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Oct 25, 2017

Shocker, who would have thunk it
Nothing will happen

"Recommends removal"

Won't be removed.

Other federal workers can face consequences for violations of the Hatch Act.

Kellyanne is only special because she blows smoke up the media's ass for Trump.

Whatever. Rules and laws only matter when a Democrat is in the White House, anyway. Republicans have spent years manipulating and working that into existence.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Shocker, who would have thunk it
Nothing will happen

"The Office of Special Counsel's (OSC) unprecedented actions against Kellyanne Conway are deeply flawed and violate her constitutional rights to free speech and due process," the statement read. "Others, of all political views, have objected to the OSC's unclear and unevenly applied rules which have a chilling effect on free speech for all federal employees. Its decisions seem to be influenced by media pressure and liberal organizations — and perhaps OSC should be mindful of its own mandate to act in a fair, impartial, non-political manner, and not misinterpret or weaponize the Hatch Act."


Oct 25, 2017
which begs the question what would be enough to move closer towards impeachment?


Democrats are mindful/scared of losing their seats in 2020 because many of them live in districts that are quite swingy.

It's a shame they care a bit more about hanging onto their jobs than they do about what is morally correct for this country, but this is politics.

Pelosi has hinted at it without outright saying impeachment will fail in the house due to lack of votes and support.


Mar 21, 2019
I've seen Katie hill and Katie porter come out for impeachment, but they unfortunately are in a clear minority. I'm probably going to send them some $


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, honestly. Who wants to be in the Senate under Bitch's rule, anyway? Democrats literally have no power to do anything in the Senate.

They're just there for the DC perks, essentially.

access tv

Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if all of the heavy leaning on muh-freeze-peach that Trump's crooks, corporations, and all-around shitbags seem to be doing will spark a real First Amendment discussion in my lifetime. Not that I know what that discussion will look like, but still. . .


Oct 25, 2017

This statement more than any other shows how little stomach Pelosi has for impeachment. Framing what Trump said as merely indecent is a surefire way to get people to not care - there's no way she doesn't know this. If her previous dismissive comments about impeachment weren't deliberate attempts to turn the public against it, this statement absolutely is.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Id never thought I'd see the day that I'd be fully, completely anti-Pelosi.

But here we are.
Oct 25, 2017
There won't be impeachment, or movement to impeachment with current Dem leadership in place. Doesn't matter what Trump says or does.

More sobering is this same song and dance is going to happen when future bills come to vote.


Oct 25, 2017
We need to keep beating the drum of impeachment. Let your representatives know and make sure they tell Pelosi. It has to be become incessant for her to move on it.

Deleted member 40853

User requested account closure
Mar 9, 2018
What scares me the most about Pelosi's handling of this is what happens in the, probably more likely than anyone is comfortable admitting, scenario that Trump just wins in 2020? Then we are gonna turn around and start talking about the Mueller report again? This all just feels a lot like 2016 where everyone was so sure all they had to do was not fuck it up and rock the boat and eventually Trump would implode and people would turn on him. Why are Democrats creating this scenario where winning looks like squeeking out a win to remove Trump and we don't need to think about his crimes anymore and he's never held accountable, and losing looks like the country is basically finished?

I'm feeling defeated here and having trouble trusting in Nancy. Barr looked at the Mueller report and decided to do nothing about it and that Trump shouldn't be held accountable, how is that any different from what Democratic leadership is doing?


Oct 28, 2017
Still firmly in the camp that Trump refuses to acknowledge any election that results in him losing, and the GOP will go along with it every step of the way. We are headed for a complete disaster.


Oct 27, 2017
Justice Democrats are backing a progressive TX-28 primary challenger for Henry Cuellar's seat. Blue district. Cuellar votes with Trump 60-70% of the time.

She unveiled her campaign just hours ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Do people really believe that impeachment hearings would carry more weight on TV than regular investigative hearings? I just don't see it. I don't see the media focusing on that for any particularly meaningful stretch of time. The Nixon comparison doesn't work here imo because in the 70s you just had the three networks, it was easy to focus the country's attention on congressional hearings. The media landscape is so exponentially fragmented now that I can't imagine that still playing out at all similarly.


Oct 27, 2017
Do people really believe that impeachment hearings would carry more weight on TV than regular investigative hearings? I just don't see it. I don't see the media focusing on that for any particularly meaningful stretch of time. The Nixon comparison doesn't work here imo because in the 70s you just had the three networks, it was easy to focus the country's attention on congressional hearings. The media landscape is so exponentially fragmented now that I can't imagine that still playing out at all similarly.

Yes. The premise for the hearings is compelling in and of itself
Oct 27, 2017
Do people really believe that impeachment hearings would carry more weight on TV than regular investigative hearings? I just don't see it. I don't see the media focusing on that for any particularly meaningful stretch of time. The Nixon comparison doesn't work here imo because in the 70s you just had the three networks, it was easy to focus the country's attention on congressional hearings. The media landscape is so exponentially fragmented now that I can't imagine that still playing out at all similarly.
It would be piecemeal and tweet by tweet, sure, but it would be all over the world in everyone's hands instantly.

EDIT: kind of like the upcoming Musk-Howard summit in 90 minutes.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes. The premise for the hearings is compelling in and of itself
I guess there's only one way to find out, but until I see otherwise I just don't buy it. Relatively sustained media attention on the Russia investigation and the release of Mueller's report, focused on some of the very same topics that would be the subject of impeachment hearings, did not drastically move the needle one way or the other. Trump's approvals aren't pegged at a completely fixed number but they're largely in the same range they've always been. The public and the media have both already proven their attention spans on the other investigations into Trump are extremely minimal, and with the exception of maybe Michael Cohen's testimony nothing has really garnered any kind of special attention, and even that came and went in the span of a couple days. I just don't have any faith in impeachment proceedings commanding the kind of attention or changing minds the way they did in 1974 or 1998.
Oct 25, 2017
Democrats have my vote in 2020, unconditionally. However, no Impeachment inquiry/attempt (as it may still fail on House votes) means they don't get a single cent from me or a second of my time. I elected them in 2018 to hopefully provide some accountability, I never in my wildest thoughts thought that even after the report, even after the continued reckless behavior (wow about tonight!), that Pelosi would be holding it back.

This is exactly where I'm at with Dems at the national level. They get my vote because it's easy to give and doesn't take my time.

(Excepting the money that I gave Warren and Inslee and will give Warren if she's the nominee because she actually cares about running a lawful country.)


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Sen. Mitt Romney says it's "simply unthinkable" to accept foreign dirt on rivals: "I ran for president twice. I ran for governor once. I ran for Senate twice. I've never had any attempt made by a foreign government. ... Had that occurred I would've contacted the FBI immediately"
13:40 - 13 Jun 2019


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Do people really believe that impeachment hearings would carry more weight on TV than regular investigative hearings? I just don't see it.

Yes! I mean, are you kidding? Lol

Closed door hearings are a dime a dozen in DC.

We have not had an impeachment hearing since Clinton over 2 decades ago. Impeachment is the great taboo of American Government. It is Pandora's Box.

To put this into perspective, more sitting Presidents have been assassinated than impeached.

A Trump impeachment would be a GLOBAL news spectacle regardless of whether or not Republicans try to obstruct it.


Oct 26, 2017
Looks like someone told him he made a booboo on TV...

Yup, talking to the Queen is the same as getting information about a political opponent from a hostile foreign government.... The President of the United States, everyone!

And for good measure, he threw in "the fake news didn't play my whole answer" shit.
Just perfect! Another "I didn't do it but if I did it would be okay" response.

"information about" is soft pedaling "information obtained through illegal means/state backed espionage" !

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Joe getting the nomination given to him at a contested convention is legit the worst case scenario

If you thought people were crying rigged primary last time...


Oct 27, 2017
Yes! I mean, are you kidding? Lol

Closed door hearings are a dime a dozen in DC.

We have not had an impeachment hearing since Clinton over 2 decades ago. Impeachment is the great taboo of American Government. It is Pandora's Box.

To put this into perspective, more sitting Presidents have been assassinated than impeached.

A Trump impeachment would be a GLOBAL news spectacle regardless of whether or not Republicans try to obstruct it.
Do you think media coverage + public consumption of the Mueller report, for instance, is commensurate with media coverage + public consumption of the Starr report? Because I definitely don't. Hell, one of the chief arguments people have made for why Mueller needs to testify to the House is because just his public reiterating of the report's findings was more impactful than the report itself, because most people flat out did not read the report or even internalize its conclusions based on the coverage. This was definitely not the case in 1998, when the Starr Report itself was a best seller. I feel pretty confident that the number of people who have read the Mueller report is infinitesimally smaller than the audience who read the Starr Report.

This is not an argument against impeachment btw, I'm not anti-impeachment. But my expectation is that the gamechanging power of impeachment hearings is vastly overhyped by many, based in part on faulty comparisons to extremely different media landscapes surrounding the last two impeachment proceedings.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you think media coverage + public consumption of the Mueller report, for instance, is commensurate with media coverage + public consumption of the Starr report? Because I definitely don't. Hell, one of the chief arguments people have made for why Mueller needs to testify to the House is because just his public reiterating of the report's findings was more impactful than the report itself, because most people flat out did not read the report or even internalize its conclusions based on the coverage. This was definitely not the case in 1998, when the Starr Report itself was a best seller. I feel pretty confident that the number of people who have read the Mueller report is infinitesimally smaller than the audience who read the Starr Report.

This is not an argument against impeachment btw, I'm not anti-impeachment. But my expectation is that the gamechanging power of impeachment hearings is vastly overhyped by many, based in part on faulty comparisons to extremely different media landscapes surrounding the last two impeachment proceedings.

true... if no one watches or reads about impeachment hearings... did they even happen?


Oct 27, 2017
^ha, this is a perfectly timed pair of tweets re: my last point.

I love the 11-point difference of people who think Trump deserves to be impeached but also that Congress shouldn't impeach him. I don't really fear political blowback for House Dems for impeaching -- I think Trump's base will be energized in 2020 no matter what happens -- but I also feel like it makes sense that, if you're Nancy Pelosi, you look at that margin of voters and think that's where the House majority lies.
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