
  • 1-2

    Votes: 186 10.0%
  • 2-4

    Votes: 241 13.0%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 582 31.3%
  • 6-8

    Votes: 565 30.4%
  • 8-10

    Votes: 284 15.3%

  • Total voters


Dec 6, 2017
I liked the smaller scale announcements. PC port of Yakuza and gameplay for Darktide and Back 4 Blood are more interesting to me than anything else.


Jul 7, 2020
Ran a little too long but some nice surprises. Definitely in the 8-10 range for me. Better than many E3 shows.


Oct 28, 2017
As a show was boring, too much cg trailers and the presenters were so weird, like they didnt want to be doing that.

I thought that the context would make this show a little more homey and close to the public and it felt colder and distant.

The only great part were the among us devs.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
It's a 9 cause putting that together during a pandemic ain't a small task


Nov 8, 2017
i had to leave midway after PD, and i came back and literally skipped through the whole thing in 10 minutes and I cant even remember any reveals I gave a shit about, so yeh it sucked for me.

Seeing PD was cool, but being CG sucked, this was worse than last years for sure, at least we got the XSX reveal out of nowhere, nothing like that this year, oh well


Oct 25, 2017
They've gotta start putting better reveals at the end. I mean mass effect is hype, but not enough to warrant a 20 second trailer to show something we already know.

Smash was the best thing there and it came first, they need to pace the announcements better


Nov 13, 2017
It was fine. Solid 7/10. You people have to manage expectations. Wanting something is not the same as being entitled to something. Elden Ring will appear when Miyazaki is ready for it, not when all of us impatient fans want it. If a SH reboot exists, Sony will most definitely be the ones to reveal it. Nintendo is throwing them a bone unveiling smash DLC characters, but if you think they are going to deep dive BotW2 in such a limited capacity, well that's on you.

The main take away is that TGA has still not quite found its "footing/identity". I mean he is able to get a lot of people to show up. Nolan unveiling game of the year is solid. The orchestration melodies were phenomenal, really needed more time dedicated to that in all honesty. The Pearl Jam guy.... Reggie, Wonder Woman... Now how to channel this energy into something special. The Among Us people were the most endearing. I was glad to see them win twice.
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The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
Solid 7. A little weak in the back half but we are living in a global pandemic and the fact that they pulled it off at all is impressive.


Nov 1, 2017
i had to leave midway after PD, and i came back and literally skipped through the whole thing in 10 minutes and I cant even remember any reveals I gave a shit about, so yeh it sucked for me.

Seeing PD was cool, but being CG sucked, this was worse than last years for sure, at least we got the XSX reveal out of nowhere, nothing like that this year, oh well

They had multiple orchestra breaks and had to announce that a free to play game which has been out since 2013 is coming to the Epic Games can't rush these things


Oct 25, 2017
4/10. Perfect Dark was the only big announcement and there was no gameplay. Also, family of seals is clobbered every time a first-person game is made.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Pacing was weird like all over the place, I feel like it could've been more structured properly.
I enjoyed some of the announcements though so I give it a 7.5/10
Oct 8, 2019
It was really weird that they had some guy sing a song while the Best RPG category was basically done in 10 seconds. The oscars have songs because Best Song is an actual category meanwhile FF VII Remake won best score on the pre-show so VGA cant really consider music all that important.

Also really weird that the show starts off with two of the three big announcements that they had. Due to the nature of shows like this there was also no real surprises, and the Last of Us 2 isnt as exciting as say Return of the King winning all their awards because Last of Us 2 is the type of games that always win awards like this.,

Overall the thing honestly came off like a giant commercial for the Last of Us 2, and I hate zombies so I just never played any of those games, so that certainly diminished my excitement.

The lack of "OMG Hype" moments is clearly due to the pandemic so I cant really blame them especially for games that have shown basically no footage so far anyways (BotW 2, Bayonetta 3, and Elden Rings.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 11, 2017
Solid 8, especially considering COVID and everything. Most of what I was interested in were the updates on games we already knew of, but there were some good new games. Left4Dead-Not, Perfect Dark, and Mass Effect are stand outs.

Plus I feel they keep doing a better job of revealing awards.
This I was thinking. A solid 8 from me. Definitely a marked improvement from last year.


Oct 27, 2017
Solid 6/10. Pacing up and died in the second half as per usual, and the Mass Effect thing as the final trailer was a complete whiff.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
With covid and all, I think this was the roughest year, but I completely understand. Can't wait for next year Geoff! I hope we can return to a more normal, live show and things get a lot better with covid 🙂


Jun 16, 2018
It's a solid 10/10 for Sephiroth in smash alone. Otherwise okay show with some interesting games revealed although I am getting tires of cg trailers that basically confirm we won't be seeing these games for like 5 years.


Sep 12, 2018
6-8. Given the circumstances with the pandemic I'd say Geoff did a great job. Wish there was more of a Nintendo presence though.


May 31, 2018

The entire show was slightly too long. Could have trimmed off 30 mins or so. Announcements / Trailers wise they were alright, wasn't expecting any megatons. Sephiroth in Smash was a nice surprise.

Lord Azrael

Oct 25, 2017
Geoff almost felt like he didn't wanna be there, so bizarre

Anyway the lineup was pretty good and diverse so solid show overall, even though the actual awards part of it was almost an afterthought


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
4 based on announcements alone (watched like 5 mins of it). Sephiroth in Smash was hype aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's about it.


Oct 29, 2017

Some decent announcements. Too many zombies, tho. Love that the developer speeches/interviews seemed live and goofy. A lot of points off for that huuuuge boring lull in the middle.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you not entertained? Yes I laughed at window lady & shocked by Mario impaled by Sephiroth. Good music along with some good trailers.



Oct 27, 2017
Rotorua, NZ
4/5. It was an ok show that considering the circumstances was well put together. But it was far too long and it really dragged in the second half. Positive for me were the musical performances but from a gaming perspective nothing really made me sit up bar the callisto protocol.


Jan 16, 2018
About a 4, I guess.

+ Sephiroth was a huge surprise and the trailer was great, definitely the best of the night, and probably the only one that was hype without taking itself painfully seriously—the Mario fake out got me—but I don't really care about Smash anymore or have any attachment to the character.
+ It's awesome that Perfect Dark is coming back ... but it seems like we'll be waiting for it for a long time, and the reveal didn't show much outside of some worldbuilding (which was admittedly pretty cool).
+ Looking forward to Flight Simulator coming to Xbox, since I'm probably going to pick up a Series S, but I'll never own a PC that can run it.
+ Crimson Desert legitimately impressed me. Hope it comes to consoles.
+ Mario music montage was wonderful.

- So many fucking CGI trailers for games we won't see for years and years (or which might turn out to be vaporware).
- Ghosts & Goblins remake looks ... bad.
- No new info about what Nintendo has planned for 2021.
- The awards themselves were clearly an afterthought, the presenters were largely lifeless or boring, and the winners were totally unsurprising (and, frankly, pretty myopically limited to the usual cinematic "serious games" outside of Among Us, which is a shame in what's probably going to go down as a pivotal audience expanding/diversifying year for the hobby).
- Lots of samey trailers for "mature" (read: for boys 13-23) games that look more bleak and exhausting than fun.
- Too many zombies. I'm so tired of zombies.


Oct 25, 2017
They had that neat PS5 game with the lady on the bicycle. That was about it for me. I think the real surprise is Perfect Dark is now about how our corpo overlords are going to ruin the world (they already have) and whatever was going on with that 10min Vin Diesel Ark 2 trailer. That was one hell of a wild ride.

The rest was a mix of boring, dumb, or featured new games not coming out for years. Both the Dragon Age and Mass Effect trailers were laughable, highlighting EA has learned zero over the past decade with how to handle game announcements or games in the catalogue. The rest were unsurprising rehashed trailers, ads and trailers weirdly connected at the hip more than usual, and a rapid-fire approach to everything that made the show feel exhausting.

The only good award moments were from the Among Us devs because they felt very sincere and honest coming from where they started at the beginning of the year.

All in all


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
There were so many times where I just wanted to turn it off.

I wish I had watched the marvel call instead.


Oct 31, 2017
This is the first year I didn't watch the game awards, seems like I was right to skip it this time.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
5/10. It was fine, but easily the worst show of the last four years imo. Second half really dragged.

It really lacked exciting announcements, and I've already forgotten most of what was shown tbh. And that's not to say the reveals were bad - many of the indie games look like my cup of tea! But the trailers were generally tone-setters so it's hard to tell how they'll play, let alone if they'll end up good. Highlight game reveal for me was Nier Replicant in the pre-show lol.

Nothing new from Nintendo or Sony is really disappointing.
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Oct 25, 2017
it was honestly garbage

glad i had my nap and woke up and saw i missed nothing after stomaching 90 minutes of it

so much cringey multiplayer shit with LOUD BASS and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM and *shudder*
May 17, 2018
I know he needs celebs and advertisements to get funding for this stuff, but, it ends up being so contradictory. Like, imagine even insinuating the idea that like, Nolan North presents the Best Director award at the Oscars. Shit'll never happen if this stay the course the way it has.

And the way he just ran through so many awards with no celebration really contradicts the idea that this show is supposed to be a night to celebrate the games industry.

"Did you win best audio design of 2020? Cool, fuck off. Now, here's Gal Godot with a 25 minute trailer for Ark 2 with Vin Diesel!!!!"


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Solid 7. There's a number of games I'm interested in off the back of it and no Harry Potter nonsense.


Oct 28, 2017
United States
Went in with lower expectations than last year.

No Bayonetta 3 or MP4 is abysmal but moreso reflects on Nintendo poorly than TGA.

Ghost & Goblins and the new collection seem to be solid.

That dragons game looked cool, I signed up for Early Access.

4/10. Didn't get the underdog win for goty like I hoped.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The big thing they need to do is split this into two nights somehow. The show has always been on the verge of collapsing under its own weight and this was more apparent than ever this year. They just cram too much into the time they have which forces poor Geoff to talk a mile a minute and feel like he constantly has to move onto the next thing or hype up something later in the show. There's zero downtime and no room for anything to breathe.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Solid 7 or 8, better then last year overall. Didn't feel like a 3 hour show whereas last year was like 5 days.

Some of y'all have ridiculous expectations and are only scoring based on how big world premieres were but that's dumb af, it's a celebration day of video games and developers, not E3. Even E3 wasn't E3 this year, gtfo with scores like 0 to 3.
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