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Oct 30, 2017

Burgess Everett @burgessev

Joe Manchin thinks President Donald Trump abused his power and voted to remove him from office. But he also thinks Trump can still be a "tremendous president" and is eager to reconcile. And he's not ruling out supporting Trump's re-election campaign. …

"I don't rule anything out. I really don't rule anything out," Manchin said in an interview in his office. "I'm always going to be for what's best for my country. Everybody can change. Maybe the president will change, you know? Maybe that uniter will come out, versus the divider"

may defy logic that Manchin could support a president he voted to kick out of office, Manchin sees things differently. Trump tried to defeat Manchin in 2018 and Manchin forgave him a week later.

"I'm asking him to do the same thing I did," Manchin said. "He tried to remove me."

Senate Republicans are annoyed that Manchin denied Trump a bipartisan acquittal. But Graham has spoken to Trump about needing Manchin's vote later this year

Trump "doesn't believe it today. But there will come a time when we need Joe tomorrow," Graham said.

8:09 AM - Feb 13, 2020

I kind of love Manchin ngl

he's such an unbelievably smooth operator


Oct 25, 2017

julie k. brown @jkbjournalist

BREAKING: Miami Herald parent company files for bankruptcy. A very sad day for local news. …

7:18 AM - Feb 13, 2020

"While this is obviously a sad milestone after 163 years of family control, McClatchy remains a strong operating company and committed to essential local news and information," said Kevin McClatchy, chairman of the company that has carried his family name since the days of the California Gold Rush. "While we tried hard to avoid this step, there's no question that the scale of our 75-year-old pension plan – with 10 pensioners for every single active employee – is a reflection of another economic era."
The filing has no immediate impact on McClatchy's employees or its 30 newsrooms in 14 states, including the Kansas City Star, the Miami Herald, the Charlotte Observer, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Sacramento Bee. The company said it has secured $50 million in new financing from Encina Business Credit to ensure it can continue to operate while in bankruptcy and hopes to emerge with its balance sheet equipped for the future.

isn't the Herald who broke the Epstein stories?


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
Are you actually advocating for state media? Proper (nominally independent) public broadcasting is fine, we have that here. State media monopolies will only lead to situations like in Hungary or China...

State media no, but reinstating the fairness doctrine, yes.

Fox news wouldn't be affected, but its a death blow to conservative talk radio as it exists, as well as the end of stealth OTA networks like Sinclair.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I kind of love Manchin ngl

he's such an unbelievably smooth operator
Quick, someone make a thread about how he wants to vote for Trump!

w/r/t Klobuchar opening up the "big tent" to anti-abortion Democrats, I guess I'm fine with it to the extent that they don't influence policy. Like if someone is anti-choice and sucks it up long enough to vote D at the ballot box, who am I to judge? It would absolutely weigh on my mind in a primary battle, of course.

I've also long felt pro-life Democrats are not necessarily incompatible with liberal or progressive ideals, it depends on how they approach it. If you value the sanctity of life to the degree that you support solid public funding and welfare programs so children aren't raised in poverty or in hostile home environments? Sure, that's far different from the Republican approach of "have the kid and then go fuck yourself." I understand if for others that's more of a hard line, though there's a reason the party was pushing the "safe, legal, rare" angle so hard back in the 90s. Some people just aren't comfortable with it being fully legal and never will be, but might still vote Democratic for other reasons (my mother, for example). The fact that Klobuchar regularly wins 60-70% of the vote in Minnesota suggests she's peeling off at least a few pro-life voters.
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Oct 25, 2017

Ya'll did this, Democrats. Emboldend an unstable idiot surrounded by bootlickers who will do his ever bidding.

giant fucking sarcasm on the first part just incase someone comes in and wants to call me names for shitposting.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we can do without a bunch of lame memes rooted in sexism, thanks.
To be clear, I wasn't trying to degrade or shame Klobuchar. I was attempting to make fun of the odd internet subculture of Klobuchar objectification that sprang briefly into view in the wake of New Hampshire. I see how it came across as sexist and I apologize.

Quick, someone make a thread about how he wants to vote for Trump!

w/r/t Klobuchar opening up the "big tent" to anti-abortion Democrats, I guess I'm fine with it to the extent that they don't influence policy. Like if someone is anti-choice and sucks it up long enough to vote D at the ballot box, who am I to judge? It would absolutely weigh on my mind in a primary battle, of course.

I've also long felt pro-life Democrats are not necessarily incompatible with liberal or progressive ideals, it depends on how they approach it. If you value the sanctity of life to the degree that you support solid public funding and welfare programs so children aren't raised in poverty or in hostile home environments? Sure, that's far different from the Republican approach of "have the kid and then go fuck yourself." I understand if for others that's more of a hard line, though there's a reason the party was pushing the "safe, legal, rare" angle so hard back in the 90s. Some people just aren't comfortable with it being fully legal and never will be, but might still vote Democratic for other reasons (my mother, for example). The fact that Klobuchar regularly wins 60-70% of the vote in Minnesota suggests she's peeling off at least a few pro-life voters.
I have older moderate catholic democrats in my family who are "against abortion" in a principled sense, but who still always vote for mainline pro-choice Democrats, support strengthening the safety net, are against the death penalty, etc. I don't argue with them about it because their opposition is so theoretical.


Oct 25, 2017
I have older moderate catholic democrats in my family who are "against abortion" in a principled sense, but who still always vote for mainline pro-choice Democrats, support strengthening the safety net, are against the death penalty, etc. I don't argue with them about it because their opposition is so theoretical.
My parents, my closest aunt, and grandma do this, but everyone else.................................


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

“Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!”

Mike Bloomberg on Twitter

“.@realDonaldTrump - we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will...


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

“Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!”

Mike Bloomberg on Twitter

“.@realDonaldTrump - we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will...

Sad and pathetic. Like two elementary kids going at it.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA

Burgess Everett @burgessev

Joe Manchin thinks President Donald Trump abused his power and voted to remove him from office. But he also thinks Trump can still be a "tremendous president" and is eager to reconcile. And he's not ruling out supporting Trump's re-election campaign. …

"I don't rule anything out. I really don't rule anything out," Manchin said in an interview in his office. "I'm always going to be for what's best for my country. Everybody can change. Maybe the president will change, you know? Maybe that uniter will come out, versus the divider"

may defy logic that Manchin could support a president he voted to kick out of office, Manchin sees things differently. Trump tried to defeat Manchin in 2018 and Manchin forgave him a week later.

"I'm asking him to do the same thing I did," Manchin said. "He tried to remove me."

Senate Republicans are annoyed that Manchin denied Trump a bipartisan acquittal. But Graham has spoken to Trump about needing Manchin's vote later this year

Trump "doesn't believe it today. But there will come a time when we need Joe tomorrow," Graham said.

8:09 AM - Feb 13, 2020

Yes, I'm sure Manchin will come through for the R's at a time when they need it. Absolutely positive.
Support confirmed.

God, he's so good at this lmao


Oct 27, 2017
I mean he did vote for Kavanaugh. The only democrat to do so.
while that's true and fair to criticize him for, he also plainly only did it because Collins did so also (literally announced his decision immediately after she did). If Collins had said she was voting against Kavanaugh, I have no doubt that Manchin would have too.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I have older moderate catholic democrats in my family who are "against abortion" in a principled sense, but who still always vote for mainline pro-choice Democrats, support strengthening the safety net, are against the death penalty, etc. I don't argue with them about it because their opposition is so theoretical.
Right, if they're already on board and voting for pro-choice Democrats without hesitation, your job as an activist is more or less done.

My dad has hang-ups on sexuality and gender identity, which I'll call him out on if it comes up in personal matters, but politically he votes straight ticket Democrat. He's even said to me more recently he still sees marriage as being between a man and a woman, yet in 2012 I convinced him to vote against the gay marriage ban that was on the ballot in Minnesota. He did so because he felt that he shouldn't let his own discomfort with the idea get in the way of what other people can and can't do. At some point that's all you can ask for. I think it's also just made him a more open-minded person as well, he has a side gig as a for-hire wedding officiant and has recently started performing same-sex weddings without any issues, so maybe he's come around to it.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
while that's true and fair to criticize him for, he also plainly only did it because Collins did so also (literally announced his decision immediately after she did). If Collins had said she was voting against Kavanaugh, I have no doubt that Manchin would have too.
Pretty much. He was never going to allow his vote to put Kavs over the top but once he was confirmed anyway it was a perfect opportunity to be a Dem moderate darling.


Oct 25, 2017

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

“Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!”

Mike Bloomberg on Twitter

“.@realDonaldTrump - we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will...

God, it's so obvious he wants Bernie (rightly so) or depressed turnout from Bernie supporters.
Oct 25, 2017
Joe Manchin is one of the most skilled politicians in America. He won as a Democrat in West Virginia with a completely new coalition of voters (he didn't do particularly well in traditionally Democratic coal country).


Oct 25, 2017

Sanders is the only clear non-starter. It's impossible not to regard the Vermont senator in a Trumplike mold—he seldom has shown an ability to build consensus and threatens to use executive orders extensively, just like Trump. It's also doubtful he could assemble a highly qualified Cabinet, meaning he'd essentially be the left wing version of Trump: isolated, angry, unable to work with others and showing too little respect for dissenting opinions. A Sanders candidacy simply guarantees a Trump second term.


Oct 25, 2017
Right, if they're already on board and voting for pro-choice Democrats without hesitation, your job as an activist is more or less done.

My dad has hang-ups on sexuality and gender identity, which I'll call him out on if it comes up in personal matters, but politically he votes straight ticket Democrat. He's even said to me more recently he still sees marriage as being between a man and a woman, yet in 2012 I convinced him to vote against the gay marriage ban that was on the ballot in Minnesota. He did so because he felt that he shouldn't let his own discomfort with the idea get in the way of what other people can and can't do. At some point that's all you can ask for. I think it's also just made him a more open-minded person as well, he has a side gig as a for-hire wedding officiant and has recently started performing same-sex weddings without any issues, so maybe he's come around to it.
I am fairly lucky in that my parents and I don't have any major political disagreements. The main one is just me begging them to turn MSNBC off when they're around.

I find the arguments that are starkest between me and other people in my demographic/sociopolitical/age cohort are around guns. Like, all of a sudden I know a lot of woke people who did a complete 180 on gun ownership and who've adopted a lot of NRA-type rhetoric in the past 4 years. I wonder how much of that is just random happenstance in my life or if that's going to be an emerging major cleavage on the left that's being hastened by the obvious breakdown in our institutions. I don't want a gun and can't imagine buying one, but if the Supreme Court declares the income tax to be unconstitutional? If the GOP ever successfully guts Medicaid and SS? I could see wanting a shotgun if the American city is deliberately turned into Death Wish or Escape from New York.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to my knowledge, no.

I'm still of the mind that he can run again in 2024 and still win if he wants to. WV likes him that much.
I'm not sure how doable that is. His winning margin from 2012 to 2018 shrunk from about 160k votes to 20k. He didn't even clear 50 percent last time. I wouldn't say it's impossible but I don't think he's anywhere close to being a lock.


Oct 25, 2017
I am fairly lucky in that my parents and I don't have any major political disagreements. The main one is just me begging them to turn MSNBC off when they're around.

I find the arguments that are starkest between me and other people in my demographic/sociopolitical/age cohort are around guns. Like, all of a sudden I know a lot of woke people who did a complete 180 on gun ownership and who've adopted a lot of NRA-type rhetoric in the past 4 years. I wonder how much of that is just random happenstance in my life or if that's going to be an emerging major cleavage on the left that's being hastened by the obvious breakdown in our institutions. I don't want a gun and can't imagine buying one, but if the Supreme Court declares the income tax to be unconstitutional? If the GOP ever successfully guts Medicaid and SS? I could see wanting a shotgun if the American city is deliberately turned into Death Wish or Escape from New York.

there are way more Democrat's for gun control then there are for gun bans. Shockingly, most gun owners are for a myriad of gun control options as well, but like most things the GOP does lately, the minority of the minority is the most important


Oct 25, 2017

What a load of horseshit

Hes been in public service for decades and you dont do that by being a trumpian equivalent

He would not only be able to work with others but likely be just as able to filled the cabinet with qualified people as any other candidate

Im not saying Bernie doesnt have his flaws but once again there is little room for honest critical thinking and reflection in political discourse


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
I was having fun with Bloomberg trolling Trump, but I'm starting to get tired of it now. The ads are mostly fine, but I would not engage with Trump over Twitter if I were Bloomberg. It's juvenile and embarrassing, there's no need to act like Trump.
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Oct 25, 2017
I was having fun with Bloomberg trolling Trump, but I'm starting to get tired of it now. The ads are mostly fine, but I would not engage with Trump over Twitter if I were Bloomberg. It's juvenile and embarrassing, there's need to act like Trump.
Yeah I'm fine with trolling him via ads, but don't go down to his level.
Jun 6, 2019

Burgess Everett @burgessev

Joe Manchin thinks President Donald Trump abused his power and voted to remove him from office. But he also thinks Trump can still be a "tremendous president" and is eager to reconcile. And he's not ruling out supporting Trump's re-election campaign. …

"I don't rule anything out. I really don't rule anything out," Manchin said in an interview in his office. "I'm always going to be for what's best for my country. Everybody can change. Maybe the president will change, you know? Maybe that uniter will come out, versus the divider"

may defy logic that Manchin could support a president he voted to kick out of office, Manchin sees things differently. Trump tried to defeat Manchin in 2018 and Manchin forgave him a week later.

"I'm asking him to do the same thing I did," Manchin said. "He tried to remove me."

Senate Republicans are annoyed that Manchin denied Trump a bipartisan acquittal. But Graham has spoken to Trump about needing Manchin's vote later this year

Trump "doesn't believe it today. But there will come a time when we need Joe tomorrow," Graham said.

8:09 AM - Feb 13, 2020

He is our Sue Collins. Getting their hopes up, just to let them down. Every time.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I was having fun with Bloomberg trolling Trump, but I'm starting to get tired of it now. The ads are mostly fine, but I would not engage with Trump over Twitter if I were Bloomberg. It's juvenile and embarrassing, there's need to act like Trump.
It's odd. It actually goes back on his core message, which is basically "I'm racist, but I'm presidential."


Oct 25, 2017
I'm kind of bummed folks don't call him "Maniac Manchin" by default cuz I mean come on it's right there


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
NEWS -- Jessie Liu submitted her resignation to the Treasury Department yesterday, per an official. It was effective yesterday evening. Trump's decision to abruptly withdraw her nomination was directly tied to her former job -- running the office that oversaw Stone's prosecution.
10:49 - 13 Feb 2020
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