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Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
My wife is a veterinarian and an animal welfare officer that works for the government. She could have come up with a better plan in less than a day. I guess Castro should get points for at least caring though.

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Oct 25, 2017
Semi-related to the Castro news, but I'm kinda proud of my state on this one;

Delaware is being recognized as the first no-kill state for animal shelters
Delaware is making history as the first and only no-kill animal shelter state in the country, according to Best Friends Animal Society, a non-profit animal welfare organization.

For a state to be deemed "no-kill," it must achieve at least a 90% save rate for all cats and dogs entering its shelters.

. . .

"The Brandywine Valley SPCA has a live release rate of 95% for the more than 14,000 animals a year we intake," Linda Torelli, marketing director of Brandywine Valley SPCA, told CNN. "Within Delaware, we intake more than 60% of the animals entering shelters and more than four times the next largest shelter, so our policies have had a significant impact on the state becoming no-kill."

Torelli says that some of the programs that have helped Delaware become a no-kill state include mega adoption events, trap/neuter/spay programs for cats that otherwise wouldn't be adoptable, low-cost veterinary clinics, education programs and behavioral programs for dogs who need a little more support.

Not super important, in the scheme of things, but it gives me to post a picture of one of those animals that my wife and I adopted in June. Little guy was living in a feral colony downstate;

Dude only has 4 teeth left, thus the blep. =(



May 16, 2019
Semi-related to the Castro news, but I'm kinda proud of my state on this one;

Delaware is being recognized as the first no-kill state for animal shelters

Not super important, in the scheme of things, but it gives me to post a picture of one of those animals that my wife and I adopted in June. Little guy was living in a feral colony downstate;

Dude only has 4 teeth left, thus the blep. =(

This thread could use more levity. And while it's a sad reason, your cat is super cute for the "blep".


Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand
How can they possibly be this deluded? I'm gonna go with they are just lying to themselves.

Of course we will have another mass shooting, nothing has changed since the last one(or two, or three, or twenty)!

Poorly worded question? I'd posit that many interpreted that as "do you care if the US suffers another mass shooting by white nationalists?". At which point those numbers make total sense.


Oct 25, 2017
How can they possibly be this deluded? I'm gonna go with they are just lying to themselves.

Of course we will have another mass shooting, nothing has changed since the last one(or two, or three, or twenty)!
They don't believe the shooters are actually Republican, and or are real to begin with, and certainly should not be associated with White Nationalism. They know another shooting will happen, of course they know. They just take issue with the phrasing. If you asked if a liberal would shoot up a place you'd get 70% yes for Republicans.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't most shelters already have mandatory sterilization regulations? All of the shelters around here do.
Yeah but I'm talking about animal control and county places as well. Not too sure on those. I know most of the private ones do though. Ideally any pet found by animal control would be automatically sterilized if they are not already.

Most areas of the country don't have a strong TNR program.

And honestly, the sterilization mandate should extend to most bred pets. Free breeding should honestly not be allowed except for very few breeders who pass inspection until the overall homeless pet population dwindles to a fraction of what it is today. And even then, it should be HEAVILY regulated with only a fraction of the bred animals allowed to remain non-sterilized.

Semi-related to the Castro news, but I'm kinda proud of my state on this one;

Delaware is being recognized as the first no-kill state for animal shelters

Not super important, in the scheme of things, but it gives me to post a picture of one of those animals that my wife and I adopted in June. Little guy was living in a feral colony downstate;

Dude only has 4 teeth left, thus the blep. =(

The old duder I found in my yard only has 4 teeth left (we had to have the vet take out several rotting ones), but no blep. :( He does drool a fair bit though.


Oct 27, 2017
How can they possibly be this deluded? I'm gonna go with they are just lying to themselves.
Too bad they didn't poll for Muslim attack for compare/contrast. Bet that'd be wild too.

Of course we will have another mass shooting, nothing has changed since the last one(or two, or three, or twenty)!
I mean, didn't at least one of three prevented this weekend fall under white supremacy? We're currently at elevated chances due to copy cats, too.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll go to the grave defending the Watchman movie.

That's about as good as a feature-length adaptation of the material could possibly be.

Well, except for some of the Snyder-ish shit like the "Hallelujah" bit.

It's just that there's no way that a feature-length adaptation of that work could ever come close to the richness of that original text, which is just filled with ideas and things to notice.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Would you vote for someone if they were perfect in your eyes otherwise

but they had 1 flaw and it was they think Sucker Punch is a master piece

and demand the snydercut


Oct 27, 2017
I used to think Watchmen was good, but I tried rewatching it a few months ago and quit halfway through. Which I almost never do with movies! But something about that movie just feels really off.


Oct 27, 2017
That's about as good as a feature-length adaptation of the material could possibly be.

Well, except for some of the Snyder-ish shit like the "Hallelujah" bit.

It's just that there's no way that a feature-length adaptation of that work could ever come close to the richness of that original text, which is just filled with ideas and things to notice.
I don't disagree. I think it'd have been better served as a mini-series with each chapter as an episode. Plus the supplemental non-story parts would work better int he format.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to think Watchmen was good, but I tried rewatching it a few months ago and quit halfway through. Which I almost never do with movies! But something about that movie just feels really off.
I actually own the 3.5 hr cut. The Tales of the Black Freighter didn't work though, likely because it wasn't created for insertion into the movie.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law what will arguably become the nation's strictest standard for police use of lethal force.

California police will no longer be allowed to shoot at fleeing suspects unless they pose an immediate danger.


Oct 25, 2017
Candidates participating at the Frank LaMere forum are Williamson, Warren, Klobuchar, Bullock, Charles, Delaney, Castro, Sanders, and de Blasio.


Oct 25, 2017
Not exactly a glowing endorsement of Joe.

Its also showcasing a deep problem I have with Joe. More and more I feel like Biden is this years Jeb Bush. He has no excitement, his entire platform is based on inevitability and his only donor pool is wealthy longstanding Dem donors which he has already gotten money from and hasn't seemed to get new money after. He brings nothing new to the party or its image, he doesn't seem to want to make the effort to make himself stand out from the crowd, he is front runner by name recognition only. My problem with Joe is he thinks he is the best hope of defeating Trump, is already positioning himself to be above the democratic base, while simultaneously giving no hope for a better future. Why 'should' people be engaged to vote for him over any other candidate in the field when picking someone for the general elecetion? If you want me to vote for you and make me think you are the best for general, show that you can be in public without worrying about embarrassing yourself, show you have a connection with your common man or even common democratic voter.

Right now if my state primary was tomorrow I would be voting for Warren; not because of her policies (which I mostly agree with) not her willingness to fight for the things I care about, but I want to vote for her because she actually looks like she is taking the effort to talk to and engage with people in the field, she has a competent team that knows not just how to bring in crowds, but to do so in any environment. Perhaps my favorite aspect is she is not afraid of entering an uncomfortable zone and actually apologizing for things when she should. I'm tired of leaders who put up a facade of "Can't be wrong', its okay to be wrong, show that you can learn from mistakes, not just be human, but a civil human. This is the type of person I want to see in the general election, its probably the one thing I found endearing about Obama. He always talked about how he was going to make mistakes as it is a natural part of being human but he wanted to highlight what he felt a better country should be which meant when you knew he made a mistake, you believed he would make the right call to try and fix it.

More then anything, especially after the Clinton campaign, I want a competent team of campaign staff and front ticket who leaves no stone un-turned, who leaves no one out of the conversation but who also doesn't ignore the base of voters. Give me something to cheer for, give me something to spread the word of something better. "Not Trump" while powerful is not good enough for me anymore. I want "Beyond Trump" candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
Not even I would describe a Republican town that way.

I see you've never been been to alliance, OH I see.

Was an embedded tutor in a class there this past spring with 12 students of a wide range of ages. Of those 12, half wrote about either their own past opiate addictions or of those around them in a predominately white, formerly industrial town that looks bombed out.


Oct 25, 2017
I see you've never been been to alliance, OH I see.

Was an embedded tutor in a class there this past spring with 12 students of a wide range of ages. Of those 12, half wrote about either their own past opiate addictions or of those around them in a predominately white, formerly industrial town that looks bombed out.
My ex went to college there. Lmao

He had a W '04 sticker and watched Fox News/Business. This was in the Dumbya era but I really had no excuse for dating him for over a year other than I really wanted a boyfriend and he wasn't abusive or a total asshole like the previous people I'd dated. He had other problems, but I guess at least he wasn't abusive and that was enough for me?
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