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Oct 25, 2017
Have a laugh... or a cry. I'm not sure which one.
It was sarcasm. Had to Google to see if it was real but the OG tweet was not getting ratioed. If anything, this Marshall guy's an asshole for not taking his tweet down.

Patrick Chovanec on Twitter

“The @washingtonpost has corrected its article to more clearly reflect the true nature and intent of my tweet. "Correction: An earlier version of this article included Chovanec’s sentiments without clearly indicating they were sarcastic."”


Oct 25, 2017
omg AOC part of the establishment already

really the only thing missing is worship of the military

Pragmatic and becoming the next miner to chip away at the wall

I appreciate her and hope she makes more progress than those who came before her

Short of some revolution we aren't going to get the "flip the lightswitch" change that most people want. Even WITH this pandemic exposing our deepest systemic flaws

but one can dream....


May 16, 2019

AOC breaks with Bernie on how to lead the left

The congresswoman is declining to back primary challengers following in her footsteps — and working within the system in Congress.

More in the article obviously.
Love it or hate it, this is political acumen and something that the left has lacked. AOC remains the best hope for moving the party left without it being against their will and without burning bridges. There is a game to be played and if you want to have long term success you need to play it.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Love it or hate it, this is political acumen and something that the left has lacked. AOC remains the best hope for moving the party left without it being against their will and without burning bridges. There is a game to be played and if you want to have long term success you need to play it.
Yeah, the problem is certain sectors of the left think having political acumen exclusively means selling out.

Oh well. Loud, vocal minority and all that. I see her ultimately being similar to Warren, who despite the online attacks is very well-liked across the board within the party. Hell, even Bernie has broad approval ratings, even if that doesn't necessarily translate into votes, and while he's far more stubborn than the other two I think even he's more pragmatic than his diehards act like he is.

Slim Action

Jul 4, 2018
It's gonna be a real weird situation with voting this year, with a lot of room for confusion and shenanigans.



Oct 25, 2017
Pragmatic and becoming the next miner to chip away at the wall

I appreciate her and hope she makes more progress than those who came before her

Short of some revolution we aren't going to get the "flip the lightswitch" change that most people want. Even WITH this pandemic exposing our deepest systemic flaws

but one can dream....

I think with how she's handling things, AOC is going to have a pretty good level of success. She realizes this is a long distance race, not a single 100 meter sprint.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
Feels like when it exceeds a small portion of the state we should just play it safe and go all out. What's really being preserved here?

PA has vast, vast, stretches of nothing outside of the philly 5 county area, Dauphin, and Allegheny counties.

There are 25 counties with under 50k people total, and about ten of those are under 30k. Just super low population density areas where few people live and few people travel.

Making things worse, many of these areas took advantage of a loophole in state law and eliminated all local law enforcement to save money. The state police deal with any criminal issues and they were stretched critically thin because of that already. For all intents and purposes there is no persistent law enforcement or police presence here.

Wolf could call for a lockdown statewide, but it would be impossible to enforce and completely ignored.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
Western PA and Eastern PA are different worlds for sure. But Wolf could lock down the eastern part of the state at least.

Already has.

22 of the 67 counties are locked down, which is about 3/4 of the state population.

The remaining 1/4 of the state population is spread out among the remaining 45 counties- which are mostly the super low density areas where nobody lives that would be near impossible to enforce anyway.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Already has.

22 of the 67 counties are locked down, which is about 3/4 of the state population.

The remaining 1/4 of the state population is spread out among the remaining 45 counties- which are mostly the super low density areas where nobody lives that would be near impossible to enforce anyway.
Is he doing it to the extent that the surrounding states are? I've tuned out from some corona stuff over the weekend up to now.


Oct 27, 2017
PA has vast, vast, stretches of nothing outside of the philly 5 county area, Dauphin, and Allegheny counties.

There are 25 counties with under 50k people total, and about ten of those are under 30k. Just super low population density areas where few people live and few people travel.
Trust me, I'm in one of those mid-to-lower density areas. I'm just a little unhappy hearing kids and some adults loudly pass my house when they should be staying the fuck inside. I've noticed a mild traffic drop-off from the non-essential business closure, but the longer this drags on, the more I think we have to step it up.

I'll be honest, if I had any faith testing was rampant locally, I'd feel better about all of this.

Making things worse, many of these areas took advantage of a loophole in state law and eliminated all local law enforcement to save money. The state police deal with any criminal issues and they were stretched critically thin because of that already. For all intents and purposes there is no persistent law enforcement or police presence here.

Wolf could call for a lockdown statewide, but it would be impossible to enforce and completely ignored.
Fair enough, however I don't see what is really lost from an order if there is a small minority that might ignore it.


Oct 25, 2017
AOC has handled herself very well and serves as a great example for young people. I value her presence, her communication skills, and her willingness to work toward common goals.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
AOC is on team "Do What You Need To Make Your Goals" instead of team "Do What You Want To Make Your Goals Or Making Alot Of Noise Is OK Too I Guess".

Yeah I'd posit the reason Bush hasn't gone to jail for anything is because his crimes (well, the more obvious ones) were more inherently political. (Plus if you want to be more insidious he scratched plenty of Democrats' backs)

Trump on the other hand is so blatant about it a child could see through him. He'll have whatever's left of his base behind him, but the establishment pols will act like they never wanted anything to do with him. I think they'll let him fry.

The fun part is wat his "benefactors", eastern european "legitimate businessmen" partners, shady billionaires, and hostile foreign intel services (but i repeat myself) do oncehis financials are fully exposed.

It's bizarre. He'll float something stupid then be celebrated for not actually doing it.

The strat of going "finally he got it thru his thick cowardly sociopathic skull" is nowhere near common enough yup.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
Is he doing it to the extent that the surrounding states are? I've tuned out from some corona stuff over the weekend up to now.

Everything non-essential is shut down in the affected areas. Not sure how much more you can do.

PA has *way* less cases than NY and NJ do though, and even though NJ is adjacent there is a huge natural barrier (the DE river) separating the two. Generally its only passable via toll bridges.

With philly having been shut down for everything non essential for over a week now, traffic between the two areas is pretty negligible.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Who gives a shit what Cenk and Rose Twitter think.
Can't blame AOC for playing the game and making party inroads. She, like Warren, are still very much on the side of progress.


Feb 28, 2018
I'm sorry but why should anyone care what Cenk and the Rose Twitter assholes have to say? They're kind of irrelevant at the ballot box; no reason to keep placating them.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The "AOC breaks with Bernie" framing isn't really correct either. Bernie isn't lock-step with Justice Dems in the same way, and he certainly hasn't endorsed all the primary challengers that they have been pushing for much of the same reason.

Sexy Fish

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The "AOC breaks with Bernie" framing isn't really correct either. Bernie isn't lock-step with Justice Dems in the same way, and he certainly hasn't endorsed all the primary challengers that they have been pushing for much of the same reason.
Yeah. Bernie is just a stubborn fuck, but he isn't Bernie or Bust and burn down the establishment. He'll campaign for Joe when it comes down to it, and rose twitter will just explode with rage.


Jul 25, 2018
John Oliver is still on. Last night he talked about Trump doubting that NY needs the ventilators. He said it's like when your house goes on fire, and you call the fire service. Trump would be standing there saying, "You walk into most houses and they have taps, and sinks, and now all of a sudden they say they need hundreds of gallons of water sprayed at them because there's a big fire? I don't buy it."

There was also the clip of Trump attacking a reporter last week for asking if his plan to open by Easter was reasonable. He accused the media of wanting him to fail so they could tip the election. Now he is backtracking from his stupidity and the narrative is that it's good he is listening to the health experts, WTH.
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