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Oct 27, 2017
Thanks. We need some positivity. Things are finally starting to materialize.

another national poll.

I look at that poll and two things stick out:

1) Bernie is still struggling to crack low 20%s consistently nationally, even with things going his way pretty heavily right now. (He could crack this if he has a good night tomorrow- that is if Buttigieg doesn't eat into his margins)

2) Bloomberg has a lot more room to grow. If he's surging this much now... What will he get if (when) Biden comes in fourth again tomorrow?

I think Bernie is the favorite right now, but I see that there appears to be 2 to 1 support for 'Moderate' candidates than the more 'Progressive' side. If I'm a strategist for Bloomberg, I'd advise him to not do any debates, regardless of qualifiers. He's doing just fine without them.


Oct 26, 2017


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Just based on court nominees alone, there's some obvious *functional* differences between Trump and name a candidate in the dem Primaries. I'm amazed that we still haven't learnt this with Kavanaugh sitting on the supreme court with a conservative majority right now.

Take every awful 5-4 decision of the last three years (that wasn't based on terrible Trump policy) and flip it the other way, and tell me that doesn't represent *functional* differences.

Partisan gerrymandering would likely be illegal right now if any democrat had won in 2016. There'd be a 5-4 majority liberal court.

Support whoever the hell you want in the primaries. Vote with your heart and don't let ANYONE tell you different. Vote for what you want the party to look like.

But if your favorite doesn't win... don't pretend like things wouldn't be functionally different had someone like Bloomberg won in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is in comically bad trouble already, but, man, Bloomberg is just going to hand this to Sanders huh?

Don't underestimate Bloomberg, do so at your peril, and I hope the other candidates see it too. He is literally every 'perceived' positive angle the republican base saw in Trump except actually isn't a complete con artist. And he is doing so from a platform that is setting itself squarely against the president while we all talk about simple policy differences. That kind of shit does in fact resonate with people outside a message board, my own family is proof enough of that and they are normally very progressive people. Most the electorate doesn't give a shit about ambition and vast plans only that things will look better the next day, and most would rather not talk politics at all so vast media ads directly targeting trump and while showing a positive message for a single candidate makes him stand out from a field of bickering over the message and soul of a single party.


Oct 28, 2017
My mom told me she wanted to vote for Bloomberg (she hates bernie) I told her she can't, because of his views on trans people, and that she has to vote for Warren.

I think the reason why Bloomberg is doing well is that, contrary to what people like to think, the vast majority of people want a centrist. If was Biden, but people are switching to Bloomberg, because he's saturating the airways. (my mom was going to vote for Biden.)

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
It does help that Bloomberg is basically running general campaign ads already.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I'd like to hear an insider explain what happened to Warren and why her campaign crumbled without seemingly any response.
Seemed like she just occupied an awkward niche where she wasn't as popular/progressive as Bernie but was also too far left for moderates 🤷‍♂️

Would be a great GE candidate/president/compromise choice but yeah

Tiger Priest

Oct 24, 2017
New York, NY
My mom told me she wanted to vote for Bloomberg (she hates bernie) I told her she can't, because of his views on trans people, and that she has to vote for Warren.

I think the reason why Bloomberg is doing well is that, contrary to what people like to think, the vast majority of people want a centrist. If was Biden, but people are switching to Bloomberg, because he's saturating the airways. (my mom was going to vote for Biden.)

Same with my grandfather who is a lifelong Democrat but HATES Bernie.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Still on that Scalise story I see

Trump tells his Steve Scalise story: "He took a bullet. He got SHOT. And he got up. He was gonna DIE that night. I tell the story all the time. His wife, she was crying so much." He explains how he told Scalise, "I know many wives that don't get too upset."

In short order, Trump has told a story about a man whose wife only loves him when his 401(k) is up and a story about how lots of wives wouldn't care if their husbands got shot.


Oct 27, 2017
Does it concern Sanders voters that despite all the momentum in the world, he's basically still at 20%? The never-Hillary voters from 2016 aren't coming "home", in fact they are starting to look like never-Hillary-or-Sanders right now. I really think a lot of folks misread the room when it came to Democratic electorate, it's not really a leftist party and the way 2018 was won should have proven that. I guess we'll get another lesson on Super Tuesday.


Oct 25, 2017
Seemed like she just occupied an awkward niche where she wasn't as popular/progressive as Bernie but was also too far left for moderates 🤷‍♂️

Would be a great GE candidate/president/compromise choice but yeah

She was anti-biden but establishment Dem, the moment she put forward her monetary policy for Medicare for all and the attempted to walk back and create a 'path' to it she ended up losing two sides of a single coin and she never recovered her messaging since. She was trying to court the most fickle (Flexible) of the democratic electorate base and got burned by it. Sexism doesn't help as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Happy to see Bloomberg doing well. He's a much better moderate option than geezer Biden or slimey Pete. Bloomberg is also very old but he seems much more "with it" than Joe. I think he would wreck Trump.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Does it concern Sanders voters that despite all the momentum in the world, he's basically still at 20%? The never-Hillary voters from 2016 aren't coming "home", in fact they are starting to look like never-Hillary-or-Sanders right now. I really think a lot of folks misread the room when it came to Democratic electorate, it's not really a leftist party and the way 2018 was won should have proven that. I guess we'll get another lesson on Super Tuesday.
I mean that's one poll, the other poll he is at 25%. He is still the favorite to take this thing and only money hats Bloomberg can stop him.

Bernie still has to get the boost from NH and Nevada that can improve his chances.
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Oct 25, 2017
Does it concern Sanders voters that despite all the momentum in the world, he's basically still at 20%? The never-Hillary voters from 2016 aren't coming "home", in fact they are starting to look like never-Hillary-or-Sanders right now. I really think a lot of folks misread the room when it came to Democratic electorate, it's not really a leftist party and the way 2018 was won should have proven that. I guess we'll get another lesson on Super Tuesday.
Why do a plurality of voters say they agree with Sanders most on the issues?


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
The US is an oligarchy, it has been one for a while. The difference is that it's out in the open now and people still don't see it. Bernie and Warren need to come out swinging and let it be known that Bloomberg is just another billionaire corrupting our political system.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
She was anti-biden but establishment Dem, the moment she put forward her monetary policy for Medicare for all and the attempted to walk back and create a 'path' to it she ended up losing two sides of a single coin and she never recovered her messaging since. She was trying to court the most fickle (Flexible) of the democratic electorate base and got burned by it. Sexism doesn't help as well.
It is funny that she's seen as establishment dem when she's been in the Senate for 6 years and Bernie was there for 30 years lol. Yeah yeah he's an independent sometimes ok.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do a plurality of voters say they agree with Sanders most on the issues?

I imagine a lot of them are like me. We mostly agree with him on ideological grounds but believe his platform/campaign is intellectually bankrupt and almost anyone else would be better at actually implementing a progressive agenda.


Oct 25, 2017
I imagine a lot of them are like me. We mostly agree with him on ideological grounds but believe his platform/campaign is intellectually bankrupt and almost anyone else would be better at actually implementing a progressive agenda.
The data doesn't support that. Warren is bombing in the polls below Biden and Bloomberg


Oct 27, 2017
Why do a plurality of voters say they agree with Sanders most on the issues?
I like the ideas, the premise behind them. But they're just that: ideas. Ideas are different from a plan. And a plan is different to the final incarnation of implemented policy.

Bernie is great at the first. It's the other two; the ones that are really important (Nancy Pelosi continues to show that in comparison to the previous chucklehead Speaker we had) that I have serious doubts about.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019

Trump explains why he's been claiming Mexico is actually paying for the wall: "Redemption from illegal aliens that are coming in. The redemption money is paying for the wall." ??? (He might be talking about remittances and calling it "redemption." Still ???.)

We're apparently back to Mexico paying for the wall with "redemption money" now


Oct 25, 2017
The data doesn't support that. Warren is bombing in the polls below Biden and Bloomberg

That data shows more people are willing to vote for Sanders or like him as an ideologue more. What the person you're talking to is saying, is that they personally like his ideals but think his plans are lacking. 95% of people don't know the actual policy proposals beyond "He supports M4A and the GND!"

Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
Don't underestimate Bloomberg, do so at your peril, and I hope the other candidates see it too. He is literally every 'perceived' positive angle the republican base saw in Trump except actually isn't a complete con artist. And he is doing so from a platform that is setting itself squarely against the president while we all talk about simple policy differences. That kind of shit does in fact resonate with people outside a message board, my own family is proof enough of that and they are normally very progressive people. Most the electorate doesn't give a shit about ambition and vast plans only that things will look better the next day, and most would rather not talk politics at all so vast media ads directly targeting trump and while showing a positive message for a single candidate makes him stand out from a field of bickering over the message and soul of a single party.
It does help that Bloomberg is basically running general campaign ads already.

This is exactly it. Obviously, it helps to have money but he's the only candidate who's taking Trump head on while the others are fighting each other over their platforms. I don't understand how the other candidates don't understand that this election is ALL about Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
Happy to see Bloomberg doing well. He's a much better moderate option than geezer Biden or slimey Pete. Bloomberg is also very old but he seems much more "with it" than Joe. I think he would wreck Trump.

There is no way that Bloomberg's racist billionaire ass is more moderate than Biden, bruh.

I can't believe I'm here defending Biden again because fuck that gropey weirdo fuckhead.

I'ma say it again, this field is Warren and a bunch of super-trash, and Warren isn't going to come close to winning the nomination.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Daniel Dale is going to end up in a mental hospital if Trump is reelected.

With shit like this

Trump with his usual egregious lie: "We are protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and we always will. The Republican Party, we always will."

Trump says Obama should be impeached for his you-can-keep-your-doctor claim about Obamacare. (He says this in present tense.)


Oct 25, 2017
There is no way that Bloomberg's racist billionaire ass is more moderate than Biden, bruh.

I can't believe I'm here defending Biden again because fuck that gropey weirdo fuckhead.

I'ma say it again, this field is Warren and a bunch of super-trash, and Warren isn't going to come close to winning the nomination.

I didn't say Bloomberg was more moderate. I said he's a better moderate option because I think he's a better campaigner.
Oct 25, 2017
We wasted the last 13 months saying Biden was a sure thing to take it all for absolutely no reason in the end. Lmfao. What an incredible waste of time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We wasted the last 13 months saying Biden was a sure thing to take it all for absolutely no reason in the end. Lmfao. What an incredible waste of time.
I mean, most veterans in this thread would constantly remind people that shit only really matters when voting season begins.

Still, you're right that many weren't expecting Biden to flop out-the-gate.
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