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Oct 25, 2017
Lol at people thinking the youth will win the election. Have you learned nothing?
No one's saying definitively that youth will win the election. They're saying that old Democrats will vote for Bernie because (1) old people don't stay home and (2) voting patterns get set very early. These people have voted Democratic for decades. They'll vote for Bernie.

We also have data showing that 80%+ of Romney/Clinton voters will support whomever we nominate because they've basically become Democrats, and Sanders might be able to win a small but significant of Obama/Trump voters in the Rust Belt.

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie's main base of support is the most unreliable group of voters then yeah his GE prospects aren't looking great

And I can't imagine what that means for control of Congress


Oct 27, 2017
*Me, clicking on and reading the new polls. "Oh wow, Bernie has a comfortable lead over the Democratic field and is competitive or winning in all Super Tuesday states. Has good head to head match ups against Trump in swing states too!"


Well he only beats Trump by 1 point in the swing state poll but Biden is up by 8 points.. Sanders looks like hard mode to me.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
I felt like Bloomberg would have appeal in CA. Somebody needs to get these shit comments on the air in an ad stat.

Here's that poll formatted:

Political Polls on Twitter

“#California @surveyUSA Poll: Sanders 25% Bloomberg 21% Biden 15% Buttigieg 12% Warren 9% Klobuchar/Steyer 6%”

Bernie needs to create a buffer by running up CA, otherwise, I don't see how they're all not within fighting distance for the delegate lead.


Oct 25, 2017
what happened to "polls that combine multiple states are bad" (except in this case it's actually even worse because it's a subset of a national poll instead)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Bern, Bide, Butt, and Bloom, are the worst boy band to grace the airwaves. All the talent was lost when Beto and Book went independent


Feb 28, 2018
Well he only beats Trump by 1 point in the swing state poll but Biden is up by 8 points.. Sanders looks like hard mode to me.
A recurring pattern with Biden since... well, since he's been in national politics, is that when voting begins his support crumbles and he always underperforms relative to his polling.

He is incapable of generating any excitement whatsoever. Bernie is drawing massive crowds, and yes that ability to turn out supporters helped Trump beat Hillary in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
Also worth noting that Trump's highest share of the vote in the H2H matchups is 46%... his exact share from 2016.

G. Elliott Morris estimates we need a PV margin of 2.5% - slightly better than Hillary - to win the electoral college. All the major contenders achieve that margin and then some in the poll

I don't think a 52% Democrat/46% Trump/2% third parties scenario is unlikely.
what happened to "polls that combine multiple states are bad" (except in this case it's actually even worse because it's a subset of a national poll instead)
People will overlook anything if they get to fret. Seriously, anxiety makes you overlook things and stress unnecessarily.

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
It's not so much over 65 as it is the millenial and younger / boomer and older split.

Well, we call it boomers vs. millenials, but the actual dividing line is when you entered the work force in relation to the Lesser Depression. Which mostly cleaves on boomer/Gen X lines, but theres some wriggle room, especially at the oldest part of millenials.

They really are fundamentally different sociologically, economically, and politically. The younger cohort has much less trust in society's institutions, including capitalism, is less skeptical of socialism, is more authoritarian and dismissive of the rule of law. Lots of important sociological markers differ - age of first marriage, time of first birth, homeownership rate, investment rate, credit score, reported number of friends, time spent on internet - they're all different, substantially so, as compared to when the boomers and up were our age.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't wait for the first hour of the debate tomorrow to be about how Warren will pay for Medicare for all. The second half will be cancelled and replaced with an ad for Bloomberg.


Oct 25, 2017
Bloomberg really helping me come to terms with a Sanders or Biden nom. He truly is a monstrous piece of shit. Running in the wrong primary.

It's been wild seeing the PSA guys actually go hard on him, since they are usually pretty circumspect about criticizing anyone who might be running against trump in due time.

Man defending Forma 🐍🐍🐍 or criticizing Bernard is like a bat signal for bad faith drive-by posters.

Easy fodder for my ignore list, but at this rate I might reach the limit like my boy Vimes .

The thread has honestly been unreadable for me for months and I've been spending more time on gaming side. I also unfollowed a bunch of otherwise lovely people on gamedev and game critic twitter who frankly should know better. 😑


Jul 25, 2018
So that Gallup poll that everyone called an outlier last week wasn't actually an outlier? He comes out of impeachment with soaring approvals?

Another stock market high despite the worlds second largest economy being shut down and Apple warning, thanks to the Federal Reserve enabling Trump's re-election.
Oct 25, 2017
Also worth noting that Trump's highest share of the vote in the H2H matchups is 46%... his exact share from 2016.

G. Elliott Morris estimates we need a PV margin of 2.5% - slightly better than Hillary - to win the electoral college. All the major contenders achieve that margin and then some in the poll

I don't think a 52% Democrat/46% Trump/2% third parties scenario is unlikely.

People will overlook anything if they get to fret. Seriously, anxiety makes you overlook things and stress unnecessarily.
I'm really not that worried (compared to everyone else in here) about the GE and I'm happy that you're as bullish as I am. The Senate map is giving me the nightmares still though.
Oct 28, 2017
Well he only beats Trump by 1 point in the swing state poll but Biden is up by 8 points.. Sanders looks like hard mode to me.

Perhaps Sanders will crumble in the General Election. But if you look at Biden's performance so far, you'd be smart to guess his polling numbers are pure fool's gold. He can't campaign a win even if he was the only candidate.


Nov 30, 2017
I hate to sound like a broken record, but in that NC poll:


And this is in a modeled electorate that is younger than 2016.

My problem isn't that the numbers are bad in the primary, it's that I don't see how Bernie fixes them. Unlike young people, who are more likely to attract others TO Bernie through interactions and persuasion, older people are more likely to interact with Trump voters, and might be convinced to third-party or stay off the top of the ticket at the top (even if they don't vote for Trump directly).

If the goal is for a margin play such that we can get more votes in a few key states than 105%-110% of Trump's vote total in those states, this kind of breakout feels like we're handicapping ourselves greatly out of worry that people that 1) don't reliably vote and 2) are much more impacted by all this nonsense because they have to deal with DeVos and climate change ways that the olds don't.


Oct 25, 2017
The thread has honestly been unreadable for me for months and I've been spending more time on gaming side. I also unfollowed a bunch of people on gamedev and game critic twitter who frankly should know better. 😑
I've just had to ignore a shit ton of people to make it readable. Especially in the past few months.


Oct 27, 2017
A recurring pattern with Biden since... well, since he's been in national politics, is that when voting begins his support crumbles and he always underperforms relative to his polling.

He is incapable of generating any excitement whatsoever. Bernie is drawing massive crowds, and yes that ability to turn out supporters helped Trump beat Hillary in 2016.
True but I imagine we would have different results now if South Carolina was the first state. Really don't want Biden as president either but I want to senate and it still seems to me that he's the best bet for that to happen.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Credit sphagnum

Liberalism = belief in limited government (that is to say, government limited by constitutional powers, not "small government") and individual liberties. Classically, the Republican and Democratic parties have both been liberal parties. The term "liberal" veered off to mean "expansion of rights and government services" in the US, with conservatism developing to mean the opposite, but ignore that because it's an aberration from the worldwide meaning.

Socialism = worker control of the means of production. Out of fear of socialist revolution, capitalist (liberal) nations made compromises leading to the development of social democracy.

Social democracy = liberal state with an expansive welfare system. Social democracy came out of reformist socialists who gave up on the transition to worker control combining with reformist capitalists who feared revolution. This is what prevailed in western Europe and the Democratic Party for most of the 20th century.

Neoliberal = a reaction to social democracy, a return to belief in small government, cutting taxes and services, and turning to the market for solutions. This was pioneered by Pinochet, Thatcher, and Reagan but became basically liberal orthodoxy by the 90s. It doesn't matter whether one is socially progressive or not, it's about economics. Hence why Bill Clinton was also a neoliberal ("The era of big government is over!", his welfare "reform", etc.) and why socialists often argue that Obama was not really a social democrat but a neoliberal, at least to some extent (his desire for a grand bargain that would cut entitlements, Obamacare turning out to be Romneycare, etc.)

We are now entering a period where neoliberalism is clearly failing/has clearly failed, and some combination of pro-socdem/pro-demsoc support is on the rise. Demsoc/democratic socialism = socdem but further beyond/reformist socialism/using socdem as a stepping stone to get to the end goal.

Yes I watched Noncompetes video.

Warren and all capitalists aren't NEOLIBERAL.


Jun 19, 2018
So many polls today. And there were a few I missed somehow.

Bernie's apparently competitive (by 4 anyway) in Arkansas.
Bernie's leading in Maine by 9.
He's -11 to Warren in Massachusetts for an obvious reason.

So I've bolded the changes I made to the Super Tuesday list

Alabama - No polling yet
Arkansas - Competitive
California - Leading
Colorado - Outdated polling*
Maine - Leading
Massachusetts - Losing

Minnesota - No polling yet*
North Carolina - Competitive
Oklahoma - Competitive*
Tennessee - No polling yet
Texas - Leading
Utah - Leading
Vermont - Leading*
Virginia - Competitive

*Won in 2016

Bernie's competitive in 4 states and winning in 5 states. All it would take is an Amy-style takedown on Bloomberg in a debate or something, and I could see Bernie winning all 9. Out of 14. That's 65% of Super Tuesday's states that could go to Bernie. And there''s still 4 states that we don't have recent polling on yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I've just had to ignore a shit ton of people to make it readable. Especially in the past few months.
Yeah if the ignore list was bigger or the perms were coming faster, I'd still be around.




Oct 25, 2017
So many polls today. And there were a few I missed somehow.

Bernie's apparently competitive (by 4 anyway) in Arkansas.
Bernie's leading in Maine by 9.
He's -11 to Warren in Massachusetts for an obvious reason.

So I've bolded the changes I made to the Super Tuesday list

Bernie's competitive in 4 states and winning in 5 states. All it would take is an Amy-style takedown on Bloomberg in a debate or something, and I could see Bernie winning all 9. Out of 14. That's 65% of Super Tuesday's states that could go to Bernie. And there''s still 4 states that we don't have recent polling on yet.
Ugh that MA poll is a few weeks old (pre-Iowa). I'm still surprised to see Forma winning MA.


Oct 28, 2017

It'll be hilarious if this winds up blowing up in the Arizona GOP's face. It's not entirely possible that their state house and senate flip blue alongside the federal senate seat thanks to the giant hispanic population. I bet the governor would be sweating bullets lol.

We need audio or video STAT. This guy is like one of those liquid mosquito traps you hang outdoors. He just attracts oppo by the thousands of hits.
I'm not trying to give myself hope, but seeing Warren and Bloomberg tied at 14% is funny. We create narratives out of this stuff in a way that is really inconsistent. Warren is done, and has no chance at 14%, and Bloomberg is this inevitable behemoth that is going to force us all to either compromise our values, or not vote at all at 14%. I realize I'm not taking momentum into account with this post, as it is troubling to see Bloomberg gain as quickly as he has. I'm just choosing to believe that all of that support is really really flimsy, and that a good debate from Warren or Bernie can put him away.
There was a chart posted here or in the primary thread showing that almost 75% of bloomberg's support were absolutely considering other candidates. It was higher than other candidates. Bernie's maybe number was 39% iirc. Yeah, he is standing on a house of cards and we're going to see a reenactment of Scar's death scene tomorrow.
One more from the NBC/WSJ poll

Those numbers are somewhat comforting even if a little disappointing.
*Me, clicking on and reading the new polls. "Oh wow, Bernie has a comfortable lead over the Democratic field and is competitive or winning in all Super Tuesday states. Has good head to head match ups against Trump in swing states too!"


It wouldn't be resetera if we weren't freaking out about 2-3 percent swings.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
So Bernie has the 3 most unpopular characteristics of a presidential candidate while beating Trump 50-46%.
It's why asking characteristic questions like that can be so tricky. People might not like something in theory but don't care when you add a name


Oct 25, 2017
Socialist: 67%
Heart attack in past year: 57%
75+: 53%

So let's run the 80 year old socialist who just had a heart attack and is DOA with voters over 30. What could possibly go wrong.
This is fucking frightening. Combine these with Bernie doing horribly with olds who actually vote and relying on the youth vote you can never count on, and I think people online are vastly underestimating how difficult a Bernie general election victory will be.
Oct 25, 2017
Maine - Colby College

Trump Favs
Favorable: 39%
Unfavorable 60%

Susan Collins
Favorable: 42%
Unfavorable: 54%

Dem Primary
Bernie Sanders .......................................................... 25%
Pete Buttigieg............................................................. 16%
Mike Bloomberg ......................................................... 14%
Joe Biden ................................................................... 12%
Elizabeth Warren ......................................................... 9%

If the election for the United States Senate was held today and the candidates were Republican Susan Collins and Democratic Sara Gideon, who would you vote for?
Sara Gideon ............................................................... 43%
Susan Collins ............................................................. 42%
Unsure at this time ..................................................... 14%

If the election for the United States Senate was held today and the candidates were Republican Senator Susan Collins and a Democrat other than Sara Gideon, who would you vote for?

Susan Collins ............................................................. 40%
Whoever the Democratic candidate is ....................... 34%
Unsure at this time ..................................................... 26%

Gideon already showing strength.


Oct 25, 2017
If the election for the United States Senate was held today and the candidates were Republican Susan Collins and Democratic Sara Gideon, who would you vote for?
Sara Gideon ............................................................... 43%
Susan Collins ............................................................. 42%
Unsure at this time ..................................................... 14%

If the election for the United States Senate was held today and the candidates were Republican Senator Susan Collins and a Democrat other than Sara Gideon, who would you vote for?

Susan Collins ............................................................. 40%
Whoever the Democratic candidate is ....................... 34%
Unsure at this time ..................................................... 26%
Gideon's spending seems to have worked.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Socialist: 67%
Heart attack in past year: 57%
75+: 53%

So let's run the 80 year old socialist who just had a heart attack and is DOA with voters over 30. What could possibly go wrong.
And he's still running ahead of Trump's approval in H2H matchups so maybe that should tell you about the utility of characteristic polling.


Oct 28, 2017
So many polls today. And there were a few I missed somehow.

Bernie's apparently competitive (by 4 anyway) in Arkansas.
Bernie's leading in Maine by 9.
He's -11 to Warren in Massachusetts for an obvious reason.

So I've bolded the changes I made to the Super Tuesday list

Bernie's competitive in 4 states and winning in 5 states. All it would take is an Amy-style takedown on Bloomberg in a debate or something, and I could see Bernie winning all 9. Out of 14. That's 65% of Super Tuesday's states that could go to Bernie. And there''s still 4 states that we don't have recent polling on yet.
I don't think even need a poll to know that Bernie is leading in Colorado.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Maine - Colby College

Trump Favs
Favorable: 39%
Unfavorable 60%

Susan Collins
Favorable: 42%
Unfavorable: 54%

Dem Primary
Bernie Sanders .......................................................... 25%
Pete Buttigieg............................................................. 16%
Mike Bloomberg ......................................................... 14%
Joe Biden ................................................................... 12%
Elizabeth Warren ......................................................... 9%

If the election for the United States Senate was held today and the candidates were Republican Susan Collins and Democratic Sara Gideon, who would you vote for?
Sara Gideon ............................................................... 43%
Susan Collins ............................................................. 42%
Unsure at this time ..................................................... 14%

If the election for the United States Senate was held today and the candidates were Republican Senator Susan Collins and a Democrat other than Sara Gideon, who would you vote for?

Susan Collins ............................................................. 40%
Whoever the Democratic candidate is ....................... 34%
Unsure at this time ..................................................... 26%

Gideon already showing strength.
Colby hasn't really polled a lot so I'd hold on breaking out champagne.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point you just have to hope the H2H's that show Bernie blowing Bloom out if it comes to that are right.


Jun 19, 2018
I don't think even need a poll to know that Bernie is leading in Colorado.

Honestly you're probably right. I just like to have that reassurance, though. And the only poll we have so far is Bernie leading by only 1. So, trust that poll how you will I guess. lol

If Bernie's leading or competitive in 10 out of 14 Super Tuesday states...hoo boy.

Ugh that MA poll is a few weeks old (pre-Iowa). I'm still surprised to see Forma winning MA.

Yeah, that's what I meant by having missed some polls. Somehow that poll from a few weeks ago slipped by me.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not trying to give myself hope, but seeing Warren and Bloomberg tied at 14% is funny. We create narratives out of this stuff in a way that is really inconsistent. Warren is done, and has no chance at 14%, and Bloomberg is this inevitable behemoth that is going to force us all to either compromise our values, or not vote at all at 14%. I realize I'm not taking momentum into account with this post, as it is troubling to see Bloomberg gain as quickly as he has. I'm just choosing to believe that all of that support is really really flimsy, and that a good debate from Warren or Bernie can put him away.
It's why I basically gloss over any posts with the word Bloomberg in them right now. Not gonna fret about a potential nomination for him until Super Tuesday results are in. Makes catching up with the thread a lot easier, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Maine - Colby College

Trump Favs
Favorable: 39%
Unfavorable 60%

Susan Collins
Favorable: 42%
Unfavorable: 54%
Those are surprisingly close ROFLMAO

Yeah, that's what I meant by having missed some polls. Somehow that poll from a few weeks ago slipped by me.
I don't believe it was posted here. I would have seen it if it was.


Oct 25, 2017
I bet Susan shows her more moderate streak this year if her internals show this stuff. But what a weird miss on witnesses.
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