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Oct 25, 2017
I like Bernie Warren and Pete. The "journalistic" advocacy pieces like that medium post about why they hate Pete are the worst. I have no idea who they think they are going to convince but it's a poor advocacy. I have no issues with people saying they prefer M4A so they support Bernie over Pete - but the level of ad homein attacks at Pete by whoever they are distasteful to me. Happy to vote for a D but seeing stuff like that makes me cringe.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Bernie Warren and Pete. The "journalistic" advocacy pieces like that medium post about why they hate Pete are the worst. I have no idea who they think they are going to convince but it's a poor advocacy. I have no issues with people saying they prefer M4A so they support Bernie over Pete - but the level of ad homein attacks at Pete by whoever they are distasteful to me. Happy to vote for a D but seeing stuff like that makes me cringe.

Criticizing someone's political history is not an "ad hominem". Saying don't vote for Pete because he looks like an angry gremlin when he eats would be an ad hominem.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally think that Biden is only running because people convinced him he should run and deep down knows he doesn't have "it" anymore. He'd still get my vote but its sort of like humoring your parents or grandparents who keep telling the same story over and over again. I also think he's written Iowa off and is going to focus on other states.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
Heel turns on issues.
Found donor-establishment money and is doing what the money wants him to do.
Zero visibility with key Democratic Party constituencies, with a related mess in his current job.
Explicitly doesn't think prisoners should be able to vote.
In an age where people want real economic answers and assistance, spouse's petty lie about flying coach.

If you like this in a campaign, then great there's a candidate running such a campaign.

All this.

Pete, like Biden, I'd never support unless I have to (against Trump).


Oct 30, 2017
Criticizing someone's political history is not an "ad hominem". Saying don't vote for Pete because he looks like an angry gremlin when he eats would be an ad hominem.




Oct 25, 2017
Criticizing someone's political history is not an "ad hominem". Saying don't vote for Pete because he looks like an angry gremlin when he eats would be an ad hominem.

No doubt - but if you can read this piece as a "political history criticism:" you and I have a different perspective on life.

Some select quality quotes:
Mayor Pete is a fucking fraud. A sleeper agent.
There's no need for me to make a case against Pete Buttigieg because that craven asshole can't be bothered to make one for himself. All he wants to do is pretend he can will everyone into getting along through his sheer force of bland personality. He wants to be Obama, only without the Obama part. It's not uplifting. It's fucking pathetic.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Heel turns on issues.
Found donor-establishment money and is doing what the money wants him to do.
Zero visibility with key Democratic Party constituencies, with a related mess in his current job.
Explicitly doesn't think prisoners should be able to vote.
In an age where people want real economic answers and assistance, spouse's petty lie about flying coach.

If you like this in a campaign, then great there's a candidate running such a campaign.
I wish that this was threadmarked.


Oct 27, 2017
I know I'm being shitty, but Pete signing up for the military/Naval Intelligence at age 25 always felt like a calculated political move.

Something not too dangerous and gives him bonefides.


Oct 25, 2017
Americans loved being lied to in 2016 so maybe thats why Biden is using that strategy.

He's made numerous trump-like statements during the campaign as well.
Oct 26, 2017
I turned in my Booty card, but if he legit catches fire I wouldn't have a problem getting behind him. I'm just disappointed he's renounced some of the policies I was originally excited about (ie. Supreme Court reform). He seemed like a great communicator for progressive issues. He made them sound like "common sense" policies instead of some radical far left agenda. That's what we actually need if progressive policies are ever going to breech the middle.

Instead though he's used his gift to go full moderate. I'm not against moderates since I consider myself left/center/left. But Booty's drastic change from new wave progressive to near blue dog has startled me a bit and makes me worried about his core. But I'm starting to come to terms that Booty is simply a political juggernaut. What he lacks in core, he makes up for it by being able to skillfully navigate the political waters and punch far above his weight. He just might be nimble enough to take on Trump.

That said, he feels like this cycle's version of Mike Huckabee. Then again I don't remember Mike Huckabee having as much money as Booty. One of the main reasons Booty has leap-frogged Harris is because he has FAR outspent her in Iowa while she's cutting staff all over the place. If Booty wins Iowa, the money will just keep pouring in and that alone will likely keep him competitive in the early states.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I'm not sure why folks have such a hard time getting the appeal of Buttibutt? Like, I don't want to go "liberals in their ivory coastal elite towers" but....kinda liberals in their coastal elite ivory towers incredibly online bubble.

If you want someone who isn't a hard lefty pseudo have basically two choices--Biden or Pete. If you're a moderate/left of center Dem, who is not on board with a 70 year old man running for President....then Pete is your guy. He's offering a generational change in contrast to the olds who are running, he's offering policies that are widely popular and not scary. He's articulate. He's got a military background. He's insanely good at fundraising. He's adapt enough to understand where his room to grow is. I really don't think it's that complicated.

Plus, your average dem primary voter's views on issues is a hell of a lot closer to Pete than to Warren/Bernie. The fact that folks keep underestimating the fact that we are a center/left party (not a far left party) is really weird to me! Because a lot of us used to say the same things to Bernie supporters in 2016...but now we've magically forgotten?

I just ..

There are/were plenty of non socialist choices. Pete is getting similar backlash as all of the above.


Oct 27, 2017
I know I'm being shitty, but Pete signing up for the military/Naval Intelligence at age 25 always felt like a calculated political move.

Something not too dangerous and gives him bonefides.
yeah, no safer way to pad one's resume than to drive military trucks through Afghanistan.

Fuck's sake.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah, no safer way to pad one's resume than to drive military trucks through Afghanistan.

Fuck's sake.

Buttigieg was sworn in as an ensign in September 2009. A few months later, he announced he would challenge Indiana's Republican state treasurer, Richard Mourdock, in the 2010 election. Being a commissioned officer would play well with the state's conservative electorate. Buttigieg said he never brought it up.

"My campaign manager kept putting it on the literature, and I kept taking it off," he said, because he had only recently started reserve training.

Politics was obviously very much on his mind. He didn't want to seem too opportunistic in 2010 since he was very unlikely to win anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I turned in my Booty card, but if he legit catches fire I wouldn't have a problem getting behind him. I'm just disappointed he's renounced some of the policies I was originally excited about (ie. Supreme Court reform). He seemed like a great communicator for progressive issues. He made them sound like "common sense" policies instead of some radical far left agenda. That's what we actually need if progressive policies are ever going to breech the middle.

Maybe I've missed something but has Pete flipped on things like SCOTUS reform or eliminating the Electoral College?

Politics was obviously very much on his mind. He didn't want to seem too opportunistic in 2010 since he was very unlikely to win anyway.
Ok, so he took a tour of duty that could have gotten him killed for the sake of running for state treasurer in a bid that, as you say, he was likely to lose anyway. Gotcha.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I've missed something but has Pete flipped on things like SCOTUS reform or eliminating the Electoral College?
His website gives these as his positions.

A National Popular Vote to replace the Electoral College.

It's simple: the candidate who gets the most votes should win. States don't vote, people vote, and everyone's vote should count exactly the same. The Electoral College has to go.
The Electoral College artificially dilutes the power of minority communities and due to projected demographic trends, this problem is likely to get worse over time. We need to abolish the Electoral College and replace it with a National Popular Vote so that every citizen has a say in electing our president. The best route to removing the Electoral College would be a constitutional amendment. Recognizing that this cannot be done overnight, Pete supports the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to ensure the president is chosen by the American people while we seek constitutional reform.

Depoliticize the Supreme Court.

We need to reform the Supreme Court in a way that will strengthen its independence and restore the American people's trust in it as a check to the Presidency and the Congress. One promising idea is to restructure the Court so that ten members are confirmed in the normal political fashion, with the other five promoted from the lower courts by unanimous agreement of the other ten. Others have proposed implementing term limits. As president, Pete will create a bipartisan reform commission for the purpose of recommending structural improvements to protect the Supreme Court from further politicization.
Oct 26, 2017
Maybe I've missed something but has Pete flipped on things like SCOTUS reform or eliminating the Electoral College?

Yeah he basically scrubbed those things off his platform. Supposedly at the request of his donors.

Not sure what he would say though if a reporter actually asked him directly about those. So I don't know if he's "flipped" but he's definitely buried those policies.


Oct 30, 2017
I turned in my Booty card, but if he legit catches fire I wouldn't have a problem getting behind him. I'm just disappointed he's renounced some of the policies I was originally excited about (ie. Supreme Court reform). He seemed like a great communicator for progressive issues. He made them sound like "common sense" policies instead of some radical far left agenda. That's what we actually need if progressive policies are ever going to breech the middle.

Instead though he's used his gift to go full moderate. I'm not against moderates since I consider myself left/center/left. But Booty's drastic change from new wave progressive to near blue dog has startled me a bit and makes me worried about his core. But I'm starting to come to terms that Booty is simply a political juggernaut. What he lacks in core, he makes up for it by being able to skillfully navigate the political waters and punch far above his weight. He just might be nimble enough to take on Trump.
Agree 100%. I want the Pete I heard on Pod Save America all those months ago. He almost instantly became my #1. But if Pete 2.0 somehow makes through this primary, then I'll be fully behind him.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
That's insulting homie.

He could have easily died. I had friends who died in the guard driving trucks.

Strapping on body armor for an oil war isn't a political position.

Shit on Pete for being an asshole, but the courage is undeniable.
I'm not besmirching his bravery or whatever but homeboy 100% joined the military at least partially to pad out his political resume. Every profile of Mayor Pete clearly shows a guy that's been making calculated life choices in pursuit of political success since his teens.
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