
Nov 12, 2017
I think they already have treatment options but when I look at the side effects, well I'd rather not gamble with erectile disfunction.


Oct 27, 2017
Finasteride works, right? Last I heard even Trump was using it.
But yeah, it comes with a low chance of pretty bad side effects.


Oct 31, 2017
We have the cure for hair loss

...and then the hair turned sentient and started brainwashing its host, slowly transforming him into the supervillain known as...SADDAM HUSSEIN!
Last edited:


Dec 18, 2017
You can get a month's supply of 5 mg (which is a super higher dose for treating mpb) Finasteride for like $30


Cut the pills in half and it comes out to like $15 a month.

Never heard of this. Does it work? (edit: it supposedly has bad side effects?)

Also, I've recently discovered Toppik (after seeing a commercial for it). I'm not bald "yet" but my hair is thinning. Don't think I'll ever go completely bald; it's starting to look like my dad's hair, and he never went completely bald....just pretty thin on the top.

Anyway, Toppik works like magic. I don't know how they do it, but it manages to do an incredible job covering up thin spots.


Oct 27, 2017
I might consider the Sam's club idea, but yeah, trying to get a doctor to prescribe me 5mg finasteride, which I think is prescribed for prostate issues and wading into a whole "prescribe me this even though I'm not gonna use it in this way" conversation is something I've not really been trying to do with my doctor.
Yeah, that's what happened to me. Doc wouldn't go for the 5mg stuff


Oct 27, 2017
I take Finastride. It works for me, I was losing my hair when I hit 30 just like my dad. Started taking Finastride and a year later I have a full head of hair and no bald spots.


Nov 3, 2017
I'd rather have a pill that makes the hair on my balls and asshole fall out than put hair back on my head.


Oct 25, 2017
The company that cures hairloss will be trillionaires.

I'd buy it at whatever fucking price they want. I'm desperate.

When you get old you stop caring. Like, it would have to be $20 for the whole treatment for me to even bother trying.

All it would bring me is the return of barber shop visit costs.
Oct 28, 2017
judging by my dad's hair I probably have baldness in the post at some point but ya know... I'll just shave it and if it looks like shit i'll look into transplants or whatever, there's more important shit for scientists to work on.
Oct 25, 2017
When you get old you stop caring. Like, it would have to be $20 for the whole treatment for me to even bother trying.

All it would bring me is the return of barber shop visit costs.

If I had a wife and kids, then I'd probably agree. But I'm single and relatively young. Some extra hair would be nice, in the same way being in shape would be nice, straight teeth would be nice, being tall would be nice, etc.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
Bald is beautiful.

(btw if anyone knows of a way to keep hair from growing lemme know)


Nov 15, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
I'm 30 with no signs of balding, and my father has a full head of hair too. I guess I still can't say I'm safe, though, and I reckon I'd struggle to accept baldness if it comes to that :( But in the end, even if I do love my hair, it's not really such an important thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Aside from everything else, we can't currently land men on the moon.

We could, if we tried, but as of today no nation state or private enterprise has that capability.


Nov 15, 2017
I'm 30 with no signs of balding, and my father has a full head of hair too. I guess I still can't say I'm safe, though, and I reckon I'd struggle to accept baldness if it comes to that :( But in the end, even if I do love my hair, it's not really such an important thing.
Male pattern baldness is carried on the X chromosome. So, you'd need to find out about your mothersm dad and your maternal grandmother's dad to really rule it out.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Flying people to the moon = engineering and money feat (the fundamental science is complete and based on classic principles which have been around for centuries). Curing baldness = fundamental science problem.

It took humanity, in a way, thousands of years to discover, interpret, and report classic kinematics (rocket science). You could argue the ancient Greeks did a lot of the legwork but nonetheless we needed Newton's laws. We are working on figuring out the fundamental science of biological systems, but it largely remains unexplored at a deep level so far. That's why we still get modern monumental discoveries like CRISPR Cas9.

Also it's a sociological problem. Getting funding from government agencies is easier if you are working on immediate and important problems for society. Curing baldness has monetary value, so it's better left to private industry, but they have problems with working on fundamental R&D because of the corporate level not understanding science. If the NIH made it a priority, and it wasn't taboo, then many research groups would get funding and encouraged to solve it - and it would probably be done in 5-10 years.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
My hair loss doesn't really bother me too much. It's far enough back on my head that I can't see it in a mirror and I forget I have it most of the time.

I understand of course that this doesn't apply to everyone.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Loads of celebrities are bald or wearing toupees of some sort or whatever. There is no solution worth bothering with. Getting a cure for other things is a better idea.

It probably sucks when you are in the between stage and aren't going really bald but have a patch on the back of you head or going slowly at the front or both. It must be weird and quite the leap to go from semi decent hair to the shaved look. There is nothing worse than seeing a guy holding onto their hair like a comb over or whatever but I feel for guys who are bald a lot slower.


Oct 28, 2017
Male pattern baldness is carried on the X chromosome. So, you'd need to find out about your mothersm dad and your maternal grandmother's dad to really rule it out.
I know my mother's dad didn't go bald at the very least. It's not looking bad, I guess! But again, I'd rather not convince myself that it'll never happen.

Baldnes is inherited from your mother's side. Check your uncle if you want to know your future.
My mother's brothers didn't go bald either :)


Oct 25, 2017
Baldnes is inherited from your mother's side. Check your uncle if you want to know your future.


Nov 28, 2017
Had a thick afro my whole life and now I have a crater in the center, it sucks. Before I went on finesteride I was losing crazy amounts of hair in the mornings/showers. I wish I had started taking it earlier.


Oct 29, 2017
there are 100s of reason why anyone can go bald. I am 34 and yeah since I was 28 I started to see it happen. Taking some Propecia to see if I can delay it but after 6 months if I don't see the results, I'll continue to shave my head.

Deleted member 23091

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
If Lebron can't save his hair, neither can you. Pretty sure Eminem is wearing a hair piece. You need to embrace it like Joe Budden.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol I'm not sure where the myth that hair loss comes from your mothers side originated but it's nothing more than a myth, unfortunately. Hair loss likely has a multifactorial etiology.
Oct 30, 2017
There are a few misconceptions about the current treatments available in this thread.

Minoxidil is primarily good for helping to regrow lost hair, but it does not prevent further balding. This is because balding is caused by DHT and Minoxidil does absolutely nothing to prevent DHT from killing your hair follicles. All Minoxidil does is increase blood flow to the scalp, which can stimulate further hair growth. In isolation it may cause some hair to regrow but it will not stop DHT killing follicles and so after a few years you will probably find that you are continuing to lose more hair.

If you want to dramatically slow down hair loss you need to block the DHT and that is where Propecia comes in. Propecia will cut down the DHT levels in your body, and as DHT is the main driver behind hair loss this will slow down, if not halt hairloss. However, it doesn't work for everyone, it can cause sexual side effects like impotence or extremely watery semen, and even if it does work studies show that the effect usually tails off after a while. If you take both Minoxidil and DHT in combination you can expect to have a way better head of hair in ten years than someone who doesn't, but you definitely shouldn't consider yourself immune to further hair loss.

Hair transplants have also been mentioned in this thread but you have to consider that not everyone is suitable for a transplant. I should know, I went to one of the top hair transplant surgeons in the world when I was younger and desperate, and I was told I wasn't a suitable candidate. This is because they take hair from the donor area at the back and sides of your head to move it to the areas with hair loss. However, people have varying degrees of follicle density in the donor area, and different sized areas they need to transplant to as well. I was told that I had mediocre hair density in the donor areas and that they weren't willing to transplant it to the top of my head in case I continued to lose hair behind the transplanted area. If they did that, I wouldn't have sufficient donor hair left to 'fill in' the areas behind the transplanted area at a later date and my hair would just end up looking weird.

At the time I was devastated as my hair loss was really affecting my confidence and I'd pinned everything on getting a transplant. Now I'm 33 and I couldn't care less. I have a shaved head, a beard, I got muscly (all the stereotypical stuff lol) and I just don't even think about my baldness anymore. Acceptance and working on improving the rest of you is the usual advice for a reason - it's the truth. I'm also glad I'm not longer on Propecia - males produce DHT for a reason (hence why sexual side effects when on Propecia are fairly common), we shouldn't be so cavalier about shutting it out of our bodies for decades on end just to preserve hair.

Saying the sexual side effects are fairly common is a form of the same misconceptions you made this post about. Every study done has shown the prevalence of permanent side effects is very low and in line with any other drug.

Lovely Salsa

Dec 21, 2017
I heard you can get these Propecia side effects...

Depression/suicide thoughts....scares me

What about building muscles? I heard you can get bitch tits out of it or something like that

Deleted member 21380

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017

It's 2018. How is there no cure for hair loss?
*I'm actually quite curious.

A "cure" for hair loss would be pretty near a cure for aging in general. One of those things is inherently more complicated than the other. Remember, from a biologists perspective we discover more and more mechanisms of how the human body and life in general works every decade. Some time ago we didn't know about miRNA AT ALL, and we thought exosomes were just trash. Now, the current ISEV meeting sports over 1000 attendants, there were I think two to three hundred of them when I started my PhD thesis.

We are still learning, and we will do so for hundreds of years.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
You can prevent balding on the top pretty well with minoxidil and finasteride. I don't think anything can be done about a receding hairline though :(


Oct 30, 2017
I've gotta say I'm so glad I don't have baldness in my family. I'd look so bad bald and it seems like a thick head of hair is pretty sought after for guys 30+ these days.

So thanks to genetics I'll have a full head of hair up until those same genetics riddle my body with cancer and I lose my hair to chemo.

Lovely Salsa

Dec 21, 2017
What about differences in 'lifestyle' between you two? If you dont mind answering...

He's 1 year older than me. He has exactly my dads pattern, full head of hair with few greys showing. While I have no greys but instead balding on sides...

I dont know, I feel like he lives a more stressful life than me but Ive been dealing with depression. I take happy pills...

I doubt this causes baldness to such a degree? I think I just got the bad coin...moms side


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
No Idiocracy reference yet?

Narrator said:
The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The moon landing was staged, bro. Just hope that you have a nicely shaped skull.


Dec 18, 2017

It's 2018. How is there no cure for hair loss?
*I'm actually quite curious.

This should tell you something about how complex cells and cellular mechanisms are.


We could go into a long conversation about how (e.g. how complex DNA is, how many receptors, enzymes, proteins, neurotransmitters there are, etc) but it suffices to say that living cells are extraordinarily complex.