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Oct 29, 2017
Former SDNY prosecutor (?) on CNN just said Trump's comments about dealing with the whistleblower is arguably witness tampering. Maybe Nancy was right all along about Trump being self-impeaching.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Is there a rift? I'm a millennial and I think Gen Z is mostly pretty cool!
im mostly joking but ive seen some disdain from millenials when it comes to stuff like the fortnite dances or the media that they consume in general

It says that the likely scenario is that it will get pushed to june 2020 and likely killed there.

If that happens then Collins is omega dead
Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't it be better to keep quiet about this.

For the safety of the whistleblower, sure.

But from a cynical stagecraft perspective, this is exactly what we want. You want them to chase this down and make it an ongoing story. It adds to the narrative, keeps the press focused and builds momentum. Then when the Whistleblower's identity is made public, things will shift to finding the identities of the other witnesses and conspirators his memo indicates.


Oct 25, 2017
Former SDNY prosecutor (?) on CNN just said Trump's comments about dealing with the whistleblower is arguably witness tampering. Maybe Nancy was right all along about Trump being self-impeaching.

After the Mueller stuff Trump feels untouchable. He really is an idiot child that has problems connecting the dots.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yea it's definitely witness tampering but let's be real Trump has self indicted himself several times on air including admitting to asking Ukraine to investigate into Joe Biden which is the crux of this impeachment.

This is an open and shut case in any reasonable court of law. At this point Democrats best play is probably to squeeze out as much dirt as they can and get list of all the people directly involved in this and start handing out subpoenas for testimonies and having these stooges crack under oath.

I think whoever is the Democratic president needs to do the right thing and start closing up all these loopholes with the help of congress. Executive Privelege and the OLC guidelines have got to go asap.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Let's not get carried away. Impeaching a President over a blow job and the Iraq War didn't bury them either.
No one took the Clinton impeachment seriously (the fact that he wasn't convicted probably takes the edge off), and even then it was definitely a misstep - they lost seats in the House that year, unheard of for a midterm. While they won the presidency they also lost further ground in the House and Senate in 2000, enough that they lost the Senate majority. Prioritizing stacking the Court is what delivered them the win there.

Democrats had some culpability in supporting the Iraq War initially, and it was popular at first - the 2004 election was the closest thing you had to a referendum on the war, and the Democratic nominee's position on it was wishy-washy. Even then he came very close to unseating Bush.

Ultimately I think Dubya kept up a veneer of respectability that older millennials didn't necessarily feel shame over being a Republican (and probably 99% of the time just parroting their parents' beliefs) that Trump definitely has not.


Dec 11, 2017

Jack Ryan producers are scrambling right now to make this the plot of Season 3


Jupiter IV

Jan 6, 2018
im mostly joking but ive seen some disdain from millenials when it comes to stuff like the fortnite dances or the media that they consume in general

As a millenial I'd say it's more about mixing them together with us rather than anything specific. Even as a younger millenial and gen z seems sooooo young to me.


Oct 27, 2017
It isn't good that the this information about who the whistleblower is is coming out. I wouldn't be surprised if trump already knows who this person is based on the reporting and then he can try to get the witnesses to not talk.

I feel that it's irresponsible for the NYT to publish that information unless they were certain that it would still be getting out anyways.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
No one took the Clinton impeachment seriously (the fact that he wasn't convicted probably takes the edge off), and even then it was definitely a misstep - they lost seats in the House that year, unheard of for a midterm. While they won the presidency they also lost further ground in the House and Senate in 2000, enough that they lost the Senate majority. Prioritizing stacking the Court is what delivered them the win there.

Democrats had some culpability in supporting the Iraq War initially, and it was popular at first - the 2004 election was the closest thing you had to a referendum on the war, and the Democratic nominee's position on it was wishy-washy. Even then he came very close to unseating Bush.

Ultimately I think Dubya kept up a veneer of respectability that older millennials didn't necessarily feel shame over being a Republican (and probably 99% of the time just parroting their parents' beliefs) that Trump definitely has not.
Speaking of, from a 2019 perspective, it's crazy that they focussed on whether or not Clinton lied under oath over whether or not he used his office to pressure someone into giving him sexual favors. I mean, we have a lot of conversations about power dynamics, and I can't think of a bigger imbalance than intern and President of the USA.

Clinton arguably sexually assaulted Lewinsky, and the GOP didn't even notice.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn why these guys reporting on identity of whistleblower!!!! Fuckinf trying to appease to Trump or some shit?

No, it's a hot story.

It also gives context to Trump's earlier comments on Twitter about the whistleblower being a "spy." He wasn't using a figure of speach and may already know exactly who it is.

Sometimes sitting things out in public hells protect people.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if making the CIA officer's Identity explicit would also make his potential assassination so public as to make it impractical for Trump's goons and I can't believe we even have to speculate on that but here we go.


Oct 26, 2017
Former SDNY prosecutor (?) on CNN just said Trump's comments about dealing with the whistleblower is arguably witness tampering. Maybe Nancy was right all along about Trump being self-impeaching.

I wouldn't exactly call her a soothsayer considering how Trump had behaved... His entire adult life.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Tampa FL
Holy fuck I went and look at the other side.. MOTHER OF GOD, it is over run by 4chan


Oct 28, 2017
Lmao, CNN already reporting on the NYT story, "alludes to punishment" for what he calls a spy

What a week
He's definitely implying execution, but even without that implication, even saying that the whistleblower should be punished is a huge problem, as it goes against the entire point of being a whistleblower.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this is all basically a national disaster caused by the 2 most insecure IDs on earth. Trump ran because he was made a joke by Obama at the Wh correspondents dinner, and Guiliani is personally invested in trying to take down Biden because he was made a joke by him. "A noun, a verb, and 9/11".

Basically we are being destroyed because men are afraid of being laughed at.
Oct 25, 2017
Giuliani encapsulates Northeastern Boomer conservatism. The type of conservative who was pretty moderate on a number of issues in the 90s and could've easily supported Bill Clinton in 1996 or Al Gore in 2000. Then 9/11 happens and the slide towards insanity begins. They begin watching Fox News, start liking racist Facebook blogs after BLM in 2014, and become fully batshit insane once Trump comes along.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Trump allies are privately acknowledging serious concerns about the ethical questions raised and potential political fallout from Trump's phone call with Ukraine — especially over the involvement of Rudy Giuliani. …


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
LMFAO Rudy going maximum pop off mode!

"I am the god damn hero of this story!!! Not you, not the whistleblower, not Barr, not Pompeo... ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! I AM THE MAN UP IN THIS PIECE!!!!"


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
So what's the master list of people involved in this shit? I was trying to read the full complaint but it was such a sea of corruption and scandal that I almost puked.
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