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Oct 27, 2017
Fucking hell, Trump reading shit that he's never seen before is insufferable. He sounds like he was just called on by the teacher to read the next paragraph in the Econ textbook, but he ad-libs throughout with stuff like "very big number."

Yes asshole, we get that you don't care. Go back to your bunker and perform for your Twitter lemmings.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Mandatory military service is a draft. Nobody wants that.

Mandatory public service is something that should honestly be discussed as I think it could have a lot of positive impact on our country.
When everyone hits 18 they should have to work a retail/custormer service job for 18 months. Would be a lot less assholes bothering service people


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
Mandatory military service is horseshit. If you are going to require mandatory service to anything, the military is not on the top of that list. Hell, mandatory state service that requires you to work for your local government would be more productive. It'd probably do more for people's careers too.


Oct 27, 2017
RE: Politico. They might have a bunch of options available, but they wouldn't make up a quote like that. They would either lorem ipsum or some other placeholder


Oct 28, 2017

The fact that 50% of dems want to vote by mail and only 22% of republicans can backfire terribly if this type of thing happens in November in swing states.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I thought that, but then how would they have a quote from his announcement?

It's a pretty generic quote. Sounds like a placeholder.

Also, there's literally no reason an actual statement would be sent this far ahead. Written, sure. Sent? Absolutely not.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh God, the Trump conference today was BRUTAL for him. A reporter brought up that the doctor he re-tweeted, and called a subsequent voice, believes that medicine comes from Alien DNA and he dipped.


Oct 29, 2017
Mandatory military service is horseshit. If you are going to require mandatory service to anything, the military is not on the top of that list. Hell, mandatory state service that requires you to work for your local government would be more productive. It'd probably do more for people's careers too.

Fuck that, I'll quickly develop bone spurs to not go fight bullshit wars for this imperialistic country. Having to work on renewables, building infrastructure though.. I'm down.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017

The fact that 50% of dems want to vote by mail and only 22% of republicans can backfire terribly if this type of thing happens in November in swing states.

Yeah, I brought it up before. If GOP are anti-mail in ballot, I think that just means more wait until election day or early voting to vote. Sure in states like FL it may backfire on account of the older population that relies on mail-in ballots, but that's my first thought. They're not going to just not vote, unless they have no other real choice but to mail in.

Not a huge fan of taking much away from polls that show GOP voters don't want to mail in vote.

And if USPS/Secretary of State fuckery continues, mail-in ballots will become a massive issue and local Dem leaders need to make sure they're ready.


Oct 27, 2017

The fact that 50% of dems want to vote by mail and only 22% of republicans can backfire terribly if this type of thing happens in November in swing states.

trump is clearly an idiot but there are some around him that aren't. I know we like to make fun of him for 'telling his own supporters to not burn their mail-in-ballots to own the libs' but if the flip side of that is that most of his supporters actually show up come election day then it gives him more cover to find a way to have absentee votes rejected knowing that the majority are democratic voters.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Jamaal needs to have a gamer town hall where we can show him just how far video games have come


Oct 25, 2017
What a complete coward. It's funny because 4 years ago would have probably loved to spar with reporters by shouting nonsense at them, but he just a low energy husk now.


Oct 25, 2017
When everyone hits 18 they should have to work a retail/custormer service job for 18 months. Would be a lot less assholes bothering service people

It's a tried and true practice, and the same thinking can be applied to race/class/gender/political divides. When people get to experience what life is like outside their bubble, it makes them more empathetic and understanding. The US is sorely lacking in this regard.


Oct 27, 2017
RE: Politico. They might have a bunch of options available, but they wouldn't make up a quote like that. They would either lorem ipsum or some other placeholder
I don't think it's that unusual to come up with a filler mock quote. Particularly one that brief and generic

Mandatory military service to a military mission people don't believe in anymore, and many vehemently oppose? After the Iraq debacle? I'm sure that would go over well ...
again, Rice was talking about mandatory public service, not strictly military service.


Nov 28, 2018
Here's an updated election map. I took the polling averages from 538* and applied them to a map at 270toWin using the following measures:
Toss-up: 0-2.99%
Leans: 3-4.99%
Likely: 5-9.99%
Safe: 10+%


*Any state that I couldn't find polling for is assigned Safe 2016 Party.

And here's what happens when you 'tilt' the toss-up's to the poll leaders:

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Part of me is curious on if these nouveau socialist that arose during 2016 even know how politics works, or if they are just another subset of people radicalized by the interwebs.


Oct 29, 2017
I can't be the only one noticing how liberal Mnunchin has been in all these Covid bills.

What happened?


Oct 25, 2017
I can't be the only one noticing how liberal Mnunchin has been in all these Covid bills.

What happened?

He has always been about helping the poor. He is just on the conservative side with respect to social issues.

Edit: For some reason I read this as Manchin, so please ignore completely.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
RE: Politico. They might have a bunch of options available, but they wouldn't make up a quote like that. They would either lorem ipsum or some other placeholder
It's standard practice for famous people's obituaries, that shit is written months (if not years) in advance. I wouldn't be shocked if they were doing that for the VP picks.


Oct 30, 2017

Democrats and... Trumpers, Sasse?

Oh boy.

If Senate Republicans ef this up for Trump, what will the politics of this be? Besides the horrible real-world consequences.

I mean, I guess just because this will lead to an economic hell, Trump will still get the blame, but my guess is that this will just destroy de GOP in more ways than just Trump dragging down the ballot. Americans are going to simply punish all Republicans in November, not just as a consequence of Trump.
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