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Oct 25, 2017


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Yeah Biden admin has just looked sluggish and so slow to react it makes them look dumb. Then they release dumb shit like this and it makes it worse. Anyone could have told them months ago for instance this court was going to destroy several things, and they moved like they had no fucking clue what was happening. As SOON as the ruling came out not even a minute later they should have reacted, put people on as many TV and radio stations as possible raising hell.

That is not what we got. And that's just one issue.

Biden admin did loads of stuff after the leaked decision. Not having a press release or speech ready to go was dumb, yes, but they weren't unaware that it was going to happen, and inactive in the meantime.

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017

Biden admin did loads of stuff after the leaked decision. Not having a press release or speech ready to go was dumb, yes, but they weren't unaware that it was going to happen, and inactive in the meantime.

Well that's a lot of good shit she's been doing, I'm glad to hear it. I just wish it was being pushed more and out there on the airwaves more and be more in people's faces with it.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Well that's a lot of good shit she's been doing, I'm glad to hear it. I just wish it was being pushed more and out there on the airwaves more and be more in people's faces with it.
We keep running into this exact problem. People often ask 'why aren't the dems doing X' when the dems *are* doing X, but you'd never know because the press aren't saying shit about it. Fox will push whatever narrative the GOP leadership want (because the GOP leadership will push whatever narrative Fox want). We don't have any outlets like that, frustratingly enough.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
If you want to actually respond to what I said instead of pretending I told you not to leave or something, maybe I'll give you more of my attention.
You didn't say anything of particular substance other than 'Bye' (repeatedly), and mocking me for deciding I want to leave the country without actually addressing anything i've stated.

I get it - its frustrating to see folks who are pissed at the party decide they want to completely check out of the political process. And yes, non-participation is SUPER selfish, but if I truly felt like advocating for voting Democrat would materially change our trajectory, i'd continue to do so. Instead, i've decided to take my own personal decision and use it as something that I hope will inspire others who are on the fence.

I've been voting Democrat and supporting them for forever and all i've seen is things get worse. And i'm not asking you or anyone else in here to convince me that i'm wrong about that. But when I read a story like this CNN one on how the current Admin is (not) handling these crisis moments that have been popping up, it just reaffirms how i'm feeling.

And i'm not saying hey, we need some folks in there who'll just snap their fingers and fix all this shit. I don't need another 3 posters reaffirming how folks need to re-educate themselves on their US Civics. I don't want the Democrats to snap their fingers and fix shit. The problem i'm seeing on the ground is that any goodwill credit the Democrats had with groups of folks I would've previously labelled as safe D voters - these folks are completely exhausted of the Democratic party and not seeing anything that helps them for nearly 30 years now, and I cannot blame them for feeling this way. When I see this, and talk to other folks who have done everything from canvassing to phone banking say that they are seeing similar, it reaffirms my position that, in light of the Democrats basically shooting themselves in the foot, that the country as we know it is on a rocket course for conservative fascism, and it feels like party leadership at every level is asleep at the wheel for it, so much so that it almost feels purposeful.


Oct 24, 2017
North America

Biden admin did loads of stuff after the leaked decision. Not having a press release or speech ready to go was dumb, yes, but they weren't unaware that it was going to happen, and inactive in the meantime.

Yeah i'm sorry, but this is nothing. The admin held a lot of meetings? Fantastic - and what are the result of those meetings? What was put in place? What are they doing besides getting folks who already agree with them into a meeting room?

This is what i'm talking about - meetings aren't victories. I'm glad they met with folks, but this amounts to nothing, and thats not even mentioning the fact that Biden didn't even mention any of the actionable items these meetings brought out in his speech. Biden and his team seems completely flat-footed and caught off guard by this, and one of the few things the wider media bubble has done correctly is called out this Admin on this despite having a 6 week headstart on the actual verdict. Meetings aren't enough.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This thread has like a dozen regular posters and probably like a dozen lurkers.

You would think there are better/larger online spaces to proselytize the virtues of not voting than a barely active politics thread in a videogame forum.

At this point who are you trying to convince.

It sure as shit is any of us.
Dudes want to make themselves the main character of this thread to own the libs/neolibs.

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017

Biden admin did loads of stuff after the leaked decision. Not having a press release or speech ready to go was dumb, yes, but they weren't unaware that it was going to happen, and inactive in the meantime.

I mean the admin has a history of not planning properly. Various COVID waves with no testing supplies but sent out free ones after everyone got infected. Having zero clue how to anticipate or message a afghan withdrawal. The Supreme Court decisions.

They are a reactive admin for sure and it's unfortunate


Oct 24, 2017
North America
I mean the admin has a history of not planning properly. Various COVID waves with no testing supplies but sent out free ones after everyone got infected. Having zero clue how to anticipate or message a afghan withdrawal. The Supreme Court decisions.

They are a reactive admin for sure and it's unfortunate
Like, i'm sorry, but the court was 6-3 the day Biden started his term. They should've been putting a plan in place on Day 0 for what happens when Roe V. Wade was overturned then. Every expert called out even in late 2020 when RBG died that it was the death of RvW, and Dems just acted as if they weren't gonna overturn it the entire time. Even being given a 6-week headstart wasn't sufficient enough.

So no, those meetings during a 6 week window period when we all knew Roe was set to be overturned aren't enough given that they had 18 months to prepare for what everyone already assumed was gonna happen with a 6-3 conservative SCOTUS.


Oct 25, 2017
I get it - its frustrating to see folks who are pissed at the party decide they want to completely check out of the political process. And yes, non-participation is SUPER selfish, but if I truly felt like advocating for voting Democrat would materially change our trajectory, i'd continue to do so. Instead, i've decided to take my own personal decision and use it as something that I hope will inspire others who are on the fence.
I am reporting this post for attempting to "inspire" voters to abandon the left coalition and thereby assist the fascists. I encourage anyone who agrees to do the same. Anyone using this board to openly and directly assist the Republican efforts in the midterms should be banned.


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of talking about a plan when there is no fucking plan to be had besides ensuring enough Dems are voted to codify RvW. Ensuring Dems control as many state legislatures and governorships as possible. That's it. There is no other magic plan available.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
You didn't say anything of particular substance other than 'Bye' (repeatedly), and mocking me for deciding I want to leave the country without actually addressing anything i've stated.

I get it - its frustrating to see folks who are pissed at the party decide they want to completely check out of the political process. And yes, non-participation is SUPER selfish, but if I truly felt like advocating for voting Democrat would materially change our trajectory, i'd continue to do so. Instead, i've decided to take my own personal decision and use it as something that I hope will inspire others who are on the fence.

I've been voting Democrat and supporting them for forever and all i've seen is things get worse. And i'm not asking you or anyone else in here to convince me that i'm wrong about that. But when I read a story like this CNN one on how the current Admin is (not) handling these crisis moments that have been popping up, it just reaffirms how i'm feeling.

And i'm not saying hey, we need some folks in there who'll just snap their fingers and fix all this shit. I don't need another 3 posters reaffirming how folks need to re-educate themselves on their US Civics. I don't want the Democrats to snap their fingers and fix shit. The problem i'm seeing on the ground is that any goodwill credit the Democrats had with groups of folks I would've previously labelled as safe D voters - these folks are completely exhausted of the Democratic party and not seeing anything that helps them for nearly 30 years now, and I cannot blame them for feeling this way. When I see this, and talk to other folks who have done everything from canvassing to phone banking say that they are seeing similar, it reaffirms my position that, in light of the Democrats basically shooting themselves in the foot, that the country as we know it is on a rocket course for conservative fascism, and it feels like party leadership at every level is asleep at the wheel for it, so much so that it almost feels purposeful.
I never mocked you for deciding to leave.

If you've decided you want to check out of this fight, then my response to that is to say what I initially said, which was 'goodbye'. What else is there to be said?

But you've hung around talking at length about how awful the Democrats are, like you're trying to convince *someone* of something. When you complained about the Democrats leaving people to fend for themselves, I asked you to stop referring to yourself as one of those people, because if you can safely leave the country and go somewhere better then you aren't one of the people that we need to be fighting to protect. Because you're good. You've got a life boat. Good for you.

But since you've got a life boat, I don't really find much value in trying to convince you the ship can be saved. Cause you've made up your mind it can't be, and you're off on your life boat. Maybe you'll help other people get in theirs, but you know that there aren't enough lifeboats. And you know people are already drowning on the lower decks.

And if you believed that there was a chance of saving those people... well then you'd be a pretty awful person to not stick around and do that. So you can't and you don't and I wish you well.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
I never mocked you for deciding to leave.

If you've decided you want to check out of this fight, then my response to that is to say what I initially said, which was 'goodbye'. What else is there to be said?

But you've hung around talking at length about how awful the Democrats are, like you're trying to convince *someone* of something. When you complained about the Democrats leaving people to fend for themselves, I asked you to stop referring to yourself as one of those people, because if you can safely leave the country and go somewhere better then you aren't one of the people that we need to be fighting to protect. Because you're good. You've got a life boat. Good for you.

But since you've got a life boat, I don't really find much value in trying to convince you the ship can be saved. Cause you've made up your mind it can't be, and you're off on your life boat. Maybe you'll help other people get in theirs, but you know that there aren't enough lifeboats. And you know people are already drowning on the lower decks.

And if you believed that there was a chance of saving those people... well then you'd be a pretty awful person to not stick around and do that. So you can't and you don't and I wish you well.
Ya know what? Kudos for this post. I actually really appreciate the metaphors you used and understand where you're coming from better. Not much else to say really.

And ofc i'll help others get in/on their boats as much as I possibly can. Thats a given. Just wish it weren't coming down to this is all.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a few senators already go on record for supporting at least the carve out filibuster plan to get things passed. Are they tallied up anywhere?


Oct 29, 2017
Like, i'm sorry, but the court was 6-3 the day Biden started his term. They should've been putting a plan in place on Day 0 for what happens when Roe V. Wade was overturned then. Every expert called out even in late 2020 when RBG died that it was the death of RvW, and Dems just acted as if they weren't gonna overturn it the entire time. Even being given a 6-week headstart wasn't sufficient enough.

So no, those meetings during a 6 week window period when we all knew Roe was set to be overturned aren't enough given that they had 18 months to prepare for what everyone already assumed was gonna happen with a 6-3 conservative SCOTUS.
They didn't plan enough, but that's because this administration is deeply, deeply afraid of bad press. They are basically paralyzed and spend all their time trying to avoid controversies, only to get stuck in them anyway due to inaction.

That said, even with a year's worth of planning, there's not a ton they could do to protect abortion rights absent legislation. AOC's idea of clinics on federal land is a non-starter because of the liability it creates for providers. It's unclear whether the government could even protect its own doctors if they perform an abortion in a state where it's prohibited. The supremacy clause argument breaks down because of requirements that federal doctors be licensed by individual states (and that requirement is in legislation.)


Nov 23, 2017
it's cute how anyone can look at all the copycats worldwide Trump inspired and still think "I can escape a potential fascist American government if I just leave"

we've already had politicians from South America to Asia parroting his "rigged vote" stuff almost word for word when they lose, what the fuck do you think is gonna happen if he's back but worse?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
They didn't plan enough, but that's because this administration is deeply, deeply afraid of bad press. They are basically paralyzed and spend all their time trying to avoid controversies, only to get stuck in them anyway due to inaction.

This just isn't true.

That was before the leak. Since then dems have acted to strengthen protections in what states they could:

Read the whole thread(s).


Oct 27, 2017
it's cute how anyone can look at all the copycats worldwide Trump inspired and still think "I can escape a potential fascist American government if I just leave"

we've already had politicians from South America to Asia parroting his "rigged vote" stuff almost word for word when they lose, what the fuck do you think is gonna happen if he's back but worse?

He's definitely going to be the GOP nominee, I can only hope he's poison to independents at this point, or we'll find out what happens.

You know. High gas prices. People can look beyond the blatant fascism.

He's only been in office for half a year. Didn't even have any involvement in politics until last year. And few people outside of Virginia even know who he is.

But, well, he's a fucking dumbass that only cares about power.

Why would anyone run against Trump? Career suicide. Unless they're puffers, which may actually be a smart career move.


Oct 31, 2017
Why would anyone run against Trump? Career suicide. Unless they're puffers, which may actually be a smart career move.

A lot of this is, "Trump dies/get actually indicted and covinced/etc." insurance, since it takes a lot of time and money to get a reasonable POTUS race going. After all, you don't want to be left w/ the leftovers of staffers and such.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah i'm sorry, but this is nothing. The admin held a lot of meetings? Fantastic - and what are the result of those meetings? What was put in place? What are they doing besides getting folks who already agree with them into a meeting room?

They have a facts sheet.

FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Actions In Light of Today’s Supreme Court Decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization | The White House

Today, President Biden announced actions that his Administration is taking to protect women who will face the grave consequences of today’s Supreme Court decision. This decision expressly took away a Constitutional right from the American people that it had recognized for nearly 50 years – a...

The President made clear that the only way to secure a woman's right to choose is for Congress to restore the protections of Roe as federal law. Until then, he has announced two actions the Administration is taking to protect women.

Protecting the Right to Seek Medical Care

As the Attorney General made clear, women must remain free to travel safely to another state to seek the care they need.

A person has the right to travel between states for whatever reason they want – it is no one else's business – especially the government's. If a woman lives in a state that restricts abortion, the Supreme Court's decision does not prevent her from traveling from her home to a state that allows it.

If any state or local official tries to interfere with women exercising this basic right, the Biden Administration will fight that deeply un-American attack.

Protecting Access to Medication

The President directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services to protect women's access to critical medications for reproductive health care that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration—including essential preventive health care like contraception and medication abortion.​

On grassroots and activism...

You know Republican have grassroots movements, too? You realize that the Republican Party was up shit's creek before they let Trump takeover?

This isn't the end of the fucking movement. This is what we built all this infrastructure for.

Look at the AIDs crisis or the labor crisis or chattel slavery, for God's sake. People have never let mere set backs keep them from their ultimate goals.


Oct 31, 2017
Some actual good news that probably isn't being shared widely by the administration for midterm reasons -

Note - this links to a right-wing rag, but the news is actually good.


Oct 25, 2017
Some actual good news that probably isn't being shared widely by the administration for midterm reasons -

Note - this links to a right-wing rag, but the news is actually good.

I do believe that it would be best to keep this on the down low. No reason to bring immigration up as an issue for midterms. Let the work be done quietly.


Oct 31, 2017
I do believe that it would be best to keep this on the down low. No reason to bring immigration up as an issue for midterms. Let the work be done quietly.

Yup, it's sad but more people need to realize a lot of things they like and support, are politically equivalent to the median voter as the GOP plan to put oil guys in charge of the EPA. Ironically, if we had 52 Senators, the current Democratic Party would kind of be the perfect agent of progressive change - a friendly old white guy as the front, while the agencies are staffed w/ former Warren people and other people far to his left.


Nov 4, 2021
This just isn't true.

That was before the leak. Since then dems have acted to strengthen protections in what states they could:

Read the whole thread(s).

Great find but since it positive & fact based it won't get the 10k liked and retweets it deserves on twitter cause runs counter to the narrative. Worse some people see that will move goalposts rather then admit they were wrong. Complain about the govermennot not do "something" while no interest on said "thing" they are doing.

How did 61 bills about these progressives laws no get any attention until now I don't know. Yes it's a shame they don't get passed in Congress cause of the senate, its also as if they don't have enough votes or anything...


Aug 1, 2018
Great find but since it positive & fact based it won't get the 10k liked and retweets it deserves on twitter cause runs counter to the narrative. Worse some people see that will move goalposts rather then admit they were wrong. Complain about the govermennot not do "something" while no interest on said "thing" they are doing.

How did 61 bills about these progressives laws no get any attention until now I don't know. Yes it's a shame they don't get passed in Congress cause of the senate, its also as if they don't have enough votes or anything...

It doesn't get attention because folks don't get credit for trying. Not only that, I don't think I've seen House Dems talk about what they've tried to pass specifically. They may have but I'm blanking on it right now. Hammering it home might help.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey

Biden admin did loads of stuff after the leaked decision. Not having a press release or speech ready to go was dumb, yes, but they weren't unaware that it was going to happen, and inactive in the meantime.

talk is cheap. i don't really care about how many meetings they have with people but still had no really public prepared response for a leak decision. it's just stupid at this point. like c'mon you're the god damn white house! also that twitter is some weirdo harris stan, so it's biased (even if it what happened is true)

i just want biden admin to hammer home all the time about this shit. stop just having talks in private and just constantly pound the drum. you're the president!


Oct 25, 2017
Great find but since it positive & fact based it won't get the 10k liked and retweets it deserves on twitter cause runs counter to the narrative. Worse some people see that will move goalposts rather then admit they were wrong. Complain about the govermennot not do "something" while no interest on said "thing" they are doing.

How did 61 bills about these progressives laws no get any attention until now I don't know. Yes it's a shame they don't get passed in Congress cause of the senate, its also as if they don't have enough votes or anything...
I keep telling everyone: if we're not talking about how the media ecosystem fucks over dems and supports reactionaries, literally nothing else matters. There's no strategy, no messaging, none of it, that can get through the media wall and figuring out how to fix this is the single most pressing issue of our time. I think its even more important than things like senate reform and court reform, we have got to find a way to effectively influence the mass narrative


Nov 9, 2017
That poll was June 16-24 so there probably were 100 mass shootings in between then and now.

Giuliani is Implicating that Trump is guilty of crimes. I'm sure he appreciates that.

Neah, what Rudy *means* is he should have pre-pardoned himself against to protect himself against the *fake* charges the Democrats are going to try to pin on him.

Which actually kind of reminds me of one of Wolf Blitzer's more amazingly dumbass moments when he asked Bernie Sanders in an interview if Obama should "pardon" Hillary Clinton before he leaves office, just in case Trump wins the election and Sanders has to stop himself from laughing to say "pardon her for what? she hasn't done anything"
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