
Oct 28, 2017
The only thing I remember about the movie is the media hysteria it caused and how a whole bunch of movie theaters are going to be shot up by inspired incels.
May 15, 2018
I'm not pro-violence.

But if you're curious about my involvement in American politics, I'm more than welcome to tell you as I have pride in my work :)

(You can also look into my post history as I go into what I do.)
So what I meant was that the idea that people would be inspired and follow someone who is evil and agitates for violence doesn't seem so farfetched when you have seen the rise of Donald Trump. I'm not sure the film's balancing act of giving reasons for the Joker's actions while not condoning them was entirely successful, but I thought the film was captivating nonetheless.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
it wasnt a good movie

it had good acting from waaakeem feenix


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
When I first saw it I thought it was amazing and was gonna be a landmark movie. However I was super drunk when i first saw it and now after seeing it with clear eyes it's pretty much an goodish movie (like a 6 or 7) with a 10/10 performance from JP.


Oct 30, 2017
I kind of liked that about it. It was a window into Arthur Fleck's mind and world and nothing more. Sometimes that can be as rewarding as any story with a major message or theme.

The message for me was the emotions I took with me after watching the movie. Sadness, pity, shock, despair. Also made me a bit more appreciative towards people seen as misunderstood.
Yes, that's a good way to put it.

It's a good movie that is a character study like There Will Be Blood. Sure you can extricate some themes out of it but you're just there to observe and understand a man. There isn't some big message, the dude is just someone who has issues and isn't treated well and we get to see what that does to him.
Just like how Daniel Plainview is a focused, greedy, and selfish man who we get to watch make choices and we get to see where that leads him.

Joaquin was fantastic.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Mediocre movie by a shit director with a fantastic performance by Joaquin. How highly you think of it likely correlates with whether you've seen King of Comedy (and Taxi Driver) or not. There is little art to the movie beyond Joaquin's performance, and a lot of the things the movie gets right it rips off pretty directly from better movies before it, and any deviations from those is where it shows its ass. Also it doesn't understand the message it tries to convey, and trying to shoehorn in the "it was all a dream" nonsense and the Waynes was the final nail on the coffin that exposes the artlessness of it.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a fine movie with a stellar performance by Joaquin. Definitely elevated by casting him in the role


Oct 25, 2017
It was a bad movie with a great performance. It was dull and was the type of film trying to say something new. However everything it wanted to talk about was well worn territory.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. I spent most of the movie thinking it was trying to say something profound about something , but ultimately it had nothing to say. I wonder if THAT'S the joker's punchline. Things just are what they are and you'll go crazy trying to make sense of it.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it.


Oct 26, 2017
"The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you DONT" was another moment that made me groan. That agonizingly slow push in to reveal the most rudimentary understanding of mental illness imaginable disguised as something really deep.


Sep 23, 2019
It's a fine movie with great performance.

A FINE MOVIE. Remember when movies weren't masterpieces or shit?
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
It's a fine movie with great performance.

A FINE MOVIE. Remember when movies weren't masterpieces or shit?

This is a fair point. I didn't mean to phrase it in with such a Sith framework. It was a perfectly fine movie however it did some very strange things with source material.

I also went in fairly dark with only knowing a few plot tidbit, so when a movie is nominated for Best Picture and an Actor wins an Oscar, it may bestow certain expectations and that is my fault as the viewer. That's why I like to watch things 1st week. Less of a chance for me to make up what the movie should be and just allow it to be.

Deleted member 11173

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think it was a good movie for what it set out to do, the performances were great. Joaquin Phoenix was creepy as fuck. Nothing about the movie made me feel exceptional, and there was nothing I could relate to... so I guess that is why nothing stuck to me. I can see how people don't care for the movie.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The movie itself is fantastic. Not even considering the terrific execution, but from a meaning standpoint it has so much to say about the way the systemic injustices of modern society affect the larger and larger portion of society that is underprivileged. It's about how someone like Joker really could be created by the very real problems that exist not as bugs in the system, but as features.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It was OK. Phoenix carried the entire thing on his back with that performance.
Basically my opinion.

Phoenix is really damn good, but the story never made me feel like Arthur's situation was relevant or interesting. And the attempt to tie his story to the city's class struggle was toothless.


Nov 2, 2017
Joaquin has proven his acting ability before and while he did a solid job in joker i didnt really care for the character. the movie itself is overrated and mediocre imo.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
It was a mediocre movie with great acting and great camera and score.
So, overall, it was a good movie, just not as brilliant as some people clearly thought it was.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It's an okay movie with a fine performance. It's a 6/10, no better, no worse, and the reactions it elicited on both ends of the spectrum were absurd and overblown.

Young Liar

Nov 30, 2017
it was an interesting movie until it turned into a JOKER movie halfway through then it was just absurd and eyeroll-inducing

joaquin phoenix made it bearable


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still genuinely dumbfounded by this movie. I can't tell if it's self-aware with how awkwardly some of the scenes play out. Like it's all playing out in Arthur's head and we're viewing his perception of himself. Even the murders and riots at the end feel so ridiculous and over the top that I couldn't tell if it was real or not.

Then again I don't know if I should be putting much stock in some meta-level type filmmaking by Todd Philips so maybe taking it at face value makes more sense.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I loved it to death. My favorite from last decade with Blade Runner 2049. And I'm not into comic book movies, except for Spider-man stuff.


Dec 23, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
It's Taxi Driver but worse. Joaquin Phoenix was fine but he's great in everything, and this movie didn't give him much to work with.

I understand the praise because it's a deeper comic book movie than most, and thats whats hot right now....but disregarding the Joker aspect, it's been done many times before, and better.
Soapbox Killer
Oct 28, 2017
I'm still genuinely dumbfounded by this movie. I can't tell if it's self-aware with how awkwardly some of the scenes play out. Like it's all playing out in Arthur's head and we're viewing his perception of himself. Even the murders and riots at the end feel so ridiculous and over the top that I couldn't tell if it was real or not.

Then again I don't know if I should be putting much stock in some meta-level type filmmaking by Todd Philips so maybe taking it at face value makes more sense.

Im with you but then the Waynes get murdered (again) as the would have in the canon.
Oct 28, 2017
It was better than I thought it would be, which is probably because I'm completely burned out on what has become the run of the mill norm for comic book movies. And especially DC movies, they've been complete garbage. I wouldn't call it a classic or even a personal favorite, but I found it enjoyable.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a movie that is pretty good, but could be better. It could handle being more subtle with some of its plot elements, like the girlfriend reveal. It does have great performances though.


Oct 30, 2017
"The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you DONT" was another moment that made me groan. That agonizingly slow push in to reveal the most rudimentary understanding of mental illness imaginable disguised as something really deep.

But would Arthur have a deep understanding of mental illness to write something with more substance?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
it was an okay movie with a great performance. Without Joaquin it would have been forgotten in about 2 weeks.


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
A great performance by Joaquin Phoenix, but I have no interest in re-watching that movie overall.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Basically my opinion.

Phoenix is really damn good, but the story never made me feel like Arthur's situation was relevant or interesting. And the attempt to tie his story to the city's class struggle was toothless.

Honestly I think the film would have been better if they remove the whole aspect of the city rising up and starting a riot at the end. That aspect just wasn't fleshed out enough and the fact that the riots mistook Arthur's actions to be of someone who wants to fight the system just dampens that, and I am consistently shocked by people who say that the message of the film is about fighting the rich because for me it was just not there.

It could have been a much better film if they focused on Arthur and just how the world affects him. But I guess it might not feel like a Joker film in that case?


Oct 25, 2017
It's an okay movie with pretty good performance. But if you found it boring then that's okay. I did too. Whatever deep message it going for doesn't land as well as the filmmakers hoped. Batman and Joker need each other to challenge each other's philosophies.

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
Great performance, pretentious generic ass movie.

Horrible take on the joker. ("he was abused" "people are mean to him" "he's vindicated !" "he's an inspirational hero !" "maybe it's all in his head !" "he has a mental illness !" fucking pick one and also don't try to make the incarnation of Evil a victim, thanks)

Pretty much. The movie Joker is dumb people's idea of what a deep movie is.