For US politics and election threads


Oct 29, 2017

So fucking pathetic. We need a term for people that Trump has trashed on in every way yet still kiss his feet. Barr and Ted Cruz come to mind. Just groveling, slimy fucking cowards


Oct 27, 2017

But the stoves

We're y'all upset the the government showed up and confiscated your gas automobile?


Aug 21, 2019
I cannot get over how childish and full of shit the Republican Party is. Like they talk at 4th grade playground level and half their polices are based on rumors and lies.


Oct 27, 2017
Anecdotally, I know a handful of people planning to vote for RFK, basically very low information anti establishment voters, and all of them would have been a Trump vote.

Is it even surprising that it's turning out like this? The anti-establishment types will vibe with RFK if only out of pure contrarianism, and the low-info voters this cycle are more likely than not know-nothing centrists who can't stand Biden but hate Trump. These are the "we need a third party" types that right now are looking for an alternative to Trump, because at the end of the day they're conservatives looking for a conservative candidate and have thus already written Biden off.

Meanwhile the lefties getting upset at Biden not being progressive enough and being so gung-ho for Israel aren't going to significantly jump to someone further to the right on these issues than Biden. So when it's all said and done of course RFK is siphoning more Trump voters than not. Why wouldn't he be?
I cannot get over how childish and full of shit the Republican Party is. Like they talk at 4th grade playground level and half their polices are based on rumors and lies.
The party has become optimized to do nothing but provide context and excuse for a neo-confederate takeover of the government that ends democracy as it currently exists. As has been said elsewhere, we should stop framing republican voters as brainwashed by the GOP's lies and false reality narrative.

The lies exist to provide the republican voter with an excuse to vote for fascist authoritarians. "I have to vote for the man who will end voting as soon as he's in office again - democrats are coming tomorrow to tow my car away!"

It seems ridiculous if viewed as a non-serious party that won't engage with reality. But it's not a political party. It's a network of agents who have one job: organize the fascist segment of the population, make sure they have their story straight, and get a dictator into power.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
It seems ridiculous if viewed as a non-serious party that won't engage with reality. But it's not a political party. It's a network of agents who have one job: organize the fascist segment of the population, make sure they have their story straight, and get a dictator into power.

This is the best and most succinct way I've seen it put.


Aug 21, 2019
The party has become optimized to do nothing but provide context and excuse for a neo-confederate takeover of the government that ends democracy as it currently exists. As has been said elsewhere, we should stop framing republican voters as brainwashed by the GOP's lies and false reality narrative.

The lies exist to provide the republican voter with an excuse to vote for fascist authoritarians. "I have to vote for the man who will end voting as soon as he's in office again - democrats are coming tomorrow to tow my car away!"

It seems ridiculous if viewed as a non-serious party that won't engage with reality. But it's not a political party. It's a network of agents who have one job: organize the fascist segment of the population, make sure they have their story straight, and get a dictator into power.

That's depressingly accurate. I work with a bunch of right wing people and they really aren't interested in democracy anymore, they see it as flaw that un-American liberals can exploit. Everyone not white or straight is out to get them and take what they worked hard for.


Oct 25, 2017
RFK's biggest "asset" besides his name is how associated he is with the hysteria around Covid vaccines. I frequently see people online mad that Trump continues to promote Operation Warp Speed. Those people were never gettable Biden votes and were far more likely to be Trump people.


Nov 6, 2017

Trump promised big plans to flip Black and Latino voters. Many Republicans are waiting to see them

Donald Trump says he wants to hold a major campaign event at New York's Madison Square Garden featuring Black hip-hop artists and athletes. Aides speak of Trump making appearances in Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta with leaders of color and realigning American politics by flipping Democratic constituencies.

But five months before the first general election votes are cast, the former president's campaign has little apparent organization to show for its ambitious plans.
His campaign removed its point person for coalitions and has not announced a replacement. The Republican Party's minority outreach offices across the country have been shuttered and replaced by businesses that include a check-cashing store, an ice cream shop and a sex-toy store. Campaign officials acknowledge they are weeks away from rolling out any targeted programs.
"To be quite honest, the Republican Party does not have a cohesive engagement plan for Black communities," said Darrell Scott, a Black pastor and longtime Trump ally who co-founded the National Diversity Coalition for Trump in 2016. "What it has are conservatives in communities of color who have taken it upon themselves to head our own initiatives."
"Communities of color aren't leaning toward the right, they're leaning toward Trump," said Scott, the pastor and close Trump ally who is calling on the RNC to ramp up and reform its efforts. Scott said Black voters support Democrats because of the party's longtime outreach to the community, which the GOP has not matched, and said the 2024 election presents an opportunity that the party shouldn't waste. "Trump is the draw; Trump is the magnet."
In suburban Atlanta, one RNC community outreach center focused on outreach to Asian American voters was shuttered and later was reopened as a sex shop. AP reporters confirmed the venue's change in ownership, which was originally reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Trump promised big plans to flip Black and Latino voters. Many Republicans are waiting to see them

Trump says he wants to hold a major campaign event at New York’s Madison Square Garden featuring Black hip-hop artists and athletes.


Nov 7, 2023
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Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
Did the dog-killing incident crush Ms. Alaska's chance at VP?

Article I read said she was even pissing off MAGAs. Why in the world would she think that was a good idea to publish?

"I had a dog once. It didn't hunt well. I hated it and shot it. Then I killed a goat for looking at me wrong. Please vote for me for VP!"


Oct 25, 2017
Utah, USA
Did the dog-killing incident crush Ms. Alaska's chance at VP?

Article I read said she was even pissing off MAGAs. Why in the world would she think that was a good idea to publish?

"I had a dog once. It didn't hunt well. I hated it and shot it. Then I killed a goat for looking at me wrong. Please vote for me for VP!"
An article I read said that she said published it in her book to show how much she "doesn't care about cancel culture or wokeness"… like a "I did something so unpolitically correct and I'm not afraid! Vote for me!"


Oct 25, 2017

Blinken said he repeated a message President Joe Biden gave to Xi during their summit in San Francisco last November not to interfere in the 2024 US presidential elections. Then, Xi had pledged that that China would not do so, according to CNN reporting.

"We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence and arguably interfere, and we want to make sure that that's cut off as quickly as possible," Blinken said when asked whether China was violating Xi's commitment to Biden so far.

Quite the accusation from Blinken. I feel like the smart thing to do is be transparent about these evidence. US intelligence gained a lot of credibility by sounding the alarm of Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier. So it would be a good idea to continue that in foreign interference cases as well. I don't see any upside in keeping these evidence hidden from the public.
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Sep 19, 2022
I'd love it if we could get a little across the aisle support to nuke the filibuster and finally expand the supreme court. This shit isn't funny anymore.


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
Oct 26, 2017
The Week Ahead for Trump

Tue 30 Apr - TRIAL prosecution case (NY hush money)
Wed 1 May - Trump reply brief due (Carroll II appeal)
Thu 2 May - second gag order hearing (NY hush money)
Thu 2 May - TRIAL prosecution case (NY hush money)
Fri 3 May - TRIAL prosecution case (NY hush money)

Fully-briefed motions pending ruling
- SCOTUS on presidential immunity (DC Jan 6)


Nov 14, 2017
An article I read said that she said published it in her book to show how much she "doesn't care about cancel culture or wokeness"… like a "I did something so unpolitically correct and I'm not afraid! Vote for me!"

Perhaps a little more grim, I've seen takes that suggested she did so to demonstrate to Trump's base that she is sufficiently cruel to implement his second term objectives.


Oct 24, 2017
Polls will be up and down from now until the election. I guarantee weeks from now, they'll have Biden ahead, and weeks later Trump and vice versa. Everyone gets worried when Trump is ahead but for some reason there's silence when they show Biden's ahead lol.

An NBC poll just last week had Biden way ahead.

No point in getting flustered about it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The media is incentivized to make it look like a horse race that keeps both sides energized and paying attention. There's 6 more months of campaigning and events to happen all over the world. It's easy for people to be fickle when the decision is still half a year away.


Nov 1, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Are you guys talking about the one where they say "60% off voters say Biden's tenure has been a failure" but more than half see Trump's as a success?

I really wouldn't read too much into that.


Feb 20, 2021
Polls will be up and down from now until the election. I guarantee weeks from now, they'll have Biden ahead, and weeks later Trump and vice versa. Everyone gets worried when Trump is ahead but for some reason there's silence when they show Biden's ahead lol.

An NBC poll just last week had Biden way ahead.

No point in getting flustered about it.

In that same article:
The poll also found that when third-party candidates are included in the race, in a five-way ballot with Biden, Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent Cornel West, 39 percent would vote for Biden, while 37 percent would vote for Trump.
However, the poll also found that 46 percent of overall respondents would vote for Trump in the presidential election, while 44 percent would vote for Biden when only offered the choice of these two candidates.
This thing is neck & neck, a flip of a coin, which is why I hope people understand how important it is to vote in November.


Nov 1, 2017
An article I read said that she said published it in her book to show how much she "doesn't care about cancel culture or wokeness"… like a "I did something so unpolitically correct and I'm not afraid! Vote for me!"
That's what you want in a politician, their politics to be incorrect


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
That CNN poll has Trump winning women, lol.

Anyway it is just one poll and these polls have been all over the place. The CNN and CBS poll are entirely incongruous for example.


Sep 21, 2020
My honest feeling at this point is that there's one of two things going on - either the polling industry is still fundamentally struggling to get a read on the likely electorate, or the population has become so fundamentally divorced from reality (because of social media, corporate media, etc.) that politics as we knew them are completely upended.

Like the real numbers to worry about are the 60% of people in swing states from that CNN poll who retrospectively rate the economy as "better" 4 years because regardless of continuing challenges, that is just divorced from reality. We were in the worst parts of the pandemic, shit was fucked.

In either case, I'm not entirely sure what the hell we're supposed to do at this point. Democracy isn't a workable system if half of the electorate is functionally insane


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
My honest feeling at this point is that there's one of two things going on - either the polling industry is still fundamentally struggling to get a read on the likely electorate, or the population has become so fundamentally divorced from reality (because of social media, corporate media, etc.) that politics as we knew them are completely upended.

Like the real numbers to worry about are the 60% of people in swing states from that CNN poll who retrospectively rate the economy as "better" 4 years because regardless of continuing challenges, that is just divorced from reality. We were in the worst parts of the pandemic, shit was fucked.

In either case, I'm not entirely sure what the hell we're supposed to do at this point. Democracy isn't a workable system if half of the electorate is functionally insane

If your choices are

1.) polling methodology continues to be broken, resulting in weird outcomes divorced from reality as pollsters struggle to adjust


2.) American society is in the midst of not one but several Titanic shifts in public opinion across racial and gender lines not seen since the civil rights era and ONLY pollsters have noticed any signs of this

Not really much of a stretch to guess which one I'm picking here


Sep 21, 2020
If your choices are

1.) polling methodology continues to be broken, resulting in weird outcomes divorced from reality as pollsters struggle to adjust


2.) American society is in the midst of not one but several Titanic shifts in public opinion across racial and gender lines not seen since the civil rights era and ONLY pollsters have noticed any signs of this

Not really much of a stretch to guess which one I'm picking here

Fair, but I've been living in a systems (both higher ed and k-12) under sustained attack for quite some time and also run into a whole bunch of weird and stupid assholes on the reg so part of me is a little worried that modernity has done for the human race.

Or at the very least we produced a uniquely shitty generation in the Boomers and we're in a race against time to see if their overwhelming entitlement ends us before power changes hands more fully.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Fair, but I've been living in a systems (both higher ed and k-12) under sustained attack for quite some time and also run into a whole bunch of weird and stupid assholes on the reg so part of me is a little worried that modernity has done for the human race.

Or at the very least we produced a uniquely shitty generation in the Boomers and we're in a race against time to see if their overwhelming entitlement ends us before power changes hands more fully.

Another good gut check is to look at how the campaigns are behaving and what they are saying with "body language" so to speak. As well as behavior of surrogates.

For example, Obama had a lot of democratic voices shift away from him in his first term and perceived weakness against Romney and Tea Party crazies. The caucus has remained very unified behind Biden. Conversely, you're seeing pretty open defections against Trump from his more moderate party members, telling you that there's a weakness of Trump within their perceived constituency. (Not to mention some pretty embarrassing results in the Primaries for Trump, and that's even in comparison to Biden who has a legitimate protest vote against him on his policies.)

Additionally, Trump has been flailing around key topics trying to find a "appease everyone position" on abortion (which despite constant downplaying by punditry, has been a defining element of every election recently) and the Hamas/Israel war (his support amongst Jewish voters is disastrously low) which doesn't suggest someone who thinks he's winning every swing state or nationally by 6+.

Biden is uniquely unpopular but we're also in an uniquely polarized era. He's also the president so everyone blames him for everything but that doesn't necessarily mean they won't vote for him.

The other intangible that Trump has to deal with that won't be felt for a few months yet is how much Biden's team has leapfrogged him on advertising and as such already defined Trump. Clawing back the narrative is always harder after the fact. And while it isn't really clear how important or if at all a ground game and advertising will be with two "incumbent" people at the top of the ticket, this could be a major weakness for Trump as the election approaches and his party is broke.

Trump's polling lead right now is seemingly in non-voters by an overwhelming majority. If that is the case... he actually needs to get people out and for him a ground game would be critically important. But if all of the state parties are broke and his campaign has no money... who's going to get those non-voters off their asses?


Oct 25, 2017
Don't worry, the left wing accelerationists will totally start their revolution after they don't vote to help Trump win.
Imagine being mad at people for not voting with everything happening in this country right now. I don't think some of you get how repulsed people are by even the sight of some of these politicians. Looking at Biden makes me physically ill the way he can even be comfortable right now. Keep using marginalized groups an excuse to support fuckery I guess.


Aug 21, 2019
Imagine being mad at people for not voting with everything happening in this country right now. I don't think some of you get how repulsed people are by even the sight of some of these politicians. Looking at Biden makes me physically ill the way he can even be comfortable right now. Keep using marginalized groups an excuse to support fuckery I guess.

I'm referring to accelerationists and their delusional fantasy of violent rebellion, but… ok I guess.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being mad at people for not voting with everything happening in this country right now. I don't think some of you get how repulsed people are by even the sight of some of these politicians. Looking at Biden makes me physically ill the way he can even be comfortable right now. Keep using marginalized groups an excuse to support fuckery I guess.
God forbid we don't like enabling the facilitator of an ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign, right?


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Antisemitic dogwhistle
I'm referring to accelerationists and their delusional fantasy of violent rebellion, but… ok I guess.
So you're talking about like 10 people in the entire country? People are rebelling right now and it may or may not get violent at some point in the future. You're insinuating that this is what people want when what they really want is a solution to this fucked world we're living in where these politicians can continue to get away with pretending they're good people while they turn a blind eye to the crimes of their allies. The constant cognitive dissonance of this country is driving people mad. Imagine being told tiktok is being banned for the harmful influence of China on young Americans while it looks like Israel literally controls the country. What do you guys think 18-25 year old people are taking from all of this?


Aug 21, 2019
So you're talking about like 10 people in the entire country? People are rebelling right now and it may or may not get violent at some point in the future. You're insinuating that this is what people want when what they really want is a solution to this fucked world we're living in where these politicians can continue to get away with pretending they're good people while they turn a blind eye to the crimes of their allies. The constant cognitive dissonance of this country is driving people mad. Imagine being told tiktok is being banned for the harmful influence of China on young Americans while it looks like Israel literally controls the country. What do you guys think 18-25 year old people are taking from all of this?

So even though I wasn't taking about any of this, I'm curious how you think anything will be better under Trump? I would love better political choices too and banning Tik Tok is stupid, but nothing gets better under Trump.
I lost friends who were deported back to Iran the last time he was in. I don't want see a worse version of that the next time he's in.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
So you're talking about like 10 people in the entire country? People are rebelling right now and it may or may not get violent at some point in the future. You're insinuating that this is what people want when what they really want is a solution to this fucked world we're living in where these politicians can continue to get away with pretending they're good people while they turn a blind eye to the crimes of their allies. The constant cognitive dissonance of this country is driving people mad. Imagine being told tiktok is being banned for the harmful influence of China on young Americans while it looks like Israel literally controls the country. What do you guys think 18-25 year old people are taking from all of this?
It is possible to want these things and prevent fascism. The fascists are counting on the idea that people find the two aspirations incompatible.


Oct 25, 2017
So even though I wasn't taking about any of this, I'm curious how you think anything will be better under Trump? I would love better political choices too and banning Tik Tok is stupid, but nothing gets better under Trump.
I lost friends who were deported back to Iran the last time he was in. I don't want see a worse version of that the next time he's in.
I'm just asking to have empathy for people who say they don't think they'll vote. I know some of you have felt like not participating at some point so just give that grace to other people and don't talk down to them. That's all I was trying to say. Clearly a lot of shit is getting to me too. Trump isn't better but it's not fair to put that on regular people who are fed up.