
Apr 19, 2020
For me:

- It's a bit too linear, you can explore the map in like act1 freely but it's like all the same plot and looks the same. The game had so much replayability potential but i cant be bothered to go through 5h of the grove thing many times even if doing things in a different order. It feels samey regardless of what you do when.

- Character cusomization. It's okay as in you can make a character that looks cool but there are too little options, there is like 6 faces per race and like half the races have the same selection. Also all those races have the exact same body, the only difference is in their ears.

- Companion Classes and Races. This is by far the worst offender. So many classes not represented and then having the same class twice is almost insulting. Also idk if it's the sex but 80% of the companions being humans sucks. I know they're not all humans, this goes back to the previous point of the races having the same features except their ears. I have no clue right now which one is or isnt a human without looking it up. I know some but like halsin idk, dont remember his ears so idk. Where are my gnomes, dwarfs, dragonborn, orcs?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that there aren't even story companions to cover all the core D&D classes really stings. Yes, I know hirelings are a thing, but hirelings aren't people, they're puppets. Every single D&D core class should have a full-spec companion attached to it.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
My experience playing act 3 at launch was a mess. Extremely buggy, performance issues, unfinished story threads, etc. I will never play another Larian game at launch.


Jul 21, 2023
The game itself is great(*), I just dislike the Forgotten Realms. It's one of the blandest and least interesting fantasy setting I've ever seen.

(*) yeah, modulo the bugs. I just keep my fingers crossed they will eventually get ironed out.


Apr 19, 2020
The fact that there aren't even story companions to cover all the core D&D classes really stings. Yes, I know hirelings are a thing, but hirelings aren't people, they're puppets. Every single D&D core class should have a full-spec companion attached to it.
Playing with hirelings just removes content from the game because they dont have stories and dont interact with the story either so to me they might as well not exist.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK

oh boy where to even begin
Oct 28, 2017
Inventory management. It feels like it was made with coop in mind because no way you can sort and find and give all the items to right characters by yourself haha.


May 16, 2018
It ended too quickly.

Honestly I'd say the lack of levels, It felt like you leveled up way too fast especially in the first 1 chapter or just spent far too long at max level and there wasn't any reason to keep doing further quests in the final act other than chasing better loot - Which isnt all that great because by the final act I had quite a decent set of equipment so everything that followed was either just meh or didn't really do much difference.

I was already level 7 when I left the first chapter and level 10/11 by the time I arrived in the final chapter.


Nov 16, 2017
I agree with your first point.
Don't disagree with the others but don't feel about them as strongly.

I want to add: Too many spells that has no point because they are resisted too much to be reliable. Pure dmg is generally the best option, still. When enemies often one-shot your partymember, I simply can't rely on some 64% success stun/turncoat or something. Unless I savescum but I don't want to do that.

Beating a dead horse but also Act 3 is too overwhelming, especially after Act 2. Act 2 and 3 should have shifted place (and ofc changed a lot to accomodate).


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
The whole party and character who I had just met suddenly wanting to bang my character was was bit odd writing.
Oct 25, 2017
It didn't launch with several QOL features they always add later on. Like faster movement. I also just want a basic infinite weight or increased weight without resorting to mods which tend to break every big patch.

And while honor mode is interesting, it's not the difficulty setting I really enjoy and in fact find it too easy anyway. I want a remixed difficulty, not the same thing with slightly harder bosses with no saves. By remix difficulty, I mean all the encounters tweaked with new enemies to make it harder, and rather than having just 1 save, I want it to be hard enough in some encounters that I actually do lose and have to keep reloading saves to figure it out.

Ideally they create a custom difficulty where you can increase the difficulty in different areas.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, a lot. The UI is really not what I'd want in a game. The entire combat and gameplay systems are far too unclear for people not initiated with DnD to the point it feels like work trying to grasp the mechanics rather than fun. Even the lowest difficulty feels way to hard for the uninitiated. Outside of one or two characters the party seemed pretty dull. Inventory takes the UI issues and doubles it up. That compiles onto the issue of not being familiar with DnD and leaving the cumbersome inventory even more lf a pain to deal with having no idea what is worth keeping or not.

But it's not without merit. I liked the illusion of freedom in the dialogue tree, but essentially the on boarding process is so painful that despite being interested in the story and what may be possible in the game itself, the sheer frustration of trying to engage with it overrode any interest before reaching act 2.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I understand the reasons why, but it annoys me that the game generally only has the subclasses from the PHB, with a very few exceptions. It means I can't recreate most of my favorite PCs I've played in tabletop games over the years. At least, not until they start adding more with expansions.


Oct 27, 2017
This seems to be a common complaint but I loved the game so much, then I hit Act 3 and i just couldn't get back into the game. I Felt so damn lost and aimless, wondering around like a lost child, walking into areas that trigger later parts of quests i hadn't started that felt like i was opening a book halfway through, made me feel like i missing so much context. Personally I needed a little more direction than "here's this huge city, go explore and hope you find the story in the correct order". didn't help that this was a couple of weeks in and there were many issues with certain story triggers not working properly so that made it feel even more jumbled up.


Oct 27, 2017
Two things:

1) Your character class having some campaign quest to complete along side the story; feels weird to play a Warlock and have no cutscenes or quests associated with your Patron (especially jarring when you encounter Wyll and his patron Mizora).

2) More armor, items and weapons that allow for more builds and playstyles (I don't mean just legendary, I wouldn't mind more rare or uncommon even). And yes to the dye previews.


Oct 25, 2017
Still working through it and it is just so incredibly buggy, to the point it has actively impacted my enjoyment.

In my multiplayer game (we're like 80+ hours in, now in Act 3) my player character is inexplicably hostile to some but not all characters in camp (but not those same characters if they appear outside of camp) which has made using camp and long rests a nightmare, and we've considered leaving my player character OR fighting and presumably killing the hostile characters in camp (sometimes companions, sometimes not). It has drastically taken away from the parts of the game that are quite enjoyable, like the characters/writing/story.

That is the main, most frequent bug for us but there are always lots of other odd things happening along the way, usually far less game breaking at least.

I can't imagine how buggy it was at launch if it's like this now. I can see why people love it so dearly but man, it really brings it down for me.


Jan 10, 2020
1 romances too easy to unlock, it's almost impossible not to end up unwillingly at the center of an harem
2 cities don't fit well with Larian's game design, they are too slow to explore and that kills the sense of adventure you have in the first 2 acts. I would like their next game to be set in the Forgotten Realms, but not a BG4, but if that it's not possible, at least I hope the city itself will have 1/2 of the content and will not be set in the last chapter, when you are supposed to feel the climax of the story


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
The UI and controls on console are…rough. I get it, it's tough to pull of this type of game on console, but it could really use some QOL improvements.

Also, I thought the main story was "fine." The characters are exceptional, but I thought the main plot line was solid, nothing crazy.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm forever kinda blown away that casual gamers were able to enjoy the game. The sheer number of buttons on your bar. Buttons for running, jumping, pushing, grabbing, dipping, stabbing, stabbing while stealthed, stabbing but it uses a bonus action, stabbing but only on tuesdays, etc.


Oct 30, 2017
The UI is atrocious.

Too many concentration spells!!! haha

That to use your extra attacks you need to use an attack first. You can't use a spell or a bonus action first. I guess what I'm getting at is somethings are unintuitive.

No dye preview is honestly super frustrating.

Sometimes a bug will pop up and it could range from minor annoyance to a complete breakdown. Storylines breaking sync and end dialogues coming up, characters complaining to you despite you not having done something yet, etc. Killing Karlach in camp and being unable to recover her head for the quest.


Oct 28, 2017
Act III is boring as shit. I'm not even complaining about the performance, I just thought Act I was so great and then Act II was completely insane and mind blowing and then... Act III. Just dull as hell.

Still love the game! Act II was the best part, though.


Oct 25, 2017
No crossplay yet but I know Larian is receptive to more features.

No transmog.

Other than that, it's legitimately a near perfect experience to me.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I really dislike how cumbersome it is to replace party members, especially in act 3 where often you encounter quests tailored to specific party members to see unique stuff.

I hated it so much it's actually one of the reasons I sidelined the game for now hahah.


Oct 28, 2017
Game is an 11/10 and one of the legit best games of all time. Probably in my Top Five ever. It's a VERY impressive game.

But 1) it could have offered a LITTLE more guidance in the combat; if you're not familiar with DnD (like me) there were some situations in the Underdark early-ish on where I was just completely lost on what to do, what to fight, and how. 2) Inventory is a mess.


May 1, 2022
Mine is it doesn't seem like they scaled level scaling to full game. i can hit the cap of 12 not long after getting to Baldurs gate, and once I do, I seem to lose all interest in side stuff and just mainline the main quest.

the one time I did do side stuff, i felt like I was doing them just for the sake of doing them, and not because I wanted to complete them


Dec 6, 2017
Ending spoilers

The weird dilemma at the end with either becoming a mindflayer, Orpheus becoming a mindflayer, or the Emporer eating Orpheus. I hated all choices, and it didn't feel like a moral dilemma that was particularly interesting. Oh and the Emporer REJOINS the brain if you go with Orpheus, which is batshit crazy.

In general I think the ending is kind of a dud. Maybe I've got this wrong but I felt like the companions became super disconnected from the main plot. Once you wrap up their specific quests I didn't feel like they were too invested. It definitely ain't no ME 2 suicide mission, where you feel like everyone is locked in.


Oct 28, 2017
I really dislike how cumbersome it is to replace party members, especially in act 3 where often you encounter quests tailored to specific party members to see unique stuff.

I hated it so much it's actually one of the reasons I sidelined the game for now hahah.

It's been updated in one of the most recent patches, they've added a way to dismiss companions without having to go talk to them.


Oct 25, 2017
Ya, the level curve is kind of wonky. On my replays I hit Level 7 at the end of Act 1, Level 10 at the end of Act 1, and then I can hit 12 in Rivington no problem. Considering Act 3 is the largest by a huge margin, you go a significant portion of the game without gaining any XP. I modded the level cap up to 15 on my replay campaigns.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The general bugginess though it was still better than I expected it to be, but it's particularly rough in Act 3. I disagree with the complaints of the general structure of Act 3 though, it was actually by far my favorite. Maybe that's just because I played through Act 1 like 12 times over the years of early access though lol. Other than that there's a few long quest lines that don't have a particularly satisfying pay off, like Mol.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
There was some QoL stuff I wished the game had like change appearance, manage people's inventory in camp, but google told me they added a lot of it in patches already.

I also think the took a step back in the coop area a little bit. At least in terms of conversations with NPCs. The Original Sin games let the players duke it out with a rock, paper, scissors game to determine which choice the party would go with. Unless I missed something BG3 pretty much had the whoever triggers the conversation is the sole arbiter and the best the rest of the party can do is lightly suggest. In short I guess I would have liked coop to have been more fleshed out.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Managing the inventory for 4 people is very annoying. It helped playing with 3 others but you miss out on npc party stuff that way.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
And yeah, a bit surprised to see Act 3 responses, I thought I was the only one. The city is cool but it's... just way too... jumbled together I guess? It's overwhelming but not in a good sense.

It's been updated in one of the most recent patches, they've added a way to dismiss companions without having to go talk to them.

But you still need to enter camp and going back out, yes? I really wish they just got rid of that friction and just let us change party members in the non-camp areas, even if you can say only do it in "safe" areas, that would do a lot to decrease the cumbersome feeling of it.


Oct 27, 2017
The biggest thing to me off the top of my head is the lack of companion interactions outside just some comments here and there while exploring, and even that is reduced later on. They don't interact enough in cutscenes and mostly feel like they only hang out with each other because they're friends with Tav. To each other they're just friends of a friend.
Nov 2, 2017
I realized I don't really like 5th edition D&D.

Also, I'm not nearly as high on a lot of the characters as most folk seem to be, Gale in particular is one of my least favourite characters in any RPG period. He's basically Kvothe and I ain't here for Pat Rothfuss annoying Mary Sues.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm a working parent so only get an hour or two in the evenings to play.

The game is so big, and battles can take so long, some evenings I can only do one battle as the battle itself takes an hour ! It can make progress feel slow.