
Dec 13, 2017
Within a couple hours of tweeting about former NBA star Kobe Bryant's rape allegation, Julie Lalonde had received thousands of replies—many of them advising her to kill herself, or that she deserved to be raped.

Lalonde, an Ottawa-based women's rights advocate, was reacting to news of Bryant's death by helicopter crash when she tweeted "Kobe Bryant was a rapist. In case y'all forget that over the next few days."

Bryant later settled with his accuser in a separate civil suit. In a public statement, he apologized to her and said he understood she did not consider the sex consensual.

"For me, it was important to just sort of remind progressives that while you're fawning over your favourite basketball star, women are watching that and thinking 'OK, you don't care that he did this heinous thing.'"

Washington Post politics reporter Felicia Sonmez has been suspended from her job after she tweeted a link to a 2016 Daily Beast article about the alleged sexual assault.

"Any public figure is worth remembering in their totality even if that public figure is beloved and that totality unsettling," she tweeted.

Toronto Star sports columnist Bruce Arthur also caught some heat for discussing Bryant's rape case during a panel on Canadian sports network TSN Sunday. However, he notes the vitriol is nothing compared to what women like Lalonde and Sonmez are dealing with.

"It was a huge part of his career, of his legacy, of his life," said Arthur. "Kobe said specifically that after the Colorado case, he changed the way he decided to be, he decided to be a more authentic person."

The angry reaction to discussing the case isn't surprising to Arthur. With sports, as with politics, he said people tend to cheer for their teams and their heroes, sometimes abandoning reason and perspective in the process.

Dec 2, 2017
Well yeah, it is kinda weird it's just been brushed over. Like I don't follow American sports, but I knew he was accused of rape cos I saw it on a tv show.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
Not suprising, today has been the most rabid I've seen fans of a dead rapist get since the death of David Bowie


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Twitter can be a real shithole sometimes. I'm convinced that you could tweet out that you discovered the cure for cancer and you'd get death threats for it.

Don't dare pull down people's favorite celebrities on the best day. On the day they die? It's a license for those fanatics to be sociopaths.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Death doesn't automagically qualify you to receive unending respect and canonization. It's absolutely vital that we don't forget what someone's done--and don't silence people who want to discuss it--simply because people want you to "respect the dead".


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Serious Thread
Here are my 2 cents.

9 people ( many young children) dying in a tragic helicopter crash is not the same as a mass shooting. Meaning moments after it happens you tweeting about gun control isn't going to help because Kobe Bryant being accused of rape wasn't the cause of the crash. Like seriously no one has forgotten the case but have some decency.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Serious Thread
Deaths of celebrities are times for public hagiographies. A lot of people don't want to remember the dead as bad people, they want to remember the good feelings they had when they admired the dead.

The reckoning for Kobe's legacy as a rapist will come later, just as it did for Michael Jackson.

Let people mourn now. Plenty of time for this later, as awful as that sounds.


Oct 25, 2017
"For me, it was important to just sort of remind progressives that while you're fawning over your favourite basketball star, women are watching that and thinking 'OK, you don't care that he did this heinous thing.'"

Huge, huge leap she's making here about thousands of strangers here. About the people "fawning" over Bryant and survivors themselves.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Deaths of celebrities are times for public hagiographies. A lot of people don't want to remember the dead as bad people, they want to remember the good feelings they had when they admired the dead.

The reckoning for Kobe's legacy as a rapist will come later, just as it did for Michael Jackson.

Let people mourn now. Plenty of time for this later, as awful as that sounds.
This is incredibly harsh, but I encourage you to tell a victim of celebrity rape--or the people affected by the reality of it--that there's plenty of time, later, and they need to respect people's desire to mourn.


Alt Account
Jan 18, 2020
Yeah, that topic has probably the most bans I've seen in any single topic on this forum yet.

Were people being banned in the main thread for discussing it cause the news was so new? Can you go into the main thread and talk about this issue now that's its 24 hours later? Were new threads like this one getting bans for bringing up his past?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the thread here was pretty disappointing for how some of that was handled. It's clear we still have a bit of an issue in picking and choosing how we handle sensitive matters like this with a celebrity. The situation can be tragic, and people can have complicated feelings on the matter. Both things can be true.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 29, 2017
Here are my 2 cents.

9 people ( many young children) dying in a tragic helicopter crash is not the same as a mass shooting. Meaning moments after it happens you tweeting about gun control isn't going to help because Kobe Bryant being accused of rape wasn't the cause of the crash. Like seriously no one has forgotten the case but have some decency.

"have some decency"?

we aren't talking to people that are related to him. I don't see how it's indecent to talk about something major he did.
Nov 9, 2017
Here are my 2 cents.

9 people ( many young children) dying in a tragic helicopter crash is not the same as a mass shooting. Meaning moments after it happens you tweeting about gun control isn't going to help because Kobe Bryant being accused of rape wasn't the cause of the crash. Like seriously no one has forgotten the case but have some decency.

Kobe was beloved for the many things he did for his community and seemed to have genuinely changed into a family man after he retired. If it were someone like Ben Roethlisberger, people would be cheering on his death and be applauded for it.


Oct 28, 2017
Southeastern PA
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Sensitive Topic
There is a time and place for everything. Besides, other lives were lost. If you don't have any respect for Kobe at least have respect for the other people and people who have lost a loved one.


Oct 25, 2017
I legit think the press would probably have included more of it if it was only Kobe. I think the fact his daughter died with him in the same accident influenced how people wanted to react to it.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
The reckoning for Kobe's legacy as a rapist will come later, just as it did for Michael Jackson.
Ironically, MJ is the only celeb I know of whose deeds were known about before he died who had the public opinion eventually shift to people actually caring about the shit he did after the initial idolisation after death. Every other time I've seen people do the whole "its not the time" bullshit, it ends up never being the right time for some reason or another


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Sensitive Topic
A time and a place - lest people forget 8 other people (including a 13 year old child) died yesterday. I think think pieces on the man can wait, no?


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
User Banned (3 Days): Threadwhining in a Sensitive Topic
I think if it needs to be revisited, it absolutely should

But I also think that, given everyone ELSE involved in the crash, maybe wait for things to settle a little? I dunno, it seems going back to that conversation while there's still grieving over dead children, seems a little cold.

At the same time, fuck anyone and everyone giving the victims and their accusers a hard time. It's disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
I found it weird that knowing when people like Woody Allen or Trump or Cosby or Weinstein die, they'll have their history brought up almost certainly - yet this situation led to censorship of anything by those willing to address his rape allegations. There's hundreds of posts about his random trophies or rapping that are no more on topic with the families dying than talking about his complicated history would be. But for some reason, those who care about the rape need to be quiet and let the clean and pure legacy rule the thread.

The message seems to be that if you want to boost his image or damage control, you're fine. If you have something to say about what you find complicated and disappointing about him, you are derailing. I can't imagine these rules in a thread for the men I listed above. I don't get why a popular athlete is an exception.


Dec 13, 2017
Don't dare pull down people's favorite celebrities on the best day. On the day they die? It's a license for those fanatics to be sociopaths.

This. America wants it's heroes to be perfect. It is OK to recognize, and remember, that someone's hero may have done something horrible.

To deny that, in this case, is to deny the very legitimate trauma of sex assault victims. Anyone who does so cannot legitimately claim to be an ally.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Sensitive Topic
I really hate when people try to act cool with their woke tweets. Good job trying to people cool one call out Kobe. I'm sure all the mourning families appreciate it and give a shit.


Oct 27, 2017
This is incredibly harsh, but I encourage you to tell a victim of celebrity rape--or the people affected by the reality of it--that there's plenty of time, later, and they need to respect people's desire to mourn.
I encourage you to talk to friends and families of those who died and discuss their friend, mentor and relative's rape accusation less than 24 hours since they died. See how that goes.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Really looking forward to the Trump thread when he finally croaks. We gonna overlook everything and ban people for calling his shit out? Or is it only okay when they do/create something people enjoyed at some point?

"He made thriller tho"

Here are my 2 cents.

9 people ( many young children) dying in a tragic helicopter crash is not the same as a mass shooting. Meaning moments after it happens you tweeting about gun control isn't going to help because Kobe Bryant being accused of rape wasn't the cause of the crash. Like seriously no one has forgotten the case but have some decency.

If nobody has forgotten the case, then why are we celebrating HIM and gliding past this..?

I mean it's very predictable, you can be in a literal hate movement and get a pass upon dying because people liked your content

Fuck Total Biscuit too.

A time and a place - lest people forget 8 other people (including a 13 year old child) died yesterday. I think think pieces on the man can wait, no?

I don't think anyone is downplaying or saying anything about the other passengers. If only his victims had the same courtesy and respect he's getting.


Nov 6, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Sensitive Topic
Whenever a celebrity that big dies, there's going to be mention of his biography, both good and bad.
Mentioning it is one thing, but immediately starting up old arguments and character assassinations again is another. There is a time and place for everything.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Sexual Assault, Threadwhining; Previous Severe Infraction for Dismissing Sexism
9 people died, there's a time and place.

but extra woke dudes want brownie points I guess.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
I encourage you to talk to friends and families of those who died and discuss their friend, mentor and relative's rape accusation less than 24 hours since they died. See how that goes.
The friends and families of said individual are not within my purview, or my ability to communicate with. Those affected by rape are. What a disgusting thing to say.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
funny how his fans only seem to bring up and care about the other deaths once the rape gets brought up.
Really? Because I saw plenty of people in that thread that were plenty sad over the death of the children and other people on that helicopter. I don't think it's them who don't actually give a shit about the other people that died.


Oct 26, 2017
I found it weird that knowing when people like Woody Allen or Trump or Cosby or Weinstein die, they'll have their history brought up almost certainly - yet this situation led to censorship of anything by those willing to address his rape allegations. There's hundreds of posts about his random trophies or rapping that are no more on topic with the families dying than talking about his complicated history would be. But for some reason, those who care about the rape need to be quiet and let the clean and pure legacy rule the thread.

The message seems to be that if you want to boost his image or damage control, you're fine. If you have something to say about what you find complicated and disappointing about him, you are derailing. I can't imagine these rules in a thread for the men I listed above. I don't get why a popular athlete is an exception.

I was thinking this yesterday while reading through that thread but knew it was better to just sit back and not bring on a deluge of fans who couldn't look past their fond memories. It's sad when someone dies. People do bad things and sometimes they learn from them and become better people, but still, we shouldn't forget what happened. Especially when we as a collective group go full bore on other people of privilege that use their resources with a powerful legal team and end up settling out of court with their accuser.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
Even before Kobe died, his legacy essentially being whitewashed bothered me quite a bit. He even won an Oscar FFS. It doesn't help that it was impossible to have a rational conversation about the case.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
Really looking forward to the Trump thread when he finally croaks. We gonna overlook everything and ban people for calling his shit out? Or is it only okay when they do/create something people enjoyed at some point?
won't even be when he dies, it'll be like Bush and start within 5 years of him leaving office
Really? Because I saw plenty of people in that thread that were plenty sad over the death of the children and other people on that helicopter. I don't think it's them who don't actually give a shit about the other people that died.
I'm assuming your implication is that I am?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I found it weird that knowing when people like Woody Allen or Trump or Cosby or Weinstein die, they'll have their history brought up almost certainly - yet this situation led to censorship of anything by those willing to address his rape allegations. There's hundreds of posts about his random trophies or rapping that are no more on topic with the families dying than talking about his complicated history would be. But for some reason, those who care about the rape need to be quiet and let the clean and pure legacy rule the thread.

The message seems to be that if you want to boost his image or damage control, you're fine. If you have something to say about what you find complicated and disappointing about him, you are derailing. I can't imagine these rules in a thread for the men I listed above. I don't get why a popular athlete is an exception.

Because that's not what obituary threads are for. Look at this. One day after he died and there's a thread on his rape case and it's not closed, it's not leading to big fights with people who are still in a raw emotional place processing their trauma. No one wants to hide what Kobe did, but that thread wasn't the place for it. Give it its own space like this thread and people can discuss without fraying nerves.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Threadwhining in a Serious Thread
I think there is plenty of time in the future to discuss how some of his darker moments reflect on his legacy going forward however now is not the time for fucks sake. Let people fucking grieve in peace.


Oct 28, 2017
Yep. An admitted rapist; you can read his words for yourself.

I have sympathy for the rest who lost their lives, but I'm not going to pretend to grieve for a rapist.


Oct 25, 2017
How many good deeds do I need for my 'one free rape' ticket?
Are you dead ass serious? I truly don't understand the mindset of some of the members of this forum. Did Kobe fuck up during that time yes, but he turned his life around and did many good things for his community, hell you can even say the world with his basketball camp reach. The rape allegations should never be down played at all but don't act like that makes all the good he did for naught.