"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
A shame Anthem couldn't sneak in for most disappointing 'ongoing' title.

Surprised to see Minecraft Dungeons on there. The few hours I spent with it seem to deliver exactly what was advertised.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
Rocket Arena was actually pretty great; the disappointing part is that the community was very tiny and seems to have died entirely at this point. It had a lot of potential if it was marketed and priced properly though.


Oct 29, 2017
Did they have some weird overinflated ideas of what Minecraft Dungeons was going in? Like sure, if you're expecting it to be the next Diablo then it's disappointing but I really don't see where you'd have gotten that idea in the lead up to the game...


Jun 22, 2018
The main story was an 8-10 hour fully fledged single player experience with an excellent story, great voice acting, interesting combat, and holds up well against similar games. I know how many people actively dislike the game, I just genuinely wonder how many of them actually played the campaign. Baffling.

hard disagree, the story was serviceable with only Kamala's parts as the stand-outs. the voice acting was the most bland stuff I've ever heard. hearing Nolan North play Nolan North as Iron Man saying the dumbest lines ever got grating quick. the combat was alright but the campaign was filled with generic AIM robots with 3 goddamn actual villains

if the single player campaign was as great as some people here say it did it would have gotten better reception


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Ah I see. I never played the original, so maybe I won't be disappointed.

If you played 2 remake I had just finished the 2nd playthrough before starting three and it just felt jank. Things I did in re2 were just not effective anymore like shooting off legs of zombies and other oddities like that.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i just finished re3 for the first time a week ago and it was a bit of a letdown

fewer puzzles than the already puzzle-lacking re2 remake, felt oddly rushed and padded at the same time, lots of "oh, nope, cant progress, circle around this area a few times"

really wish there was more exploring around the city proper, i wouldn't of minded a slower pace at the start with more exploration and a lot more notes and letters from people as shit when south in raccoon city

finished it in two sittings and then deleted it off my ps4


Nov 9, 2017
RE3R definitely seems to be the most polarizing game on that list.

I enjoyed it as a fun little playable Terminator movie, but it is obviously pretty lacking as a proper RE game, and I can absolutely see how anyone hoping that the significant issues the original RE3 had would have left lots of room for creative new improvements would have left majorly disappointed; it's ultimately not really improving on classic RE3, it's just an equally flawed game albeit with a completely different set of flaws.


Oct 26, 2017
Rocket Arena? It's good, EA just fucked it over by slapping it to almost full price.

Avengers is just...damn man


Oct 25, 2017
I can understand a good bit of this list, but I'm confused by the Panzer Dragoon remake. Wasn't it aiming to just be a remake of the original game, and presumably, priced with that in mind? Or did Sega really think they could charge $40+ for something like that? It seems like a very inoffensive game so to see it on there is the most surprising of those featured on the list. RE3 and Avengers make perfect sense to be there.


Oct 25, 2017
I can understand a good bit of this list, but I'm confused by the Panzer Dragoon remake. Wasn't it aiming to just be a remake of the original game, and presumably, priced with that in mind? Or did Sega really think they could charge $40+ for something like that? It seems like a very inoffensive game so to see it on there is the most surprising of those featured on the list. RE3 and Avengers make perfect sense to be there.

Their reasoning in the video doesn't make sense. Aside from the visuals comment, they're upset that Panzer Dragoon is Panzer Dragoon. Outside of Saga, which is an arcade, they're short arcade-style shooters. So, unless they just wanted the game to not be PD then i'm not really sure what their min complaint is.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved RE3, so I disagree there

But the biggest miss is them having DP2 on their honorable mentions list. That definitely should have made the top 10. Especially over something like Nick Racers 2


Mar 23, 2020
hard disagree, the story was serviceable with only Kamala's parts as the stand-outs. the voice acting was the most bland stuff I've ever heard. hearing Nolan North play Nolan North as Iron Man saying the dumbest lines ever got grating quick. the combat was alright but the campaign was filled with generic AIM robots with 3 goddamn actual villains

if the single player campaign was as great as some people here say it did it would have gotten better reception

That's the weirdest fucking part. I get that they'd want to hold back on some of the biggest names for DLC on their roadmap or whatever, but MODOK, Taskmaster, and Abomination--like if I were making a short list of midgame boss fights for an avengers game, they'd all definitely be on it, 110% agree. Like, fitting in Blonski would be a little tricky, but Tasky's a gun for hire, and MODOK--you can't go five feet in the Marvel U without tripping over science beekeepers. And, I guess if you really dug the Carmilla Black Scorpion (all three people who remember that character), her evil mom showing up would be fun.

That being the sum total of recognizable Marvel villains in an Avengers game is pathetic. If it were just Ms. Marvel, it'd be an odd choice, but okay. But for the entirety of the avengers cast? I think you fight more actual named supervillains in the first mission of Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

EDIT: I just checked gamefaqs--in Marvel Ultimate Alliance's first level, you fight: Scorpion (Mac Gargan version, IE: The one everyone actually knows), Bullsey, Radioactive Man and the Winter Soldier tag team, and Fin Fang Foom. Almost double the number of villains (a fucking eclectic bunch, granted).

EDIT 2.0: Anyone play that silly MMO Marvel Heroes? Sort of an MMO diablo-like F2P thing? That was packed to burst with villains, too.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Why is RE3 disappointing? Honestly asking, I haven't pay much attention to it. I enjoyed RE2 a lot, and planning on playing RE3 after Cyberpunk.
How is RE3 disappointing ? lol it's short, sure. But disappointing..?

A couple of things:

- Capcom decided to remake RE3 in a different way than REmake and REmake 2.

The first two remakes retained most of what made the originals great, yet also adding, removing, and changing certain segments to not only feel fresh for fans of the orginals but also be more accessible to newcomers.

Fans expected REmake 3 to follow the same formula, but Capcom decided to change almost everything from the orginal title. The end result is a great game tha lacks any of the charm and atmosphere the orginal had. (not saying there's anything wrong with the way it was remade, just the Capcom set a trend and decided to not give RE3 the same treatment)

The second issue is

- Length. After changing everything from the orginal, why does it last as long as the PS1 game and not more? You can't help but think about the cut boss fights, areas, and gameplay mechanics that were removed.

So RE3 not only disappointed fans of the orginal title by not being faithful to the source material as the previous two remakes were, it was also a let down for newcomers due to its short length.

Deleted member 3183

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised that Watch Dogs Legion didn't make the list. My most disappointing of the year. After how good WD2 was - this felt like a real letdown in terms of world, story, characters, etc...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised that Paper Mario isn't there. A lot of people had very high expectations for that game, a "return to roots" kind of game was anticipated. With full fledged RPG gameplay. Instead we got that wheel thingy, ended up as the most boring part of the game.

The game was super easy too, hidden stuff was not hidden well enough, everything was super obvious. For me it felt more like a children's game.

To be fair, you didn't really need to play the game to know that it was absolutely not gonna please those who wanted something closer to the first two games.

I played it, didn't like it all that much, but I guess I technically can't say it was one of the most disappointing titles I played this year because we already knew about the awful combat system beforehand.


Nov 9, 2017
same. I mean, the base game is not a great game, so the remake coudl only be as good as it. But it has always been a 7/10

I don't think that's strictly speaking true, since it's not a 1-to-1 remake--and in fact, it's much further from being one than RE2R was--so it's not completely unreasonable for people to have thought they would have done something positive with it.

(And I think they did, personally I like it a lot more than the original, but I can definitely see how they could have done a lot more with it.)


Feb 11, 2019
The only one here that's actually "disappointing" is Resident Evil 3. The rest were obviously going to be awful either from pre-release gameplay or because their sequels sucked. Did they really expect the Nick game to be good? The first one was god awful


Oct 28, 2017
RE3 Remake cut content and the nemesis was a step down from Mr X in Re2 Remake. Anyone that paid fullprice for this 20 dollar expansion got fucked.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
How is Mystery Dungeon even here when it was pretty much exactly as advertised and expected? Disappointment implies lofty expectations.


Oct 27, 2017
How're you gonna put Kirby Fighters 2 on there? It was a 20 dollar shadow drop with a ton of content and really good multiplayer options.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I just got RE3 for my brother for Christmas, we really enjoyed RE2 and I thought it would be a great present.

You guys are really bumming me out lol. :P

Paid like $25US, not too worried, I'm sure there will be that amount of enjoyment to be had still.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'd add Valhalla to the list. Despite a wide swath of risky changes to the formula established in Origins and then built on in Odyssey, Valhalla overall is just a weaker game in almost every way that matters, making it the worst of the three RPG Assassin's Creeds. And from a story perspective, it's ironic that the game takes 100+ hours of your time to complete, and still leaves you disappointed at the absence of numerous expected story beats, answers, and fleshing out of character motivations.
Dec 6, 2017
RE3 was the first RE I skipped in the past few years (I got tired of playing such similar games), so I have no idea

But what was wrong with RE3?

Ah yeah, others have already answered in much more detail than I could've. But yeah, my personal experience just felt extremely underwhelming. I came from a 'fan of the original' perspective and this missed the mark majorly to me. So much cut content, RE2R recycling with yet another sewer section and revisiting the RPD with the identical locker puzzle even (come on, I don't care how realistic this is, thought it was lame as hell). It just overall felt really lacking to me. I loved RE2R despite some of its shortcomings but all in all I couldn't help but feel they should've been one 'package', one game.

Maybe if I had no prior experience with RE3, I would've liked it more but as a remake I found it massively disappointing and couldn't shake the feeling of what could've been the entire time.

I just got RE3 for my brother for Christmas, we really enjoyed RE2 and I thought it would be a great present.

You guys are really bumming me out lol. :P

Paid like $25US, not too worried, I'm sure there will be that amount of enjoyment to be had still.

Nah man, it's not a bad game by any means. What's there functions perfectly fine and is fun enough.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Come on now, Resident Evil 3 does not take the crown from The Avengers here. The Avengers is currently one of the biggest entertainment IPs on the planet, and they put out a game so absolutely terrible that it can't hold a captive audience of more than like 1,000 people. A Remake of a game that's already released decades ago and missed the mark doesn't even compare to a project like The Avengers which fans have abandoned wholly and which the publishers were hoping for a "live service" game that would net them steady returns. It's a failure in every single regard, and had far more potential than a Remake of RE3 ever would.

I say all of this as somebody who doesn't really care for superhero movies and is also a resident evil fan.


Dec 25, 2019
Yeah, how was RE3 so low? It's probably the only game on the list that people had genuine hype for. RE2 remake was GOTY material.


Oct 30, 2017
I think the problem with minecraft dungeons is that dumbed down the genre, like, "my first diablo". Maybe it's competent, but more like a cash in on the franchise than offering something new.

Agreed the expectations for Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix were SKY FUCKING HIGH going into 2020. For me I've had a hard time deciding what's worse this year, COVID or the Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix not living up to the bar set by Nickelodeon Kart Racers 1: Grand Prix.
Lmao, was wondering the same

Hero Prinny

Oct 25, 2017
Imo RE3's biggest mistake was launching at $60. If it was $30-40 it would have gotten a lot more praise. I personally loved it, it was short but it was fun from beginning to end. Something i cant say about the other RE games (including RE2Remake.) they always have some pretty boring segments or theres a certain part thats the peak of the game.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
As someone that's put like 100 hours into Minecraft Dungeons...

the fuck?

The game is incredible and it's a freaking $20 game that's free with Game Pass


Oct 25, 2017
RE3 was not disappointing. I enjoyed it. But it was way to short. I dont know why minecraft dungeons is on there.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017

It's fun, light and breezy. The levelling up and power ups/skills are compulsive enough to keep me going and the kids get super hype when they see an Enderman or Red Stone Golem or whatever they recognise from the main game. It's easy and fun for an age range of 7 to 35 to play together and enjoy.

Job done. That's Minecraft Dungeons.

"Expanding the lore".. fuck me. Really.
36 year olds in shambles right now


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the list does have a fair amount of letdowns, in my eyes. So I kinda agree.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, how was RE3 so low? It's probably the only game on the list that people had genuine hype for. RE2 remake was GOTY material.

This was kind of what I was thinking. I liked RE3 a ton, and don't think it was a bad game at all. It definitely feels like the game from this list with the most hype behind it, mainly because as RE2 was amazing so people expected another remake of the same caliber.

Marvel's Avengers turned out to be shit, but I don't really recall it being very hyped up? Maybe it's me, but most of what I had seen of the game leading up to release was people trashing it or showing worry, especially after it was revealed as a GAAS.


Oct 27, 2017
I can see why some people think RE3 Remake was disappointing. Personally, I liked it and had a great time with it (beat it multiple times). I didn't like it as much as much as REmake 2 due to some design choices, though. Baffled to see the Panzer Dragoon Remake on the list. I had tons of fun with it. Sure, it didn't run so well at first (on the Switch at least) and the controls needed a fix, but overall it's a pretty decent remake. Sure, it looks different and has a different vibe than the original. But I honestly can't quite see why it should be on a list of the "most disappointing games of the year."


Oct 25, 2017
This does no good to anyone.

How about focusing on being positive instead?

Top 10 most surprising games of the year

- Bugsnax (expected quirky fun but was quite a lot more than that)
- Sackboy (really enjoying it)
- Ghost of Tsushima (risky to do a big open world game from a relatively small studio but they achieved more than I'd expected or even hoped really)
- Genshin Impact