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Oct 25, 2017
There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.


Oct 25, 2017
There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.
I can guarantee you there are.


Oct 25, 2017
That's actually a pretty good idea. People could do it on their lunch hour, since most people don't work close to their polling place.

It's a good idea as long as you don't allow your local governments to go "YOU CAN VOTE ANYWHERE, LET'S CLOSE THESE UNNEEDED POLLING PLACES IN MINORITY AREAS TO SAVE MONEY!"


Oct 25, 2017
There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.
I mean there's the sharpio/miller/loomer types.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.
Making AIPAC the enemy isn't going to help Dems cause here either
Oct 25, 2017
There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.

While there are conservative Jews, this AIPAC posturing is more for the evangelicals and racists.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.

Can I introduce you to my stepfather?


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici: "Did you know when you rolled back the guidance that the stress of harassment and discrimination can lead to lower attendance and grades as well as depression for transgender students?"
Betsy DeVos: "I do know that."
13:10 - 10 Apr 2019


Oct 25, 2017
Something I didn't know- topsoil lead is associated with behavior difficulties with young boys, but not young girls. (I suspect this isn't "they're affected less" but instead "Male Hormones x Lead Poisoning" has different and more noticeable negative interactions)

•Surface soil contamination is an important pathway of human lead exposure, and is now a worldwide health concern.
•Exposure to lead-contaminated soil doubles the probability of 5-year-old boys experiencing cognitive impairment.
•The adverse effects on boys are found even in counties with relatively low lead concentration in topsoil based on EPA guidelines.
•The harmful effect of lead on cognitive difficulty does not seem to extend to 5-year-old girls.
Surface soil contamination has been long recognized as an important pathway of human lead exposure, and is now a worldwide health concern. This study estimates the causal effects of exposure to lead in topsoil on cognitive ability among 5-year-old children. We draw on individual level data from the 2000 U.S. Census, and USGS data on lead in topsoil covering a broad set of counties across the United States. Using an instrumental variable approach relying on the 1944 Interstate Highway System Plan, we find that higher lead in topsoil increases considerably the probability of 5-year-old boys experiencing cognitive difficulties such as learning, remembering, concentrating, or making decisions. Living in counties with topsoil lead concentration above the national median roughly doubles the probability of 5-year-old boys having cognitive difficulties. Nevertheless, it does not seem to affect 5-year-old girls, consistent with previous studies. Importantly, the adverse effects of lead exposure on boys are found even in counties with levels of topsoil lead concentration considered low by the guidelines from the U.S. EPA and state agencies. These findings are concerning because they suggest that legacy lead may continue to impair cognition today, both in the United States and in other countries that have considerable lead deposition in topsoil.

And people wonder why I'm a-ok trading WWC votes for college educated ones.


Oct 25, 2017
I can guarantee you there are.
I mean there's the sharpio/miller/loomer types.
Making AIPAC the enemy isn't going to help Dems cause here either
While there are conservative Jews, this AIPAC posturing is more for the evangelicals and racists.
Can I introduce you to my stepfather?
Yeah, what I should've asked is whether his messaging is working on Jews who aren't already conservative shitstains. Like, there aren't liberal or moderate Jewish voters who will be swayed into going for Trump in 2020 due to this bullshit I hope? Not in significant numbers, anyways.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

"Let me say in no uncertain terms it is non-negotiable, pre-existing conditions will be protected," Kellyanne Conway tells @jimsciutto about the new health care plan that President Trump is promising after the 2020 elections.

They just let these shameless assholes straight up lie to their faces with zero pushback for the last three years and there's no reason to think they'll learn by 2020.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, what I should've asked is whether his messaging is working on Jews who aren't already conservative shitstains. Like, there aren't liberal or moderate Jewish voters who will be swayed into going for Trump in 2020 due to this bullshit I hope? Not in significant numbers, anyways.
3rd highest Dem demographic group behind black and LGBT americans IIRC.


Oct 27, 2017
West Bank about to get steamrolled it seems and we're like nbd

I mean at this point saying you support a two-state solution just looks stupid anyway. Settlement construction has made the idea of a contiguous Palestinian state physically impossible now.

There aren't actual Jews here in the States that are falling for Trump's "I and the GOP are the ones who love Isreal and the Jews and the Dems are anti-Semitic" bullshit, right? Right!?

Because fuck me, as someone with Jewish family members we're all outraged that he's going with this narrative. And with Netanyahu being his BFF it's even more infuriating becasue it makes it appear as though Jews are aligned with him.
There are undoubtedly older American Jews who are in that audience.


Oct 30, 2017

When I look at people like this, I just wonder why they think "unification is a possibility.

1) Assuming Democrats were open to this, it would require movement on the GOP/Political Right side as well. Do they perceive a current, specific olive branch that would make this possible?

2) Another possibility would be for one party to assume the beliefs of the other party, whole cloth. Do they support the Democratic party taking up the same positions as the GOP?

3) Are they just lazy and don't want think about politics too much?


Oct 27, 2017

It's a thread about Russia trying to influence the outcome of Madagascar's elections, and likely make them puppets.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, what I should've asked is whether his messaging is working on Jews who aren't already conservative shitstains. Like, there aren't liberal or moderate Jewish voters who will be swayed into going for Trump in 2020 due to this bullshit I hope? Not in significant numbers, anyways.

I hope not. One side of my family has been longtime Republican, though often socially liberal, they appreciate the :ahem: fiscal responsibility of R's while Israel is often the cornerstone issue for them. It's like the one issue that rises above(though limiting estate tax being secretly the one true topic, but they proudly fly the Israel flag).

During Bush, it was a heavy topic as all the kids fought back against the bullshit rhetoric but they filled their day listening to anti-Obama bullshit and it was frustrating.

With Trump, they hate him. They say they voted Hillary in 2016. But every so often they try to weasel in a compliment for the guy. I think they were pleased on the decision to move the embassy, but I literally cannot even discuss Israel anymore with them so I dunno.

Boomers are really the worst generation.


Oct 25, 2017
When I look at people like this, I just wonder why they think "unification is a possibility.

1) Assuming Democrats were open to this, it would require movement on the GOP/Political Right side as well. Do they perceive a current, specific olive branch that would make this possible?

2) Another possibility would be for one party to assume the beliefs of the other party, whole cloth. Do they support the Democratic party taking up the same positions as the GOP?

3) Are they just lazy and don't want think about politics too much?
I think it's pretty clear that when people ask Democrats to unify they country, they mean for Democrats to give up their policies and ideals to move to the right. They'll give lip service to some magical method of negotiating groundbreaking compromises, but deep down they just want the people trying to change the status quo to stop trying.


Oct 26, 2017
Every overture to a conservative Jewish constituency by the GOP has essentially been a shot straight to the heart of Evangelical supporters. It's the most transparent shit at this point that it's not Jewish support they're looking for as much as the veneer of it while pumping Evangelicals way up.


Oct 27, 2017
When I look at people like this, I just wonder why they think "unification is a possibility.

1) Assuming Democrats were open to this, it would require movement on the GOP/Political Right side as well. Do they perceive a current, specific olive branch that would make this possible?

2) Another possibility would be for one party to assume the beliefs of the other party, whole cloth. Do they support the Democratic party taking up the same positions as the GOP?

3) Are they just lazy and don't want think about politics too much?

I think part of it is just being less informed, part of it is laziness (saying both sides to blame is easier for a Republican or Republican-leaning voter to accept that their party is single-handedly to blame for the intractable stonewalling in Congress over the past decade), and part of it is not just not wanting to acknowledge the enormity of the situation. It's like climate change: most climate deniers are not people with large investments in oil companies, they just don't want to accept we're on the precipice of some world-altering phenomenon that their lifestyle to date is partly to blame for and rather than make serious adjustments in their lives and way of thinking to accommodate this, it's easier to just tune out and pretend like everything will be fine if we just keep doing what we're doing. Similarly, nobody wants to think that the rift between left and right in this country is impossible to bridge because it kind of breaks the whole premise of the country: the United States.

Platitudes about bringing everybody together go down easier than indictments of centuries-old institutions that the country is built on.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017

I hate it too, but anyone thinking calls for bipartisanship, unity, decorum etc isn't an effective tactic with the broader electorate needs to step outside the Internet bubble. Few people will ever see Republicans as "the enemy" - there's a reason your racist uncle keeps getting invited to Thanksgiving every year.


Oct 25, 2017
When I look at people like this, I just wonder why they think "unification is a possibility.

1) Assuming Democrats were open to this, it would require movement on the GOP/Political Right side as well. Do they perceive a current, specific olive branch that would make this possible?

2) Another possibility would be for one party to assume the beliefs of the other party, whole cloth. Do they support the Democratic party taking up the same positions as the GOP?

3) Are they just lazy and don't want think about politics too much?
They're white, old, and male. Which is the prime demographic of both the GOP and the WWC voters who abandoned the Dems over the past 50 years due to civil rights, a process that Reagan deliberately accelerated by attacking union power- we were holding onto those voters by delivering benefits via the union, and once the benefits cut off, they started voting on social issues instead.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017

Yeah uh this is kind of unsettling.

They're so confident about this lately it's like they know, or think they know, the DOJ's position on the ACA minus penalty tax being unconstitutional has a really good chance of being reality. Barr seems to think so too based on his behavior yesterday.

Oral arguments in the district court start early July, then it ends up at SCOTUS, which will take additional time... it's like the timing of this is going to go right up to the 2020 election isn't it? Is that the end game? Grassley hinted at this taking at least a year.

And their promise of it covering pre-existing conditions is empty. How are you covering it? A high risk pool? Higher premiums?
Not to mention what happens to anyone else when they want coverage if they can't get it at work or are in between jobs?
No mention of that.

But yeah if SCOTUS kills ACA right before the 2020 election that's going to give a boost to Trump voter morale, no question.

This is fucking disgusting.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

This guy is dumb as fuck and legit thinks San Antonio is some type of dystopian warzone thanks to it's Hispanic population


Oct 25, 2017

Trump 2020 campaign manager calling. it a coup

If Democrats are trying to start a coup, they are really, really bad at it.
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