
Oct 25, 2017

Jul 29, 120.3kg
Aug 5, 118.6kg
Aug 12, 118.7kg
Aug 19, 119.1kg
Aug 26, 118.2kg
Sep 2, 119.4kg
Sep 9, 116.9kg
Sep 16, 115.8kg
Sep 30, 118.9kg
Oct 21, 118.4kg

Final measurement for the challenge maybe? Not great, not terrible. Had few stress eating sessions here and there so considering that I can't really be too sad that I didn't make more progress overall. Progress is still progress.

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Oct 28, 2017
I've been keto for 8 weeks tomorrow.

1lb away from losing 2 stone. Best diet I've ever done and still able to lift as consistently as I did with carbs.

Gone from 15st 11lbs to 13st 12lbs.
Then there's the improvement to mood, energy and concentration levels.

Don't think Ill ever go back to many carbs again bar the occasional cheat day for an ale or two.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't join for prizes, but I'm 155.4 lbs today! Yay!
Close to crossing the 70kg barrier! This is down from ~180lbs (~82kg) since end of May 2019. (I'm 5' 3.74" or 162cm)

This is a screenshot from WiiFit U on July 22.
I went on a trip with my family to Montreal at the beginning of July and even though we walked sooo much I guess we also ate a lot since I gained 2 kg from it! lol:

So it's been a bit up and down when holidays come up or work gives all of us lots of pizza to eat, but the trend is generally towards my goal of reaching "normal bmi" (~60kg or ~130lbs). I am at least outside of the OBESE range BMI-wise, but according to body fat % calculations, still there (36% -- geez how high was it BEFORE then??).

My diet is nothing special, but I do meal plan more so I'm not just stuffing my face with bread and random snacks for lunch. It also saves me money, and what's a budget but a money diet lol. I just reuse the same containers for each meal. This really helps with portion control! Sometimes I try to fill the tupperware but it won't fit/close properly and have to remove food! GOOD!
I also try to remember that at least half the plate should be veggies, if I make rice I should add some olive oils for it cook in (this apparently reduces the caloric intake??), and the meat should only be about the size of a pack of cards (I cheat a bit, sometimes it's more hehe). A good rule of thumb for me is picturing each plate as a piec chart and filling it up with half veggies, quarter meat, quarter carbs (potatoes, rice, pasta).

I think each meal is probably around 400-700cal. If I have a 200-300 cal "snack" before work and 500-700 cal dinner and drink nothing but tea or diet sodas inbetween, I stay around 1500cal each day. According to my WiiFit meter, I burn about 600-700 calories when awake walking around (work is stocking shelves so it doesn't take into account my arm moves! lol), and if my basal rate is ~1300 cal, it gives me enough of a deficit to keep losing weight. I walk a little extra on weekends to get a bit of a calorie burn in when I'd otherwise be sedentary.

I'm also taking vitamin supplements because I need to anyway (I'm chronically iron deficient and probably other nutrients as well since the only meats I eat are chicken/turkey and rarely tuna/salmon).


Examples of meals, some maybe not so healthy but tasty all the same?:








One downside: most of my pants and clothes are weird and baggy on me now, even my "tights" are weird and loose, but I am not into buying new clothes so... I'm just going to be dressed terribly for a while haha.

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Oct 25, 2017
October 24th (final): 123.6 kg

Did not reach my goal of 120, didn't even get particulary close tbh. Next time I'll probably set a more conservative goal, while also attempting to step my game up. There is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to, you know, eating less snacks and other trash food.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
October 24th (final): 123.6 kg

Did not reach my goal of 120, didn't even get particulary close tbh. Next time I'll probably set a more conservative goal, while also attempting to step my game up. There is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to, you know, eating less snacks and other trash food.
7.5kg is nothing to sneeze at. Heck, that puts you right near the top for total weight loss.


Nov 6, 2017
down to 166. Got just 4-5 more weeks of caloric deficit, gonna try slowly increasing my calorie count every week or 2 by 100 or so. Never have quite nailed the maintenance part of dieting.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
Start: 195 lbs
6th Aug: 193 lbs
16th Aug: 189 lbs
5th Sept: 183 lbs
2nd Oct: 179 lbs
11th Oct: 178 lbs
24th Oct: 175 lbs

20 lbs overall. And over 50 lbs this year!


Oct 25, 2017
Final weigh in 275. Blahhh I stalled so hard. I am ready to recommit in the next thread.


Oct 27, 2017
BTW, there are two people with a higher weight loss than me on the spreadsheet but they have no 'official rank'. Why is that?


Oct 25, 2017
Final weigh in before the next challenge

29th July 85.6kg
24th August 84kg
31st August 83.6kg
14th September 82.4kg
21st September 81.8kg
5th October 80kg
19th October 79kg

25th October 78.8kg

My original target was to hit 76kg by the end of the year, however, I'll be going on a 3 week holiday at the end of the month and anticipate an increase....
Also i think i need to aim for a bit more to finally lose the belly, so i'm gonna aim to be 73kg.

First pic was taken on the 29/07/19, second pic was this morning. It would be cool to see other before ane after pics.

Well done all and keep up the hard work.



Oct 28, 2017
I've been pretty bad and gained a few kg over this challenge 98kg ish to 101kg or so (got down to 96kg at the lowest). Though managed to mostly maintain my weight which is nice, i'm hoping to get back into exercising over the next few weeks as no longer as busy as I have been.


Oct 27, 2017
Final weigh in: 207.5. Busy week and eating out a few times means I've not lost as much as hoped since last week. Ready to keep it up from now until Christmas though as should (willpower, etc., being fine) be able to get down to the low-mid 190s by then.
Oct 25, 2017
I only lost about 10 lbs.

Pic order:
Somewhere after July (posted this before)
2 days ago



As you can see, I am still working on getting that belly down. Over time my goal went from vascular arms (I have some even though it is not very visible in the pic here) to getting defined abs/back/glutes.

175ish to 164ish (depending on the time of day tbh). If I can lose down to 150-155, I will be happy with my weight loss and focus more on definition.

Coincidentally my birthday is Nov. 1, and my tentative plan is to go off keto and hit up a chinese buffet. I intend to eventually transition to cyclical keto. Something like 2-3 months of keto and then 1-4 weeks of non-keto and repeat that. There is some scientific backing that when you strength train on keto you are in a way priming growth that you then slingshot when you reintroduce carbs past the point as if you were eating carbs the entire time.

It would be cool to see other before ane after pics.
Oct 30, 2017
Final Friday weigh-in results: 173.4 lbs

Chart of progress since May. I lost a month of data points due to One Drive sync issues and I stopped weighing myself daily, but it still tells the tale. I've slown down since I hit 180, which was my target goal for 2019. I want to be 160 next year and then maintain that for life, or 170 with added muscle--depends.


Some advantages: I can now wear medium shirts comfortably. I need a belt for 34" jeans. I sweat less on my walk to work.
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Final Results


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Woo! We're finally at the end! Let's have a look at the results:

Total Weight Lost (kg): 203.3 kg
Total Weight Lost (lb): 447.8 lb

Total Loss Leader Guppeth
Runner-Up Tot. Loss 9.0 kg 20.0 lb
Runner-Up % Loss 10.17%

Total Loss Runner-Up Zackat
Runner-Up Tot. Loss 8.1 kg 18.0 lb
Runner-Up % Loss 6.09%

% Loss Leader TheLinguist
Leader Tot. Loss 10.0 kg 22.0 lb
Leader % Loss 13.19%

% Loss Runner-Up Mental Atrophy
Runner-Up Tot. Loss 7.4 kg 16.2 lb
Runner-Up % Loss 8.59%

Congratulations to TheLinguist and Guppeth for showing us all how it's done! Take a victory lap and bask in the eternal glory!
Jun 22, 2019
I don't have a scale so it's difficult to tell if I've been gradually losing the 12 kilos I put on when my depression was at it's most extreme.

I haven't really changed my eating at all though... just moved back to a location where I'm finally going outdoors again rather than withdrawing into the sofa.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't expect to crack the top 10 when I signed up so I'm pretty damn happy. 15 more pounds and I'll meet my target.
Oct 30, 2017
Wow, I didn't expect to rank so highly. I avoided looking at the spreadsheet because I didn't want to get envious/demotivated.


Oct 27, 2017
Congratulations to everybody. I hope I can participate in the next one. Amy plans when it will start?
Oct 25, 2017
I will prob join next weight loss challenge again. But I am 163 lbs right now. My goal is 150 or abs, whichever comes first. Mostly targetting body fat loss. Not worried about overall weight loss. I am happy-ish with my weight loss this past 3 months. I was 175ish at the start. Ending 163 lbs. 12 lbs over 3 months seems small considering the deficit I was at, BUT I did not maintain the same deficit the entire 3 months and have been gaining some muscle through strength training (7 weeks in) and even some strength training before that plus cardio.

That said, this Firday, my birthday, I am going off keto for the first time in 8ish months. Gonna eat whatever I want, as much as I want, at a chinese buffet. I know it is not high quality food. But I am throwing caution to the wind for one meal. I am thinking about going off keto for a couple days. But I may jump back in right away and do that in about a month.
Oct 27, 2017
Hell yeah!! This thread keeps me motivated and going. I went from 250 lbs at the beginning of the year to 179lbs and have been now at 185 lbs for a couple months and I think this is where I'm supposed to be at. Gonna go to the doc for a checkup cause going by online charts I'm supposed to be 170lbs but I'm not so sure lol.
I gotta work on them tan lines next.
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Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
I'm very happy with my progress this year. I'm not sure how much more weight I'm going to lose. While my weight is now right in the middle of the normal BMI range, I have no muscles so I'm still a bit chubby. My only exercise is walking, and not brisk walking either. I do feel a lot fitter, just because I'm not carrying so much fat around.

For the past couple of months I've aimed for a daily calorie deficit of 1000, and allowed myself to eat a bit more if I really want to (which I often do). What I don't do, ever, is eat more calories than I burn. Having a buffer of 1000 calories meant that I can deviate from the plan quite considerably and still lose weight that day.

To make calorie counting less of a pain, I've been using Huel (basically British Soylent) for most meals, which hasn't been too bad because I like the stuff. I just weigh some powder and that's it, calorie counting done. I've also been mostly, but not totally, vegan, which is pretty easy on this diet.

Well done to everyone making progress, and to everyone struggling, don't give up. Try different things until you find a method that suits you. I struggled to control my weight for years, and I finally figured it out, and I wish I'd done it twenty years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Hell yeah!! This thread keeps me motivated and going. I went from 250 lbs at the beginning of the year to 179lbs and have been now at 185 lbs for a couple months and I think this is where I'm supposed to be at. Gonna go to the doc for a checkup cause going by online charts I'm supposed to be 170lbs but I'm not so sure lol.
I gotta work on them tan lines next.

Are your muscles more pronounced because you're thinner or are your arms just really jacked?

Drop that upper body workout pls.
Oct 27, 2017
Are your muscles more pronounced because you're thinner or are your arms just really jacked?

Drop that upper body workout pls.
I've been working on core and lower body it just hasn't been as easy to gain muscle there for me. I just look bigger cause of the weight loss being my no.1 goal while working out, I'm at 14.1% body fat right now. From the front I'm wide but at side view I'm way thinner. I am working on a symmetrical body though don't you worry lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been working on core and lower body it just hasn't been as easy to gain muscle there for me. I just look bigger cause of the weight loss being my no.1 goal while working out, I'm at 14.1% body fat right now. From the front I'm wide but at side view I'm way thinner. I am working on a symmetrical body though don't you worry lol.

Oh no...when I said drop, I meant, like, share it with us.

Not that you need to stop doing it...don't stop you look great!