
Oct 27, 2017

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
One from Funi. Guess there should be a third incoming as well?:

The supplement also incorporated Rial and Toye's evidence that Plaintiff is libel-proof and supplemented the record with excerpts from the depositions of Plaintiff
If Plaintiff has a meritorious lawsuit, he should not fear amendments or supplements. Plaintiff should be focused on gathering clear and specific evidence for each of the elements of his claims instead of quibbling about procedural and evidentiary matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Vic stans keep talking about Sean, what happened?

Sean Lemoine (Funimation's super high-powered Texas lawyer who specializes in anti-SLAPP suits) started calling out Ty on Twitter tonight.

It's fucking brutal.

If I had been taking a beating for over a month I'ld totally file the brief my opponents had fully researched and anticipated I would file, before 12 p.m. On the off chance the judge might take it home. #realtriallawyerssettraps

There's about 4 more tweets, and they're so shady you'd think it was the middle of deep space it's so dark.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Sibersk Esto

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently some official Toei music and sound effects were used which can be seen as a breach of contract?
Oct 27, 2017
Obviously it's not being put out there in good faith, and fuck Vic forever, but hearing Schemmel be like "How many times can I bust out a slur as Goku in quick succession" makes me pretty uncomfortable
Oct 26, 2017
I'm undecided on Sean using that word. I mean it's meant to be goofy bloopers and shit, but still, I would think you'd never record anything that you'd NEVER want to be heard publicly because of how bad they'd be out of context, no matter how private it's meant to be.

I don't think Sean is homophobic, or assume that based on this, but it's still not a good look.

Do we have any idea how old that clip is?


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
I'm undecided on Sean using that word. I mean it's meant to be goofy bloopers and shit, but still, I would think you'd never record anything that you'd NEVER want to be heard publicly because of how bad they'd be out of context, no matter how private it's meant to be.

I don't think Sean is homophobic, or assume that based on this, but it's still not a good look.

Do we have any idea how old that clip is?
I've heard these clips are all pretty old. Apparently the Schemmel one has actually been floating around for awhile.
Oct 26, 2017
Where are these clips from anyway? Were they just around the internet or something?

The Soul Eater one is titled from a commentary, likely on a DVD. The others might've been leaked bloopers from the studio, maybe by some ex-employee who gives no fuck.

I've heard these clips are all pretty old. Apparently the Schemmel one has actually been floating around for awhile.

Like how many years though? A decade, maybe during Kai's recordings?


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 26, 2017
The VAs will probably explain the situation tomorrow and apologize and then the low attention span people will forget and move on.

Likely leaked from the studio by someone who has access.

Something like that most likely.

I think it's accurate to say stuff like that was shall we say, not AS looked down upon back then as now, since not only tastes have changed, but our views of these issues are far more strict now than ever. That kind of dark humor(?) just doesn't fly these days and for good reason, with the world actually acknowledging these issues and realizing "oh shit, that shit is actually hurtful". So if this is that old, I think I can let it slide as long as Sean knows that was dumb and "a different time".


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's accurate to say stuff like that was shall we say, not AS looked down upon back then as now, since not only tastes have changed, but our views of these issues are far more strict now than ever. That kind of dark humor(?) just doesn't fly these days and for good reason, with the world actually acknowledging these issues and realizing "oh shit, that shit is actually hurtful". So if this is that old, I think I can let it slide as long as Sean knows that was dumb and "a different time".
I mean it wasn't until recently that homophobic jokes began to become a no-no, so yeah.
If they explain the situation and apologize I'm sure most will be will to give second chances, this certainly isn't as big of a deal as the stuff Vic has done. And at the end of the day I doubt Toei or Shueisha give a flying fuck about this.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I just saw the "leaks" come across my Twitter feed. Can someone please tell me these are fakes or something? Or even just how old they are?


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
After listening to some of them it seems most aren't even all that bad, the only one that is truly awful is the Schemmel f word one, but depending on when that was recorded it's pretty easy to forgive if he gives a genuine apology.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Look above, apparently these MIGHT be from Kai's recording sessions from a decade ago. It's not confirmed, but may be the consensus?
Oh sorry I didn't read all the way to the last page so I didn't know it was already brought up. That's long enough for the cast to have learned better I guess, but the reason for these "leaks" is so disgustingly obvious in my opinion. These recordings are meant to be some kind of magic bullet against Funimation and the rest of the DBZ cast in relation to Vic's bullshit.

I have no proof of that I know, but that's my knee jerk reaction to this.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, you guys talk about "a decade ago" like it was 1983 and Eddie Murphy was still getting around doing Delirious or something. People knew better a decade ago.
Sure, but it was still prime edgelord humour time. God knows I was a complete asshole a decade ago (in different, more reprehensible ways than I am now that is.) The discourse around hatespeech and slurs, especially the LGBT targeting ones, has also evolved dramatically over the last ten years, homophobic jokes were far more acceptable in 2009 compared to 2019.

It's also worth noting that all this discussion is pretty irrelevant to this topic beyond "The Vic fans keep bringing it up to distract people."

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Man, you guys talk about "a decade ago" like it was 1983 and Eddie Murphy was still getting around doing Delirious or something. People knew better a decade ago.
I get that. But ten years is also long enough for someone to learn. Long enough to better themselves as a person. Now if this was 10 days or even 10 months ago then that is gonna drastically chanve my view. But 10 years? That's long enough to be a better person imo if you work at it.

Their responses to this is gonna be another deciding factor. They need to acknowledge what they did is wrong and why it's wrong to even start making headway. Now if they decide to double down on this crap then that is gonna be a whole other thing.


Mar 14, 2019
User Warned: Inflammatory Language
Let's just call it as it is. (disclaimer: The following insults and accusations are simply hyperbole and not meant seriously).

Everybody currently involved could be pieces of shit.

Ron beats up women.
Chris and Sean are racist/homophobic assholes.
Jamie and Monica are vengeful bitches.
Greg is a failure as a lawyer and human being.
Shane is a wannabe who inserted himself just so people recognice him.
Marzgurl is a Dramaqueen who makes everything about herself.
Renfamous is as much a shitstirrer and cloutchaser as Yellowflashguy etc.
Dominique, Pridemore and the other cosplayers are just whores using the attention to get more famous.
Half of the accusations were out of context or made up by some rando on an internet forum.

Even if everything mentioned above was true. It wouldn't change the fact that Vic is a Diva, a creep, an abuser, possibly even a pedophile. That he will lose this case. Because nothing about this turns him being fired and the tweets into "ACTUAL MALICE".
Everybody involved had good reason to believe what they did and said was correct.

Friggin R. Kelly could be accusing him and it wouldn't change a thing.

(Second disclaimer: I'm pretty sure most of the VAs involved aren't people i would want to actually spend time with. A lot of them appear to be selfabsorbed and fake people. But that's what a shitton of fame and fans does to you. Doesn't mean i can't believe them over a drunk rambling idiot and an inept lawyer)

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Let's just call it as it is. (disclaimer: The following insults and accusations are simply hyperbole and not meant seriously).

Everybody currently involved could be pieces of shit.

Ron beats up women.
Chris and Sean are racist/homophobic assholes.
Jamie and Monica are vengeful bitches.
Greg is a failure as a lawyer and human being.
Shane is a wannabe who inserted himself just so people recognice him.
Marzgurl is a Dramaqueen who makes everything about herself.
Renfamous is as much a shitstirrer and cloutchaser as Yellowflashguy etc.
Dominique, Pridemore and the other cosplayers are just whores using the attention to get more famous.
Half of the accusations were out of context or made up by some rando on an internet forum.

Even if everything mentioned above was true. It wouldn't change the fact that Vic is a Diva, a creep, an abuser, possibly even a pedophile. That he will lose this case. Because nothing about this turns him being fired and the tweets into "ACTUAL MALICE".
Everybody involved had good reason to believe what they did and said was correct.

Friggin R. Kelly could be accusing him and it wouldn't change a thing.
Agree with all of this. These leaks are important, but they are also going to be used as a smokescreen for Vix to try and wiggle his ass out of the predicament he is in.

That cannot be allowed to happen.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
This is a shit show.

Everything the past few days.

Absolutely doesn't change anything regarding Vic but oof at the trash that came out.
Oct 25, 2017
The Soul Eater one is titled from a commentary, likely on a DVD. The others might've been leaked bloopers from the studio, maybe by some ex-employee who gives no fuck.

Like how many years though? A decade, maybe during Kai's recordings?
Sounds about the time they were dubbing the Garlic Jr. saga so 1999 or 2000 would be a good guess. There's a big outtake with Mr Popo and Kami and one big tasteless/ homophobic gay joke.
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine this is a good reason why the industry as a whole has been quiet for so long about Vic because once that gets out everything else does.

You can call out both issues without letting a rapist weasel like Vic get away with it though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
What exactly is the game plan with all these Vic stans wanting to get the other VAs fired over edgy jokes? Aren't they the crowd that eats this stuff up normally?


Oct 27, 2017
Let's just call it as it is. (disclaimer: The following insults and accusations are simply hyperbole and not meant seriously).

Everybody currently involved could be pieces of shit.

Ron beats up women.
Chris and Sean are racist/homophobic assholes.
Jamie and Monica are vengeful bitches.
Greg is a failure as a lawyer and human being.
Shane is a wannabe who inserted himself just so people recognice him.
Marzgurl is a Dramaqueen who makes everything about herself.
Renfamous is as much a shitstirrer and cloutchaser as Yellowflashguy etc.
Dominique, Pridemore and the other cosplayers are just whores using the attention to get more famous.
Half of the accusations were out of context or made up by some rando on an internet forum.

Even if everything mentioned above was true. It wouldn't change the fact that Vic is a Diva, a creep, an abuser, possibly even a pedophile. That he will lose this case. Because nothing about this turns him being fired and the tweets into "ACTUAL MALICE".
Everybody involved had good reason to believe what they did and said was correct.

Friggin R. Kelly could be accusing him and it wouldn't change a thing.

100% agreed with this.

People like the Vic-stan crowd are either incapable of understanding or deliberately ignore context - facts such as "how long ago was it" and "how bad was it" are lost in favor of simply going "did he/she do a bad thing". And even then Vic comes out shittier because Vic-stans are getting caught up finding these one-off cases against #KickVic while Vic himself has a history of behavior stretching back decades and going up to very recent years.

The idea that all you need is one "magic bullet" to cancel/invalidate someone is as delusional as it is disingenuous and toxic.

Sure, but it was still prime edgelord humour time. God knows I was a complete asshole a decade ago (in different, more reprehensible ways than I am now that is.) The discourse around hatespeech and slurs, especially the LGBT targeting ones, has also evolved dramatically over the last ten years, homophobic jokes were far more acceptable in 2009 compared to 2019.

For reference, the Louis CK "Chewed Up" special, the one where he goes "Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're being a f****t", released October 2008.

It wasn't so much that people didn't know better so much as it was offensive edgy "black comedy" being in vogue through the 2000s following the success of shows and movies like South Park and Family Guy. It really can't be stressed enough how recent this phenomenon (and the mainstreaming of said phenomenon) is, and how much of it has been propelled by modern social media.


Oct 25, 2017
What happened with the court case?

Why does a 162 page catch all thread only have 2 threadmarks?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, uh, these jokes are literally James Gunn retreads, which has been proven to be a big nothingburger as Gunn came out of the incident more widely supported than before.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's just call it as it is. (disclaimer: The following insults and accusations are simply hyperbole and not meant seriously).

Everybody currently involved could be pieces of shit.

Ron beats up women.
Chris and Sean are racist/homophobic assholes.
Jamie and Monica are vengeful bitches.
Greg is a failure as a lawyer and human being.
Shane is a wannabe who inserted himself just so people recognice him.
Marzgurl is a Dramaqueen who makes everything about herself.
Renfamous is as much a shitstirrer and cloutchaser as Yellowflashguy etc.
Dominique, Pridemore and the other cosplayers are just whores using the attention to get more famous.
Half of the accusations were out of context or made up by some rando on an internet forum.

Even if everything mentioned above was true. It wouldn't change the fact that Vic is a Diva, a creep, an abuser, possibly even a pedophile. That he will lose this case. Because nothing about this turns him being fired and the tweets into "ACTUAL MALICE".
Everybody involved had good reason to believe what they did and said was correct.

Friggin R. Kelly could be accusing him and it wouldn't change a thing.

(Second disclaimer: I'm pretty sure most of the VAs involved aren't people i would want to actually spend time with. A lot of them appear to be selfabsorbed and fake people. But that's what a shitton of fame and fans does to you. Doesn't mean i can't believe them over a drunk rambling idiot and an inept lawyer)

Calling sexual assault victims whores. Real classy.


Oct 27, 2017
What exactly is the game plan with all these Vic stans wanting to get the other VAs fired over edgy jokes? Aren't they the crowd that eats this stuff up normally?
It's just them trying to desperately find something to turn the tide against the KickVic side. Make the victims/accusers seem like the bad people in all of this by using progressives own ideologies against them (ISWVers don't really give a fuck about some homophobic/racist slurs) in order to undermine their credibility.
Oct 25, 2017
It's just them trying to desperately find something to turn the tide against the KickVic side. Make the victims/accusers seem like the bad people in all of this by using progressives own ideologies against them (ISWVers don't really give a fuck about some homophobic/racist slurs) in order to undermine their credibility.

It's one of their favorite tactics. They pretend to get mad about something they normally wouldn't, just to get "the enemy" to try and eat itself.
It's gotten more and more obvious lately.


Membero Americo
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Québec, Canada
I mean, uh, these jokes are literally James Gunn retreads, which has been proven to be a big nothingburger as Gunn came out of the incident more widely supported than before.

Mostly because James Gunn admitted to making those jokes, were years old, and apologized for them.
If the DBZ voice actors do the same, it should be alright.


Oct 25, 2018
Bro the amount of downplaying of these disgusting audio recordings is very surprising on resetera to say the least. Wtf? Yall acting like a decade ago was the Dark ages or some shit, Toei Animation almost lost their shit when Conan O'Brien said Majin Buu looked like a Penis, i could only imagine how there gonna react to this, jesus.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bro the amount of downplaying of these disgusting audio recordings is very surprising on resetera to say the least. Wtf? Yall acting like a decade ago was the Dark ages or some shit, Toei Animation almost lost their shit when Conan O'Brien said Majin Buu looked like a Penis, i could only imagine how there gonna react to this, jesus.
Well if this was 10 years ago this kind of comedy was more socially acceptable than today, and if it was 20 years ago then it was completely socially acceptable. It's not downplaying to state facts. If they did stuff like this recently, like Vic, then it would be a problem.

This whole thing is just Vic's disgusting supporters trying to get Funi and the rest of the cast in trouble for revenge.
It's just them trying to desperately find something to turn the tide against the KickVic side. Make the victims/accusers seem like the bad people in all of this by using progressives own ideologies against them (ISWVers don't really give a fuck about some homophobic/racist slurs) in order to undermine their credibility.
And it not really working in terms of how far the trial is and how it relates (Which doesn't). At most it just annoying evidence they have to bully the victims/accusers.

I will say those audio recordings are pretty bad no matter how old they are. Funi and the actors needs to be upfront about those recordings and ensure they do better.