
Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
I lost 2 lbs since posting, so in the interests of fairness I ate a 14" pizza all to myself to get my weight back to the right level for the start of the challenge. Yep, that's why I did it. That's exactly why.
It was just one of those days, I couldn't help myself. A one off that I'm not going to beat myself up about.


Jan 3, 2018
2/8/2019: 226lbs

Just weighed myself after the month long trip to California. I was worried I'd gain wait because of the massive portion sizes in restaurants, but i actually managed to lose 0.8 lbs which I'm happy with. Must have been all the walking I did in the heat.

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Count me in again. I feel off the wagon after my daughter was born. I'm back up to 100.4kg

Gotta get back into my groove, and save money by not buying so much junk food.


Oct 27, 2017
Missed the cut for this one :( in hospital after an operation so not 100% sure of my current weight but will follow along anyway


Oct 25, 2017
These apps want me to eat so many carbs. I can meet the protein and fat but god damn. I'd have to eat junk food or a few cups of cooked rice to hit that level with my fasting regimen.


Oct 25, 2017
Height: 5'10"
Age: 36
Current Weight: 377 lbs
Goal weight: under 200 for now. Further define as I get closer.

So even though I'm just signing up, I technically started this process the almost two weeks ago. I was at 395 and decided I had had enough. I've tried all sorts of things to get my weight down but could never stick with anything. I decided to try keto and it has been a game changer.

I already feel a lot better. I don't get bloated or puffy anymore, been sleeping better and was able to give up caffeine since I actually feel refreshed in the morning. So things are finally looking up
Just wanted to say keep it up! We're very similar, I'm 5'9 36 and when this year started I weighed 356 pounds. I'm now at 286 pounds. That's 70 pounds in about 7 months. Less than 2 years ago I weighed 450 pounds.

You just have to take it week-to-week. It may seem like a long process, losing 2 pounds a week or so, but it DOES add up.

I'm not on the keto diet, I watch my sugar, fat, and calories and take in a lot of protein to control my hunger, but you do what is working for you. I also exercise at least an hour every single day and that has been what's made the difference.

I allow myself one day a week for drinking alcohol, and I eat things I like (not binging though) and it works for me.

Just keep moving forward man. You got this.

Any Questions

Oct 27, 2017
Just wanted to say keep it up! We're very similar, I'm 5'9 36 and when this year started I weighed 356 pounds. I'm now at 286 pounds. That's 70 pounds in about 7 months. Less than 2 years ago I weighed 450 pounds.

You just have to take it week-to-week. It may seem like a long process, losing 2 pounds a week or so, but it DOES add up.

I'm not on the keto diet, I watch my sugar, fat, and calories and take in a lot of protein to control my hunger, but you do what is working for you. I also exercise at least an hour every single day and that has been what's made the difference.

I allow myself one day a week for drinking alcohol, and I eat things I like (not binging though) and it works for me.

Just keep moving forward man. You got this.
Great encouragement!


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
Missed entering but I like a record and seeing progress and asking advice which I think this thread would be a good place to do so. I'm 81 kg now, 174 cm in height, I'm guessing around 24% body fat. Living with family has got to be the worst part because of the meals and hard to be selective and picky about it. Eating smaller proportions at the moment. I'm revising my fitness as well to mainly home and coming up with a plan.


Nov 5, 2017
First weight update!
Weight this morning = 103.3, which means I've officially added 0.7kg since I logged my weight just over a week ago.

Actually I'm essentially flat over the last three weeks. Possible reasons for this:
1 - I started weight training a week and a half ago, which can add some water weight and maybe some muscle.
2 - I started loading creatine, which can also add 1-2% body weight of water
3 - I've upped my caloric intake marginally to include extra protein.

With all these variables it's hard to tell if I'm losing fat, although there are some signs that I am if I'm not being delusional when I look in the mirror. My original target weight loss target of 1.5 kg a week seems ridiculous at this point, but I'll keep it in for a baseline.

Positives from last week:
1- I do appear to have added some newbie-muscle, but that may be self-delusion. The creatine may be exaggerating this, but my quads are definitely bigger than they were when I started even before I started creatine. Past experience tells me that I add muscle to my quads really fast. So if I'm adding muscle and staying the same weight, there's a strong chance I'm losing fat. Time will tell.
2 - My spare tire seems to have split into a gut and love handles, instead of being one large entity, which is cool. I can't for sure tell when this happened, but I think it's pretty recent.
3 - It was marginally easier to fit into my old 33" jeans yesterday than it was the prior week, which is the indicator I'm using now to check fat loss. There was significant muffin-top, so a fair way to go!
3 - Weight training is going well. I've added 40% weight to my squat and deadlift and about 30% to my presses. I bought some resistance bands which allows me to do assisted pullups, as well as some smaller rotator cuff exercises.


Oct 27, 2017
Late entry starting at 78 kg here, July was the first month over the last year I actually gained some weight, those 2.5 kg will be gone in no time.

Goal for this period will be hitting 70 kg and getting my activity levels back on track. It was nice taking a little break from the diet and chill out a little.


Nov 3, 2017
I stayed the same this week, no idea how. I'm over 300lbs and eating about 1800 calories a day, MFP says I can eat 2100 for 2lbs/week loss. I should be dropping weight fast, I did the last time (lost 100lbs then gained it all back years ago). It's just so disheartening to give up everything I enjoy for no reward.


Oct 27, 2017
I stayed the same this week, no idea how. I'm over 300lbs and eating about 1800 calories a day, MFP says I can eat 2100 for 2lbs/week loss. I should be dropping weight fast, I did the last time (lost 100lbs then gained it all back years ago). It's just so disheartening to give up everything I enjoy for no reward.

Dont give up, there will always be weeks like that and the body can work in mysterious ways, one week I can hover around the same point and the week after I see a more substantial loss. Keep at it for a few more weeks and then reflect on it, it's about the distance, not the sprint.


Oct 25, 2017
I stayed the same this week, no idea how. I'm over 300lbs and eating about 1800 calories a day, MFP says I can eat 2100 for 2lbs/week loss. I should be dropping weight fast, I did the last time (lost 100lbs then gained it all back years ago). It's just so disheartening to give up everything I enjoy for no reward.
This happens. Sometimes the scale won't move, then you drop a bunch. Stay consistent and you will be rewarded.
Oct 25, 2017
I've had too many weeks in a row with no scale movement. You just stick it out and eventually things start to move again. Maybe even take a brief break from the routine. Don't exercise. Maybe eat little bit more. Things will start moving again. The ultimate plateau breaker I think is extended fasting, but I think it's a pitfall to use that every time. I browsed on reddit and some people seem to get into the mind set that they can eat all they want, whenever they want because they can burn it off with extended fasting. That's yoyo or crash dieting and that's no good long term and probably worse than staying at a steady weight.


Oct 25, 2017
I stayed the same this week, no idea how. I'm over 300lbs and eating about 1800 calories a day, MFP says I can eat 2100 for 2lbs/week loss. I should be dropping weight fast, I did the last time (lost 100lbs then gained it all back years ago). It's just so disheartening to give up everything I enjoy for no reward.

I read recently that packaged stuff can vary quite considerably from what the label says in the package. Like 20%-+ variation. Besides that there's so many other variables at play like maybe your resting metabolic rate has shifted a bit since you lost and gained your weight, if you home cook your meals maybe some stuff were measured wrong, if you ate more sodium than normal you might have stored more water etc. Imo no matter the reason all you should do is track what you eat and if you don't lose weight that week don't stress, just eat less of it the next week until you reach you goal rate of weight loss then take note of what calories/day that meant for you.


Oct 25, 2017
Ottawa Canada
Im going to follow along. I weighed about 215lbs in december.
This morning I weighed 193lbs.
I am 6 foot 1.
My goal weight is 180lbs by october25th.

Good luck everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Day 3 of OMAD with keto, giving this miserable diet (the mornings are really rough) a go for at least a week and seeing where it takes me. I am at a massive caloric deficit (eating 1000-1200, physically can't eat more) while eating super clean (entire bags of salad or kale with each meal) and being very active. If this doesn't get me out of my weight loss rut I have no idea what will.


Oct 25, 2017

Jul 29, 120.3kg
Aug 5, 118.6kg

Feeling good.
Also started putting down the measurements into a chart today like some other folks have and I intend to update it every day.


Any Questions

Oct 27, 2017
I stayed the same this week, no idea how. I'm over 300lbs and eating about 1800 calories a day, MFP says I can eat 2100 for 2lbs/week loss. I should be dropping weight fast, I did the last time (lost 100lbs then gained it all back years ago). It's just so disheartening to give up everything I enjoy for no reward.

Mate stick at it. 1800 calories is lots once you get used to eating less. Hang in there and it will make a difference. Use my fitness Pal and make sure you get your 1800. You don't want to miss out on anything.


I'm a fan of the erotic thriller genre
Oct 25, 2017
I stayed the same this week, no idea how. I'm over 300lbs and eating about 1800 calories a day, MFP says I can eat 2100 for 2lbs/week loss. I should be dropping weight fast, I did the last time (lost 100lbs then gained it all back years ago). It's just so disheartening to give up everything I enjoy for no reward.

Just gotta stick with it. Your body REALLY wants to stay at homeostasis. It notices you drop the calories and goes into emergency mode, trying to keep all that weight on.
Just gotta break through the wall.

Any Questions

Oct 27, 2017
Day 3 of OMAD with keto, giving this miserable diet (the mornings are really rough) a go for at least a week and seeing where it takes me. I am at a massive caloric deficit (eating 1000-1200, physically can't eat more) while eating super clean (entire bags of salad or kale with each meal) and being very active. If this doesn't get me out of my weight loss rut I have no idea what will.

Check out this man for some inspiration. He had a baby son and decided to shift his weight. The guy water fasted for 120 days I think and has been doing OMAD since then for ages. His videos are great and really authentic/ honest.

It's bound to give you some drive. Plus it's also heartwarming to watch.


I'm a fan of the erotic thriller genre
Oct 25, 2017
So had a bad day weight-loss wise Saturday.
But back on the wagon today 254.4
So some loss. But not as much as I had hoped.
Feb 23, 2018
Whelp time to be honest and face the music (of my own self judgment).

HW: 77.3kg (1 June, back from a trip)
26 July: 73.9kg
5 August: 74.8kg
Goal: 10% weight loss drop so 67kg. My actual milestone is 10% of HW, which is 69kg

I've been up and down 1-2kg since the last update. I went on holiday and ate a fair bit but the food was so good and i didn't gain much weight. But then i came back, got ill, went down to 73.6kg at one point and absolutely binged the next day. My eating goes really off track when i don't sleep enough, plan my meals and/or go to exercise!

I have 2 days of exercise lined up startimg tomorrow since i want to clear my classpass credits. Food has been packed and ready to go for the next two days! Then i have my aunt's birthday dinner, a family trip to vietnam (where there will be lots of food no doubt) including my dad's birthday dinner. If i can come back still around 74kg (or even 73kg!) after my holiday, i would be so happy. My plan at the moment is to get in 3 days of exercise this week and sleep 8 hours a day. I usually sleep 5 to 6 hours and it's definitely making me eat more and deteoriating my self control. But sleeping early/on time has always been sometime i struggle with...i bought 2 of those tummy tuckers garther like items so thinking of bringing that during my trip so i'll eat less per meal, thanks to being physically restricted. Oh thank you crazy asian dieters for all your contraptions.
Oct 25, 2017
Check out this man for some inspiration. He had a baby son and decided to shift his weight. The guy water fasted for 120 days I think and has been doing OMAD since then for ages. His videos are great and really authentic/ honest.

It's bound to give you some drive. Plus it's also heartwarming to watch.

Just my humble opinion but I think starving yourself for 150 days is like 130-140 days longer than anyone should in a single fast. I can respect his struggle but I think what he did is dangerous and reckless.

Any Questions

Oct 27, 2017
Just my humble opinion but I think starving yourself for 150 days is like 130-140 days longer than anyone should in a single fast. I can respect his struggle but I think what he did is dangerous and reckless.
Yup. I think it's silly and not something I would ever do. However he did it and whenever I clicked on one of his videos it made me smile as the message was always delivered humbly.

In fact fasting for OMAD is tricky enough
Not sure I could even fast for 24 hrs let alone anything more.


Oct 27, 2017
Boston, MA (USA)
20.4% BF

7/24: 175.2 (22.3%)
- Started supplementing with creatine and put on some water weight:
7/28: 180.5 (22.8%)

Incorporating some steady state cardio for 30-45 mins on my non-lifting days, which should help with overall health. The weight loss goal is a little conflicting, because I'm focusing on lifts and golf. Weight loss for me is a longer-term goal that's not a direct action, but more of a result from forming healthy routines.
Last edited:


Nov 5, 2017
I love the way you set this graph up! May I ask what you used to create it?
Lol, just Google Sheets. See below for the data (and behold my 3 week stall) - I usually keep the 3rd, 4th and 5th columns hidden. The two challange periods are just values I put in so that they'd appear like brackets below the legend in the chart - 118 happened to be the best number for this, and they dip down to a low value at the end of the series so that they drop almost vertically to under the chart.

I mucked around with the series attributes on the chart as per below and managed to get the dotted vertical lines and the thick horizontal lines. I more fluked this than anything else.


Oct 25, 2017
Check out this man for some inspiration. He had a baby son and decided to shift his weight. The guy water fasted for 120 days I think and has been doing OMAD since then for ages. His videos are great and really authentic/ honest.

It's bound to give you some drive. Plus it's also heartwarming to watch.

Think I remember him from when Obese to Beast discussed what he was doing. Props to him for making it work but damn, that's extreme!


Oct 25, 2017
Had a rough couple weeks fighting with depression and anxiety with all that's been going on.

I really just wanted to eat, and eat, and eat to feel better. But I managed to mostly hold out through the misery.

Last check in was July 25th at my under 200 lbs at 199.2 mark and I spiked back up a bit before leveling out and going down again.

26th-4th: 199.2, 200.2, 201.8, 200.4, 199.6, 199.8, 199.8, 199.2, 197.8, 198.6

Today, August 5th: 196.4

Was nice to see that number after this last week of crap.


Dec 8, 2017
Weigh in 8/5/19: 227

Lost eight pounds in a week but think it's mainly due to being sick. That said I did maintain my normal diet while being sick and did not vomit, so maybe it's in part to my new eating habits. I did not expect to lose that kind of weight in a week.


Nov 3, 2017
Just gotta stick with it. Your body REALLY wants to stay at homeostasis. It notices you drop the calories and goes into emergency mode, trying to keep all that weight on.
Just gotta break through the wall.

That's what I'm hoping is happening and one week I'll just drop, so I'm sticking with it but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't very disappointed.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
I'm currently 77.6 kg as of this morning. I think I'm going way too hard on the calorie deficit feeling dizzy a lot throughout the day. I drink a lot of water though. I don't really do much exercise having completely changed my schedule into something manageable I will do but consistently and then slowly increasing it rather than plan a lot and not being sustainable.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently 77.6 kg as of this morning. I think I'm going way too hard on the calorie deficit feeling dizzy a lot throughout the day. I drink a lot of water though. I don't really do much exercise having completely changed my schedule into something manageable I will do but consistently and then slowly increasing it rather than plan a lot and not being sustainable.
If you're feeling dizzy then stop and eat. Get some electrolytes at the least.
Feb 23, 2018
Excited that im 74.1kg after doing a mild hiit class at a pilates studio that wasn't that mad somehow, probably since their weights were really light compared to an actual hiit gym. I was calculating and it seems like i need to get to 66kg get out of the overweight bmi (<25), i feel like it would be a great birthday present to this december baby but that's 4 months and 8kg to lose, assuming there is no plateau. Going to keep up with the 1400-1500 cals/day (when not on holiday) and around 100g of carbs per day, OMAD for special occasions, exercise x3 a week (at least 1 is weights day) and see how it goes. Hopefully i can reach around there, otherwise i might have to go very low carb in the last month...

In positive news, my belly circumference has dropped by almost 2 inches in 2 weeks!! I was a bit sad about nothing happening to my waist but then i realised it dropped 2 inches over a period of 2 months. My goal of a waist-hip difference of 10 inches is still making some progress!! I feel like im slightly obsessive but it does help to keep me on track haha


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently 77.6 kg as of this morning. I think I'm going way too hard on the calorie deficit feeling dizzy a lot throughout the day. I drink a lot of water though. I don't really do much exercise having completely changed my schedule into something manageable I will do but consistently and then slowly increasing it rather than plan a lot and not being sustainable.
Sustainability is the key. Some people can go ages without food and shrug it off and so will lose weight quickly on a deep cut and are able to fast or use other quick hit methods. Others can't. I know I can't.

If you're getting dizzy, that's your body telling you to ease off the deficit.
Excited that im 74.1kg after doing a mild hiit class at a pilates studio that wasn't that mad somehow, probably since their weights were really light compared to an actual hiit gym. I was calculating and it seems like i need to get to 66kg get out of the overweight bmi (<25), i feel like it would be a great birthday present to this december baby but that's 4 months and 8kg to lose, assuming there is no plateau. Going to keep up with the 1400-1500 cals/day (when not on holiday) and around 100g of carbs per day, OMAD for special occasions, exercise x3 a week (at least 1 is weights day) and see how it goes. Hopefully i can reach around there, otherwise i might have to go very low carb in the last month...

In positive news, my belly circumference has dropped by almost 2 inches in 2 weeks!! I was a bit sad about nothing happening to my waist but then i realised it dropped 2 inches over a period of 2 months. My goal of a waist-hip difference of 10 inches is still making some progress!! I feel like im slightly obsessive but it does help to keep me on track haha
8kg in 4 months is very doable. Your average deficit in kcal is roughly equivalent to average weight loss in grams per week, so a consistent 300-500kcal deficit yields 0.3-0.5 kg per week, which lands you at between 5-8kg lost before Christmas. You can do it!

It sounds as though you're on the petite side, so a bigger deficit than that may be impractical. Meal sizes are set on cultural expectations rather than individual nutrition (which is a problem for social eating), plus a 1000kcal cut is a much bigger proportion of your diet than a 6'5" man. Still, if you can manage a 300-500kcal deficit, it's only a matter of time.


Oct 31, 2017

August 7: 108,5kg

-1,5kg so far.
Eating at a deficit isnt really An issue, its more making sure I drink enough water. And not decide to binge on a full bag of chips :)
Feb 23, 2018
8kg in 4 months is very doable. Your average deficit in kcal is roughly equivalent to average weight loss in grams per week, so a consistent 300-500kcal deficit yields 0.3-0.5 kg per week, which lands you at between 5-8kg lost before Christmas. You can do it!

It sounds as though you're on the petite side, so a bigger deficit than that may be impractical. Meal sizes are set on cultural expectations rather than individual nutrition (which is a problem for social eating), plus a 1000kcal cut is a much bigger proportion of your diet than a 6'5" man. Still, if you can manage a 300-500kcal deficit, it's only a matter of time.

Thanks for the info! Didn't realise the calorie difference equates to kg loss per week! My TDEE was calculated to be 1750 or so, i want to eat everything on sight even on a high fat diet at 1200, 1400 to 1500 is still manageable for me. That said, i was so hungry after my 1100 cal salad + meat combo for my early lunch, probably due to the hunger instead. I almost ate my emergency protein bar that i have in my bag (having emergency food for hungry moments helps me so far) but decided to wait it out since it doesn't make sense that i would so hungry after so much salad, chicken and nuts! Thankfully it was much better 30 minutes later.

Btw is it ok to eat below my BMR occasionally? My BMR is supposedly around 1450 (at sedentary). Sometimes when i measure myself, i wonder how will i lose the inches, there are certain parts of my body that feels like they can't lose much (waist, hips, etc) like where are the inches dropped going to come from? That was my weird body moment of the day.
Oct 27, 2017
81.6 kgs, so 1.4 kg loss so far. Haven't really moved nearly as much within the last few days as I do usually as I've been on vacation and haven't done much, but still managed to lose a little bit at least.

The next couple of days will be bad though since I'm going on a small trip. Tomorrow will have some really heavy exercise but otherwise probably gonna eat and drink quite a bit.. I'll try to avoid the most calorie heavy foods though.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the info! Didn't realise the calorie difference equates to kg loss per week! My TDEE was calculated to be 1750 or so, i want to eat everything on sight even on a high fat diet at 1200, 1400 to 1500 is still manageable for me. That said, i was so hungry after my 1100 cal salad + meat combo for my early lunch, probably due to the hunger instead. I almost ate my emergency protein bar that i have in my bag (having emergency food for hungry moments helps me so far) but decided to wait it out since it doesn't make sense that i would so hungry after so much salad, chicken and nuts! Thankfully it was much better 30 minutes later.

Btw is it ok to eat below my BMR occasionally? My BMR is supposedly around 1450 (at sedentary). Sometimes when i measure myself, i wonder how will i lose the inches, there are certain parts of my body that feels like they can't lose much (waist, hips, etc) like where are the inches dropped going to come from? That was my weird body moment of the day.
Eating at or below your BMR should be okay every once in a while. It's what your fat stores are for - to smooth out the bumps. What matters is the average. Just make sure you're comfortable while you're on a deficit. Willpower is a finite resource - you'll run out if you test yourself too hard for too long.

As for where the weight comes off - you'll be surprised. My jawline and cheekbones changed shape completely and my collarbones popped out when I lost my weight. Plus I lost a good deal of neck fat and back fat I didn't even realise was there - I thought that was muscle and bone. I was even shocked to find how bony my hips actually are. The biggest surprise was when I hit ~12-13% body fat and my abs started to pop occasionally and my belly button changed shape from horizontal to vertical. I had no idea my stomach could be that shape.

I've been bulking up trying to build muscle since late last year, so my belly button has a sad mouth shape again, but I'll get lean again once I've built myself up some.

Deleted member 4372

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I am here with my tail between my legs.

I went on vacation a few weeks ago and ate and drank like an animal, and I regret it. I need this thread more than ever. I'm taking an L for certain.

Weighing in to start this challenge off today at 252 lbs. My goal for the end of the year is 220lbs.

I am up in here weighing 244 lbs. Loss of 8 lbs this week. Feels good to be back on track. I need this thread!