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Oct 27, 2017
People need to recalibrate their expectations. The mere fact that Biden has a legitimate shot at winning Texas, a state that has only gone for a Democrat once (and then for a southerner) since the 1960s should be cause for great optimism for Democrats and grave concern for Republicans.


Oct 30, 2017

Hanna Trudo @HCTrudo

Harris indicates Biden won't bring up Trump's family during tomorrow night's debate h/t @JasJWright
Harris to @JasJWright on how Biden is prepping ahead of tomorrow's debate: "One of the things I love about Joe Biden... He doesn't take on or talk about other people's kids."​
1:41 PM · Oct 21, 2020

Idiotic stance. It's one thing if you're referring to Baron here, but his adult kids work in the White House, and get paid public money. How are they not fair game?


Oct 31, 2017
Idiotic stance. It's one thing if you're referring to Baron here, but his adult kids work in the White House, and get paid public money. How are they not fair game?

Spending the final debate less than two weeks before the election talking about Trump's stupid kids is a waste of time.


Oct 25, 2017
Florida has been so historically unreliable that I'm just gonna assume it's going red. If it doesn't, that's a pleasant surprise. Thankfully, FL was never necessary for Biden's EC path.

And basically every political forecaster I follow has said "Seriously, don't read into early voting trends," so I've been avoiding them on purpose. No reason to get anxiety over something that historically isn't a reliable indicator of results.
Honestly for my sanity I kind of am counting on a Florida win because that'll be the easiest way for the election to be called on the night of the 3rd. I really don't want this to drag out multiple days while we wait for PA to count everything lol


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Yea, if Trump is going to berate Biden and his son, he better be ready to counter Trump's BS with some actual facts regarding Trump's kids.

Although, if Trump seriously wants to try and make this debate about Biden's stance on China, Biden needs to come back with all the stuff thats come out yesterday about Trump's back account in China and the amount he paid in taxes there lol.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
Idiotic stance. It's one thing if you're referring to Baron here, but his adult kids work in the White House, and get paid public money. How are they not fair game?

it plays into trump's argument. trump wants to make it an argument about hunter biden and joe biden doing a whataboutism now gives that more weight. cue pundits talking about is hunter really better than ivanka/eric? etc.

and it's a distraction. it's really obvious too. biden can pivot away saying there's nothing true at all to this made-up story and that it's the thing americans are sick and tired of hearing about from the trump campaign. what they want is to hear about what the president is going to do about the pandemic and unemployment. honestly, it's a pretty easy layup.

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
Trump is mass dumping images from the 60 min interview and...

It's empty???

I mean...

Oct 27, 2017
Biden not going after Trump's evil children is in keeping with the campaign's strategy — seem normal, and make him look even more abnormal by contrast. Mentioning Ivanka isn't going to sway anyone who doesn't already hate Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly for my sanity I kind of am counting on a Florida win because that'll be the easiest way for the election to be called on the night of the 3rd. I really don't want this to drag out multiple days while we wait for PA to count everything lol
I mean, I would fucking love a Florida win, but I also would've loved one in 2018, and one in 2016, and both of those also seemed extremely possible and yet didn't happen by the smallest of margins. So I'm just putting my expectations in check. Trust me, I don't want shit to get dragged out either.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, it's just written in a secret ink that can't be photographed, so that Biden can't steal Trump's glorious plan. It's called vampire ink.


Oct 27, 2017
They straight up handed her an empty book and expected her to not open it or something. Man I hope the 60 Minutes segment highlights that shit.
Feb 14, 2018
Early votes aren't the be-all end-all but they are more valuable than "likely" votes. In an election between a candidate with 1000 votes already cast and a candidate with 1100 backers who say they will vote, the former is in good shape.

Like, it's the bottom of the ninth inning. Would you rather be the away team that's up by two runs or the home team that has "confidence" in its lineup?


Nov 30, 2017
Joe Biden has a brand around being empathetic and a good person, good people don't need to drag families into political debates. His closing argument is overwhelmingly high minded America-above-party stuff. There's no need to go after Trump's kids when if you want to really press his buttons you call out Trump's own failures right to his face.

Trump's neuroses can't deal with his failures, he hides from them and gets angry and outraged by them. He KNOWS he's a fraud and when he's unmasked for it, he goes ballistic. That's probably what happened yesterday in the interview, and that's why Trump only interacts with the Fox News Cinematic Universe on a regular basis, because they won't trigger him.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a reason most people don't like Trump...

Trying to be like him is not a good strategy

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Joe Biden has a brand around being empathetic and a good person, good people don't need to drag families into political debates. His closing argument is overwhelmingly high minded America-above-party stuff. There's no need to go after Trump's kids when if you want to really press his buttons you call out Trump's own failures right to his face.

Trump's neuroses can't deal with his failures, he hides from them and gets angry and outraged by them. He KNOWS he's a fraud and when he's unmasked for it, he goes ballistic. That's probably what happened yesterday in the interview, and that's why Trump only interacts with the Fox News Cinematic Universe on a regular basis, because they won't trigger him.

Yup. Third debate is for the closing argument, not debuting oppo.

He's consistently ran on competence, and Trump as being incompetent.


Oct 29, 2017
Pretty remarkable clip of Joe Biden consoling the special needs child of a Parkland victim. Hadn't seen this before today.

Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
This might be a bit off topic but: Has anyone else noticed the more lefty-side become more aggressive over the past couple years? I feel like only in 2016 most people on the left side were more nicer/easy to push around. Come to 2020 I started to notice more of my online friends become more left and result more blunt and aggressive. And I'm not complaining about this! One of my criticisms with the left was how soft some became but it's nice to see people openly insult and belittle neo-nazis or conservatives when they spout their dumbshit. I think it's great to see people fight back instead of going high when they go low.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
This might be a bit off topic but: Has anyone else noticed the more lefty-side become more aggressive over the past couple years? I feel like only in 2016 most people on the left side were more nicer/easy to push around. Come to 2020 I started to notice more of my online friends become more left and result more blunt and aggressive. And I'm not complaining about this! One of my criticisms with the left was how soft some became but it's nice to see people openly insult and belittle neo-nazis or conservatives when they spout their dumbshit. I think it's great to see people fight back instead of going high when they go low.

I think a lot of us felt like Obama was an arc toward a better version of the US that would wrecked into oblivion by a reality show star.

Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Stupid question needs stupid answer. If Trump wins the Latino vote does that guarantee he wins the election? That is what I've read in the Swedish news
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