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Oct 25, 2017

Our favorite bland white guy from Florida didn't have his ballot count because of invalid signature.

Crazy to think how many people this could be disenfranchising when it's impacting former congressmen.


Oct 30, 2017

Our favorite bland white guy from Florida didn't have his ballot count because of invalid signature.

Crazy to think how many people this could be disenfranchising when it's impacting former congressmen.

Good lord, the legal fight over all these ballots is going to take forever. Nelson may have a shot if that many ballots were disqualified for bad reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
Other than maybe he doesn't want the job, is there any good reason Brian Schatz shouldn't be Senate Dem leader? His messaging discipline and social game are as excellent as Schumer's are godawful.
Oct 25, 2017

Our favorite bland white guy from Florida didn't have his ballot count because of invalid signature.

Crazy to think how many people this could be disenfranchising when it's impacting former congressmen.

Interesting development considering it was ruled in Georgia that signature mismatch wasn't a valid reason for a ballot to be tossed. That seems like such an easy way to go about wrongful disenfranchisement.


Oct 27, 2017
So with Democratic control of one chamber of Congress, do we expect to get better D representation in news media as guests? Or do we expect it to be highly tilted towards the GOP? Will be interesting to see. Of course, I mean on non-Fox sources, as we know that won't change.


Oct 27, 2017
Invalid signatures? Good grief, people don't even learn cursive in most schools anymore.

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Oct 29, 2017
You know, I have to sign my name sometimes dozens of times a day and if someone had never seen it before, they'd have no idea what my name is or what my signature looks like. So the idea that Utah matched the signature I put on one of those shitty ass digital pads for my driver license to my handwriten signature on my ballot is baffling to me, as is the concept that this is supposed to prevent voter fraud and not really just toss out a bunch of votes.


Oct 27, 2017

Our favorite bland white guy from Florida didn't have his ballot count because of invalid signature.

Crazy to think how many people this could be disenfranchising when it's impacting former congressmen.

These leaves me wondering how often mail-in ballots are getting tossed in states. Do they have different standards in the more progressive states that encourage mail-in voting or is this commin?
Oct 25, 2017

Ocasio-Cortez believes that the Democratic Party has spent far too long in a defensive crouch. All the while the electorate has grown more and more demoralized. "Like, are Democrats just the not-racist party? Are they just the not-sexists? I mean, seriously. I'm embarrassed when the brand of the Democratic Party is just LGBT rights. Sure we need to fight for those things. But how far have we gone that we're the party of women's rights? I just think they're not courageous enough. When we don't fight for people, people don't fight for us. And that's why we're losing. I don't think we're losing because we're not moderate enough."

I kind of get what she was trying to say here but her wording is oooof.


Oct 25, 2017
Signature verification is what is taking AZ so long to finish counting. There really has to be a better way to certify these mail in ballots.


Oct 25, 2017
Invalid signatures? Good grief, people don't even learn cursive in most schools anymore.

It sounds like they verified a ballot signature with a persons finger signature on a low DPI tablet when they received their state ID. I hate signing with my finger because it turns out looking like scribble. These days, I don't even try anymore and just swipe a straight line and hit submit. This is crazy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Pretty sure the problem is that quite frankly, human rights isn't something that should be debated, and doesnt really help if you are losing other policies to campaign on. Its defensive yes, but we want them to be on the offense and take back policies and call it theres so that way human rights can have a defense


Oct 26, 2017

But then, his allies say, McCoy's promising career was stalled by a politically motivated federal prosecution brought by a Republican U.S. attorney, Matthew G. Whitaker, who on Wednesday became the nation's top law enforcement official after President Donald Trump named him acting attorney general.

The case against McCoy fell apart in court amid allegations of political bias and prosecutorial misconduct. A jury quickly acquitted McCoy of the criminal charge, deciding that he had not attempted to extort money from a former business partner.
McCoy faced prosecution when Whitaker was a George W. Bush appointee serving as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa based in Des Moines. Democrats have alleged that it was one of several prosecutions of local officials brought during the Bush years that were tainted by political considerations — an allegation that Whitaker has denied.

Whitaker announced at a news conference in March 2007 that a grand jury had charged McCoy with attempted extortion by an elected official, an offense that carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. He alleged that McCoy demanded and accepted $2,000 in payments from a businessman seeking to obtain a waiver to sell home security products for the elderly to Iowa's Medicaid program, threatening to block state business if he wasn't paid

Whitaker's office and the FBI spent months building a case against McCoy after Thomas Vasquez, a salesman with a history of financial, domestic and substance abuse problems, alleged that McCoy was trying to shake him down. Vasquez later agreed to be a paid informant, recording several conversations with McCoy and making what prosecutors called "bribe payments" to McCoy with money supplied by the FBI.
His lawyers argued that Whitaker's office committed prosecutorial misconduct by not playing for the grand jury parts of the recordings that were exculpatory — such as declining one payment from Vasquez and directing him to write checks to his company. Whitaker's office denied any wrongdoing. But it did acknowledge that one of its prosecutors made a mistake in withholding information that showed the FBI repeatedly paid Vasquez cash for his cooperation — information that came out weeks before trial and stunned the defense. Vasquez, who had filed for bankruptcy in 2001, testified at a pretrial hearing that he likely used some of the FBI money to buy drugs.
McCoy said that he continues to suffer from the reputational damage and is still paying off the $100,000 in legal fees he incurred fighting the charge. When he was considering a run for Congress last year in a seat a Democrat captured in Tuesday's election, a national publication brought his indictment back up in what he called a damaging story. He opted not to run for Congress and campaigned for the Polk County Board of Supervisors instead, ousting its longtime chairman in the Democratic primary earlier this year.

McCoy said he believes Whitaker pursued him in part because of his openly gay lifestyle. He noted that Whitaker was a keynote speaker while he was U.S. attorney at an event for the Christian Coalition, which opposes gay rights.
Absolutely scummy.


Oct 25, 2017
Then why bother trying to make that distinction when the result is the same?

Well, I don't think the result is the same. I think one is substantively better than the other even if it feels as bad. What I mean is that someone like Trump will actively try to do everything he can to screw over minorities for the benefit of whites, while someone like Bernie will try to help minorities but only in a half-effective way. Bernie will not address all of the issues that minorities face because he lacks the understanding necessary to tackle racism on all fronts, but he won't make things worse and in some ways will make things better. In other words, one is insufficient but the other is downright awful.

Perhaps for me I don't see this as being too different from the Democratic Party in general, just from the other direction. Your generic white Democratic candidate probably doesn't care about minority issues to the extent that we would want them to, but they know how to talk about it better. Once in office they might try to do x or y policy that will help ameliorate things or, if we are lucky, maybe even try to tackle some issues as an institutional level within the scope that they're able to do so. But they will never target capitalism and imperialism, which I see as fundamental parts of the system that propagates racism. Bernie will target those (somewhat) but won't address some of the other issues.

A better candidate would be someone like an older and wiser AOC who is more familiar with minority issues and post-1960s leftist intersectional thought.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's go back to a time where Rubio and Graham were actually considered reasonable. Trumpism is effecting absolutely everybody in the GOP. I fully expect Romney to be donning a MAGA hat within a year.
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