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I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Trump's understanding of the world is completely based off of bad TV and movies. I bet he legitimately thinks Africa is all deserts and savanna with naked tribesmen running around.
"All they need to be happy is an empty Coke bottle. Not even full, that's how simple these people are, folks."


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey

Brian J. Karem @BrianKarem

My question: Have you ever been to a social function with Jeff Epstein and underage girls. He pointed at the sky, said it was going to rain and walked off. ⁦@realDonaldTrump

5:05 PM - Jul 17, 2019



Oct 25, 2017
AOC might be the "leader" but focusing mostly on Omar is probably the best chance this "strategy" succeeds.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure is a dig to imply someone is related to the king of rock and roll. (Ignoring the obvious point that they spell their names differently).


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, the rally. Trump is going to get someone killed over this bullshit.
Oct 26, 2017

Trump has now normalized open racism with the consent of the GOP Congress.

But yes, let's wait for the 2020 election for Trump to self-impeach. Things are rapidly getting worse month by month. It's getting worse because no one will even make a serious attempt to hold him accountable or shame him.

Also the problem with waiting until the 2020 election to solve everything, is that you can't unwind everything Trump has done instantly. It's now acceptable for a crowd on national TV at a Presidential rally, to chant that a black Congressman should go back to Africa. That new norm that Trump has set this weekend will now take a generation to unwind.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump has now normalized open racism with the consent of the GOP Congress.

But yes, let's wait for the 2020 election for Trump to self-impeach. Things are rapidly getting worse month by month. It's getting worse because no one will even make a serious attempt to hold him accountable or shame him.

Also the problem with waiting until the 2020 election to solve everything, is that you can't unwind everything Trump has done instantly. It's now acceptable for a crowd on national TV at a Presidential rally, to chant that a black Congressman should go back to Africa. That new norm that Trump has set this weekend will now take a generation to unwind.
Where in the hell have you been?

"Black Kenyan Muslim Obama should go back to Africa" was ignited and propagated by this man. It's already been done against a black president. Yes, they're using the Muslim angle to attack Omar, to question her loyalty; nobody can deny it. Trump is now in a position to whip people into an even greater fever pitch, which is dangerous. But to act like any of this is new is strange. Louder, yes, but not new. Open racism got normalized a hell of a long time ago.

I also question this idea I've seen repeated that impeachment will somehow chasten Trump. If anything, it'll result in more rallies and statements of this nature, not fewer. He cannot be shamed into being quieter, better, or less offensive, and if you want not to have to listen to him anymore, the election is the only way to accomplish it.

(And yes, I support impeachment.)


Oct 25, 2017
So, which Dem candidate would you guys say probably has the most amateurish operation running their campaign? Not necessarily "who is a bad candidate" but more "Whose campaign would make dumb mistakes because they don't know what they're doing?"

Because I remember some stories from 2016 about how the Sanders and Trump campaigns had, at one point, failed to set up their shops to deny people who couldn't legally donate anymore. So then a bunch of people had bought enough stuff at the store that the campaign had to refund them because the purchases were technically donations, and therefore a campaign finance violation. So people got their money back and got to keep their stuff. So...that could be a good opportunity to make some cash...

Unless what I'm suggesting is a crime, in which case...nevermind.


Oct 25, 2017
He cannot be shamed into being quieter, better, or less offensive, and if you want not to have to listen to him anymore, the election is the only way to accomplish it.
Pretty much. He's being louder and more open with his racism now because more people are hearing and noticing it more.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina


Put a pin in this folks.

These women were always going to be used as the attack vector

Their public presence and stances were never NOT going to be used. They need to continue to be savvy and lean into it head on

We can only hope that the public sees how these ladies actually speak and present themselves and not just see what conservative media tells them to see

Again, they EXIST. Now that's all that matters since they're half the entire 2020 campaign strategy, sent in during the 2nd inning by a dementia-ridden Connie Mack.

Putin, with the power and money he has, doesn't even need to be the head of state to pull the strings but he really must be drunk
with power to constantly mess with the constitution to stay as the face of the country. Why not just declare himself leader for life/ emperor since the machinations they go through to keep him in power are just a thin line away from full on dictatorship anyway?

The underboss, natch.

And the above means, they have to have that veneer of respectability with a handy gob of deceit, as is the mob's way.

I'm not joking. Ilhan needs Secret Service detail after this. For fuck's sake, please.

That's my only worry coming out of this now.

Shooter at that softball game.

The Maga Mobile bomber.

And others, now those 4's names are known.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm half-listening to this Trump rally while I do other stuff and I have no idea what he's even talking about. He's just saying random shit.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

They still haven't learned shit have they?

This is dumb:

Jake Tapper @jaketapper

House Democrats appeared unified in their votes this week but I've spent the day talking to a bunch of them and many are extremely frustrated. All agree POTUS's tweets needed to be condemned; they spoke under condition of anonymity so they could be candid. (Thread)

2/ "The president won this one," said House Dem 1 of the Trump v Squad (AOC, Tlaib, Omar & Pressley) showdown. "What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."

5:38 PM - Jul 17, 2019


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I have more faith in The Squad after their press conference than ever before.

And why? They're not going to let themselves be defined. They're going to speak out.

That's the difference between them and Hillary. That's the difference between them and Pelosi. They don't turn away from the attacks. They don't modulate because of the attacks. They aren't afraid.

The right can think whatever. The right is a lost cause. But everyone else will know who these women are.

Also, the President is a racist Fox viewer. Once you've internalized that, nothing he ever says shocks you. He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue...

Fuck him and his Klan rallies.

EDIT: Also, Tapper is garbage. Has been for years. Can we please stop ascribing brilliance to mediocre men in bad suits who speak in monotone? The man needs to doodle himself in a boat with Chuck Todd.


Oct 25, 2017
My hatred of Trump runs deep. His very being evokes such a viceral response from me. Just gotta survive one and a half more years.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Tomorrow's gonna be even more wild

WASHINGTON — A federal judge ordered the release of documents related to the investigation into hush money payments to women claiming they slept with President Trump.
The documents must be posted by 11:00 am eastern on Thursday, July 18, Judge William H. Pauley of the Southern District of New York wrote in a decision released Wednesday.

In his ruling Wednesday, Pauley rejected the government's request to redact portions of the documents, citing "the weighty public ramifications of the conduct described."
Oct 25, 2017
This is dumb:

Jake Tapper @jaketapper

House Democrats appeared unified in their votes this week but I've spent the day talking to a bunch of them and many are extremely frustrated. All agree POTUS's tweets needed to be condemned; they spoke under condition of anonymity so they could be candid. (Thread)

2/ "The president won this one," said House Dem 1 of the Trump v Squad (AOC, Tlaib, Omar & Pressley) showdown. "What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."

5:38 PM - Jul 17, 2019

Pelosi marginalizing Ocasio-Cortez et al. = unequivocally good

Ocasio-Cortez et al., actual elected Democratic reps, being identified with the Democratic Party = unequivocally bad.

You see, the problem is that the media, the GOP, 45% of the voting public, and half of the Democratic Party itself is congenitally stupid. This kind of analysis would get an F if I were grading it.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, the President is a racist Fox viewer. Once you've internalized that, nothing he ever says shocks you.
Yep. If you've interacted with a constant Fox News viewer around Trump's age, Trump does in fact act effectively the same. There's a reason he's those people's hero.
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