shows how much they really care about the issue. To make matters worse, most of these deaths take place in urban centers and are black victims. The fact they claim to care about black people but really just don't seem to give one fuck about gang crime but care tons about the happy suburban town that is affected by one single school shooting tells me everything: they are either ineffectual or simply do not care about black lives. I am therefore, just a vote. I am one of hundreds of thousands that have joined the NRA since Parkland and the awful rhetoric surrounding that horrific event. I have also joined other 2A organizations.

I will answer only one of your questions because the rest are typical anti-gun virtue signaling.

It is in relation to AR's. I will post this in rebuttal:

Personally, I will be purchasing an AR-15 for home defense. My neighborhood has had a string of robberies lately and I live alone. Right now I only have pistols. It's not enough. This is without mentioning that in Texas at least, there is a need for the AR-15 in certain places due to overpopulation of destructive animals. They're used to hunt them. Further, let's flip the question. Do you really need your high powered computer or iPad? Nope. "Assault rifles" kill less than 400 people a year but Democrats are willing to bet it all on that. They will lose, and lose hard.

Do you use your guns as dildos or something

Also are you part of this troll army
Oct 27, 2017
GRVO's are good and appear to be working.

What has pushed me Republican is actually the 2018 AWB. It bans every semi-auto firearm, and many bolt action rifles. Semi-auto's constitutes the majority of modern guns. Many pistols are on the list of guns to be banned. Over 175 Democrats signing on something that bans something that is a constitutional right is completely anti-ethical, especially in a time of sky rocketing hate crime numbers. Democrats have also employed a dangerous rhetoric that likens all gun owners and supporters - even on their own team - as child killers. I believe in the Second Amendment because as a black person, the 13th amendment grants me freedom from slavery. The 14th amendment guarantees that I have equal protection and that I have the right of the 2nd to protect myself and my family. In a time of rising hate crimes against minorities, as a black trans woman I find the need to bear arms an intrinsic right for my own safety and individual liberty. Democrats signing a bill that bans almost all modern firearms is a betrayal. Of course, they don't expect the bill to get past committee, and therefore is a symbolic bill to show they're "doing something", but it deeply shows their preferable mindset on guns and do not find gun ownership for self protection to be an inherent right but a privilege. I find this to be highly un-American and will do anything in my power to put them in their place. The fact they claim to speak for me, that they care for me, but don't want me to protect myself in a time of bubbling hate is an injustice. The fact that Democrats concentrate on guns like the AR-15 despite the fact that most gun homicides are achieved via the handgun shows how much they really care about the issue. To make matters worse, most of these deaths take place in urban centers and are black victims. The fact they claim to care about black people but really just don't seem to give one fuck about gang crime but care tons about the happy suburban town that is affected by one single school shooting tells me everything: they are either ineffectual or simply do not care about black lives. I am therefore, just a vote. I am one of hundreds of thousands that have joined the NRA since Parkland and the awful rhetoric surrounding that horrific event. I have also joined other 2A organizations.

I will answer only one of your questions because the rest are typical anti-gun virtue signaling.

It is in relation to AR's. I will post this in rebuttal:

Personally, I will be purchasing an AR-15 for home defense. My neighborhood has had a string of robberies lately and I live alone. Right now I only have pistols. It's not enough. This is without mentioning that in Texas at least, there is a need for the AR-15 in certain places due to overpopulation of destructive animals. They're used to hunt them. Further, let's flip the question. Do you really need your high powered computer or iPad? Nope. "Assault rifles" kill less than 400 people a year but Democrats are willing to bet it all on that. They will lose, and lose hard.

Whew boy. We got a "virtue signaling" and "black on black crime" in "urban areas". It's like dumb fascist bingo up in here.


Oct 25, 2017
a) he's completely right on the optics and running in 2020 would be better
b) suggests he's looking for a temporary placeholder if he does have eyes on the seat
c) it's also possible he thinks this year is going to be super duper rough and wants to avoid a potentially embarrassing loss - staying in office till 2020 has no risk.

D) He's going to finish up and take a job at Butler Snow like all MS Republicans and make bank until he dies.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
GRVO's are good and appear to be working.

What has pushed me Republican is actually the 2018 AWB. It bans every semi-auto firearm, and many bolt action rifles. Semi-auto's constitutes the majority of modern guns. Many pistols are on the list of guns to be banned. Over 175 Democrats signing on something that bans something that is a constitutional right is completely anti-ethical, especially in a time of sky rocketing hate crime numbers. Democrats have also employed a dangerous rhetoric that likens all gun owners and supporters - even on their own team - as child killers. I believe in the Second Amendment because as a black person, the 13th amendment grants me freedom from slavery. The 14th amendment guarantees that I have equal protection and that I have the right of the 2nd to protect myself and my family. In a time of rising hate crimes against minorities, as a black trans woman I find the need to bear arms an intrinsic right for my own safety and individual liberty. Democrats signing a bill that bans almost all modern firearms is a betrayal. Of course, they don't expect the bill to get past committee, and therefore is a symbolic bill to show they're "doing something", but it deeply shows their preferable mindset on guns and do not find gun ownership for self protection to be an inherent right but a privilege. I find this to be highly un-American and will do anything in my power to put them in their place. The fact they claim to speak for me, that they care for me, but don't want me to protect myself in a time of bubbling hate is an injustice. The fact that Democrats concentrate on guns like the AR-15 despite the fact that most gun homicides are achieved via the handgun shows how much they really care about the issue. To make matters worse, most of these deaths take place in urban centers and are black victims. The fact they claim to care about black people but really just don't seem to give one fuck about gang crime but care tons about the happy suburban town that is affected by one single school shooting tells me everything: they are either ineffectual or simply do not care about black lives. I am therefore, just a vote. I am one of hundreds of thousands that have joined the NRA since Parkland and the awful rhetoric surrounding that horrific event. I have also joined other 2A organizations.

I will answer only one of your questions because the rest are typical anti-gun virtue signaling.

It is in relation to AR's. I will post this in rebuttal:

Personally, I will be purchasing an AR-15 for home defense. My neighborhood has had a string of robberies lately and I live alone. Right now I only have pistols. It's not enough. This is without mentioning that in Texas at least, there is a need for the AR-15 in certain places due to overpopulation of destructive animals. They're used to hunt them. Further, let's flip the question. Do you really need your high powered computer or iPad? Nope. "Assault rifles" kill less than 400 people a year but Democrats are willing to bet it all on that. They will lose, and lose hard.
Jesus fucking Christ

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Wait. I just got it.

Gary Cohn
Globalist Cuck

Cracked that code.
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