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Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
speaking of, I feel like there is an extremely likely possibility of Trump running again in 2024 if he loses this year. I don't think he'll be able to handle being out of the spotlight, relative to being president anyway, for four years.

Trump will be in prison the second he leaves office

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Trump wouldn't run in 2024 lol. He was derailed by winning in the first place!
Oct 25, 2017
Had an interesting conversation with my leftist 1st (I think we established that?) cousin. She let me know that covid-19 was created by the Russians and Chinese so that Trump could release it, delay elections, declare martial law and win re-election. Apparently, the media is talking about this, but the lamestream media (her word) refuses to cover this. So she's no longer voting for Bernie, she's voting for Biden because Biden needs to be the nominee because they (idk who they is) won't care so much if he wins......

And part of me was like "Well, at least she's voting for Biden and not writing in Bernie again"
The other part of me was like "Is there some kind of family test for stupid I should take?"
it was a second cousin -- get your story straight


Nov 30, 2017
How Trump handles the virus and the coming recession is really more about the difference between 48, 50, and 52 seats in the Senate, IMO. That's actually a simplified version of my position, actually, but just for the sake of brevity, that's where I am on that.

This is the only real operable question in this election, and has been so even before the country went into Coronavirus panic. Trump's just not popular and was pulling in all kinds of terrible incumbent re-election head to heads with like 17% undecided and he was STILL losing. No incumbent is ever going win that race.

Deep recession and botching a once a century public health crisis are just fuel on the fire, IMO he was already done once Biden came back from the brink.


Oct 27, 2017
Eugene Debs ran from prison.



Oct 27, 2017
speaking of, I feel like there is an extremely likely possibility of Trump running again in 2024 if he loses this year. I don't think he'll be able to handle being out of the spotlight, relative to being president anyway, for four years.

His chances of living to 2024 aren't great without a medical staff dedicated to keeping his arteries open.


Oct 25, 2017
5 acres and a cough drop is my expectations

Depending on where those 5 acres are at, that's good money!

Had an interesting conversation with my leftist 1st (I think we established that?) cousin. She let me know that covid-19 was created by the Russians and Chinese so that Trump could release it, delay elections, declare martial law and win re-election. Apparently, the media is talking about this, but the lamestream media (her word) refuses to cover this. So she's no longer voting for Bernie, she's voting for Biden because Biden needs to be the nominee because they (idk who they is) won't care so much if he wins......

And part of me was like "Well, at least she's voting for Biden and not writing in Bernie again"
The other part of me was like "Is there some kind of family test for stupid I should take?"

I have long said that conspiracy theorists are smart people who cannot understand how to fill in the blanks. They have all the pieces of the puzzle to make a wintry landscape and somehow combine them in such a way that it looks like Picasso.

Children are natural vectors for disease. I had to go out yesterday, and there were a group of them entering as I was leaving the store. I stopped dead in my tracks until they were gone. I'm sure my expression was some variant of BACK THE HELL UP, PEOPLE, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE.

The Simpsons literally has an episode end with Marge and Lisa sending children to hug people so they'd be sick and couldn't vote.



Oct 25, 2017
Im not sure if UBI is actually progressive. I feel like it would ultimately undermine the welfare system and corporations would figure out ways to take advantage of it by for example making goods more expensive if suddenly everyone had an extra grand to spend each month.
man this is the exact same argument i've heard against raising the minimum wage.
Oct 26, 2017
Mind you, Cuomo repeatedly praised Trump during his press conference

It doesn't work -- stick to the truth

He is only going to look at the bullet-point printouts his shitlords put on his desk anyway

Seriously I saw that press conference. Cuomo heaped tons of praise on Trump and the WH. He even kind of white-washed their terrible response so far.

Yet Trump STILL took to Twitter. So yeah agreed, just tell the truth. Unless you go full sycophant, Trump will never be happy.


Nov 27, 2017
I homeschool my oldest two because of health issues, so I never get a break from any of my kids. lol

Anyway, some early exit polls:

Florida Demographics:
1% -Asian

Arizona Demographics
64% White

Illinois Favorables (favorable/unfavorable)
74/23 Biden
71/25 Bernie

Arizona Favorables:
74/21 Biden
68/28 Bernie


Oct 25, 2017
Omfg what are my kids going to do, and how will I keep my sanity?

You are still gonna have school just not in person in a classroom.

Governor Laura Kelly has announced all public schools will stop meeting in person, switching to digital classes for the rest of the school year in a sweeping response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"Closing classrooms and moving to this continuous learning plan... can in no way replicate the great learning that goes on in our world-class schools," Dr. Randy Watson, Commissioner for the Kansas State Department of Education, said. He also said resources will be provided to public and private schools for online learning going forward.

All Kansas public schools cease in-person classes for the rest of the year, governor says amid pandemic

Governor Laura Kelly has announced all public schools will transition to digital classes for the rest of the 2020 spring semester in a sweeping response to the coronavirus pandemic.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone must have been screaming I HAVE CORONA or something for west virgina to acknowledge.


Dec 7, 2018
One thing that I have learned the hard way over the years is to not doubt Pelosi. How many times has it seemed like she lost on something but when all the dust settled it actually became apparent that she was able to get the best deal possible (or at least close to it)? I'm not saying we can't say huh or wonder what the plan is/was but I'm going to wait a bit before putting her up against the proverbial wall.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that I have learned the hard way over the years is to not doubt Pelosi. How many times has it seemed like she lost on something but when all the dust settled it actually became apparent that she was able to get the best deal possible (or at least close to it)? I'm not saying we can't say huh or wonder what the plan is/was but I'm going to wait a bit before putting her up against the proverbial wall.
In this case the issue is that the wall is a giant shifting jello wall where you can't actually trust it to hold up because it's going to keep moving and wobbling under pressure.

She doesn't have anyone she can trust to hold up bargains in good faith.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
One thing that I have learned the hard way over the years is to not doubt Pelosi. How many times has it seemed like she lost on something but when all the dust settled it actually became apparent that she was able to get the best deal possible (or at least close to it)? I'm not saying we can't say huh or wonder what the plan is/was but I'm going to wait a bit before putting her up against the proverbial wall.
Pelosi's done more than enough to earn my benefit of the doubt. Not saying I agree with her 100% of the way but it's not like she's ever done anything to make me question that she's a competent and capable leader.


Oct 27, 2017
U.S. coronavirus death toll reaches 100

Coronavirus has killed from coast to coast. It devastated a nursing home in Washington state and crept into the heartland. Across the United States, at least 100 people infected with the highly contagious new virus have now died — a toll that experts expect to rise quickly.
This country's first fatal cases offer a preview of the challenges ahead, as Americans battle a disease that has killed thousands of people worldwide. The Washington Post has tracked every known U.S. death and has analyzed data provided by state and local health officials, families of the victims, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Of the first 100 reported fatalities, many people appear to have had underlying health conditions, making it harder for their bodies to fight off covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Some had diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension or pulmonary ailments.

Nearly all — about 85 percent — were older than 60, and about 45 percent were older than 80. It's unclear how some of them contracted the disease, but more than a third were living in residential care facilities when they became ill.


Nov 27, 2017
A heads up with Decision desk, we're not sure if they'll be faster than the other folks tonight. They aren't having folks on the ground, I don't think.


Nov 27, 2017
Arizona Primary voters:
Who do you trust to handle Immigration?


Should policies:
43% Return to Obama,
40% More liberal,
6% more conservative

47% of Arizona voters say Bernie is too liberal.


Oct 28, 2017
You are still gonna have school just not in person in a classroom.

All Kansas public schools cease in-person classes for the rest of the year, governor says amid pandemic

Governor Laura Kelly has announced all public schools will transition to digital classes for the rest of the 2020 spring semester in a sweeping response to the coronavirus pandemic.

" schools..."

Come on.

I'm also stunned they can do this. I live in a rural area and half the people here don't have internet fast enough to watch videos.


Oct 25, 2017
Article on a Utah company that's got EU but not US approval on low-cost ($10/pop) tests they're itching to put into mass production. FDA pls -

I also just realized that the Northam fiasco accidentally left our state with a doctor in charge during a pandemic due to Northam not really being able to resign and that's about the perfect weird twist of fate to cap off that whole nightmare saga.


Nov 27, 2017
Florida Voters:

Who do you trust to handle gun policy?


47% of Florida voters say Bernie is too liberal.

Who do you trust most to handle Social Security:
59% Biden
37% Bernie


Nov 27, 2017
Illinois voter age demoswith 2016 number in parenthesis:

17-29: 15% (17%)
30-44 23% (22%)
45-64 33% (39%)
65+ 29% (22%)
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