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Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
In a few months, "USAF did not find anything illegal in it's review of employees staying at Trump resorts, however 2 junior officers were given a paid leave. Case closed."


Oct 25, 2017
So basically, trump admin huddled up to find a way to come up with an accomplishment. Bolton surprisingly said no. Trump unsurprisingly tried to make it ridiculous.

WASHINGTON — On the Friday before Labor Day, President Trump gathered top advisers in the Situation Room to consider what could be among the profound decisions of his presidency — a peace plan with the Taliban after 18 years of grinding, bloody war in Afghanistan.

The meeting brought to a head a bristling conflict dividing his foreign policy team for months, pitting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo against John R. Bolton, the national security adviser, in a battle for the competing instincts of a president who relishes tough talk but promised to wind down America's endless wars.

As they discussed terms of the agreement, Mr. Pompeo and his negotiator, Zalmay Khalilzad, made the case that it would enable Mr. Trump to begin withdrawing troops while securing a commitment from the Taliban not to shelter terrorists. Mr. Bolton, beaming in by video from Warsaw, where he was visiting, argued that Mr. Trump could keep his campaign pledge to draw down forces without getting in bed with killers swathed in American blood.

Mr. Trump made no decision on the spot, but at some point during the meeting the idea was floated to finalize the negotiations in Washington, a prospect that appealed to the president's penchant for dramatic spectacle. Mr. Trump suggested that he would even invite President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, whose government has not been party to the talks, and get him to sign on.

In the days that followed, Mr. Trump came up with an even more remarkable idea — he would not only bring the Taliban to Washington, but to Camp David, the crown jewel of the American presidency. The leaders of a rugged militant organization deemed terrorists by the United States would be hosted in the mountain getaway used for presidents, prime ministers and kings just three days before the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that led to the Afghan war.
Oct 25, 2017
Let me tap into 2008's stream-of-consciousness from Republicans re: Obama for a sec.

but you can't talk to your enemies without preconditions that's pure amateurism this guy thinks he can be president is he crazy

Hmm, I wonder what these same Republicans are saying in 2019...


Oct 25, 2017
So basically, trump admin huddled up to find a way to come up with an accomplishment. Bolton surprisingly said no. Trump unsurprisingly tried to make it ridiculous.
All I can think of is John Bolton as George C Scott in the war room.

Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
The goal is just to be "alpha" for his followers and try to inspire them.

Although I imagine a lot of it is just because he can.

We're at the point where he is doing that, yup.

And because enough people are susceptible to this line of thinking, MORE evidence dulls their will to fight rather than increases it. And they are very chatty about it.

It's literally how the mob works. Each captain kicks up some of their earnings to the boss each week. Pence did it in Doonbeg. The USAF is doing it in Turnberry. Barr is doing it in DC, so is the RNC, both paying for events at Trump locations.

Ding ding ding


Oct 25, 2017
trump is shit-talking John legend and Chrissy teigen for some reason and you know I don't even care anymore.


Oct 29, 2017
I wonder if this is going to blow back on them.
I mean, it's brown people so probably not but I'm going to hope so for their sake because this is awful. 😡 Once again, fuck this administration.

It may on this one lots of white people do go to the Bahamas on vacation so they do have some connection unlike Mexico or Central America


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
That Prefer Not To Answer guy is doing pretty well.
From now on we should make the identity of the president completely anonymous.

Not the candidates though. The winner is just never announced and both candidates are required to make regular appearances in the public eye so as not to suggest who actually won. See who's actually paying attention.

"Children being locked up in cages? That's totally a Hillary thing" - MAGA hat-wearing asshole


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking Miller burning the midnight oil when he realizes we're accepting black refugees.

Liz Cheney praised Trump on twitter for cancelling the taliban visit and hoo-boy


Oct 25, 2017
Based on really basic calculations using the actuarial tables on the Social Security site:

Trump has a 14% death probability over a second term.

Over a first four-year term:
Warren has an 8% death probability.
Biden has a 20% death probability.
Sanders has a 22% death probability.

Over two four-year terms:
Warren has an 18% death probability.
Biden has a 44% death probability.
Sanders has a 47% death probability.


Oct 25, 2017
Based on really basic calculations using the actuarial tables on the Social Security site:

Trump has a 14% death probability over a second term.

Over a first four-year term:
Warren has an 8% death probability.
Biden has a 20% death probability.
Sanders has a 22% death probability.

Over two four-year terms:
Warren has an 18% death probability.
Biden has a 44% death probability.
Sanders has a 47% death probability.

Does this take into account the massive amount of fast food Trump eats?


Oct 25, 2017
No it's just really basic calculation.

I.e. probability still alive after 4 years is product of (1-probability of death) for given age for 4 successive years.

The period of life tables on the SSA are a little old too.


Jul 25, 2018
Based on really basic calculations using the actuarial tables on the Social Security site:

Trump has a 14% death probability over a second term.

Over a first four-year term:
Warren has an 8% death probability.
Biden has a 20% death probability.
Sanders has a 22% death probability.

Over two four-year terms:
Warren has an 18% death probability.
Biden has a 44% death probability.
Sanders has a 47% death probability.
I thought women lived longer than men. Warren would be 79 in year 8, Trump 78. But those stats say 18% for Warren and only 14% for Trump. Also doesn't factor in how unhealthy he must be.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump's probability is of him dying over 4 years. The 8 year probability from when he was inaugurated is more like 25%.


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't sound right. That's saying Warren has a higher chance of dying 2 years below the average for women than Trump does 2 years above the average for men.
These are not the one year death probabilities.

These are: 1-(Probability of living past Y1*Probability of living past Y2...Y8)

For completeness Kamala Harris has a death probability of 2.3% in a first term, and 5.3% over two terms using the same tables.


Oct 26, 2017
It doesn't sound right. That's saying Warren has a higher chance of dying 2 years below the average for women than Trump does 2 years above the average for men.
it's 'x% chance of dying per year, combined." trump's numbers are lower because we already have like 2 and 3/4 years where he probably didn't die, other than a chance of a Weekend-At-Donnie's in progress.


Dec 5, 2017

God this is so fucked. I hope those left behind are able to make it ok. This administration is the most outrageous fucking thing.

I hope whoever our next president will be, that they can do as much as possible to reverse and correct all of this administrations horrid foreign policy decisions.


Oct 25, 2017
Presidents likely receive superior healthcare to the plebs, so the average American's lifespan is probably the wrong comparison.


Oct 29, 2017
It's literally how the mob works. Each captain kicks up some of their earnings to the boss each week. Pence did it in Doonbeg. The USAF is doing it in Turnberry. Barr is doing it in DC, so is the RNC, both paying for events at Trump locations.

To ethics lawyers, the most extraordinary aspect of the daily merging of Mr. Trump's official duties and his commercial interests both in Washington and around the world is that it has now become almost routine.

Since Mr. Trump became president, there have been thousands of visits to his properties, not only by Mr. Trump himself, but by foreign leaders, lobbyists, Republican candidates, members of Congress, cabinet members and others with ties to the president. At least 90 members of Congress, 250 Trump administration officials and more than 110 foreign officials have been spotted at Trump properties since 2017, according to social media posts and counts by various watchdog groups.

"It reflects the normalization of corruption — this is just how business works in Trump's Washington, D.C.," said Robert Weissman, the president of Public Citizen, a nonprofit ethics group. "We have witnessed a stunning degradation of ethical norms."
Current and former White House officials insist they have never witnessed Mr. Trump making any explicit demand, or suggestion, that his cabinet members or Republican allies stay at a Trump property or use one to host an event. But they have noted that a president who is extremely effective at communicating between the lines does not have to be explicit.

Mr. Trump, they said, spends more time talking about his properties in private than he does in public, and even as president, remains intimately involved with club minutiae, like knowing all the names on his Mar-a-Lago membership roll.

Anthony Scaramucci, for example, the former White House communications director who lasted 11 days in the job, said that "no one pressured" him to stay for as much as $700 a night at the Trump hotel in Washington, where he lived during part of his short tenure.

But he said there do not need to be any marching orders from Mr. Trump or his inner circle for people to understand the potential benefits of being seen there.

"They're conforming their behavior to what they think he would like," Mr. Scaramucci said.

Mob tactics through and through. Again confirming Michael Cohen's testimony.
And that entire article is just outlining grift after grift after grift, many on the dime of the American taxpayer The entire GOP is complicit, and we haven't even gotten to the other money violations or money laundering central Mar-A-Lago being a compromised spy resort for multiple foreign states, some hostile.

Trump and the entire GOP is a RICO case. Several RICO cases.

Not to take away from Bertrand's reporting; this would be a bombshell story under any other President.

...actually, we wouldn't have gotten here with any other President. No other President would have had the audacity to crap all over the emoluments clause like Trump has been since the very moment he took office.

But seeing as we're here, in a Trumpian world where nobody seems interested in doing their jobs and holding the Mad King accountable, what realistically will come of this?

What makes this interesting is that Congress Oversight has been on this since the spring. They were denied everything by the military and state Dept.
But a day after a major story breaks out and the regular folks are informed of some sort of curious malfeasance, we start seeing a little life from the departments? Even if that itself will be an attempt at a cover-up, it's great to see movement instead of contempt and silence. It makes it easier for us to fight back against it all when pieces are forced to move on the board. Mistakes happen and people panic in the light, especially when it is their ass in the line and they don't have the protections their sociopathic superiors might possess.

Hopefully Oversight joins with the judiciary officially in impeachment proceedings, and we start seeing public testimonies on the matters they've been eyeing.
The goal is to get these investigations out from behind closed doors and more into the public sphere. We're seeing what some great investigative journalism can do by tossing pebbles into the abyss to shake up information, now to see what impeachment proceedings will do with larger tools, if they choose to use them all.


Oct 28, 2018
Oct 27, 2017

New Post/ABC poll:

By 51-36, Americans trust Congressional Democrats over Trump to handle the nation's gun laws.

Independents trust Dems over Trump by a 17-point margin.

And 89% of Americans support universal background checks. …

Should also ask them if they are good with announcing their middle-of-the-night bathroom trips in case someone mistakes them for an intruder?


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Clearly we need to give all late night bathroom users a gun to defend themselves from the people defending themselves from possible Intruders. It's the only way.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump saying Republican committee heads shouldn't be term limited while lying and saying Democrats have perpetual leadership.

Just random tweeting about breaking government norms yet again. Just totes casually.
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