Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Dragon Age was always coming back. Along with GaaS, open world games are popular right now. H:ZD, Elder Scrolls, Witcher 3, RDR2, Assassins Creed. Microsoft is bringing Fable back.

They could probably make DA4 an open world multiplayer GaaS rpg if they want to.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Andromeda was announced as concept video years before release, then they showed CGI trailers and short teasers for like 2 years at E3 and various events, and then we got what we got. There is no point announcing game year in advance these days let alone 3 years. Game change on daily base and a lot can go wrong during those 3 years.

Yup. That was a lack of strong management/vision and failed tech that had them redoing the scope of the game just a year out. Announcing a title here means little except a nice confirmation of commitment on EAs part. Announcing features this far out, is more risky and would raise eyebrows since like you said things change. But as insiders have pointed out, the game got rebooted since then before it got put on the back burner.

My baseless prediction of the day is that the DA4 they were building before Andromeda got scuttled post launch support and everyone went all hands on Deck with anthem was going down a similar path you mentioned. Not enough bodies, to big a scope. The fact that they didn't rush out a sequel to their best selling game, Inquisition did bonkers, gives me faith they are setting it up to be a pillar next gen.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess this is a way to say to their current fans that they are still making the game they wants even though they are only working on Anthem right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Reveals for games more than a year or two off from release need to die a quick death. Although they obviously have issues with development quality I appreciate Bethesda's approach to reveals, wasn't Fallout 4 revealed only like six months from release? I wish more pubs/devs would do this. In the age of social media and dwindling attention spans I'm not sure it even matters much sales-wise building up mindshare for games over long periods and across several trailers/conferences like it used to. Gimme your gameplay reveal at the outset, no more of these title card reveals. And yes, I see the irony as Bethesda obviously did just that with Starfield and TES VI :P


Oct 31, 2017
Aren't they all working on Anthem? Like who is even working on DA4 and why are they announcing it so early?

It's been in preproduction for a year or so. I think the writer confirmed he was working on it ages ago.

As full development for Anthem winds down staff will move onto D4.


Oct 25, 2017
I find it hilarious that they're following Fallout 76's path so far.

They basically don't even a game right now they're just telling you to please be excited. Last word on DA was they had a skeleton crew working on it so they probably only have a rough plan of what they want to do with the next game right now.

Deleted member 43872

Account closed at user request
May 24, 2018
Announcing Starfield and TES VI didn't help Bethesda a lot this fall when they launched Fallout 76.
That's assuming Anthem is going to be a wreck on the level of 76, which seems incredibly unlikely.

Last month the common Diablo take was "Blizzard should have at least played a teaser trailer for Diablo 4, even if it's years off and they don't have any real footage to show, just to reassure the fans." BioWare is applying exactly that strategy: "we're launching Anthem, and it's a departure from what you're used to, but don't worry, we're working on something more familiar we think you'll love."


Oct 28, 2017
New Dragon Age announcement - even if it is far off - and a brand new, big-ish budget Obsidian space RPG?

It's like the TGA announcement schedule was put together specifically for me...


Oct 25, 2017
They better give me my Tevinter game!!!

Destroying the mage corruption and slavery and make allies from the Qun to accomplish this and they back stab them for their views on mages~


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, let's see if it will ever come out. I have the feeling Anthem will be a huge disappointment for Fans and regarding the selltrough.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Not enough to give it a proper title it seems.

So to me this is more a "look guys we are still doing the games you love" announcement rather than what the next Dragon Age will be.

Tho judging by the position Bioware is at the moment, I can't really fault them for doing this. I just hope that in the meantime they give us a ME Trilogy or DA:O & DA2 remasters to keep us busy.
Last edited:


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I am literally fine with this.

You might be, too, if Dragon Age were your favorite franchise, two of its entries were in your top ten games list, and you'd started fretting that Dragon Age 4 would never happen.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems unlikely that the announcement will be accompanied by anything more than a title card, but I'm hoping Bioware will at least indicate that this entry will continue the narrative established in the incredible Trespasser DLC. For all of Inquisition's flaws, it set up the future of the series exceedingly well, at least in regards to the story. It would be disappointing (albeit predictable) to see that potential squandered.


Oct 26, 2017
Yup. That was a lack of strong management/vision and failed tech that had them redoing the scope of the game just a year out. Announcing a title here means little except a nice confirmation of commitment on EAs part. Announcing features this far out, is more risky and would raise eyebrows since like you said things change. But as insiders have pointed out, the game got rebooted since then before it got put on the back burner.

My baseless prediction of the day is that the DA4 they were building before Andromeda got scuttled post launch support and everyone went all hands on Deck with anthem was going down a similar path you mentioned. Not enough bodies, to big a scope. The fact that they didn't rush out a sequel to their best selling game, Inquisition did bonkers, gives me faith they are setting it up to be a pillar next gen.

It is highly impossible but EA has history of canceling already announced games. Just look at the most recent one, Star Wars project from Visceral. EA is not known for innovation they mostly chase other successes so if industry changes in next 3 years guess what will EA do.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Man this better be real and better be a real singleplayer RPG Dragon Age that continues/finishes the Dread Wolf storyline.


Oct 28, 2017
Bioware can't win with people can't they? Damn them if they do and damn them if they don't.
It's common sense you don't announce anything if you don't have anything to show with one big exception. If you are announcing something else that you know some of your audience will hate you better announce what they love is coming even if all you got is a title card.

The reactions to next gen Pokemon, Metroid Prime 4 postively and Blizzard not announcing an actual Diablo negatively game bear this out.


Oct 25, 2017
This is going to be the most teaser ass teaser trailer.

I wonder if they even have a proper title or just go with "dragon age 4" and give it a real name when its really revealed in 2020 when next gen kicks off.

Deleted member 11421

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
A new gen is on the way so I'm fine with announcing some things for 2021+, and hopefully we'll get back to same year announcement routines again by then.


Oct 26, 2017
This is really nice, as it means its still coming.

But I don't like this trailer hype with 5 years of waiting
Oct 26, 2017
If it's years from release.... why do this? So much (bad) stuff can happen in the mean time. Too early to hype the fans up I would say.


Oct 31, 2017
umm if it's 3 years from release then I wish I didn't even hear this news

don't yall prefer how Fallout 4 did it??

Why do some of yall want the Square-Enix method of hearing it like 3 to 5 years beforehand? that's lame

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
My baseless prediction of the day is that the DA4 they were building before Andromeda got scuttled post launch support and everyone went all hands on Deck with anthem was going down a similar path you mentioned. Not enough bodies, to big a scope. The fact that they didn't rush out a sequel to their best selling game, Inquisition did bonkers, gives me faith they are setting it up to be a pillar next gen.
Except that they recently rebooted whatever DA4 was cause it wasn't fit for EA's GaaS focused plans:
In January, I reported that BioWare pushed aside Dragon Age to focus on Anthem. The studio started pre-production on a new Dragon Age, but EA threw out most of that work. At that time, the publisher was shifting its games to live services. That Dragon Age project wasn't going to fit into that business model. As a result of that reboot, Dragon Age writer Mike Laidlaw — who had an outline prepared for the new game — left BioWare.


Oct 25, 2017
My gut tells me revealing it now is a bad idea, like it's going to be one of those controversy games down the line. Just let it cook.


Oct 25, 2017
Why do some of yall want the Square-Enix method of hearing it like 3 to 5 years beforehand? that's lame

In this instance, it makes sense, considering the massive hate/doomsaying boner for BioWare. Everyone's been irrationally fretting about DA4 being canned and BioWare itself shutting down.

Except that they recently rebooted whatever DA4 was cause it wasn't fit for EA's GaaS focused plans:

You're operating on rather outdated information. (1) Schreier walked back the "reboot" terminology. It wasn't back to square one. (2) Casey Hudson quickly clarified after that article that the "GaaS element" for Dragon Age would be post-launch story content (so, essentially, what Dragon Age's DLC has always been).

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's common sense you don't announce anything if you don't have anything to show with one big exception. If you are announcing something else that you know some of your audience will hate you better announce what they love is coming even if all you got is a title card.

The reactions to next gen Pokemon, Metroid Prime 4 postively and Blizzard not announcing an actual Diablo negatively game bear this out.
Well considering people's raging hate boner for Anthem, I guess that you're right, they should totally reveal the next Dragon Age game.


Oct 27, 2017
Getting ready for years of E3's showing devs at their desks - if E3 or the devs are still around.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
You're operating on rather outdated information. (1) Schreier walked back the "reboot" terminology. It wasn't back to square one. (2) Casey Hudson quickly clarified after that article that the "GaaS element" for Dragon Age would be post-launch story content (so, essentially, what Dragon Age's DLC has always been).
I literally quoted that from the the source in the OP, so didn't know it was outdated/inaccurate info.

I hope what Casey said is true then. Cause I really don't want DA to turn into a "live world" and "never ending" GaaS experience.