
Oct 25, 2017
4. When being asked if there were any theories that he wished they did, he talked about how everyone thought EVERYONE on the show was Mephisto, even Senior Scratchy. But they did have a plan for the rabbit: in a deleted scene, the kids along with Ralph and Monica meet up in the basement and want to capture the Darkhold, but right before they do, the rabbit jumps in front of them and would transform. It seems the rabbit was her familiar. (Timestamp here -
Aaw, I would love to see Monica and the twin adventure together. Monica did deliver one of them.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
- Some random person got a hold of his cell no. and texted him "Didn't you learn from The Mandarin in Iron Man 3?" But he said that was his favorite part of that movie!

This is creepy as fuck. What is wrong with people?

- To those disappointed there's no multiverse/FoX-Men introduced here, he said that they're coming, so your patience will be rewarded.

Hell, maybe we'll get a "real Mandarin" moment with Evan Peters. A man can hope.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I actually being need her to suffer consequences, but I need the narrative of the show to make it clear she *deserves* them.
This is exactly what I think. Maybe I'm just being ignorant but the writing in this and throughout the MCU makes it seem to me as long as intentions are good and no harm was intended, they can hold themselves accountable even if thousands of people are hurt. I don't need to see Wanda in jail or anything like that, but the writing should at least imply it's bad that she's getting off without even a slap on the wrist.

Not going to stop me from continuing to watch MCU, but it's still going to keep bothering me and I'll still mention it when it happens.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Just wanted to quote this because it was such a great interview that discussed so many things that have come up in this thread. SonofDonCD wrote out some of the things in the ggreat post below, but there was a lot more, too.
Also really showed how Shakman really was the right person for the job, with his background and passion.

interview starts at 35:10

So the director of WandaVision, Matt Shakman, was on FatMan Beyond with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin. He gave plenty of insight into the show. It's a LONG interview.

But a few notable things he said:

1. They never intended for the Aerospace engineer to be a thing. It was part of the reshoots later, as an explanation for Monica's plan to get back into the hex (timestamp here -

2. So, about Fietro (timestamp here -
- Some random person got a hold of his cell no. and texted him "Didn't you learn from The Mandarin in Iron Man 3?" But he said that was his favorite part of that movie!
- He said he loves playing around with expectations/turning things around on the audience. He thinks it's enjoyable.
- To those disappointed there's no multiverse/FoX-Men introduced here, he said that they're coming, so your patience will be rewarded.
- They could've had Aaron Taylor-Johnson come back, but they already had one person Wanda loved come back (Vision), so they decided to explore how you can bargain with yourself (like in the five stages of grief) to believe this person who isn't really your brother IS your brother. She wants him back so badly (and she's in such denial) that she'll just accept this random stranger in that role.
- It's also meta-commentary on sitcoms and how people get recast. He's like the second Darren on Bewitched, Becky on Roseanne, or Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince.
- They loved the opportunity to work with Evan Peters.

3. Kevin picked up on how abrupt Darcy/Kat Dennings part was in the last episode, thinking it might've been a scheduling conflict. Matt didn't directly answer why she was barely in the ep., but it looked like he was starting to say "COVID" while Kevin was still speaking. Sounds like they couldn't get her back to shoot more. (Timestamp here -

4. When being asked if there were any theories that he wished they did, he talked about how everyone thought EVERYONE on the show was Mephisto, even Senior Scratchy. But they did have a plan for the rabbit: in a deleted scene, the kids along with Ralph and Monica meet up in the basement and want to capture the Darkhold, but right before they do, the rabbit jumps in front of them and would transform. It seems the rabbit was her familiar. (Timestamp here -


Oct 25, 2017
Because it was a multi-episode mystery that existed specifically to make people think one thing but it ended up being a literal dick joke (and then we don't even see him again and the character is thrown to the side). Him actually being Pietro from the Fox universe is a thousand times more interesting.

Marvel put him in the series to play Pietro and gave him super speed (which was never actually explained so I guess Agatha can just give people legit super powers with a necklace).

If you enjoyed the dick joke payoff, that's fine. But it's a little disingenuous to say things outside of the story itself is "the only reason" why people had expectations when that was the literal reason he was put into the show at all.
Calling it a "dick joke payoff" is a bit silly. There was no payoff, he was simply some dude. It is okay for story beats to do that.

I get it, though, I was hoping for some cross universe shenanigans. We're the kind of nerds who like that shit though, so it was always going to be a bit disappointing for us.


Nov 5, 2017
Loved WandaVision as a whole, but man I did not like how they resolved the Pietro storyline.
Although, I suppose it's still possible there's more to 'Fietro' than we know at this point, I really do hope that's the case.
Oct 25, 2017
Calling it a "dick joke payoff" is a bit silly. There was no payoff, he was simply some dude. It is okay for story beats to do that.

I get it, though, I was hoping for some cross universe shenanigans. We're the kind of nerds who like that shit though, so it was always going to be a bit disappointing for us.

The payoff was that he was the Ralph Agnes kept on alluding to. The director talked about the bohner joke on the Kevin Smith interview. The director was a kid actor in alot of 80's TV shows. He was in a Growing Pains spinoff show. I think it was Growing Pains that had a Bohner character in it and Evan's character was a reference to that TV show's character since it had something to do with the directors past.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The show started off so incredibly good. I was super down for all the sitcom stuff and the slow trickling of information and hints about the situation and outside world. But the more Marvel-y it got at the end the more the quality started to drop in my opinion. The quality of the VFX started to become hit or miss, the writing got sloppier and the overall design and art direction got corny.

The design of the Witch cave was super corny and plastic-looking. And Agatha her witch look was also just a bit silly looking with the blown-out hair and crazy eyes. The writing around Wanda being both the hero and villain got confusing and sloppy. As was the writing around Monica randomly getting powers and not really caring about it. Is she still powered now that the Hex is gone?

Anyway, apart from those comments the show is an absolute gem. Such an interesting concept for a storyline and show. I was really looking forward to each new show. Definitely gets me more excited for all the Marvel shows and what they could become. And it's really exciting to see what the future for the MCU will hold. I wasn't as excited for Marvel stuff anymore after End Game. But now I'm back on board!


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I agree that it is a demonstration of her natural ability since she is said to be more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme, and that same Doctor Strange astral projection scene was used to show how advanced and clever he was to be thinking outside the box to excel in his studies, but I think that it lines up with how it's essentially her subconscious that was responsible for operating the "machinery" of the Hex in the background while she was mostly unaware of her direct involvement, except when she'd want something to change. Her subconscious has not only tapped into her latent ability, but the parallels with a "Phoenix Force"-like powerful entity inside of her in the "Scarlet Witch" means that it already threatens to be a power and persona that is out of her control, and I think that it has already begun to manifest in her own psychotic break and psychosis from this event. At this point, it's not so much like a malevolent "dark side" within Wanda, but given that it seems her subconscious understands her power far more than she does, I could see that a further split between her consciousness and subconsciousness where her subconscious is studying powerful dark magics and both aspects of her personality (her split subconscious and her inherited magic persona) may increasingly grow out of her control.

I think other heroes not suggesting she get help lines up with Monica or anyone else not suggesting she needed help since Monica only saw the grief and she only seems to have understood it as her reaction to all her trauma, not as much about what she did and didn't know. She probably thought the end of the Hex would be the end of it. Maybe the closest anyone that is on her side who would understand the extent of her mental state is Vision, but even he didn't have the full picture. Agatha was the only one who probably intimately understood was Wanda did and was going through and she only cared insofar as it helped her to understand Wanda's power and therefore make herself more power, not because she cared to help her.
You could be right, but I didn't take it that way.

Personally I hope they don't make the story about her struggling with a separate entity inside of her -the Scarlet Witch - and allow her to be a person with agency even though she's dealing with sever mental health issues.

As far as the heroes not suggesting she get help, I don't think I'll ever accept it. Before Monica even met Wanda, that was her angle - that Wanda needed help. Then she was victimized by Wanda and saw her nightmares. She knew Wanda was hurting and there's no reason she would have thought that Wanda taking down the Hex was indication that Wanda could handle her mental health issues alone.

Vision knew everything he needed to know. Darcy gave him the history of Wanda's grief, and he experienced first hand how her grief turned her into a master manipulator. It makes no sense at all for him to assume Wanda would make things right - She's still struggling mentally, and she's moments away from being all alone again.

The way you word it, "at least evil person X did this" made it sound like you were hand waving away their actions.

My argument is that way the actions were chosen and presented late in the story felt like a contrived effort to use plot twists to skew the audiences perception moral alignment rather than allowing the complex web of conflicting values to play out organically by having characters react according to their characterizations.

That is a problem- Vision is not a robot. He had nothing to do with anything Wanda did to the town. The man came online and helped take down Ultron. Having his will violated is how the people repay him? It like when people cheer soilder going to war, then do jack shit for them or their family when they come back either broken or in a box.
WE the audience know that Vision is not a robot because we watched other MCU content. And for that WE sympathize for Wanda's situation. We also know that no rationale gov agency is going to surrender a WMD to a civilian or honor the will of an AI.

But within confines of the WandaVision story, the victims of the Hex have no reason to desire a favorable outcome for Wanda over Hayward. Wanda is their oppressor and White Vision was sent by SWORD and Hayward to take out their oppressor. We don't get to see anyone's else's natural reaction to this dynamic. We just get to see Hayward unload a clip at some kids. It's completely hamfisted.

No what is cliche is wrapping everything up in a perfect moral bow like MCU has done in past films. Letting a morally dubious Wanda go at the end is the least cliche thing they could have done.

Wanda ultimately getting away isn't what I take issue with. The issue, is the last minute effort to turn a complex conflict into a simple good versus evil conflict. The episode ended more cliche than it began.

At the beginning of the episode we had a wicked, power hungry witch who also felt a personal responsibility to stop a doomsday premonition -And she was down to do some unsavory shit to achieve Both of those goals. It seemed like we had an interesting villain on our hands for once.

Wanda was still rationalizing her Hex until Agatha showed Wanda the torturous conditions. When Agatha brokered the deal, Wanda's conflict was "surrender this curse of a power set , fix the torture glitch in my Hex, and keep my family" or "admit that everything I've done here is wrong, and cannot be fixed with a flick of the wrist". All this with the backdrop of Wanda's uncontrollable power potentially leading to the end of the world. This is awesome tension. The final "battle" SHOULD have been Wanda grappling with the persistent immorality of the idea of a Hex that no longer cause it's inhabitants mental anguish. And with Agatha as a catalyst, she'd grow to be able accept the loss of her toxic coping mechanism and her family.

Then it was revealed that the deal was fake, and Agatha was going to gleefully allow the torture of Westview to continue. Suddenly, The conflict became as simple as every MCU product before it- Stop the bad guy and stop the torture or fail to stop the bad guy and let the torture continue.

so instead of seeing how Wanda come to grips with losing her Ill gotten family, we get a CGI fight against a mustache twirling evil, Wanda's big eureka moment is that she learns some traditional witchcraft, and We just accepts that somehow the physical feat culminated in Wanda figuring out how to let go long enough to free Westview.

to top it all off, the people in the town square just had their minds freed by Agatha! Then Wanda's response to them speaking freely is to strangle them. Then Agatha, goes into battle with their oppressor, loses , and is converted into a mind slave.The audience knows Agatha is no hero, but the people of Westview would reasonably feel very differently. This again is glossed over by key characters. Including Monica who witnessed the whole thing.

once again, hamfisted. Not as bad as the Hayward stuff. But not nearly as good as it could and should have been.

Actually, the ending is realistic. Wanda's power level is off the charts at the end. There was nobody in Westview Monica or SWORD that could force Wanda into custody. Wanda surrendering herself into yet another government custody at this point in her life is not happening. You can't get justice or help from the very organization that desecrated Vision and wants Wanda dead.
Thematically, there's no need for anyone to be physically capable of taking Wanda into custody. The problem is that the characters who should be noting the continued injustice and ongoing mental health emergency are instead validating someone who needs help, not validation. It's just really shitty characterization.

Monica is no different than Rogers when he first learns of Wanda and Pietro. He saw in both of them two messed up people who were fighting a war because that is all they have know. She became an Avenger because someone believed in her and treated her like a person.
Nah, Monica saw Wanda hold 3000 people hostage, including Monica herself, and torture them. I'm sure Cap, in Monica's shoes, would have said more than "thank you for your sacrifice, good luck ". He would have actually put forth an effort to get her the help she needs. Because that's his characterization. What is Monica's characterization? She's ultimately useless in this story.

USA actions since Civil War is to treat powered people like her, Hawkeye, Antman, and Falcon criminals. The world Wanda lives in changed- there are no good guys to help her. There are no good guys that going to give her a just trial or mental help. Any reasonable person would chose to fight back or run away to hide from that.
again, there's nothing wrong with Wanda deciding to flee. That fits her characterization. What's problematic is how the people around her are reacting to the situation.
Last edited:

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Darkhold was brought up when people were speculating the book in Episode 7 but a number of people hand-waved it off trying to figure out how it'd reconcile with its appearance in Agents of SHIELD.

I was pretty sure it showed up in The Runaways too, so I checked and it indeed was. Elizabeth Hurley tried to use it to merge their universe with the Dark Dimension.

Folks probably don't care about that, though. 😂

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The Darkhold was brought up when people were speculating the book in Episode 7 but a number of people hand-waved it off trying to figure out how it'd reconcile with its appearance in Agents of SHIELD.

The canonicity of Agents of SHIELD took a pretty fat L with this last ep. 😂

AOS has been non-canon ever since Infinity War. I just consider it being part of its own universe, kinda like the Netflix stuff.


Oct 30, 2017
Just saw the shorts of Falcon and Bucky.

So fucking hyped.

Such a short - yet long - wait.


Oct 25, 2017
Just watched it. Enjoyed it overall if I felt like it didn't nail the ending.

Some choice quotes from my wife:

"So she kidnapped and tortured a town because she was sad and the cop lady is like "I would have done it too" ?"
"Is that really the last thing you want to say to your imaginary kids before they dissolve?"
"I don't want another show about side characters"

8/10 if only for the commitment to the TV sitcom dedication in the first few episodes.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
This doesn't surprise me along with the changes due to Covid. The finale did seem a bit rushed in some areas.



Oct 27, 2017
Well the funny thing is... There were no witches in Salem. So to me it does the opposite, says "And we know you had theories she's a magic user too, she isn't"

Yeah, to be clear I don't actually think she's being set-up for future stuff. My joke was more that if they ever changed their minds and wanted to do more with Caulfield they left themselves a funny avenue to roll down. That's the MCU's trick, playing fast and loose while making it look like everything's pre-planned, and it keeps working so well because of how well they capitalize on even the tiniest seeds.

AOS has been non-canon ever since Infinity War. I just consider it being part of its own universe, kinda like the Netflix stuff.

The dubious canonicity of the non-Marvel Studios projects is going to be a recurring thing until they finally take a definitive stance on it. And it really only comes down to AoS and the Netflix shows, aka the only things people are actually really loud about preserving (sorry Runaways fans).


Oct 27, 2017

'WandaVision': Matt Shakman Opens Up About How the Pandemic Changed the Finale - Murphy's Multiverse

It’s crazy to think that WandaVision has officially come to an end. After its nine-episode run on Disney+,…

Linking this less because of any new details and more to call out Murphy on actually being a bit irresponsible:

It also seems that the engineer's tease was 100% intended, but was getting worried when people suddenly expected Reed Richard to show up. A lot was left on the cutting room floor, so it may have originally had a bigger pay-off.

Watching the part in the interview and this is literally the opposite of what the director said. To quote the post with the timestamps:

Just wanted to quote this because it was such a great interview that discussed so many things that have come up in this thread. SonofDonCD wrote out some of the things in the ggreat post below, but there was a lot more, too.
Also really showed how Shakman really was the right person for the job, with his background and passion.

interview starts at 35:10


Oct 26, 2017
4. When being asked if there were any theories that he wished they did, he talked about how everyone thought EVERYONE on the show was Mephisto, even Senior Scratchy. But they did have a plan for the rabbit: in a deleted scene, the kids along with Ralph and Monica meet up in the basement and want to capture the Darkhold, but right before they do, the rabbit jumps in front of them and would transform. It seems the rabbit was her familiar. (Timestamp here -

Damn it, I would have loved to have seen that.


Oct 25, 2017
the quicksilver replacement / sitcom trope makes more sense than any theory anyone could have thrown out there related to the x-men universe. Seems very on brand with what the series was doing.


Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to quote this because it was such a great interview that discussed so many things that have come up in this thread. SonofDonCD wrote out some of the things in the ggreat post below, but there was a lot more, too.
Also really showed how Shakman really was the right person for the job, with his background and passion.

interview starts at 35:10

Wish fucking Warner/DC see this interview.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
The cliffhanger is because Pietro looks completely different. "They recast Pietro!?" Notice that Darcy doesn't then continue "his energy signature is out of this world!" or something. Notice that there's nothing in the script that even hint there's a multiverse shenanigans going on. Notice that the story never raises the question of "but who is he actually is" and simply leans heavily to "isn't it super weird and scary that Pietro looks completely different?" And then after the episode, nobody cares to bring him up again. I feel calling it a "multi-episode mystery" is a huge stretch.

And still, it's unrelated to the story? I understand if you don't like the decision. I personally think that the stunt casting is rather pointless. But nothing in the story, script and framing we get would be out of place even if they casted Zac Efron or Tyler Hoechlin instead of Evan Peters.

If they would have casted Zac Efron no one would have participated in the "who is Fietro" mystery.

Evan Peters was specifically cast so that people could theorize. Without using this particular actor, everyone in the audience would have immediately understood Fietro to be a Westview resistent forced into a roll - because that what he was. But Peters was cast and his appearances framed specifically so that viewers would not assume he was simply another Westview resident - which is why they even bothered to reveal his true identity in the last episode.


Dec 19, 2017
NY Times interview with Jac Schaeffer. Some excerpts:

Do you think that Agatha, in her own weird way, was somehow helpful to Wanda?

Absolutely. Agatha, technically, is more on the villainous end of the spectrum, but she actually is the chief instigator of Wanda's healing. And there is a desire to connect with Wanda and to mentor her and to learn from her. Agatha's damage is so severe, and she has been alone for so long, and all of that hurt has calcified. The question of, can she be pulled back from this very selfish, power-hungry place? I would argue she totally could, given the right story line. In the writers' room, one of the things we kept saying is, Agatha is not wrong in her analysis of Wanda being in denial. She's being kind of harsh with it. She could go back and get a degree and maybe be gentle. But she fast-tracks what is necessary for Wanda in her journey.

Was it a certainty that you'd be able to get Evan Peters, who was Quicksilver in the "X-Men" movies, to play the show's fake Pietro?

It was an enormous question mark for a very long time. And it took a while to figure out if it would be possible. It was late that it was finally confirmed that we could do it. But we were writing for it. Evan is such a chameleon in that way, that could play an amalgamation of Uncle Jesse [from "Full House"], Nick [from "Family Ties"] and Joey from "Friends." He could play those layers.

Did you have a backup plan if you couldn't get him?
The ground is often shifting, and sometimes that's how the amazing things occur. There are a couple of scenes that I wrote that I'm like, "This is genius!" And then it was like, "No, you can't have that toy." You find a different toy that suits your show better. But there wasn't a Plan B on that. There were just very, very intense hopes and dreams, and they were met.

A speech from Vision in Episode 8 — and particularly his quote, "What is grief, if not love persevering?" — really caught on with viewers. Did it land as powerfully for you when that episode was being written?

In the writers' room, we had intense conversations about grief and loss. We had a grief counselor come and speak to us. My initial pitch, the structure of the show was mapped to the stages of grief. I did not know that that line would be a sensation, but it did feel at the time that it was the perfect distillation of the show. Laura Donney wrote an extraordinary episode, and as we were moving toward production on the scene, Paul was really hungering for, what's the thing that Vision can say that will bring her comfort? He wanted a line that, in a very Vision way, would perfectly encapsulate a definition of grief, like in "Age of Ultron," how he says, "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts."

So I came up with a line that was something along the lines of, "What is grief but love surviving?" We agreed that wasn't quite it and we were turning it over and trying to figure it out. My incredibly talented assistant, Laura Monti, came up with the word "persevering." We all believe that the line was born of the enormous amount of collaboration and unity on the show. So many talented women, specifically, came up with it.

Do you think Wanda got the fate she deserved in the show's conclusion?

I don't know if she got what she deserved. She got to say goodbye on her own terms. That's what's important to me. Everything that she's been through has been forced upon her, and things have been wrenched from her. It's all been in this frenzied, stakes-of-the-universe way. She has to make really big decisions with no time for processing. This goodbye moment is her choice and she got to do it in her own way. That is what she needed to process everything she's been through and reach acceptance.

What did the final scene of the series mean to you?

[Pauses, then laughs.] There's not a whole lot that I can say. What I can say is, I love the duality of it. I love the real Wanda, sitting on her porch, making a cup of tea, doing her ruminating and reflecting. And the super-lady in the back room who is astral-projecting and functioning at a level that we have yet to understand. I love that.

Are there plans for a second season of "WandaVision"?

That is one of the things that I super can't talk about. I will just reiterate what [the Marvel Studios president] Kevin Feige says: We set out to make a very complete and satisfying series. But with an entity like the M.C.U., you never know.

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
dubious canonicity of the non-Marvel Studios projects is going to be a recurring thing until they finally take a definitive stance on it. And it really only comes down to AoS and the Netflix shows, aka the only things people are actually really loud about preserving (sorry Runaways fans).
Right now, I see it a bit like Star Wars Legends: as a whole they're non-canon, but the MCU proper can pick and choose the parts they'd like to preserve or re-introduce. This can be in a wholly different form, like the Darkhold, or perhaps more directly, for instance if any of the Netflix characters show up in future movies.


Oct 27, 2017
The dubious canonicity of the non-Marvel Studios projects is going to be a recurring thing until they finally take a definitive stance on it. And it really only comes down to AoS and the Netflix shows, aka the only things people are actually really loud about preserving (sorry Runaways fans).
They don't want to preserve it, they just will not piss of that loud fanbase. They however don't care about writing things that overlap.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
NY Times interview with Jac Schaeffer. Some excerpts:

There's no way we're getting a second season of Wandavision but there's also no way her story is ending with the next Doctor Strange movie. Whether Wanda gets another show or even her own movies is something they are probably working out right now. Pretty sure everyone will want to get on it as soon as possible, too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
At this point we're just waiting for them to introduce one of the Netflix characters again - that'll be the guillotine coming down, because if you bring back Daredevil and he's not the Netflix Daredevil the whole interconnected thing falls apart. SHIELD has been getting overwritten bit by bit, and if/when we see Inhuman stuff that'll be de-canon-ized too.

Interesting enough I think the only stuff that will, ultimately, end up in that "technically canon because it hasn't been contradicted" space is the obscure shows - Cloak and Dagger, Runaways, Helstrom. Because I doubt they're bringing in Satana any time soon, y'know?


Oct 25, 2017
2. So, about Fietro (timestamp here -
- Some random person got a hold of his cell no. and texted him "Didn't you learn from The Mandarin in Iron Man 3?" But he said that was his favorite part of that movie!
- He said he loves playing around with expectations/turning things around on the audience. He thinks it's enjoyable.
- To those disappointed there's no multiverse/FoX-Men introduced here, he said that they're coming, so your patience will be rewarded.
- They could've had Aaron Taylor-Johnson come back, but they already had one person Wanda loved come back (Vision), so they decided to explore how you can bargain with yourself (like in the five stages of grief) to believe this person who isn't really your brother IS your brother. She wants him back so badly (and she's in such denial) that she'll just accept this random stranger in that role.
- It's also meta-commentary on sitcoms and how people get recast. He's like the second Darren on Bewitched, Becky on Roseanne, or Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince.
- They loved the opportunity to work with Evan Peters.

I was just about to say all those points about meta-commentary on sitcoms and recasting, and denial etc are fine - but why did it have to be Evan Peters. But then I thought - if it *was* just a random guy, we woudln't know who it was supposed to be. We get that 'fuck its Pietro' moment, swifly followed by the recast comments from Darcy, and Wanda not really knowing whats going on. If it was a random guy with white hair we wouldn't get it at all, and the show would need to spell it out for us which would have slowed things down.

So maybe it did need to be Evan Peters specifically for that to work, with the unfortunate side effect of pissing a bunch of people off?


Nov 27, 2017
If it was meant to be a truly random person, why Peters with all his X-men history to the audience, hehe.

Ben Kingsley should had played the part, lol.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So the director of WandaVision, Matt Shakman, was on FatMan Beyond with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin. He gave plenty of insight into the show. It's a LONG interview.

But a few notable things he said:

1. They never intended for the Aerospace engineer to be a thing. It was part of the reshoots later, as an explanation for Monica's plan to get back into the hex (timestamp here -

This is the one thats weird to me, the other three are understandable. Why set this up with no payoff? During dailies I presume they had to see how this sounded. Maybe add a single line about your moms friends who don't agree with Haywards changes, or have the engineer also be a skrull. I get that they thought it was a tease that let to Photon's creation, but weird to not think they might also be teasing the unnamed person to be a future plot beat.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If it was meant to be a truly random person, why Peters with all his X-men history to the audience, hehe.

Ben Kingsley should had played the part, lol.

They knew it'd mess with people. It got everyone talking and theorising and connecting dots that weren't really there to figure out why Evan Peters was playing Quicksilver and even acting much the same.

It was no real different to Bettany's cheeky joke. They totally know that a lot of people that watch these shows are gonna come at them from the perspective of existing information and try to figure everything out, so they mess with us.

It's kinda funny, I think.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I'd forgotten how insufferable discussion around Marvel movies can be. Is it really that difficult for folks to just...enjoy something? lol.

Not everything needs to be explained to the last detail, it's okay to just use your imagination and shut off your brain for a little while.


Oct 17, 2019
From my understanding, Marvel Studios kept the ending of Infinity War secret from Marvel Television, so they didn't know it was coming until the movie was out.
Oh. The issue isn't that they kept Infinity War's ending a secret, because everyone who read the comics and had an ounce of dramatic sense knew that the movie would end with Thanos getting all of the stones, snapping and killing half of all life in the universe. It's that Endgame's plot, including the time skip was a state secret, that no one knew about, and thus it was hard to justify incorporating the Snap into things, because they had to run with the assumption that like the comics, how the heroes stopped and undid Thanos's actions would have been immediate.

Like, if they did a season of Agents of Shield set in a post-snap world, and then Endgame revealed that the heroes beat Thanos and undid everything within an hour, you've got problems, your entire season not only never happened, but it also made no sense in the continuity, and that's no fun.

BUT, likewise, if Agents of Shield had a full season set in a post-snap world between Infinity War and the release of Endgame, the fact that Endgame wasn't going to have the heroes immediately undo what Thanos did would be spoiled by a TV tie-in.

They really didn't have a good option here, beyond either going on hiatus until Endgame was released, going ahead and just spoiling Endgame's big twist, or just going off and doing their own thing.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
This is the one thats weird to me, the other three are understandable. Why set this up with no payoff? During dailies I presume they had to see how this sounded. Maybe add a single line about your moms friends who don't agree with Haywards changes, or have the engineer also be a skrull. I get that they thought it was a tease that let to Photon's creation, but weird to not think they might also be teasing the unnamed person to be a future plot beat.
It was never a tease, it was just a shorthand for why Monica was able to a get a billion dollar experimental spacecraft delivered on command in three days.


Oct 29, 2017
Interesting enough I think the only stuff that will, ultimately, end up in that "technically canon because it hasn't been contradicted" space is the obscure shows - Cloak and Dagger, Runaways, Helstrom. Because I doubt they're bringing in Satana any time soon, y'know?

Lol, I would love it if they canonized Helstrom, I loved that show.
That's 100% not happening, though.


Oct 17, 2019
It was never a tease, it was just a shorthand for why Monica was able to a get a billion dollar experimental spacecraft delivered on command in three days.
The real issue, which I suspect the writers didn't see coming, was that A) the fans were really hoping that SWORD would be setting up Fantastic Four, and B) the fans would spend a ton of time going "is this a hint? is that a hint?" each week.

Had they gone "I have a friend, Sophie, an aerospace engineer." they would have gotten the same thing done, without the fans working themselves into a frenzy. But they didn't think they'd need that. They just thought they needed some explanation for why Monica can get her space rover delivered on request.