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Box of Kittens

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I heard someone suggest McCaskill should run for MO-02 in 2020. She carried it in 2012 and 2018; it's a suburban district that the incumbent Ann Wagner only won by 4 this year after winning by 20 in 2016. McCaskill might be able to beat her. She outran Kander, Koster, and this year's Democratic nominee in the district.

She wouldn't be the first former senator to move down to the House. Claude Pepper served as a senator from Florida during the Roosevelt era, got primaried, and came back as a Congressman and stayed in the House for 30+ years. Ros-Lehtinen replaced him when he died.
John Quincy Adams went from Senator to President to Representative.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
My feelings are the same as Kristie Alley's for Stephen Hawking



Oct 25, 2017
Probably the best of the Republicans that was still alive. We are quickly getting to the point where basically they are all trump shills


Oct 25, 2017
abyone else see the breaking wsj report about MBS sending 11 messages to Khashoggi killing supervisor before and after?

*based on CIA classified report


Jan 15, 2018
Throwback to when Bush lambasted Ralph Yarborough for voting for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when he was running for his Senate seat in 1964, but still got his ass kicked by Yarborough anyway.


Nov 4, 2017
George H. W. Bush was the first president I voted against, for Perot in '92 (I know, I know). As a Republican he wasn't the worst, and he did a fair amount of good as well. His conduct of the Gulf War stands in stark contrast to his son's handling of the Iraq War.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
I will be forever thankful to Bush Sr. because I can do a spot on Dana Carvey impersonation of his impersonation of Bush Sr.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I hope if Trump ever goes to jail both Putin and MBS laugh in his face

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Gonna see a lot of crying from the white liberals and moderates over Bush Sr. and how he compromised and was a great guy and they miss him and blah blah blah while completely ignoring the virulent racism as always

Being the best modern republican president is like being Mississippi. You're number 1 in a lot of things but I wouldn't really brag about those.


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna see a lot of crying from the white liberals and moderates over Bush Sr. and how he compromised and was a great guy and they miss him and blah blah blah while completely ignoring the virulent racism as always

Being the best modern republican president is like being Mississippi. You're number 1 in a lot of things but I wouldn't really brag about those.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone make a Bingo card.
The Willie Horton ad alone should prevent people from just gushing about him, but they still will.

I just want people to be honest. Was he halfway decent? Yes, or maybe a quarter. But he still led a party of religious loony racist anti-choice zealots willingly and, as I said, used racism to win an election. Better than any who have followed him, but not a paragon of virtue.


Oct 25, 2017
How many hours until Cheeto addresses the death on twitter, completely makes it about himself and then has to walk it back after the old republicans pull his ear?


Oct 25, 2017
It's easy to not feel conflicted about disliking a president upon his death when you dislike all of them!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The Willie Horton ad alone should prevent people from just gushing about him, but they still will.

I just want people to be honest. Was he halfway decent? Yes, or maybe a quarter. But he still led a party of religious loony racist anti-choice zealots willingly and, as I said, used racism to win an election. Better than any who have followed him, but not a paragon of virtue.
Pretty much. I had to make another post to make sure my views on the man is clear.
Oct 25, 2017
G.H.W. Bush also headed the CIA at a time during which his organization oversaw the rapes and killings of people across Central America who just wanted to democratically elect their own leaders, even if those leaders didn't serve U.S. interests.

He's dead, and nothing of value has been lost. Good riddance.


Oct 25, 2017

There's minimal foreign policy here. Almost all of it pivots back to domestic issues.

"Globalization has benefitted the wealthy elite." True, but the solution is to spread the wealth around here. That doesn't even have to involve other nations at all!

"Our recent wars have been shit." Yep, and as best as I can tell, the proposed solution is to withdraw from these regions (okay so far) and then..... nothing. Pivots back to domestic stuff, and a vague appeal to "diplomacy." Which is fine, but what kind of diplomacy? Some of these conflicts actually kinda force us to either pick a side or stay hands-off entirely. I'm willing to hear either out, but neither is really offered here.

I'm a bit surprised since I'd have pegged Warren as wonkier, so I was looking for more of a real pitch. But if she's running, maybe she'll put all that in her official stances and whatnot later. I just remember one of my issues with Sanders was that foreign policy is a big part of the job and his FP proposals were basically "what are the biggest nations in the region? Do diplomacy to get them to fix X issue in the region" and a lot of times, it just doesn't work like that. Even if I end up disagreeing, I'm still gonna be drawn to candidates that make an honest effort to argue their positions instead of phoning it in.
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