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Oct 26, 2017
The most compromise of compromises regarding health insurance led directly to a historic Red Wave just months and you think that something more extreme would have gone over better with the electorate? The only argument you can make is that it wouldn't have gone over much worse.
I don't think the problem with the ACA and the reason why many people are unhappy with it is because it was too much to the left.
I don't know, the US healthcare is still horror show after the ACA, you honestly think that's the best this country can get?
It's not like Kamala Harris even think that, I don't think anyone on the Democratic field think that.


Apr 4, 2018
I don't think the problem with the ACA and the reason why many people are unhappy with it is because it was too much to the left.
I don't know, the US healthcare is still horror show after the ACA, you honestly think that's the best this country can get?
It's not like Kamala Harris even think that, I don't think anyone on the Democratic field think that.

I have a very low opinion on the citizenry of this country and what they'll even allow their elected representatives to do to help them so yes I believe the ACA was the best that could be done at the time and incrementally improving it is the best we can hope for now.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
How in the world would that change votes?

It doesn't. It's just the popular vote loss living rent free in Grandpa Ranty's swiss-cheese brain.
A narcissist will never acknowledge a loss.
Imagine how bad he will be if/when he loses next year. Not that it matters, but he will never concede and his cult will not accept it either.
I just hope there's no violence.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I have a very low opinion on the citizenry of this country and what they'll even allow their elected representatives to do to help them so yes I believe the ACA was the best that could be done at the time and incrementally improving it is the best we can hope for now.
The right got Saint Reagan sing songs about how Medicare is communism for decades and they still can't get the people to hate that program.
I honestly think that the best way to make a program popular and thus easy to defend in a democracy is to make it really really good.
And by the way, Kamala Harris plan is amazingly disruptive, which is not a bad thing mind you, I think it's very hard to me at imagine a line of attack that will work on Warren's plan but won't on her's (I mean in the dumb context of our dumb election cycles).

For the record - I think Kamala's plan would be an amazing improvement over the current state of affairs, and really, if passed, the greatest legislative victory since the 60s (I guess honorable mention has to go to the ADA), I just don't really like the idea that it's a good strategy to make programs shittier to appeal to voters.


Oct 25, 2017
how did warren insult native americans again?

I knew that was a bad idea.

What are you talking about?

"I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened and I have learned a lot," says @ewarren at the Native Presidential Forum. "It is a great honor to partner with Indian Country. That's what I've tried to do as a Senator and that's what I promise I will do as president."

.@ewarren gives Winnebago Chairman Frank White a hug. "It's a special day," he says. "I just got a hug from the next president of the United States." Round of applause.

The Chairman asks about criminal justice jurisdiction. Warren breaks down the need for both an Oliphant fix to return sovereignty to tribes and provide them with adequate funding to support it.

Next question is about missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. Warren acknowledges Savannah Lafontaine Greywind and talks about the need to collect more data and empower tribes, again highlighting her proposal to fix the Oliphant decision. Thanks Deb Haaland.

"Where is your destination?" Asks one of the panelists. "Where are you headed to?" "To the White House," @ewarren responds.

Notable and underrated: Warren often breaks down what she could do through the executive and what requires legislation. Revoking permits for the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, for example: that's something you can expect from a Warren Administration.

.@ewarren hugs all the panelists. Between the endorsement of @RepDebHaaland, the Indigenous plan, the companion Broken Promises marker bill and now her reception at this forum--this has been quite the turnaround for the Senator since October.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Democrats first have to win the WH before we start talking actual implementation, and campaigning on removing private insurance isn't at all popular. It just isn't a winner.

My only real problem with her in my "blue no matter who except those two" strategy is that getting out in front of her skis like that and borders. Its ammo she dont need to hand off.

I need to put into writing the breakdowns for other leading candidates like i did Biden as were getting up to that time where gaming out the strat forward is closing in.


Oct 27, 2017
Harris is apparently attending a fundraiser on the day of the CNN climate change town hall. That's some yikes optics. Just reschedule.



Oct 27, 2017
Is there a way to buy single issues of magazines on the kindle or digitally? I'd like to read the NYT Magazine for 1619, but I'm not subscribing to NYT to do so.


Oct 27, 2017
Harris is apparently attending a fundraiser on the day of the CNN climate change town hall. That's some yikes optics. Just reschedule.

Yeah seriously.

Also pretty bullshit that Inslee, the one person whose staked his entire candidacy on climate change, won't be in it. I understand not meeting the polling threshold, but fucking come on.
Oct 30, 2017
I'm happy to see that Warren is reaching out to Native American voters and taking their issues into consideration. So far, it seems like she's the only one. That's a demographic that too often gets ignored.


Oct 27, 2017
For my own sanity, I'm just going to instantly block anyone with an animated twitter avatar. Actually, that's my new litmus test for a person being an inconsiderate shithead.


Oct 28, 2017
Warren just effectively wrapped up any issues with her DNA stuff. The only people who care about it are people who were going to vote for Trump anyway.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
Without that fucker the ACA would have got a public option. This is personally on him.

He is the first politician I ever met, and me and by brother hated his ass. We were 10 and he was trying to become VP.

And throughout the years, he justified our hate.

Also, taking out private insurance is bad for CT. Like pretty damn bad. Sinks Hartford and a few other places bad.

And I still want it to happen. Because we shouldn't be tiptoeing helping people get the healthcare they need. And bankruptcy via a medical accident shouldn't be a regular thing. Neither should gofundmes for medical expenses.


Oct 27, 2017
That's disappointing, the future of energy is nuclear. Politicans that don't understand that need to hire better advisers and educate themselves.
What industrialized countries are actually moving in this direction right now? The general aversion to it is nauseating... okay, so, twice, ever, an area has been made uninhabitable because of safety failures that modern designs have rendered effectively impossible in future construction. In contrast, fossil fuel plants literally burn down the entire planet and will kill millions a year both directly and indirectly. It's the most disproportionate NIMBY ever conceived by man. Hell, I'd venture that we use up more land on wind and solar plants than exclusion zones add up to but that doesn't bother anyone.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
What industrialized countries are actually moving in this direction right now? The general aversion to it is nauseating... okay, so, twice, ever, an area has been made uninhabitable because of safety failures that modern designs have rendered effectively impossible in future construction. In contrast, fossil fuel plants literally burn down the entire planet and will kill millions a year both directly and indirectly. It's the most disproportionate NIMBY ever conceived by man. Hell, I'd venture that we use up more land on wind and solar plants than exclusion zones add up to but that doesn't bother anyone.

You're preaching to the choir here. Nuclear energy technology has really matured over the last 30 years, but you wouldn't know that if you asked most policymakers. The upside of heavily investing in modern nuclear energy far outweighs the downsides. Its impact on land use and material input is better than the alternatives, it's the best option available to us.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Warren at this point, I believe has fully recovered from the DNA stuff earlier in the campaign. And on top of that, she's turned into a way to speak about Native American issues who have been ignored for quite some time.


Oct 25, 2017
Harris running somewhere in between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders on healthcare is winning strategy but the fact that she has managed to backtrack so many times and be so wishy washy about it is where the fail comes in. I still think she would be a great VP candidate for someone like Warren (even though sexism will kill that) but her overall strategy seems very weak right now

Whoever is the general election candidate is damn well for sure not going to run on killing the private insurance market and if they do the party will be running as far away from them as possible.


Oct 28, 2017
This forum: "CNN is trash."

Also this forum: "It's bad optics for Harris not to go on CNN"

I'm beginning to think we just fault people we don't like for anything they do.
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