
Oct 25, 2017
Oh is this the part where we don't use sources and facts? Sorry you must be mistaken, 4chan is that way. This is resetera, and we like to use facts.

Now I was personally pleased to have them banned and the ban did hit their finances too. But the people didn't just go away.

In September 2018, the Turku Appeals Court upheld a lower court's decision to ban the PVL in Finland, on the grounds that the neo-Nazi group embraces violence and does not consider all races to be equal.

In effect, the subsequent Turku Appeals Court decision made it illegal for the PVL, its regional chapters, and the PVL-linked Pohjoinen Perinne or Nordic Tradition group to mobilise, demonstrate and distribute propaganda.

First, the Yle investigation discovered that the PVL has founded two new organizations within the last year. The first seeks to create a new nationalist political party in Finland, Kansan Yhtenäisyys (roughly translated as Nation United). The party has collected 1,000 signed pledges of support since it was founded this spring, although 5,000 are needed to achieve official political party status.

Campaigns to recruit new members come second on the list, as the PVL has added dozens of names to its roster since the court rulings. The group's website states "the more they attack us, the stronger we become". The interior ministry has noted that the Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement has been indeed been surprisingly long-lived in Finland, as previous extremist movements have been tended to fizzle out in just a few years. Authorities estimate that the PVL currently has up to 120 full-fledged members, while two years ago there were around 70.

Third on the group's agenda, according to the investigation, is networking. PVL has actively sought closer cooperation with the nationalist street patrol group Soldiers of Odin, with increasing numbers of both groups participating in each other's demonstrations and activities. Members of the PVL have also joined in some of the Soldiers of Odin patrols. Helsinki University researcher Daniel Sallamaa recently published a study on the PVL's efforts to welcome the Soldiers of Odin into the fold.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I agree 100% with Jaffe. Here's why:

It's like when people say comedians can't say offensive jokes? We should all agree, right? Well, the problem with that is that the line between what is offensive and what isn't is always growing shorter thanks to subjectiveness (whatever offends me may or may not offend someone else), So in a rush to make everybody feel safe inside, it's all deemed offensive. And in turn, since everything offends one person or another, they become even MORE fragile and prone to being offended to new stuff that didn't necesarilly ofend them before, just irked them. Banning free speech (even things that you and i disagree with) will lead to banning difference of thought, and i will personally find living in a boring world, full of fragile individuals who don't understand that life is tough but also beautiful, VERY disheartening. And who's job is it to decide what is offensive and what isn't, Jack from Twitter? We can fight Milo's opinion all we think is necesarry, but he should be allowed to say it and we should be strong enough to hear it.

Don't censor my opinion, mods.
messages: 9


Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I can't believe people still actually spout Milo talkinf points


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
Racism, anti-Semitism, transphobia... These things are not only present in oblique actions. They don't require intent. They're coded in our language and people need to understand that the choices they make and the things they say oppress some people and benefit others.

Saying that Milo deserves to have his voice be heard, to me, signals that we should treat him the same way we treat anybody else. We should treat oppressors the same way we treat the oppressed. People hide behind a false fairness with this kind of argument. "I want everyone to be treated equal, how can that be wrong?" That kind of thing. But, by standing up for Milo in this way, a choice has ALREADY BEEN MADE. Jaffe has the privilege of not being threatened by Milo's words, not in the same way that those who fear him are.

When I see takes like this, it just bums me out because I feel like people are more willing to stand up for evil (in the name of false-fairness) over, well, me.


Nov 3, 2017
Next step for Jaffe will be to say something about the "Jewish question".
Edgy dumbfuck should find something else to do with his time than light his legacy in flame.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
It's getting tough to keep up with all the comments on my post, but thanks to the people who at least commented respectfully disagreeing. but i'm seeing some people like Crossing Eden and Jebusman who are actually taking my words, rearranging them and then writing whatever distorted thing they want making it look like i wrote that, when i didn't. How low can you go? This may be a website designed for fun but this type of behavior is pretty fucked up. it's slander, calumny and defamation. Taking my written words and rearranging them against my will to fit your narrative is pretty sick. Now people reading this forum will think i said this when i didn't? Come on mods.
You're calling on moderation to CENSOR people you don't like for SLANDER? Sounds like you're no friend of the bastion of free speech Milo


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Stuff like this makes me nervous, it's almost like you are trying to solicit a group of people to financially support you and your products.
Oct 31, 2017
Yea man protesting and deplatforming only makes them stro---


I had the same discussion with someone who wanted to not ban Alex Jones so everything they said could be front and center and not hidden away on the web. I think the logic was it was better to know what they were saying than having their hate breed underground because that'll only make them stronger. I explained to him that they've gotten stronger because they've been given a platform unfettered by these companies, and when you have even the president endorsing you on your show, the conspiracy theorists/white supremacists/neo-nazis getting sunlight only allows them to grow.

Happy ending: he came around to my view once Twitter finally banned Alex Jones and a little time had passed.


Apr 19, 2018
I took your word vomit post and ground it down to the basis of what you were getting to. You have been on this forum for half a year, and in that entire time have never posted, and the topic that finally got you posting, was to defend a pedophile's right to use twitter, when the specific reason he was banned, was literally publicly defending pedophilia on it.

Yes, I use ResetEra to find news as quick as possible, not to comment. You seem to be under the delusion that to have an opinion on this site you need to have been commenting daily on every thread. This thread is very polarizing and I wanted to give my opinion. What you're doing is manipulation and calumny. Go back to your immature life and please let people who want to have a respectful discussion do so without manipulating other people's words.


Oct 28, 2017
Being provided with a public platform is not an individual right full stop. Certain views shouldn't be facilitated. The ideal of freedom of speech with constraints, is an aspiration but should not be in any way removed from the actual conditions of existence. it only really holds if we live in a society where by far the majority of people have strong critical faculties, knowledge and hold decent views about the good of their fellow human and other creatures. We are far from being there.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
Go back to your immature life and please let people who want to have a respectful discussion do so without manipulating other people's words.

You. Are. Defending. A. Pedophile's. Right. To. Defend. Pedophilia. Publicly.

You are transparent as fuck and doing yourself no favors by refusing to actually engage in any of the arguments people have put forth and instead focus entirely on how "unfair" people are being to you, while being hilarious about asking mods to step in and do something when your opening post here was pretty much "mods don't ban me for shitposting".

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
You are not calling out anything,
Nah I called out the bs that you were saying while you were stanning for milo's right to a platform. Speaking of that platform, or rather, the one he used to have and how he used it. Since you brought up defamation, let's go back over the part where Milo photoshopped an incredibly racist image of Leslie Jones, showed it to his followers, which led to days of targeted harassment. You know, the thing that got him banned in the first place.

Surely you have some things to say about his use of his platform because this is one of many things that's been shown ITT?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I use ResetEra to find news as quick as possible, not to comment. You seem to be under the delusion that to have an opinion on this site you need to have been commenting daily on every thread. This thread is very polarizing and I wanted to give my opinion. What you're doing is manipulation and calumny. Go back to your immature life and please let people who want to have a respectful discussion do so without manipulating other people's words.
Not sure why this dishonest troll is still here shitting up this thread.


Apr 19, 2018
You're calling on moderation to CENSOR people you don't like for SLANDER? Sounds like you're no friend of the bastion of free speech Milo

You see, there's a difference between free speech and SLANDER and DEFAMATION which under oath are literal CRIMES. Take a look at the constitution. It's no longer just free speech when i LIE that someone said something when they didn't. Manipulation of words falls under that category. It's called LIBEL.


Oct 28, 2017
Jaffe is a bit dense...
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others." --Thomas Jefferson to I. Tiffany, 1819

Milo and all the rest of his Alt-Right, GamerGate, NeoNazi ilk frame all the shit they spew around directly or indirectly limiting the equal rights of others. We are completely within our legal right to ignore and supress their toxic nonsense.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I agree 100% with Jaffe. Here's why:

It's like when people say comedians can't say offensive jokes? We should all agree, right? Well, the problem with that is that the line between what is offensive and what isn't is always growing shorter thanks to subjectiveness (whatever offends me may or may not offend someone else), So in a rush to make everybody feel safe inside, it's all deemed offensive. And in turn, since everything offends one person or another, they become even MORE fragile and prone to being offended to new stuff that didn't necesarilly ofend them before, just irked them. Banning free speech (even things that you and i disagree with) will lead to banning difference of thought, and i will personally find living in a boring world, full of fragile individuals who don't understand that life is tough but also beautiful, VERY disheartening. And who's job is it to decide what is offensive and what isn't, Jack from Twitter? We can fight Milo's opinion all we think is necesarry, but he should be allowed to say it and we should be strong enough to hear it.

Don't censor my opinion, mods.

As a person who actually practices stand-up comedy (I have for 6 years) I will gladly say you are unquestionably wrong in your positions here.

First and foremost, your freedom of speech protects you only from the Government. I am a huge fan of comedian Lenny Bruce, who was unquestionably the most offensive comic of his time (and likely still holds a place on the throne to this day). However, he was a legitimate victim when it comes to having your rights infringed, and he continued to fight for freedom of speech. The Government tried to shut him down, and it ultimately cost him his life.

On the other hand, freedom of speech does *not* protect you on private platforms. A private platform is not a part of a Government entity, and therefore is not subject to freedom of speech. Twitter, Era, and even television, are not covered by freedom of speech.

If I say something stupid and offensive at an open mic or comedy show, people are perfectly within their rights to speak up and deplatform / protest / whatever. That is their right, as is mine to say awful things. However, if you are upset that there are more people in opposition to the awful things said, and as a consequence they "drown them out"...then you are inherently misunderstanding how free speech works. Arguing that anyone "needs to be heard" is in direct opposition to freedom of speech, because it argues that some need to be silenced for others to be heard.

Saying that people are "weak or fragile" because they don't like something they heard is absurd. Particularly when most people who use those talking points are in fact the most fragile of them all, and often respond in anger and rage.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I agree 100% with Jaffe. Here's why:

It's like when people say comedians can't say offensive jokes? We should all agree, right? Well, the problem with that is that the line between what is offensive and what isn't is always growing shorter thanks to subjectiveness (whatever offends me may or may not offend someone else), So in a rush to make everybody feel safe inside, it's all deemed offensive. And in turn, since everything offends one person or another, they become even MORE fragile and prone to being offended to new stuff that didn't necesarilly ofend them before, just irked them. Banning free speech (even things that you and i disagree with) will lead to banning difference of thought, and i will personally find living in a boring world, full of fragile individuals who don't understand that life is tough but also beautiful, VERY disheartening. And who's job is it to decide what is offensive and what isn't, Jack from Twitter? We can fight Milo's opinion all we think is necesarry, but he should be allowed to say it and we should be strong enough to hear it.

Don't censor my opinion, mods.
you do realize that you are defending

milo "gay rights have made us dumber, it's time to get back in the closet" yiannopoulos

milo "never feel bad for mocking a transgender person" yiannopoulos

milo "no one is trans, it's a brain disease" yiannopoulos

milo "When you were twenty-five, when you were thirty, you will have seen girls at fifteen you thought were hot, of course, you did" yiannopoulos

with the rationale of "not everyone agrees on what is offensive"

like, anyone who believes the above should not be considered offensive, that it should be allowed a platform because freeze peach, is not someone we should listen to

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's no longer just free speech when i LIE that someone said something when they didn't.
Ok good so you agree that Milo should've been banned from twitter then when he posted this photoshop to twitter so that his followers would harass Leslie Jones. As that's by your own definition of free speech, not actual free speech.

Thanks for clearing that up and goodbye.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh is this the part where we don't use sources and facts? Sorry you must be mistaken, 4chan is that way. This is resetera, and we like to use facts.

Condescendingly says 'we like to use facts' then links to a Mashable opinion piece. Sigh...
Milo disappeared for a long time after that embarrassing interview he had with Bill Maher and then when he defended some dude who pretty much molested him when he was underage. By the time he resurfaced with some stupid over the top party stream people just stopped caring. Deplatforming him honestly just makes more people pay attention to him. I don't like the guy at all, but I'd let him speak and argue that he is a imbecile.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Condescendingly says 'we like to use facts' then links to a Mashable opinion piece. Sigh...
Milo disappeared for a long time after that embarrassing interview he had with Bill Maher and then when he defended some dude who pretty much molested him when he was underage. By the time he resurfaced with some stupid over the top party stream people just stopped caring. Deplatforming him honestly just makes more people pay attention to him. I don't like the guy at all, but I'd let him speak and argue that he is a imbecile.
Milo is literally in debt after being deplatformed everywhere and after his rich benefactor died. Note, when you say "let him speak" you're saying "i'm personally not one of the people who he targets, so I don't care. I care more about him being able to harass people than the actual people he's harassing." The whole "it only makes him stronger" thing doesn't make sense in practice.
Oct 31, 2017
Condescendingly says 'we like to use facts' then links to a Mashable opinion piece. Sigh...
Milo disappeared for a long time after that embarrassing interview he had with Bill Maher and then when he defended some dude who pretty much molested him when he was underage. By the time he resurfaced with some stupid over the top party stream people just stopped caring. Deplatforming him honestly just makes more people pay attention to him. I don't like the guy at all, but I'd let him speak and argue that he is a imbecile.

I've heard very little from Milo since he was deplatformed and now he's $2 million in-debt.


Nov 3, 2017
Yes, I use ResetEra to find news as quick as possible, not to comment. You seem to be under the delusion that to have an opinion on this site you need to have been commenting daily on every thread. This thread is very polarizing and I wanted to give my opinion. What you're doing is manipulation and calumny. Go back to your immature life and please let people who want to have a respectful discussion do so without manipulating other people's words.
You're right your comment on the TGA's BotW reveal was really subversive!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Puerto Rico
Ah, I see Jaffe is a fellow Intellectual! Yes. I do not agree with your opinion, sir, but I respect it! Indeed, I do. Now tell me... what to do about these pesky females and the colored?! Do not censor me, sir, for I am merely stating my opinion! I respectfully disagree. Anyway, thank you for proving my point. Yes, I am Very Smart!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You see, there's a difference between free speech and SLANDER and DEFAMATION which under oath are literal CRIMES. Take a look at the constitution. It's no longer just free speech when i LIE that someone said something when they didn't. Manipulation of words falls under that category. It's called LIBEL.
Libel, slander, and defamation aren't mentioned in the American Constitution. There was actually serious political debate in the early 19th century when libel laws were enacted because the opponents of those laws considered them unconstitutional. Thankfully, common sense prevailed here.


Oct 25, 2017
Had to check the date to make sure that this wasn't a thread from last year lmfao holy shit Jaffe you fucking trash bag


Mar 23, 2018
Milo has been heard, and what you are seeing now is people roundly rejecting his bullshit. We heard him, he's an asshole, now people are done with him. I just hate the victimization that people like Milo seem to thrive on. Milo had more of a platform than a dummy like that deserves.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't even get the argument. Is Jaffe implying that without letting Milo have a platform people are blatantly unaware that bigotry and prejudice exist?

These things were known and bad before social media was a thing.


Apr 19, 2018
Ok good so you agree that Milo should've been banned from twitter then when he posted this photoshop to twitter so that his followers would harass Leslie Jones. As that's by your own definition of free speech, not actual free speech.


If he did do that then he should be banned 100%. He should be sued too for LIBEL. But that's not what i'm discussing. But you sir, are doing exactly the same to me. It's shameful. Way to contradict your own opinions by saying he should be banned for libel and then doing it to me. We have a genius over here


May 12, 2018
Deplatforming him honestly just makes more people pay attention to him.

I don't know why you think your opinion is worth trotting out when you get the basics wrong. Dude is 2 mill in debt because everyone stopped giving a shit about him including all his financiers.

so, while we're being honest, I think deplatforming is working as intended.