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Oct 25, 2017
So, we have resorted to just complaining about users, as long as the username is not included?
yeah I mean reporting people for this stuff doesn't work and I've resigned myself to not having an account anymore after being a part of this community for 10 years. I only ever get banned for standing up to awful, piece of shit bullies who repeatedly talk down to those in pain because it's not fucking civil enough. I'm tired of being made to feel like shit because I have to be civil to assholes online. This place isn't for me anymore if protecting them is more important than protecting the people they're hurting.
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Nov 19, 2019
Been reading this and the old forums specifically for video game news for YEARS. Get rid of the off topic forums and we won't need to have these conversations.

There are plenty of other places for it. Why do we need to continually ruin one of the best places for video game stuff constantly year after year after year?


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Been reading this and the old forums specifically for video game news for YEARS. Get rid of the off topic forums and we won't need to have these conversations.

There are plenty of other places for it. Why do we need to continually ruin one of the best places for video game stuff constantly year after year after year?
Like moths to a flame


Jul 28, 2018
What the hell has been wrong with Era lately, first it was the whole minority issue and now this? Seriously the way we should just merge back to NeoGAF if this continues.

Let me just say that by moderators allowing for gaslighting or shaming sexual abuse victims based on the fact that mods should be neutral in their stance, should be literally called out for their so called "neutrality". Y'all literally have already picked a side.

The recent news in Australia does not help about how angry I am as well.

Disgusting behaviour shown by individuals who have no class.
Attempts at being neutral when one side is clearly wrong only ever leads to bullshit bad faith stances being treated as serious concerns. This has been happening for years in the media especially during Trump's presidency and I'm stunned this forum of all places can't recognize it.


Oct 27, 2017
It does matter when those sit in the queue for a while and everyone moves on. Seeing a permanent ban sends a clear message to everyone else that this behavior is not acceptable. Waiting for a small group to make a decision that no one else will ever see is needless red tape and ineffective to part of the purpose of the ban.
There are posters who get banned with no indication at all why it happens, and searching through post history doesn't show anything egregious. Is there some forum software problem that Banned status can't link back to a specific post (or an alt-account ban can't link to the main account)?

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
I am a social democrat who has consistently voted and organized in line with socially democratic policy for the last 11 years. This forum gives me the impression that it is increasingly revolutionary socialist in bent and seems to be jumping onto anything that they think will stick to opponents of revolutionary socialism if it Gets The Job Done, and that it took all the posters and none of the lessons from the place it was meant to replace.

I'm just going to say this right now: I am literally one of those victims and will have mental trauma for the rest of my life from it.

Since this forum seems to rise and fall on the whims of bad faith posters regardless of their political lean? Probably not much.

(Honestly I've been expecting a perm since someone asked me to "speak my mind" and I subsequently did so.)
I was gonna write a long post, but I'll make it short. Everyone who disagrees with you is not a revolutionary socialist.

That said, I'm sorry if my brief interactions with you have let you to feel alienated. I could have expressed myself better. We disagree in various topics, and I'm a SocDem, too, but that doesn't mean I can't do better. For that, I'm sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
No one's saying you can't vote for Biden. Just don't shame sexual assault victims if they choose not too.

I imagine that some people view our current political situation as an existential crisis that will have significant effects that continue beyond any individual living now. They don't have the personal experience of sexual assault, so they can never truly know what it means to be violated in such a way. I think the perspective bias is real. I think we all have a difficult time putting ourselves in other people's shoes, no matter how empathetic we think we are. I've never been sexually assaulted, so I can never really know what that means. Sure, on an intellectual level I can understand how it may affect somebody, but that is academic and adds nothing to the truth of the experience. At the same time, if you truly believe that we are facing an existential crisis (rise of fascism, global warming, health care, erosion of norms and laws, supreme court, etc.), and only one political party seems ready to address the issues in meaningful and productive ways, then any individual's personal experience doesn't matter much, regardless of how terrible if may have been. In your mind, you think it should be easy to overcome the personal experience and see the "bigger picture" because you're thinking about the lives of millions of others and how they may suffer if the other party wins again. To you, it is selfish to abstain or not support the primary candidate. These are difficult positions to reconcile, but I agree, shame is not the right way to do it.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Been reading this and the old forums specifically for video game news for YEARS. Get rid of the off topic forums and we won't need to have these conversations.

There are plenty of other places for it. Why do we need to continually ruin one of the best places for video game stuff constantly year after year after year?

I regret to inform you that gaming side isn't exactly going to be better at tackling serious topics or treating people with respect, lmao. Though I think it manages to ruin itself in various other ways anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
It's like some people have forgotten why we collectively moved on from gaf in the first place


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks, OP.

I noped out of that thread before even posting.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't not vote for who's running against Trump.
I honestly see it as the wrong thing to do. It's letting that imbecile tyrant go on to destroy the future of the country.
Seeing everything he's done to make the country worse and knowing that if he stays things will continue to hurt those that are deemed as "lesser" by conservative elite and their followers for years to come keeps me awake sometimes.

That said, undermining the feelings of those that have gone through such trauma is not the way to go on this.
Respecting those that have suffered through that hell is the least we can do. That's what this site was all about.
I'm not saying that your trauma has no meaning or that you can't make the choice that you see fit. That would be insane.
I'm saying that this goes beyond us all and to sit down and do nothing won't change things for the better. If not for us, for the future.

The thing is, if you don't wanna vote Biden because of his alleged sexual assault, you're helping another alleged sexual predator continue on with his policies and change the world in ways we won't be able to fix for generations to come. It's that simple. Biden is NOT the candidate I wanted, but I honestly will take him over what we could have if we leave Trump as president.

If you can't least go and vote for your representatives and make it clear that you're willing to put others above your own self. But don't just not vote for your representatives. That's the worst thing you can do.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
There have been some terrible posts on this issue ("if you don't want to vote for a rapist you'll be responsible for a 7/2 Rep Scotus majority") but Era is not a hivemind and its not a majority or even a vocal minority of posters who are being shitty about people not voting for a rapist.

I've also see people claim that "Era wishes death on Boris Johnson" when it was a handful of people and the majority was either indifferent or supportive.

Don't just lump everyone together like that. You'll find outrageous posts in controversial topics but I feel that sites upon sites of compassionate, reasonable and decent discussion are ignored in favor of boiling it down to the most outrageous posts in a thread.


I should mention that this is not addressed at the OP but rather some of the responses.
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Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
TW: Sexual Assault and Rape mentions

I…really didn't want to make this thread. I was hoping that things would die down and the perpetrators would have been punished but for every person getting banned for the following behavior 2 or 3 emerge to continue and I am exhausted, hurt, and angry.

I don't feel safe in ResetEra anymore.

This site over the past few weeks have been awful towards victim of sexual assault and rape. After Joe Biden was accused of Rape, I have seen repeated instances of gaslighting and victim blaming towards victims of sexual assault. I have seen people openly mock and bully those who feel uncomfortable voting for a rapist. I have seen people dismiss and accuse those affected by personal trauma. I have seen people openly try and find ways to blame women and excuse rapists with tangents not even related to the incident. I have seen people saying those who don't vote for a candidate means they secretly are sexist and hate women. All this repeated over and over and over and over until it feels like the whole site openly despises and dismisses victims.

This needs to stop.

The continuous gaslighting, victim blaming, and dismissal of rape and sexual assault claims cannot continue. There needs to be a point where we realize that this is counterproductive and change our approach to this election. We cannot claim to support women and then turn around and blame them just because they have trauma.
I'm quoting this post because I think it might be a good reminder to folks. It seems people are thinking if this thread is about trying to convince people to vote for Biden is okay or not.

But it's not that.

Vote for him if you want; try to convince people if you want. But don't shame people who cannot or need time to digest this whole thing — especially if they're victims of sexual harassment/assault. This is what the discussion is about.

Mods and admins, I don't know how valuable my feedback as just another anonymous member is, but please consider this: if some victims are feeling unsafe, something needs to change. Either the rules have to be more specific regarding this, or maybe you should at least timeout members dismissing/harassing victims while you figure out ban decisions. The safety of members should go above anything else.


Oct 28, 2017
Ill Probably banned for this because yeah.. but pretty much I agree.

Micheal Jackson thread Vs. Kobe threads

F Micheal but not Kobe? Cmon...

I'm just saying the consistency isn't there. and if ur gonna trash a person for it then trash them all.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
If you can't least go and vote for your representatives and make it clear that you're willing to put others above your own self. But don't just not vote for your representatives. That's the worst thing you can do.

The idea that most us who refuse to vote for Biden are just sitting the entire election out is laughable. I voted blue down the line in 2018, both locally and nationally, cause there weren't any rapists on the ballot. And I will so again in 2020, apart from you know who. I'm in Tennessee, so my vote really doesn't count for shit, but if there's any chance at all that I can aid a second Blue Wave in local and national elections, I'll take it.
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Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
I'd hate to be a US voter on this forum now. You're really stuck between a rock and a hard place. Voting for Trump is out of the question, but a vote for Biden? A man who has a sexual assault allegation against him? I'm not sure I could vote for Biden, especially if I was a victim of sexual assault.


Oct 8, 2018
Some people don't like rapists, and some other people really need to come to fucking terms with that.

I will be voting for Biden in the general, simply because Trump will almost certainly allow more human suffering than him. But I'm a giant, cisgender, white man who has never been sexually assaulted. I'm privileged. I have absolutely no fucking idea what it must feel like to experience that and then watch a nation of "allies" elevate one sexual predator over another, proclaiming him to be "the good one" as he assumes the most powerful office in the country—let alone to be chastised for not joining in.

Fuck that. Fuck all of that.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This forum has veared centrist to right wing ever since the actual move so I doubt the people who are left ever actually cared in the first place.
That's untrue. It's veered a bit to the extreme left more than right wing. At some point those two cross paths in a methodology Venn diagram even if the two have very different social ideologies


Oct 31, 2017
That's untrue. It's veered a bit to the extreme left more than right wing. At some point those two cross paths in a methodology Venn diagram even if the two have very different social ideologies
If you take your left arm and extend it, and then take your right arm and extend it, at what point do they intertwine my guy.


Oct 27, 2017
Annapolis, Maryland
You know, after my own experience with family members ignoring my years of sexual abuse because acknowledging it would be inconvenient for them, I really shouldn't be surprised by the way a huge portion of this forum has acted. It just confirms my beliefs that humans are ultimately selfish.

I would have much less hatred for the people furiously advocating for Biden and shaming anyone who chooses not to vote for him, if they had put forth any small amount of effort to prevent him from being the nominee. Even just posting the articles on social media to try to get them trending. Instead, they acted like Biden was a forgone conclusion and began shaming rape and sexual abuse victims for not "taking one for the team" while Bernie was still in the fucking race. Because, to them, rape victims aren't worth expending even the smallest amount of energy on. Or worse, they actively preferred the rapist over his competition (which is obviously the case for several of these people).

Between the Michael Jackson threads, the Kobe threads, and now the Biden threads, I've become resigned to the fact that most of the "allies" here only care about victims when it props up their own ego. They're happy to ignore victims' suffering as soon as it gets in the way of their tribalism, their hero worship, their self-professed moral superiority, or their entertainment. There's a shit ton of posters on this forum who are guilty of enabling rape culture, but they'd never fucking acknowledge it about themselves. Even more obnoxious is the fact that several of the more vocal people actually advocating for victims in these recent threads are currently banned.

I do want to take a moment to acknowledge those who have been advocating for victims in all these threads. It's nice to know that some truly empathetic people are here. Thank you.


Oct 25, 2017
You know, after my own experience with family members ignoring my years of sexual abuse because acknowledging it would be inconvenient for them, I really shouldn't be surprised by the way a huge portion of this forum has acted. It just confirms my beliefs that humans are ultimately selfish.

I would have much less hatred for the people furiously advocating for Biden and shaming anyone who chooses not to vote for him, if they had put forth any small amount of effort to prevent him from being the nominee. Even just posting the articles on social media to try to get them trending. Instead, they acted like Biden was a forgone conclusion and began shaming rape and sexual abuse victims for not "taking one for the team" while Bernie was still in the fucking race. Because, to them, rape victims aren't worth expending even the smallest amount of energy on. Or worse, they actively preferred the rapist over his competition (which is obviously the case for several of these people).

Between the Michael Jackson threads, the Kobe threads, and now the Biden threads, I've become resigned to the fact that most of the "allies" here only care about victims when it props up their own ego. They're happy to ignore victims' suffering as soon as it gets in the way of their tribalism, their hero worship, their self-professed moral superiority, or their entertainment. There's a shit ton of posters on this forum who are guilty of enabling rape culture, but they'd never fucking acknowledge it about themselves. Even more obnoxious is the fact that several of the more vocal people actually advocating for victims in these recent threads are currently banned.

I do want to take a moment to acknowledge those who have been advocating for victims in all these threads. It's nice to know that some truly empathetic people are here. Thank you.
Great post.. summarized my own thoughts as well. Thank you for this


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
You know, after my own experience with family members ignoring my years of sexual abuse because acknowledging it would be inconvenient for them, I really shouldn't be surprised by the way a huge portion of this forum has acted. It just confirms my beliefs that humans are ultimately selfish.

I would have much less hatred for the people furiously advocating for Biden and shaming anyone who chooses not to vote for him, if they had put forth any small amount of effort to prevent him from being the nominee. Even just posting the articles on social media to try to get them trending. Instead, they acted like Biden was a forgone conclusion and began shaming rape and sexual abuse victims for not "taking one for the team" while Bernie was still in the fucking race. Because, to them, rape victims aren't worth expending even the smallest amount of energy on. Or worse, they actively preferred the rapist over his competition (which is obviously the case for several of these people).

Between the Michael Jackson threads, the Kobe threads, and now the Biden threads, I've become resigned to the fact that most of the "allies" here only care about victims when it props up their own ego. They're happy to ignore victims' suffering as soon as it gets in the way of their tribalism, their hero worship, their self-professed moral superiority, or their entertainment. There's a shit ton of posters on this forum who are guilty of enabling rape culture, but they'd never fucking acknowledge it about themselves. Even more obnoxious is the fact that several of the more vocal people actually advocating for victims in these recent threads are currently banned.

I do want to take a moment to acknowledge those who have been advocating for victims in all these threads. It's nice to know that some truly empathetic people are here. Thank you.

Thank you for this post.
Dec 13, 2017
Some day I would really love y'all to name and shame who the alt accounts belong to
Seeing those two posts back to back gave me a good chuckle, but I'm also curious who these belong to and how the admins figure it out. I assume most of the time people out themselves accidentally, make a blatant connection to their main account on social media via some high profile issue, or there's IP or metadata tracking info that gets automatically flagged.
In this thread I tried connecting the high post count banned members to the low post count alts but I think some people are giving up entirely and notifying admins for a ban request and letting them know their alt accounts.
Oct 27, 2017
Ill Probably banned for this because yeah.. but pretty much I agree.

Micheal Jackson thread Vs. Kobe threads

F Micheal but not Kobe? Cmon...

I'm just saying the consistency isn't there. and if ur gonna trash a person for it then trash them all.
There were posters defending Michael Jackson and trying to discredit the victims too. And for a large part it went unpunished.


Oct 25, 2017
It's super weird that people not wanting to support Biden because of his several issues with different women (also young girls) and rape allegation, are getting all this heat. They definitely aren't to blame that Biden is the democratic nominee, the fault is entirely somewhere else. The problem is Biden himself and people covering for him and supporting him.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing those two posts back to back gave me a good chuckle, but I'm also curious who these belong to and how the admins figure it out. I assume most of the time people out themselves accidentally, make a blatant connection to their main account on social media via some high profile issue, or there's IP or metadata tracking info that gets automatically flagged.
In this thread I tried connecting the high post count banned members to the low post count alts but I think some people are giving up entirely and notifying admins for a ban request and letting them know their alt accounts.
When I was doing this gig over at one of the largest networks I could see all the users logging in from a shared IP. It's not hard to look at names, avatars, IPs and email addresses and figure out who is matched. I miss that game.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah people should be getting warnings / bans for being dismissive of sexual assault or rape no matter who commited it, the double standard around Biden when compared to how we have treated this topic when it is other people has left me disappointed in the members and the leadership here.
Dec 13, 2017
When I was doing this gig over at one of the largest networks I could see all the users logging in from a shared IP. It's not hard to look at names, avatars, IPs and email addresses and figure out who is matched. I miss that game.
Well there we have it.
Yeah it sounds like fun if you have some time and want to play a game of 'how many can i catch today and how fast'


Oct 28, 2017
yeah I mean reporting people for this stuff doesn't work and I've resigned myself to not having an account anymore after being a part of this community for 10 years. I only ever get banned for standing up to awful, piece of shit bullies who repeatedly talk down to those in pain because it's not fucking civil enough. I'm tired of being made to feel like shit because I have to be civil to assholes online. This place isn't for me anymore if protecting them is more important than protecting the people they're hurting.
Just wanna let you know that I'd miss you.

But I've been here for about 14 years myself and can definitely relate to how you feel.

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
yeah people should be getting warnings / bans for being dismissive of sexual assault or rape no matter who commited it, the double standard around Biden when compared to how we have treated this topic when it is other people has left me disappointed in the members and the leadership here.
Progressive bans.
  1. Warning for being shit in a thread about sexual harassment
  2. 2 Days for a second instance of being a shit about sexual harassment
  3. Permanent ban if you come back and continue
I get nobody wants to see fewer posts, but c'mon...


Oct 27, 2017
Plenty of times I've been on the "Wait and see" approach myself.

But guess what you do when you hold this position.
You wait and see. You don't post shitposts casting doubt on the accusers.
Noone wants you to proclaim you're waiting for evidence or how you're "just asking questions".

If your actual position is to wait for details, evidence or even just a gut feeling, please just stfu and wait for more details.

If a moron like me, who says a bunch of dumb shit without thinking it through sometimes, can do that, you can do it too.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah I mean reporting people for this stuff doesn't work and I've resigned myself to not having an account anymore after being a part of this community for 10 years. I only ever get banned for standing up to awful, piece of shit bullies who repeatedly talk down to those in pain because it's not fucking civil enough. I'm tired of being made to feel like shit because I have to be civil to assholes online. This place isn't for me anymore if protecting them is more important than protecting the people they're hurting.
Another excellent post, I feel the same way. This also happened to me.. never so much as a warning, over the course of 25k posts.

Deleted member 2328

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if some of the downplaying of sexual assault comes from some of the frustration from a perceived equivalency to Trump as a threat to the outcome of the Presidential election.
I understand that Trump being re-elected would have some very real horrible consequences and some people are naturally afraid of that. I'm not excusing the behavior, just that I'm trying to understand where it comes from for some of these people.


Oct 27, 2017
It's like some people have forgotten why we collectively moved on from gaf in the first place

I'm not trying to single you out just by quoting you, but I've been readin through the thread and I've seen this sentiment a lot.
And in essence I agree with it.

But you can't honestly believe that this community consists only of the people like you or me, or the many others, who got disappointed and disillusioned with the leadership of GAF.

It's been a few years since then.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
It's become abundantly clear that for many on Era accusations of sexual assault were just a stick they could use to beat the other side in a political argument, and not something they genuinely cared about.

The treatment of victims of sexual assault and abuse by these people is utterly abhorrent, but sadly common and even more sadly tolerated.

Era should not be home to people who minimise or deny the seriousness of sexual assault, just because it's politically convenient to do so.


Oct 27, 2017
The US has basically been given a choice between two abusers. No one should be happy with this choice and anyone who feels uncomfortable voting for Biden are the normal ones here. Sometimes you have to be pragmatic, but Jesus Christ. That's an abhorrent choice to make. If you're giving Biden a pass because of his party, what the fuck?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
yes. this is why i dont even bother gong into threads besides gaming anymore. this needed to be said, there is a lot of bullying and trolling in this site unfortunately and considering most of us left neogaf because its owner was accused of sexual assault and we would not accept that, its really sad to see how far this forum has gone in terms of this.


Nov 14, 2019
That's untrue. It's veered a bit to the extreme left more than right wing. At some point those two cross paths in a methodology Venn diagram even if the two have very different social ideologies

Xaszatm didn't really want people hi-jacking this thread away from the core reason it was started, but I'm sorry, I have to say, that is complete bollocks. Have you seen the current dilemma raging throughout the US where both people running are accused rapists and some on this forum have been essentially saying "don't you dare have issues with rape when it comes to voting"? -

And in fact, keeping it related to the reason this topic started, it's probably one of those statements that actually make Resetera harder to use for some when "extreme left" or "far left" or any of that nonsense is used as a cudgel. Usually to essentially say to people around here "simmer down and don't be so noisy when you complain about injustice, you're making some think this is a far left forum!". And usually those "some" are the trolls and agitators who drop by here to screencap things and post on Twitter Resetera is "far left". All while Resetera's HQ, if you like, is America for all intents and purposes (American owners/biggest chunk of users), a country that seems to have forgotten what bitch ass basic "left wing" even is. While it calls AOC and others communists.

But I would be very interested to know what your definition of extreme left is and how that extreme left is becoming a threat to Resetera? So much so we're apparently getting the Venn diagrams out to show how the extreme left on Resetera intersects with what I presume you mean to be the extreme right.

Given that you have an avatar of Ian Blackford, a Westminster leader for a party which calls itself centre left, I really am going to be interested to know what your definition of "extreme left" is? You do realise that the SNP party, if run in America, would probably get called far left even by some Democrats? My point being it confuses the fuck out of me when I see left wing British people stating this forum, of all places, is somehow far left. To take a punt this forum is undoubtedly a mixture, its 40,000+ people, but if you take the hierarchy down to the most prominent users, a left wing bias probably, at most.

But to think this place as a collective is extreme left or far left or whatever. Just no. Many arguments around here are as centrist or centre left as they come (often from places of privilege). Most people on here who might be Republicans/right wing just aren't waving a flag of bigotry or racism or such because it's a quick ban of the account. Right wingers here who support Boris or Trump need to be "smart" about their posting history, but they're here and in reasonable numbers. Given that the average age of Resetera seems to be in the 30s, even some of the young idealism that better things are possible is dying around here. A reinforcing of many on the left actually being dismissive of grassroots political movements for change or leaders who want to be a bit more radical about systematic upheaval.

While I wouldn't say this place is veering right wing, posters are probably, in this moment, saying that because they view it could only be right wingers who downplay rape. But people are quickly finding out you don't have to be right wing to do the whole "but we're talking about our side and our side needs to win no matter what".
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm not trying to single you out just by quoting you, but I've been readin through the thread and I've seen this sentiment a lot.
And in essence I agree with it.

But you can't honestly believe that this community consists only of the people like you or me, or the many others, who got disappointed and disillusioned with the leadership of GAF.

It's been a few years since then.

I would have hoped that these sorts of people would be regularly weeded out.

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
It's become abundantly clear that for many on Era accusations of sexual assault were just a stick they could use to beat the other side in a political argument, and not something they genuinely cared about.

The treatment of victims of sexual assault and abuse by these people is utterly abhorrent, but sadly common and even more sadly tolerated.

Era should not be home to people who minimise or deny the seriousness of sexual assault, just because it's politically convenient to do so.

Probably the best post in this whole thread. Couldn't agree more.


Oct 25, 2017
It's become abundantly clear that for many on Era accusations of sexual assault were just a stick they could use to beat the other side in a political argument, and not something they genuinely cared about.

The treatment of victims of sexual assault and abuse by these people is utterly abhorrent, but sadly common and even more sadly tolerated.

Era should not be home to people who minimise or deny the seriousness of sexual assault, just because it's politically convenient to do so.
Posts like these are what keeps me even posting on ERA at all
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Oct 27, 2017
I would have hoped that these sorts of people would be regularly weeded out.

Me too.
But at the same I'm glad it's not that rigorous, because I probably would have been weeded out as well, because I made some stupid comments on topics I probably shouldn't even have commented on.
It's not always easy to make the call on who is genuinely ignorant and willing to correct their view, and the people who just go out to further their agenda, making disingenuous arguments.

Recognizing this, I'm just not down for posts like "ERA said minimizing sexual assault victims is okay".
No, Noone in this thread said this outright, but I got the impression that many meant it.
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