
Oct 25, 2017
The thing is he does have the right to spew his bullshit. What's happening is the rest of society is telling him to fuck off because we have the right to not have to listen to it and we don't want to listen to it.

He's not being jailed for spewing his bullshit and that's as far as free speech takes you. It doesn't earn you any more than that.


Oct 27, 2017
Sad how low this guy has fallen.

Why are we hearing from him again after like a decade, did someone discover his little youtube account recently? I bet he has more stupid shit to say.


Oct 27, 2017
I've always thought Jaffe is the type to have alt-right leanings, even before alt-right was a thing. This just confirms it.


Oct 25, 2017
Weird how many people will go to bat for Nazi scum like Milo but the same people don't see to give a damn about Kaepernick being blackballed from his job and not having a voice.

I wonder what it's like living in that bubble?


Oct 25, 2017
The problem with debating ideas like Nazism is that you're treating the idea like it has merit. It's the same issue with 'debating' climate change. If people are willing to act like Nazism has merit, there is no reason to debate them. There is nothing to debate about genocide.

As far as spreading underground, when you give someone a platform with hundreds of thousands of eyes on them is somehow better? I have never understood this type of logic and yet I do see it quite frequently.
It's that I also want sane people in the room. And I don't think telling anyone they are wrong (and how) is giving their argument any merit. Unless I'm misunderstanding the word "merit", English isn't my first language.

I'm also in favor of hate speech laws.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
Once you are able to think critically you are like Superman- the bullets of bullshit and hate bounce off you and no harm is done.
Except websites allowing racists, misogynists, homophobes, and anti-semites to freely post their rancid views is what allows these hate groups to grow and cause harm such as in Charlottesville.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm... I'm glad Corey Barlog is in charge of GoW now and not Jaffe.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
I don't agree but I think it's a fair perspective.

I was speaking to my gay friend at a Pride parade before and he was telling me we should be tolerant of the neo Nazi's that try to ruin the parade with their gay hate speech. I really disagree with that, those thoughts (and similar) aren't isolated and harmless. With a significant platform they warp minds.

Completely agreed, and if you believe in the right-wing interpretation of the 1st amendment, yes, it is a fair perspective. However, that is not what the 1st amendment says. It says the government cannot arrest you for anything you say. It does not mean that people have to give you a platform and cannot criticize you for what you have to say.

With regards to Boogie's "The middle" comment, it's a matter of compromise. Fuckheads like Milo, Richard Spencer, David Duke, Alex Jones, PJW - they've all showcased their unwillingness to compromise on any issues and that it is their way or the highway. If they won't be willing to compromise, then we shouldn't be either.


Mar 15, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Making inflammatory false equivalencies surrounding bigotry, account in junior phase. History of similar posts.

Jaffe isn't making the argument the government to step in. His argument is nobody should be banned from Twitter/Facebook/etc. Yes they are private companies and can ban whoever they want. That doesn't mean they should. Let bad people speak....the fact that so many people here think they need to be shielded from a bad idea is hilarious, and speaks more to the point that Jaffe is getting at.

. Hell, at one point in time, all of the civil rights advancements in America were unpopular, what if those ideas were shut down. You have to take the good with the bad or risk having neither
Oct 25, 2017
"But if you are raised in a bubble and you never experience ideas like those of Milo- and learn how to come to your OWN conclusion that..."

Or you know, mate, you could be someone raised in a privileged enough bubble that the naked transphobia, misogyny and white supremacy spouted from that weasel's flapping orifice will never personally affect you ever. You've never been, and presumably will never be, that terrified student who was deliberately outed and harassed for being transgender, so of fucking course you can afford to get on social media now and argue like some pompous moron that the inherently harmful and discriminatory rhetoric of Milo is something that we should collectively tolerate as a society.

I don't need to read, hear and see anymore of Milo or people of his ilk to come to my own conclusion that there is absolutely zero worth to anything they say - much less Milo, who was enough of a paedophilia apologist to warrant getting the axe by his own side. Just as you presumably don't need to actually invite fucking ISIS, Alex Jones conspiracy theorist types (actually, I'm not sure anymore - Jaffe could actually be in favour of him having a major voice again for all I know) and the KKK to take a proverbial seat at the discourse table.
Oct 30, 2017
Friendly reminder to those who forget what Milo did:

He actively targeted, harassed, and insulted other Twitter users. That goes against the Twitter ToS and basic decency.

Guy should be absolutely banned. This isn't censorship.


Oct 27, 2017
I think free speech is important so I get where he is coming from but isn't it also our right to shut people down who say shit like this? Isn't that free speech? Like this man can say what he wants out loud and in person but if we don't want to hear it we shouldn't have to. Twitter is not public. The public has access to it but it is run by people and if they think he is more trouble than he is worth than they have every right to shut him out. He can make his own site and say what ever the fuck he wants. That is free speech.


Oct 25, 2017
It's that I also want sane people in the room. And I don't think telling anyone they are wrong (and how) is giving their argument any merit. Unless I'm misunderstanding the word "merit", English isn't my first language.
Putting two opposing views together and saying 'let's debate them' inherently makes them seem like different perspectives that could both have truth to them and in turn.

Having this kind of debate on a public platform also drastically increases the reach of the message.

As such, what you effectively do is open up people to the idea that the wrong side is actually right and as we have seen with trump, they will dismiss any opposing view as wrong.

Would you have a debate on climate change? No, because one side is right and the other is wrong and all you do is make new converts for the climate denial side.

Same goes for opinions based in biogtry, dishonesty and lies. The alt right don't care about being factually true, they care about getting their message out and converting people to their cause. They will lie and twist facts to sound truthful and by the time you try to correct them the damage has already been done because you can just be dismissed as a liberal snowflake pushing a globalist agenda.


Jun 1, 2018
This forum's stance on free speech always confused me. And I know there's a difference between free speech and hate speech and some people cross it. BUT it's always better to err on the side of free speech instead of letting government decide what's OK to say. Milo is an asshole, but it's easier to deal with assholes like him than with oppressive government.


Oct 27, 2017
These "free speech" and "slippery slope" arguments are never trotted out when women get fired from their jobs for calling out misogyny. It's always when alt right assholes get kicked off sites for harassing

Deleted member 35653

User requested account closure
Dec 8, 2017
Pretty controversial. He is talking about a specific part of the far-right, people like Milo are just buffoons, soppressing them might lead to a dangerous direction like legitimization, mythification and so on. I don't want others to see them as a legit treat, if we start doing so they might as well become one, what people think shapes reality.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
His argument is that exposing people to vile ideas dressed up as legitimate (spoken by people in a suit, as he puts it) in a safe space like college, is important to allow people to learn not to be fooled by them. Sort of like a vaccine, I guess.

I still disagree (I don't see how college is a "safe space" when it comes to being exposed to Nazi rethoric; I think allowing them at all gives them an air of acceptability on part of the college institution that may in fact make college students consider them as valid; and I think an important part of being a "safe space" is "not being subjected to hateful rethoric) but at least he's advocating for people to more easily immunize themselves and dismiss these ideas, not that they're valuable per se. This is a goal I share, even though I think this is one of the worst possible ways to go about it; if his argument is honest, I think he's just wrong, not a bigot.


Nov 6, 2017
Jaffe doesn't have an audience for all his recently made crap games so now he's gotta find a new audience somehow to stay relevant. Scrapping the bottom barrel "gamer rise up crowd". This is the most anyone has talked about Jaffe in years, dude must be in cloud 9 right now.


Oct 30, 2017
Theres something to be said about seeing it from both sides and how Democracy works, but giving extremes from both sides is not something to give platforms to shout upon
Oct 30, 2017
This forum's stance on free speech always confused me. And I know there's a difference between free speech and hate speech and some people cross it. BUT it's always better to err on the side of free speech instead of letting government decide what's OK to say. Milo is an asshole, but it's easier to deal with assholes like him than with oppressive government.
Who said Milo isn't allowed to speak freely in public? If he wants to write a book, he can write a book. But we can shit on a publisher for wanting to publish the book. Nobody is saying the government needs to be confiscating his property (except for when he's in debt).

The government has never told Milo that he can't speak. Unless you're counting public universities telling him that he's not invited to speak at their campus.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
It's that I also want sane people in the room. And I don't think telling anyone they are wrong (and how) is giving their argument any merit. Unless I'm misunderstanding the word "merit", English isn't my first language.

Debating any idea in and of itself comes with the intrinsic idea that there is something worthwhile (this is what I mean by merit) in it. If there isn't, there's nothing to debate. There is nothing worthwhile about Nazism. I'll put it this way, if a debate is between two people and the debate is about Nazism and whether it's worthwhile, you will have one person who will have to argue that it is worthwhile. What sort of person would be willing to do that? In my experience, it's the type of person that would call you a bigot for calling Nazis racist and anti-semitic.

This forum's stance on free speech always confused me. And I know there's a difference between free speech and hate speech and some people cross it. BUT it's always better to err on the side of free speech instead of letting government decide what's OK to say. Milo is an asshole, but it's easier to deal with assholes like him than with oppressive government.

A private forum or website does not have to adhere to government standards on free speech.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
This feels more like Jaffe trying to insert himself into a topic to become relevant again. I honestly had not thought of him in years. Milo is cancerous and his downfall is deserved and we should not fall into Jaffe's trap.


Oct 26, 2017
This forum's stance on free speech always confused me. And I know there's a difference between free speech and hate speech and some people cross it. BUT it's always better to err on the side of free speech instead of letting government decide what's OK to say. Milo is an asshole, but it's easier to deal with assholes like him than with oppressive government.
Has anyone been advocating that the government should restrict Milo's speech?