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Oct 25, 2017
I think she is basically rooting for bad numbers so Trump looks bad, and these are good numbers so Trump looks good? I understand the impulse for wanting Trump to take an L, but at the cost of others is something I struggle with. I don't generally cheer for people losing health care or their employment if they are decent folk and not everyone impacted by his policies are Trump voters.


Oct 25, 2017
I think she is basically rooting for bad numbers so Trump looks bad, and these are good numbers so Trump looks good? I understand the impulse for wanting Trump to take an L, but at the cost of others is something I struggle with. I don't generally cheer for people losing health care or their employment if they are decent folk and not everyone impacted by his policies are Trump voters.
I generally believe a downturn is coming. Trump's bad policies are going to catch up to him, so I don't wish for an L, I expect one.
Jan 18, 2018
Why is Hawaii, a supermajority DDD state, not a leader in progressive politics?

No health insurance mandate, not a leader in EV adoption, etc


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
So now that Illinois has approved the Equal Rights Amendment we only need one more state to ratify for it to be affirmed by 3/4 of the states.

I have a question though, since Congress ratified it in 1972 but the required amount of states did not affirm it in time, would 2/3 of Congress have to vote to approve it again for it to become the 28th amendment?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
Kasich or Jeb would have been one of the most popular Republican presidents since Reagan with these job numbers

It would have cemented trickle down economics as being the best road for the country for another generation.


Oct 25, 2017
I generally believe a downturn is coming. Trump's bad policies are going to catch up to him, so I don't wish for an L, I expect one.
This I agree with. A downturn is inevitable. If you are a home owner, all you have to do is look at your house's value over the past 2 years.


Oct 26, 2017
Huh. Just as a thought experiment how would that go...
just as a demonstration that someone who is not a natural born citizen is infinitely more qualified than trump and maybe we should reconsider that whole restriction.

Also, I am terrified trump wins a second term. So like I'll take anything I can get :/
(He'd be wayyyyy better than kasich)


Oct 26, 2017
I generally believe a downturn is coming. Trump's bad policies are going to catch up to him, so I don't wish for an L, I expect one.
The question is, is that downturn coming before 2020? I'm amazed that the markets keep going up despite all the garbage going on.
I dunno. First off, Trump's so ineffective that he hasn't done much beyond destroy the lives of a few thousand people, which is a bona fide crime against humanity but a non-factor economically. The economy does well when politics is boring, and most of Trump's excitement is outside a "Job Creator"'s areas of concern (except for the tariffs but we'll see). If an emotionally stunted narcissist embarrasses the nation, endorses white supremacy, pardons white-collar criminals and engages in petty grift, it's still business as usual on Wall Street.

In that context my concern is that these numbers are the wrong numbers. Unemployment is down, sure, but none of the gains have been realized by the working class. Health care is unaffordable, education is unaffordable, child care is unaffordable, housing is unaffordable, wages are stagnant. . . who cares if you have a job when you can't make ends meet? But politically, incumbents benefit from low unemployment, so we're in danger of getting the worst of both worlds as early as 2020. . . an increasingly permanent underclass voting for the people screwing them because hey, the economy's doing well!


Oct 25, 2017

That $70 million number is actually too low if we add that the Republicans also launched 4 additional independent counsel investigations into Clinton cabinet members. The total cost was already at nearly $80 million in 1999, and some (like the Henry Cisneros one) would go on for years afterwards. It would be nice to have the independent counsel statute now, but it's clear that the Republicans would have used it to launch decades long fishing expeditions into every little conspiracy theory surrounding the Obama administration rather than just wasting Congress' time with it.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Why is Hawaii, a supermajority DDD state, not a leader in progressive politics?

No health insurance mandate, not a leader in EV adoption, etc
Because it's basically a one-party state. The Democratic Party houses probably as many conservatives as it does progressives. Anyone who wants a future in Hawaii politics joins the Democrats regardless of ideology.

One of the Democratic leaders in the State Senate joked after the 2016 elections that they'll "finally be able to get things done" after the sole Republican member was defeated by a Democrat. There is some truth to that, though - the five-member committees often came down to 2 progressives, 2 conservative/moderate Democrats and 1 Sam Slom (the Republican). That meant Slom was often able to cajole the two centrists into blocking progressive bills.

All that being said, Hawaii was exempt from most of the ACA because they already had legislated most of its provisions at the state level. So it's not like the state is entirely governed by its centrists, but they have greater power in Hawaii than they do in other state Democratic Parties.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I think she is basically rooting for bad numbers so Trump looks bad, and these are good numbers so Trump looks good? I understand the impulse for wanting Trump to take an L, but at the cost of others is something I struggle with. I don't generally cheer for people losing health care or their employment if they are decent folk and not everyone impacted by his policies are Trump voters.

I don't want trump to take a L.. I don't want trump to be president. Whatever it takes for that to happen is what I want. And it isn't for me. It's for everyone everywhere. Any suffering that causes it will be temporary.


Oct 25, 2017
Everytown for Gun Safety is having a big "wear orange" event this weekend, lots of celebrities involved etc.

Guess who has thoughts...



Oct 27, 2017
Uhhhh.... Aaron or Ape?

Am I reading that right?


Oct 27, 2017
First, imagine being that stupid.

Second, imagine that many of our schools have budgets so low they hire people that are that fucking stupid.

Third. Stupid, or emboldened?

Fourth. Solutions: ____
Oct 25, 2017
We used to do some stuff like that when I was in school. Depending on how it was presented to the class and the grade level, I don't think it's necessarily a terrible thing.


Oct 28, 2017

When I taught literature, I second-guessed myself whenever I taught a semi-controversial title because I live in a conservative area. I lost sleep over that stuff. I can't imagine a teacher not having the forethought to realize that this slave ad would be a terrible, terrible idea.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
The government picking winners and losers in our economy has always been a fucking taboo for conservatives, you can argue this is protecting domestic industries, but this is literally what they were chastising Obama for. Not that it matters.

Yep. Hypocrisy of the highest order. Evere member of congress should be questioned on this.
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