
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Unless I'm remembering wrong
she'd dead
though :P

I guess they're just being put in there for novelty value like Vyse and Aika in the first game though so it doesn't really matter

The mission itself will more than likely take place before that section of the story - or it will be treated as an "what if" story instead.

Outside of that, the PSP games had a bunch of unlockable/extra characters that didn't make sense in the story that you could get for shits & giggles.


Nov 4, 2017
Played the remaster on the PS4 and I was surprised by how much I liked it. Will probably wait for a pc port, but I am tempted to get it on PS4 as well.


Oct 27, 2017
UK, Newcastle
Hopefully more like the 1st game than the 2nd. I loved Valkyria Chronicles 1 and triple dipped on PS3, PC and PS4. The second game was so bad though


Oct 28, 2017
This is the sequel to Valkyrie Chronicles that i've waited nearly ten years for. Reading that they are returning to the more grounded setting and storyline of the first game is music to my ears. The series completely lost me in the sequels due to the the PSP focus, school setting and more anime approach - I didn't even bother trying them, nor the by all accounts pretty terrible spin-off released last year - so i'm glad Sega finally woke up and realized what made the first game great.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the sequel to Valkyrie Chronicles that i've waited nearly ten years for. Reading that they are returning to the more grounded setting and storyline of the first game is music to my ears. The series completely lost me in the sequels due to the the PSP focus, school setting and more anime approach - I didn't even bother trying them, nor the by all accounts pretty terrible spin-off released last year - so i'm glad Sega finally woke up and realized what made the first game great.
Only VC2 has the school setting and all of them are equally "anime" (whatever that means). VC3's biggest crime is honestly the reuse of VC2 maps, but the two couldn't be more different while still being VC at their core otherwise.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm thinking of playing through the entire series before this one comes out, but is there really no other platforms for VC2 and VC3 besides the PSP? I don't think my psp even works anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
These pesky meddling VC2 zombies are back again... this is the part where I blame anime for this misfortune!

Oh, I just realized I will have to reacclimate from keyboard + mouse back to controller again. RIP fast precision aiming and insta-pause spam.

I'm thinking of playing through the entire series before this one comes out, but is there really no other platforms for VC2 and VC3 besides the PSP? I don't think my psp even works anymore.

If you have a Vita, they work there too.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
There kind of isn't one. Strategy RPGs like XCOM do start to get at the kind of gameplay Valkyria Chronicles has, but it's missing the crucial third-person shooter component. There are some JRPGs that feature somewhat similar fusions of top-down maps and third-person traversal; some of the Shining games come to mind, as does Lost Dimension. But for the most part, Valkyria Chronicles feels unique.

Basically, you get an overhead view of all your troops and the enemy troops like you would in an SRPG, but when you select a character to move, you zoom down to their perspective and can run around in real time. You have a set distance you can move in this mode, and can be hit by interception fire from enemies. At any point, you can decide to attack the enemy, which then triggers an aiming mode where time freezes and you can aim your weapon at the enemy or perform other actions (disarming mines, healing yourself or other people, tossing a grenade). You get one attack per turn in most cases. After you attack, you can still move if you have distance remaining; this is useful for setting up defensive positions so that you can intercept enemies on their turn.

The easiest way to explain the gameplay is with a video:

Thank you!


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Should I play 2 and 3 for continuity sake?

I'm going to guess it won't be important to understand 4. You might miss some cameos from the two games, if the past is any indication, but I don't know anyone who felt (for example) that their VC2 experience was made better by seeing Welkin and Alicia, let alone VC3's inclusion of kid Avan, Cosette and Zeri.

VC3 is a cool game on its own, taking the gameplay changes from VC2 and marrying it with a better story and characters. That said, the only way to play it in English so far is via a fan translation, which is great for playing the game but isn't the most elegant prose ever written. Also, if VC2's reliance on anime character tropes bothers you, VC3 isn't much better on that front. (Leila and her sub are still two of the dumbest characters to ever appear in a Valkyria Chronicles game, and that says a lot.)


Oct 25, 2017
Well, you actually can, fiction does this stuff all the time. It mainly comes down to how it all toneally plays out. I think VC1 managed to find a good balance between the goofy anime stuff and the more serious war themes.
I'd argue that the only part the original game handled really clumsily was the Darcsen/concentration camp stuff. The basic "innocent civilians go to war" stuff was fine, and the Darcsen stuff wasn't outright offensive at all, just a bizarre/clueless creative misfire.
Oct 30, 2017
I'd argue that the only part the original game handled really clumsily was the Darcsen/concentration camp stuff. The basic "innocent civilians go to war" stuff was fine, and the Darcsen stuff wasn't outright offensive at all, just a bizarre/clueless creative misfire.

See, I honestly really like the idea of incorporating racism as a gameplay mechanic in this kind of a setting. Like, forcing you to confront and deal with the fact that some of your soldiers just absolutely hate some of your others, and perform worse because of it, could be really cool. I'll definitely admit that some of how they actually went about implementing it wasn't great, but it is kind of something that had to be there to approach WW2.


Oct 28, 2017
Only VC2 has the school setting and all of them are equally "anime" (whatever that means). VC3's biggest crime is honestly the reuse of VC2 maps, but the two couldn't be more different while still being VC at their core otherwise.

The original VC's art was actually respectable, it had a subtlety to it and it was refreshing how modestly designed most (not all) all of the characters were to fit the war time setting. For example, this rag tag bunch of characters actually look like they could be in a military:


Then you move to the sequels and they lose the subtlety and ramp up the colour too high, destroying the watercolor aesthetic. It's full of ridiculous fringes. impossibly spiky hair, mini-skirts, suspenders etc - in other words "more anime":




Oct 27, 2017
Oh awesome. I always wanted to get into the franchise and it's awesome to see Sega releasing more titles like this. And the cute doggo has swayedme greatly.

In fact, while reading an interview with the Producer, it reminded me I wanted to get the first one's remaster. So it's downloading now (half price on EU PSN!) :)
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
See, I honestly really like the idea of incorporating racism as a gameplay mechanic in this kind of a setting. Like, forcing you to confront and deal with the fact that some of your soldiers just absolutely hate some of your others, and perform worse because of it, could be really cool. I'll definitely admit that some of how they actually went about implementing it wasn't great, but it is kind of something that had to be there to approach WW2.
I think the friction and friendship among squadmates stuff was clever and interesting, yeah - from a mechanical perspective, the racism stuff was perfectly neat.

I mostly mean the stuff where the game took the whole not-Jews/not-Gypsies thing and then tied them into the fall of the ancient civilization backstory stuff. Just an odd choice to take the most serious material in the game and tie it into the most genre-elements part of the story.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Decided to go through and update the pre-reveal character sheet with the new main characters from Valkyria Chronicles 4.


I love how they're back to a mostly-standard Military Uniform with its own theme & depth to it.


Oct 27, 2017
I was interested until I watched that trailer.

Definitely not the target audience for that level of melodrama and anime-action-sappiness. Really enjoyed what I played of Vaklyria 2 though, back in the day, and still have the remaster.


Oct 25, 2017
i like this Point of view approach everytime theres a new number TITLE like 1 3 and 4 because it feels like a WORLD BUILDING that took place in a SAME EVENT. that said i hope they can continue this trend with 5, 6 and so forth. :)


Oct 25, 2017
This is the sequel to Valkyrie Chronicles that i've waited nearly ten years for. Reading that they are returning to the more grounded setting and storyline of the first game is music to my ears. The series completely lost me in the sequels due to the the PSP focus, school setting and more anime approach - I didn't even bother trying them, nor the by all accounts pretty terrible spin-off released last year - so i'm glad Sega finally woke up and realized what made the first game great.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but VC1 sold by far the most over the two sequels even before the Pc and PS4 Remaster did right? Sega lost the plot when they decided to go to the PSP.


Oct 25, 2017

There are some references to characters and events but that's about it iirc, each game has its own fresh cast of characters so you should be okay to enjoy them out of order.

Decided to go through and update the pre-reveal character sheet with the new main characters from Valkyria Chronicles 4.

I love how they're back to a mostly-standard Military Uniform with its own theme & depth to it.

To anyone who hasn't played the game, VC2 characters only dress like that in school. In battle they wear military uniforms.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
For those who want to directly compare the main characters of Valkyria Chronicles 1 to 4's:


RIP Largo, you will be missed.

(On that note, where are the lancers? Does the Federation not have Lancers, or have we just not seen any?)


Oct 25, 2017
The original VC's art was actually respectable, it had a subtlety to it and it was refreshing how modestly designed most (not all) all of the characters were to fit the war time setting. For example, this rag tag bunch of characters actually look like they could be in a military:

Then you move to the sequels and they lose the subtlety and ramp up the colour too high, destroying the watercolor aesthetic. It's full of ridiculous fringes. impossibly spiky hair, mini-skirts, suspenders etc - in other words "more anime":
It's true that the later designs are more oriented towards an otaku audience, but you act like the original VC didn't have some design problems too. The females were also in miniskirts, and even worse for some reason they got 'skirt armor'.

Complaining about the VC2 and VC3 designs while holding VC1 designs up to be some sort of 'respectable' is silly.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
Decided to go through and update the pre-reveal character sheet with the new main characters from Valkyria Chronicles 4.


I love how they're back to a mostly-standard Military Uniform with its own theme & depth to it.
christ, VC2 looks so out of place. do they at least change into military-esque garb on the battlefield?


Oct 28, 2017
For those who want to directly compare the main characters of Valkyria Chronicles 1 to 4's:


RIP Largo, you will be missed.

(On that note, where are the lancers? Does the Federation not have Lancers, or have we just not seen any?)

Yeah, this really shows that the series is headed back on the right track. It's not perfect but it's damn better than 2 and 3's direction.

I agree that it's a really good thing they now look like a military unit again. Also, it looks like most of the weapons have been scaled back to a more realistic size. I was always okay with lancers since they are like the VC universe's version of a bazooka crossed with a knights lance. I'm just glad we don't have these massive gunblade... things anymore:



"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Looking good

Not a fan of the character designs heading towards anime though


Oct 28, 2017
It's true that the later designs are more oriented towards an otaku audience, but you act like the original VC didn't have some design problems too. The females were also in miniskirts, and even worse for some reason they got 'skirt armor'.

Complaining about the VC2 and VC3 designs while holding VC1 designs up to be some sort of 'respectable' is silly.

I already acknowledged this:

"most (not all)"

Selvaria is the stand out for ridiculous character designs in VC1 but the general tone is considerably better than the sequels.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Look at her and then look at the VC1 ladies, there isn't all that much of a difference aside from the need for obvious simplification since it's for PSP instead of PS3.

Outside of the complete lack of armor of any kind, and shorter skirts, you mean? Because those certainly have nothing to do with it being on PSP.


Oct 25, 2017
Outside of the complete lack of armor of any kind, and shorter skirts, you mean? Because those certainly have nothing to do with it being on PSP.

Might want to look at that VC1 pic of your's again, all three of the ladies are wearing short skirts.

The designs for all 4 games are in line with each other overall.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Never understood this statement. They've always looked anime.

Well,it is anime

But VC1 rather had designs that didn't make them look asian/overly anime,some characters aside (No offense meant by this)

I guess a better example would be Xenoblade Chronicles compared to Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Oct 28, 2017
...can people really not think of a better descriptor than 'anime' being something negatively associated with


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Might want to look at that VC1 pic of your's again, all three of the ladies are wearing short skirts.

The designs for all 4 games are in line with each other overall.

There's a difference between mid-length skirts with armor and 'short' skirts or 'miniskirts.'

The first game aimed for a basis in realism. The second game was aimed at middle/high schoolers & kids, so they set it in a high school and toned everything down to make it simpler. They got hit for that, so they kept it on PSP for the third but went for a 'darker' & 'grittier' coat of paint. This last game once again aims for a bit more realism.

There's a big difference between 1/4 and 2 - heck, even with its oddball characters, 3 still tends to have a little more realism than 2's childish & simplified designs.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a difference between mid-length skirts with armor and 'short' skirts or 'miniskirts.'

The first game aimed for a basis in realism. The second game was aimed at middle/high schoolers & kids, so they set it in a high school and toned everything down to make it simpler. They got hit for that, so they kept it on PSP for the third but went for a 'darker' & 'grittier' coat of paint. This last game once again aims for a bit more realism.

There's a big difference between 1/4 and 2 - heck, even with its oddball characters, 3 still tends to have a little more realism than 2's childish & simplified designs.

Sorry but those VC1 skirts are full on mini.

Like I said, technical differences aside the designs are in line with each other overall. The handheld games have simpler designs and themes they adhere to (school for 2, delinquents for 3) but that's it. VC4 is on the most powerful hardware and also has the most detailed designs, but still overall cut from the same cloth as the others.


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously there are minor aesthetic differences between VC1 and VC4, but VC4 absolutely looks closest to VC1 aesthetically and mechanically from what we've seen so far. The aesthetic differences feel more easily ascribed to the fact that it's taking place in a snowy setting with a non-Gallian faction than to some dramatic new direction for the art or anything of that sort.


Oct 26, 2017
Well,it is anime

But VC1 rather had designs that didn't make them look asian/overly anime,some characters aside (No offense meant by this)

I guess a better example would be Xenoblade Chronicles compared to Xenoblade Chronicles 2
I'm even more confused. How can looking Asian the same as looking anime?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure if I should enter an argument about skirts? lol
Is there a number of skirts before a threshold is crossed? Does Isara count in the skirt total if she spends 98% of the time in the tank? If VC2 ladies are wearing combat skirts by default but the VC1 ladies are wearing combat pants by default, does that mean VC1 wins the fashion and sensibility war?

The Skirt Skirmishes continue here, on Reset!