Oct 28, 2017
Left off at the last level in story mode, I'm enjoying it so far. It's a fun twist on the classic Wario Ware formula. Looking forward to the post game content and the high score chases.

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
Fun times so far. Great game to play during the late night hours for those pre-bedtime laughs. If I had to play with only 3 characters it'd be Ashley, Young Cricket, and 18-Volt. That's a solid variety of abilities. Crygor is cool too.

Made it up to "Anything Goes" but it kicked my butt. Now I'm going back to discover all the minigames as a way to practice. My LEAST favorite thing about this WarioWare title is the boss minigames, which are a bit of a drag this time around. I would even say I'm perplexed by how lame 9-Volt's boss game is. Mario World again, really?

Some of the mini games are just perfect, like the cat litter one. There's nothing quite like WarioWare's humor.

Oh, and the art style in the cutscenes is incredibly charming.
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jan 12, 2018
Some of these variety pack missions are going to be tough as nails.
Getting a shutout in high 5 against THIS ai is not going to happen for a while lol


Oct 25, 2017
9-Volt could basically be fixed just by giving you the ability to turn him around on the ground. Keep everything else about him, but just make it to where you can manually turn him when you want. You can already stop by spamming yo-yo and turn around by grabbing hooks, so it's not like it would break him.

As of now he's the only character where you can just "miss a turn" if he passes an objective or something so you have to wait for him to turn around. Which is just fucking awful in frustrating in a game built almost entirely around speed. Kat and Anna kinda suffer from this too but not as bad.


Oct 27, 2017
One thing that I am really liking is that I have been around for a long time and I keep coming across character / microgame combinations that I hadn't seen and failing because of it.

It's frustrating, but it also keeps the experience fresh.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
It's really weird how it feels like NEO: The World Ends With You had more attention on it's OT than this game.

Hot take: I know some of the characters are pretty much objectively worse than others (9-Volt...), but I think that's the point for the all-crew mode. You're supposed to be able to roll with the punches of getting a character that's harder to use on a game. When you play with a squad you pick, you're obviously going to pick your best characters, not 9-Volt probably.

I did not play WarioWare Gold, it's the only one in the series I didn't play. I had no idea who Lulu was and didn't realize that Gold was her first appearance. I also forgot about Penny until I got reminded of her in this game. The theme song for her is dope af.

The only real disappointment in this game is it feels like the unlockables after beating the main story come down to just upgrades/skins for the characters, unless there's some other hidden games, usually endless versions of a particular microgame such as the soccer one here.

I love all the Rhythm Heaven references I've seen in this game so far.

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm kinda shocked how little attention this game is getting. I'm having an absolute blast playing and trying to top my scores.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm kinda shocked how little attention this game is getting. I'm having an absolute blast playing and trying to top my scores.

I can only speak for myself but I'm spending a lot of time just playing the game. Also I would expect other genres such as JRPGs or blockbuster titles to garner more discussion on forums rather than games like this which are great for bite size bursts of gameplay.

Regardless I'm sure the game is selling quite well and in line with series standards. This is my first game in the series aside from Game & Wario which is more of a spin-off, and I'm having a great time unlocking costumes/concept art and trying to get a passing score on all the mini games!

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I can only speak for myself but I'm spending a lot of time just playing the game. Also I would expect other genres such as JRPGs or blockbuster titles to garner more discussion on forums rather than games like this which are great for bite size bursts of gameplay.

Regardless I'm sure the game is selling quite well and in line with series standards. This is my first game in the series aside from Game & Wario which is more of a spin-off, and I'm having a great time unlocking costumes/concept art and trying to get a passing score on all the mini games!

True, I guess there's not much to discuss besides it's a rad game!


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take: I know some of the characters are pretty much objectively worse than others (9-Volt...), but I think that's the point for the all-crew mode. You're supposed to be able to roll with the punches of getting a character that's harder to use on a game. When you play with a squad you pick, you're obviously going to pick your best characters, not 9-Volt probably.

I get this and can emphasize, (game is perfect for light gambling btw, more so than any other WW due to the luck of the all characters aspect), but 9-Volt in particular is just miserable.

The problem isn't that he isn't as good as other characters, it's that he's just not fun and almost purely frustrating. His design kinda flies in the face of the game itself. Whenever he comes up in a run a let out a UGGGGH. It feels almost like he halts the awesome game I'm playing and I have to attempt to play his shitty game for a few seconds.

I'm fine with pretty much every other character and how they're implemented, even with some of them being redundant or worse due to the reasons you mentioned. But 9-Volt just sucks. He needs to be adjusted.


Oct 25, 2017
Took me 2 hours but phew, I'm done with daily grind, getting 250k scores in this isn't easy, thankfully I also got the mission about the 17 contrats, I also got every characters in the same stage but no mission about that.

And I was right, it's going to take a while to complete all missions, not counting the at least 35 weeks for wario cups.
It's weird that there's no way to refresh your friend leaderboard other than submitting a new score.
I'm wondering if turning off ranking and putting it back force the game to re-check the online.
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Aug 27, 2021
Dang, I can't get past level 3 of the
Penny Remix
So hard! Great theme tho, I love it.


Oct 30, 2017
I get this and can emphasize, (game is perfect for light gambling btw, more so than any other WW due to the luck of the all characters aspect), but 9-Volt in particular is just miserable.

The problem isn't that he isn't as good as other characters, it's that he's just not fun and almost purely frustrating. His design kinda flies in the face of the game itself. Whenever he comes up in a run a let out a UGGGGH. It feels almost like he halts the awesome game I'm playing and I have to attempt to play his shitty game for a few seconds.

I'm fine with pretty much every other character and how they're implemented, even with some of them being redundant or worse due to the reasons you mentioned. But 9-Volt just sucks. He needs to be adjusted.
Yeah, the big problem with 9-Volt is how little control of him you have compared to everyone else. There are a lot of microgames in which if don't you hit with the yo-yo at the EXACT time, then you have no choice but to wait until the game ends because you have zero chance of beating it. With every other character you have at least a shot in most microgames of beating it until the last second, but with 9-Volt most of the time is miss and you're out.

I definitely agree that they could make him better by letting you turn him left and right. I doubt they'll actually patch it, though, since it's a significant gameplay change.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the story mode, that was fun. Now to see what else this game has to offer.

Edit: I fucking love the main menu music and its variations.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've been using Penny, Kat, Wario and then rotate the last two slots for 5 crew games. Using Jimmy and Ashley a lot recently.


Oct 26, 2017
No matter how awkward this game plays at times allowing us to control the WarioWare crew was genius.

I'm having fun figuring out how to do each game with each character...and then the little Missions are a nice bonus too. Still trying to figure out how to do the right side of the drain mission with Mona.

Fuck the WarioWare series is so fucking comfy.


Oct 25, 2017
Really hating this game's gimmick. Makes this the weakest mainline warioware game for me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So the new Wario Cup is live. Called Survival Training, you pick a team of 5, and if anyone dies they are out until all 5 are dead. This is where character difficulty multipliers come into effect, so picking harder characters can lead to higher scores assuming you can handle the games.

Also the new menu, Previous Challenges, is open.


There are 52 slots here, and you can replay old challenges just for fun, which is how you can always do any Missions related to them.


Oct 25, 2017
Got it yesterday and played with a friend until we reached the normal ending. It's a blast! Have some minor nitpicks/observations.

I really dislike the voice acting. Most of the time, the characters only say the first line of a sentence anyway, it could've easily only been sounds or mute characters. Most times the VA feels superfluous, especially in very animated and exaggerated scenes in which the (great!) animation conveys all the necessary emotion anyway. It's a little like Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner suddenly started speaking in their cartoons. The animation does all the work, and the focus on the hilarious action doesn't require language. Sometimes it's even a little annoying, like Ashleys constant hums and moans.

The game is very focused on 2D action, because of the characters movements. It's more of an observation, but I liked how previous games sometimes also tapped into 3D, or where a little more flexible in the perspectives they chose for their games. Now, almost all are from a 2D side perspective, but the variety is still there, so it's not a bother.

No knick-knacks (so far? haven't finished the extra elevator levels yet). I adored them in the previous games, especially in Game&Wario because of their creative use of all the WiiUs features: double screens, camera, microphone, touchscreen. It was dumb fun and probably the best selection of knick knacks ever. I still have no use for the coins, so I have hopes they're coming.

I also kind of wish for a sequel or other iteration that goes the full Joy-Con route.


Feb 22, 2018
This game was so much fun! Ive been waiting for another WarioWare and it didnt disappoint me


Oct 25, 2017
That second cup seems more interesting because you can strategize a bit around it, and I am happy to see that I was right about the previous weeks being permanent.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So the new Wario Cup is live. Called Survival Training, you pick a team of 5, and if anyone dies they are out until all 5 are dead. This is where character difficulty multipliers come into effect, so picking harder characters can lead to higher scores assuming you can handle the games.

Also the new menu, Previous Challenges, is open.


There are 52 slots here, and you can replay old challenges just for fun, which is how you can always do any Missions related to them.
damn that's great we can go back to them. Hyped about this new challenge too.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried the multiplayer for a bit and it seems pretty solid, though I do wish it had online as well.
Oct 27, 2017
not in love with this, wish i was

i don't have anyone to play with, so it feels like i'm missing out a little.

i don't outright hate the gimmick, but i don't really love it either. it feels kinda clumsy.

the wario cup is kinda rad, though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
So the new Wario Cup is live. Called Survival Training, you pick a team of 5, and if anyone dies they are out until all 5 are dead. This is where character difficulty multipliers come into effect, so picking harder characters can lead to higher scores assuming you can handle the games.

Also the new menu, Previous Challenges, is open.


There are 52 slots here, and you can replay old challenges just for fun, which is how you can always do any Missions related to them.
Oh cool, they took the Mario Maker 2 approach so you can always get the missions


Oct 25, 2017
Confirmed people are going hard on the new Wario Cup, I just did 79xx score here and only top 6%
Kinda want to see someone uploading a big run.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In the previous challenge, the "Free the butterfly" microgame was a bit jarring because it halved the framerate and it felt weird. Wonder why they felt the need to do that for that particular microgame.


Apr 30, 2018
In the previous challenge, the "Free the butterfly" microgame was a bit jarring because it halved the framerate and it felt weird. Wonder why they felt the need to do that for that particular microgame.
It only happened to me when it was going at full speed at Nine volt's Wario cup. I think because there was too much stuff going on like the web physics and the fast speed loading it in.


Aug 27, 2021
It only happened to me when it was going at full speed at Nine volt's Wario cup. I think because there was too much stuff going on like the web physics and the fast speed loading it in.
Same with me, it starts to slow down before the microgame appears in that cup, so I guess that's when it loads in with all the physics.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I take it there's no way to play just Level 3 of any particular microgame?

Because some of these missions are really annoying having to repeatedly go through Level 1 and 2 just so you can try 3 again


Apr 24, 2018
I'm really liking the way Wario Cup works. Having a nice challenge every week will keep me coming back to try and beat my score and it looks like, just judging by how different this one is from the first, that they will really be able to mix things up and keep them fresh. I also really like that it keeps a record of your challenges how well you did on each of them.


Apr 30, 2018
I take it there's no way to play just Level 3 of any particular microgame?

Because some of these missions are really annoying having to repeatedly go through Level 1 and 2 just so you can try 3 again
You really can't, luckily you can fail some of them like the metoirite boss ashly one to get to the 3rd stage faster.


Mar 14, 2018
Reslly enjoying this and the new weekly challenge is great. Hope following weeks are as good as this. Starting with a 9 volt only one sure was a choice by the devs. Overall i really enjoy the character switching mechanic alot. After E3 i bought warioware gold and im enjoying this more Overall but i think that game had better additional modes. Outside of the multiplayer ones this is pretty light but the games and character switching makes this one better overall.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jan 12, 2018
I wonder what the best strategy is for this Wario Cup… I don't know if 9-volt is worth having despite his huge score potential (his base multiplier is high and I have him levelled up from last week, lol)

It might be better to choose consistent characters to go further.


Oct 6, 2020
This game seems to go out of its way to give Red microgames that make his bomb dropping ability completely useless, lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
As a player since the OG I didn't enjoy the demo for this, but my SO wanted game as a birthday gift so I bought it. Pleased to say that it's much better than the impression the demo left me with, and there's quite a bit of content here too. I found the progression a little strange compared to previous titles (i.e. you barely unlock anything until you beat the story). It would have been nice to gradually unlock costumes as we played through.

I did encounter one microgame that was impossible to beat when playing multiplayer. Had to climb up onto a ledge but we were 9-Volt and 18-Volt and there were no rings at all for us to grapple onto. I'll have to see if I can replicate this, or whether we just missed something.