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Oct 25, 2017
I think Fairfax should pick a prominent woman from the legislature because VA's never had a female governor or LG.

But that's just me.


Oct 25, 2017

Conservatives out here screaming at Dems for "defending Northam" while Dems are actually tossing his bitch ass in the garbage.

Yet Steve King is still a Congressman while
Northam will be jobless soon.


Oct 25, 2017
I have zero recollection. I just googled Romney GIF, hoping for something apropos, and everything came up Milhouse. I mean, Mittens.
Here we go:
Ahead of his speech, Romney poked fun at Clinton's influence on the 2012 race. After Clinton praised the former Massachusetts governor's support for the service programs City Year and AmeriCorps, Romney joked about the former president's glowing introduction.

"If there's one thing we've learned this election season, it's that a few words from Bill Clinton can do any man a lot of good," Romney said. "After that introduction, I guess all I have to do is wait a day or two for the bounce."

Oct 28, 2017
Is there anyway that Northam could have saved his political career over this? I mean the yearbook is absolutely horrible and completely inexcusable, especially at that age. Nonetheless lets assume, if he by himself came out with his yearbook and said how contrite and ashamed he is of his past and how such past actions led him to learn how prevalent 'casual' racism is and he wants to use his governorship to address systematic discrimination of minorities, would that have saved him? Let's assume he made a complete 180 on race issues since he was in college, would his yearbook still warrant his resignation?
If the above applied, I think this would be a very hard question, do you allow individuals to grow and better their attitudes, or are past 'mistakes' enough to conclusively decide ones character today? Should we reward people who were able to grow as human beings, or is the necessity of growth in certain subjects a disqualifier for political office in of itself?
I also think there is a certain cognitive dissonance in some circles, who believe in the rehabilitation of viloent felons (with truly violent and atrocious crimes), but feel Northam should resign over this (assuming he sincerely completely changed his attitudes ).
Jan 15, 2019
"Coonman" probably is a reference to being an avid Raccoon Hunter. My uncle is a member of "Clifty Creek Coon Hunters Club" and has always referred to Raccoons as "coons" and hunting them as "coon hunting" ever since I can remember, and he lives in Southern Indiana near the KY border.
I have a hard time buying that
I think Fairfax should pick a prominent woman from the legislature because VA's never had a female governor or LG.

But that's just me.
Danica Roem.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
The Schultz thing is pretty amazing because what did he expect? Each side has decent reason to believe he'd be nothing more than a spoiler, and everyone is either a diehard Trump supporter and wants him to stay, or wants him the fuck outta there tomorrow. 2020 is absolutely not the time for a mushy caramel center candidate singing kumbaya because the most important priority for like 60% of the country is beating Trump.

Anyway do we get mad at Castro now for running the bus over Northam, or do we only do that for serial molesters?


Oct 25, 2017
Is there anyway that Northam could have saved his political career over this? I mean the yearbook is absolutely horrible and completely inexcusable, especially at that age. Nonetheless lets assume, if he by himself came out with his yearbook and said how contrite and ashamed he is of his past and how such past actions led him to learn how prevalent 'casual' racism is and he wants to use his governorship to address systematic discrimination of minorities, would that have saved him? Let's assume he made a complete 180 on race issues since he was in college, would his yearbook still warrant his resignation?
If the above applied, I think this would be a very hard question, do you allow individuals to grow and better their attitudes, or are past 'mistakes' enough to conclusively decide ones character today? Should we reward people who were able to grow as human beings, or is the necessity of growth in certain subjects a disqualifier for political office in of itself?
I also think there is a certain cognitive dissonance in some circles, who believe in the rehabilitation of viloent felons (with truly violent and atrocious crimes), but feel Northam should resign over this (assuming he sincerely completely changed his attitudes ).
No, not really unless he had addressed it prior to entering politics a la Byrd or something. Both photos combined would torpedo it in any election.


Oct 25, 2017
The Schultz thing is pretty amazing because what did he expect? Each side has decent reason to believe he'd be nothing more than a spoiler, and everyone is either a diehard Trump supporter and wants him to stay, or wants him the fuck outta there tomorrow. 2020 is absolutely not the time for a mushy caramel center candidate singing kumbaya because the most important priority for like 60% of the country is beating Trump.

Anyway do we get mad at Castro now for running the bus over Northam, or do we only do that for serial molesters?

I bet he thought that it was all gonna be good and that a lot of people were itching for him to be a savior. Ha!


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao didn't see this posted here. surejan.gif

Foxconn says it will build flat screens in Wisconsin after Trump call

In a statement Friday, Foxconn said that after a call between Trump and its chairman, Terry Gao, the company has decided to stick with its manufacturing plans after all.
"Our decision is also based on a recent comprehensive and systematic evaluation to help determine the best fit for our Wisconsin project," the company said.

A Foxconn spokesperson said she was not aware of any additional incentives or inducements that were offered to the company in the conversation with Trump.

She also could not say how the decision affects the mix of work to be done on the site, or how many of the hired workers would be involved in manufacturing. She also could not say how many employees would be tech workers and engineers doing research and development.
Oct 26, 2017
I also think there is a certain cognitive dissonance in some circles, who believe in the rehabilitation of viloent felons (with truly violent and atrocious crimes), but feel Northam should resign over this (assuming he sincerely completely changed his attitudes ).

No one is saying Northam has to stay in prison for the rest of his life. No one is saying Northam shouldn't be allowed to vote or gain employment.. What I'm saying and many others is that Northam should not have the political job of representing millions of people and wielding the power of the state government. And definitely not represent the Democratic party in a major swing state which has big racial wounds. But he's more than welcome to go get a job as a lobbyist or something. Don't equate this with rehabing a violent felon and allowing an ex-felon to have basic citizen rights.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
It will never cease to amaze me watching Professional Assholes and dirty tricksters bungle a scandal by making shit up instead of simply gripping and twisting the knife already in up to the hilt.

Its like they don't recognize it as a scandal unless its crafted whole-cloth BY them.

edit: quoted the wrong post whoops

Ok here we go

its absolutely where it's going

One reason Trump got where he was. Was because he trashed the entire GOP for being incompetent failures who lose and do nothing. And a really angry GOP base who kept getting promised the moon and not getting it ate it up

I think the next guy will start off doing the same. "Trump had some good ideas but couldn't accomplish them because he was lazy and dumb"

And the GOP base will probably be fine with it. They mostly all know he's both of those things but deal with it because he appeals to white nationalism more than anyone else

Hence the "white dwarf" spoken of by a number of NTs that will be a dangerous relictual force in politics for at least a decade, and I can see the wisdom of the take.


Oct 25, 2017
Theres not going to be a bunch of bozos yelling at Kamala going "How dare you be mean to Northam!" like the bozos constantly ragging on Gillibrand with "How dare you be mean to Franken!" is there?
Oct 25, 2017
Theres not going to be a bunch of bozos yelling at Kamala going "How dare you be mean to Northam!" like the bozos constantly ragging on Gillibrand with "How dare you be mean to Franken!" is there?

Prob not. Franken was sort of a dudebro liberal darling, and Northam ain't that.

Also, dudebros seem to recognize that blackface is a no-no in greater amounts than they recognize that unwanted groping is a no-no.

But I'm SO ready to be proven wrong.
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