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Oct 25, 2017
How am I lacking nuance? The historical legacy of gun control is unanimously on the side of oppression. Look to states like California or NY or Black Codes. Their laws are a way to keep guns from minorities hands while saying they're the party of minorities.

I'm being very rational. I think you aren't understanding what I'm saying: I don't believe in the Democratic Party any longer. You can call that irrational but I'm sorry. They lost to Donald Trump. They are an ineffective party, and I'm forced to choose what I value. I clearly value my second amendment rights, which should be obvious. But Republicans fight for that. I am forced to choose between myself and my ability to defend myself. Frankly, I have given up. If Democrats want to oppose guns this much then they are an enemy. It is now single issue. What makes it even more embarrassing is that they have been warned time and time again that this a politicay suicidal move, but they're still going for it. They have no vision at all. I'm sorry but I'm tired of voting for mediocrity. The fact that they run with this in an election season that should be easy as cake to win is telling as to how brain dead the party truly is. I'm changing my party affiliation tomorrow.

Literally nobody believes your schtick. Why not go back and report on how it's a hive mind here too?
Oct 30, 2017
How am I lacking nuance? The historical legacy of gun control is unanimously on the side of oppression. Look to states like California or NY or Black Codes. Their laws are a way to keep guns from minorities hands while saying they're the party of minorities.

I'm being very rational. I think you aren't understanding what I'm saying: I don't believe in the Democratic Party any longer. You can call that irrational but I'm sorry. They lost to Donald Trump. They are an ineffective party, and I'm forced to choose what I value. I clearly value my second amendment rights, which should be obvious. But Republicans fight for that. I am forced to choose between myself and my ability to defend myself. Frankly, I have given up. If Democrats want to oppose guns this much then they are an enemy. It is now single issue. What makes it even more embarrassing is that they have been warned time and time again that this a politicay suicidal move, but they're still going for it. They have no vision at all. I'm sorry but I'm tired of voting for mediocrity. The fact that they run with this in an election season that should be easy as cake to win is telling as to how brain dead the party truly is. I'm changing my party affiliation tomorrow.

Dude, an AR-15 is not all guns. Go buy a shotgun. They're supposed to be better for home defense anyway if you're that scared of a break in. Or buy a sword. A person swinging a sword around while screaming at you is much scarier than a dude with a gun.


Oct 26, 2017
Democrats want to take away my right to defend those rights

This bit right here is where the disconnect in viewpoints lies, and is why so many people respond to aggressively-pro-gun views with incredulity. The gun control side of the argument generally believes that the idea of self defense or heroics with a gun is a power fantasy, not something that has any chance whatsoever of working or succeeding.
In a world where gun ownership is the norm (especially one without background checks), KKK/ neonazi fucks are at least as likely to be carrying as their potential victims, and are likely to be organized at least a little. no crime was prevented, things just involved more bullets.

Similarly for mass shootings: You're in a shopping mall. someone decides to light the place up. five guys pull out rifles wanting to be helpful. guys three through five don't know which distressed man with a gun was originally the aggressor. neither do the bystanders praying for their lives, and neither do any law enforcement agents that become involved. chaos ensues.

Then moving beyond random hate crimes and looking at institutional racism or any other variety of tyranny, between police forces, intelligence agencies, and the armed forces, any kind of armed rebellion would be smothered barring a widespread mutiny of some kind from government forces.

that's why people see this as valuing toys over valuing the lives of innocents.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate to be "that guy," but my day has been total ass, and since 11:30 am there's been over 550 new posts. Looks like Gary Cohn peaced out- anything else big?
tariffs are definitely happening now. John Bolton was in the oval office today so we might all die soon. George Nader, UAE adviser who was at the suspicious Seychelles meeting with a Putin ally and Erik Prince, was picked up by the feds on the way to Mar-a-Lago 6 weeks ago and is cooperating with Mueller


Oct 25, 2017
Dude, an AR-15 is not all guns. Go buy a shotgun. They're supposed to be better for home defense anyway if you're that scared of a break in. Or buy a sword. A person swinging a sword around while screaming at you is much scarier than a dude with a gun.

Or just skip all that and buy this.


If it's good enough for Chinese peasants, it's good enough for you!
Oct 27, 2017
tariffs are definitely happening now. John Bolton was in the oval office today so we might all die soon. George Nader, UAE adviser who was at the suspicious Seychelles meeting with a Putin ally and Erik Prince, was picked up by the feds on the way to Mar-a-Lago 6 weeks ago and is cooperating with Mueller

I don't have Twitter (and I'm lazy) but someone should dredge up some of the greatest hits from Twitler at the time Nader was nabbed


Oct 25, 2017
Cindi isn't a troll, this is what she genuinely believes. Honestly you guys are too quick to think someone is a troll because they have an outlier viewpoint.

It's not a different viewpoint she's literally ignoring a bunch of facts on purpose. If it's real, it's literally delusional. Like, extremely worryingly not normal.


Oct 27, 2017
For one I'm glad that Cindi is able to subsist on guns. Must be a good source of iron and other essential minerals and vitamins.
Oct 30, 2017
Or just skip all that and buy this.


If it's good enough for Chinese peasants, it's good enough for you!

Maybe I'm just weird (probably), but I find collecting stuff like this way more fun than guns. The great thing about the 2nd Amendment is that it actually doesn't say anything about guns, just owning weapons. Even if somehow guns got banned entirely, it doesn't really infringe on your right to bear arms since you can still get non gun weapons.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks guys.... it's a hat from my husband. Lost and found is already on it. I don't have my PC with me, only my phone, but I do have a pic of it. It's just a hat, but he got it on a business trip to Japan and I've worn it for years, and we hardly ever give each other gifts. It's irreplaceable.

If you've got Twitter it's probably worth posting a pic of it on there, and maybe tagging in a friendly celebrity to help spread the word.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
Neither party is working fully for their constituents.

So let's join the one that's actively, proudly, and all but painting a fucking floor plan of [their plans regarding] fucking you in the ass?

Cindi isn't a troll, this is what she genuinely believes.

"What she genuinely believes" is a raging trash fire.

"Who is disarming minorities?" Who is doing absolutely fuck all to prevent literally every form of policy to the left of the fucking Tulsa riots from being implemented? Who shrugged their shoulders when Castle got murdered by a cop? Who is actually disarming minorities here?

"Who voted more for the Civil Rights Act?" Boy it sure doesn't matter that the same voter base electing the Southern Democrats swung mostly to the party you just joined!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Republicans have treated minorities badly but I fell like I am mere vote fodder under Democrats. What have Democrats done for minorities? They didn't support gay marriage until it was politically viable to do so. More Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats. As far as I'm concerned neither party represents minority interests. How Democrats are treating the Dreamers in their latest case of political theatre shows me this. Who is disarming minorities and only allowing rich white men access to firearms? Democrats.

C'mon, really this?
Oct 26, 2017
Cindi isn't a troll, this is what she genuinely believes. Honestly you guys are too quick to think someone is a troll because they have an outlier viewpoint.

Another reason I'm leaving the party: that is how democrats treated me when I expressed that I want a gun for self defense despite rising hate crime. They say,"Black trans women are among the most vulnerable people in America" in one side of their mouth while saying I'm foolish and retarded worthy of mockery for wanting arms to defend myself in other side. They are clearly full of shit.

Clearly, both parties hate me. At least one party is honest about it. So I might as well vote any way I want, acquiring true freedom.
Oct 25, 2017
It just seems like a troll because the person is strangely knowledgeable about some things, but then somehow doesn't know that the consitutencies that voted for the CRA switched parties after 1964 or that Republicans have tried to pass laws that chill protests. Like, come on, sis, we see you.

I'm pretty sympathetic toward black folks that believe that they need guns for protection from the state, but a) Philando Castle just got extrajudicially murked for supporting his 2A rights, and the NRA was like "Oh well, bruh" with a Kanye shrug at the end of that sentence. That gun won't save you.

Also b) the U.S. Government has the drones and missiles to murk you right now, and your little AR-15 ain't protecting shit in a war against the government, but you go on ahead with that line of thinking.

I'm an "end the 2A, leave gun rights up to the states" advocate, but I don't typically give a shit about people wanting guns. Just don't lie to yourself about how little that will do anything for you as a black person.

But the whole thing reads like someone on the internet pretending to be black because they think it'll help give their arguments some weight, tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not a different viewpoint she's literally ignoring a bunch of facts on purpose.

You don't have to be correct to genuinely believe in something. Do you think every Republican is a troll just doing it to stick it to the libs and that none of them really have convictions about whatever?

I promise you Cindi is genuine and has legitimate reasons for her heel turn. I don't agree with her logic at all but you cant stop this sort of thing from happening if you just dismiss it out of hand.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I'm just weird (probably), but I find collecting stuff like this way more fun than guns. The great thing about the 2nd Amendment is that it actually doesn't say anything about guns, just owning weapons. Even if somehow guns got banned entirely, it doesn't really infringe on your right to bear arms since you can still get non gun weapons.

Because weapons like this have cultural and historical value. An AR-15 is a hunk of metal shat out by a factory, with no value aside from its ability to kill.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Another reason I'm leaving the party: that is how democrats treated me when I expressed that I want a gun for self defense despite rising hate crime. They say,"Black trans women are among the most vulnerable people in America" in one side of their mouth while saying I'm foolish and retarded worthy of mockery for wanting arms to defend myself in other side. They are clearly full of shit.

Clearly, both parties hate me. At least one party is honest about it. So I might as well vote any way I want, acquiring true freedom.
You used pre-southern strategy Democrats in your justification. You're not acting rationally.


Oct 27, 2017
Another reason I'm leaving the party: that is how democrats treated me when I expressed that I want a gun for self defense despite rising hate crime. They say,"Black trans women are among the most vulnerable people in America" in one side of their mouth while saying I'm foolish and retarded worthy of mockery for wanting arms to defend myself.

Clearly, both parties hate me. At least one party is honest about it. So I might as well vote any way I want, acquiring true freedom.
Those people that hate the LGTB are most likely not democrats so what is your point? It seems to me that you are just looking for excuses to vote republican. It's not about guns, it's about culture. You probably are a conservative and feel like our culture is too progressive and want that stopped.


Oct 26, 2017
"Im finally leaving the Democratic Party because they talk about something that has always been a part of the platform, sensible gun control"
"I just realized after a massacre of High school students that Democrats don't like high powered rifles being easily obtainable"
"btw i just joined the NRA after a massacre"

So how many boxes did that tic all at the same time?

No one actually believes that right? It's the single most transparent post made on this forum in weeks.


Feb 1, 2018
Another reason I'm leaving the party: that is how democrats treated me when I expressed that I want a gun for self defense despite rising hate crime. They say,"Black trans women are among the most vulnerable people in America" in one side of their mouth while saying I'm foolish and retarded worthy of mockery for wanting arms to defend myself in other side. They are clearly full of shit.

Clearly, both parties hate me. At least one party is honest about it. So I might as well vote any way I want, acquiring true freedom.
As another trans person of color I fully support your right to defend yourself and I would never mock you for it. Are guns really the best way to defend yourself though?


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks guys.... it's a hat from my husband. Lost and found is already on it. I don't have my PC with me, only my phone, but I do have a pic of it. It's just a hat, but he got it on a business trip to Japan and I've worn it for years, and we hardly ever give each other gifts. It's irreplaceable.
I'm really really sorry, but this is the funniest thing I've read all day. Again, I'm sorry and I hope the hat is found.

The Mad Mango

Oct 27, 2017
It's not a different viewpoint she's literally ignoring a bunch of facts on purpose. If it's real, it's literally delusional. Like, extremely worryingly not normal.

It's actually quite normal, sadly. At least, normal enough that I'd wager about half the country shares her viewpoint. The inability to think logically and critically seems fairly widespread. Contrarianism gets confused with thinking for yourself.
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