
Oct 25, 2017
While it doesn't seem to be as much of an issue for CRPG's or WRPG's, a common critique of JRPG's is that they feature braindead, fetch quest-style side quests. While I'd say this wasn't generally the case during the 16- and 32-bit golden era of JRPG's, but it has definitely become an increasingly common mark against many games in the genre since then. Even I have to admit that the side quests are just overly abundant and rarely interesting in some of my favorite modern JRPG's like the Xenoblade games.

But I'm playing through Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology on my 3DS right now, and I have to say the side quests in this game are among the better ones I've seen in a JRPG in some time. Maybe most importantly, there aren't a bajillion of them. They are all distinct events that are triggered by talking to certain NPC's at certain times (clearly demarcated by a red page above their heads), and all of them feel relatively unique and grounded within the context of whatever is happening at that point/place in the game's twisting, interwoven timelines. It's so satisfying to finally come across the key item needed for a side quest ages ago and the time-travel back to that point to complete the quest. Little do these NPC's know I'm bringing them objects from their own future! Or sometimes alternate ones!


Left: Seeing that little red page pumps me up every time. Right: Side quests are easily tracked alongside main questlines in the game's White Chronicle.

I can't stress enough how much the time-travel contextualization enhances the fun of completing these side quests. Even ones that could be considered a fetch quest are elevated to something better because they're TIME TRAVEL FETCH QUESTS! And they often yield unique rewards that, as far as I can tell, can't be acquired elsewhere in the game. This is how JRPG side quests should be done, IMO, and I'd love to learn of other games in the genre that excel in this regard.


Oct 25, 2017
Pokémon side quests are entwined more naturally into the world, there's no quest log or markers telling you were to go. The rewards are actually unique be it a rare useful item or new Pokémon.


Oct 27, 2017
Xenoblade Chronicles X

Damn I was not expecting my answer to be said in the first post. But yeah Xenoblade X is kind of weird in that the sidequests are the interesting part of the story, and not the main story.

There's a lot of good lore there, branching plotlines (I'll never forget the Power Plant, Pizza quest and that one crazy religious guy) where your choices matter, and while they can seem like mundane slice-of-life I think it's a good examination of how human society would react when they suddenly have to get used to living with multiple alien races.


Dec 15, 2018
Xenoblade Chronicles X
You're straight up not playing this game right if you don't do the side quests, board quests notwithstanding since those are more standard for the genre.

Pokémon side quests are entwined more naturally into the world, there's no quest log or markers telling you were to go. The rewards are actually unique be it a rare useful item or new Pokémon.
I enjoyed Ultra having a lot of these smaller "quests" to do


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
SMT IV and Apocalypse had a couple of good ones. Even the more basic ones at least helped with the world building. And one of the larger ones in Apocalypse spans most of the game and has you learn more about what (or rather, who) actually caused everything to go to hell.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
i know this might be a weird pick, but The Last Remnant has a decent number of sidequests that result in unique bosses, locations, gear, and characters for your squads/unions.


Nov 12, 2017
Tales of Xillia? Not because the gameplay of the quests is particularly great, but because a giant chunk of the world building is relegated to them. I'd much rather that than generic fetch quests.


Oct 27, 2017
Love how they're implemented in Chrono Trigger. They're basically grouped together right before you can take on the final boss, they're pretty much all meaningful, and they don't cock up the pacing of the rest of the game.
Oct 25, 2017
Mega Man Legends had small little stories as side-quests, that really developed the small little town you're living in while you get your ship repaired. There weren't many, but they each had a ton of character and added so much life to Kattelox Island:

You help this expecting mother from the Fruit and Vegetable stand that goes missing suddenly, found out of breath at the park near the end of the game:

You befriend an artist, who is also the curator of the nearby museum you can help furnish with artifacts you find on digs:

There's a little girl at the hospital who can't walk, but if you're able to pay for equipment for her surgery, you can help her recover. She'll even be able to walk and say goodbye to you by the end of the game :)

You can help these kids you befriend during your exploits build their clubhouse with some items you find during your adventure. It gets bigger and better each time you help:

Your first fight with the Bonnes see a lot of the main town destroyed. You can slowly help with the restoration project and see a lot of people's homes get rebuilt:

There are other little missions like stopping a bank robbery, saving cats, and other small errands too. I just really loved the multi-tiered nature of each sub mission storyline as you get to know the citizens and island better, until they finally get to see you off after your adventure and you know exactly who each one of them waving goodbye is:

Evil Lucario

Feb 16, 2019
Chrono Trigger's (and Final Fantasy VI) sidequests are immaculate but very well documented by every video game essayist on the planet so I won't elaborate on that.

Xenoblade X and Torna also have fantastic sidequests as a standard. Compared to the rest of the series, Xenoblade 1's sidequests were abysmal as a whole and 2's was mostly just mediocre to fine with some standouts like the Blade Quests (and some really bad ones like in 1).

It helps that in Torna the sidequests are actually good considering the very random Community requirements gating story progression which require sidequests (so they're not really sidequests...? Idfk).

People like to draw attention to the Affinity Missions in X, and while they're good I enjoyed other endgame sidequests more, like the PIZZA MURDERER and the Back to the Future shoutout quest.

No, you are not getting any context from that. Go play the game.

This doesn't count as Japanese developed (an indie game made primarily by Germans, actually) but it's JRPG-inspired anyways so I'll still include it: CrossCode. A lot of the sidequests lead to unique combat scenarios/bosses and puzzles that the main game does not have, and they are all suitably different so you're not just doing the same things over and over. The writing is also pretty good in a lot of them, and it all ends up charming. And when I do replays, there's like only 1-2 quests out of like a hundred that I don't warm up to as much, BUT it's still not bad, just not as good as the rest. It's basically all good content across 40+ hours, which means you get both quality AND quantity in spades.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
Do the hunts in Final Fantasy XII count? They were a blast to do when taking breaks from the main story.

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
This doesn't count as Japanese developed (an indie game made primarily by Germans, actually) but it's JRPG-inspired anyways so I'll still include it: CrossCode. A lot of the sidequests lead to unique combat scenarios/bosses and puzzles that the main game does not have, and they are all suitably different so you're not just doing the same things over and over. The writing is also pretty good in a lot of them, and it all ends up charming. And when I do replays, there's like only 1-2 quests out of like a hundred that I don't warm up to as much, BUT it's still not bad, just not as good as the rest. It's basically all good content across 40+ hours, which means you get both quality AND quantity in spades.
I was just about to post CrossCode myself! I think it has the best side quests I've encountered recently. As you mentioned most of them have some kind of unique area, boss, or mechanic. My favorite one is the one where you and go glitching into a dev area, it's just the perfect package of cute story, fun mechanics and boss, and a great reward as well.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I quite like the side quests in the Trails games, as they're just another component to the fairly strong world building in that series. When you're already talking to all the named NPCs, doing tasks for them feels worthwhile because you get to learn more about them and directly impact them. It's not rare for these quests to be funny, sweet, and/or heartwarming. It also helps that, while there are some fetch quests, there's a good variety of other things you do- fishing competitions, riddles, quizzes, and more.


Oct 25, 2017
Ys VIII and IX I thought had great sidequests, they generally did a good job of fleshing out the side characters involved and you would get nice little moments like in VIII where you get a tree for everyone to make a wish on. Ys IX takes it a step further by having side quests that both flesh out the side characters but also flesh out ongoing side narratives that happen throughout the game, some of my favorite integration of side quests in a jrpg.
Oct 25, 2017
Tokyo Mirage Sessions had more interesting side quests than the main story. You get to learn more about the supporting cast, fight unique bosses, and (best of all) earn meaningful rewards.

Extremely underrated game


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Trails games.

Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Nier Automata.

To name recent examples to me. Writing plays a huge part if I enjoy a quest or not.


Oct 28, 2017
Hmmm, I definitely feel like FFX's side-quests are at the very least incredibly memorable. Now, "good" would be tough to say outright, as it definitely feels like there's a bit of a love/hate relationship there. Those side quests hate the player's guts. I tend to enjoy my time spent with the ultimate weapon collecting, when it's all said and done.


Apr 1, 2019
I'm playing Ys IX right now and I think the side quests are pretty good for the most part. I feel like I'm learning a lot more about the characters and world by doing them.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
The first game I remember with the checklist sidequesting so prevalent today was phantasy star iv.

I've noticed good sidequesting basically boils down real simply.

Its handled/designed the same exact way as the main quests except its optional/missable.

I was actually replaying the last story recently, and its sidequests are numerous, beefy, and very very good. Literally handled like they were main quests, except they arent part of the main progression string, and you have to find them.

Xenoblade X's affinity sidequests hit similar notes.


Nov 6, 2017
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Are there a different tier of side quests beyond the "go to the bulletin board to pick up fetch quests and Kill 20 X" bullshit? The world was cool but what seemed like the "side quests" felt like they set a new low for meaningless filler and I bounced out because I was bored as shit after a few hours of Taskrabbit The Game.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Tales of Xillia 2, the cast was ok in the original, not particularly memorable, 2 reused most of the same world and was a budget sequel, so I think they had to work with what they had, and the side quests added a lot more to the established cast.


Mar 8, 2020
The most recent one I've played is Octopath traveler, the way it integrate its side quest with the open world design is masterful to say the least, unlike any other JRPG.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
Are there a different tier of side quests beyond the "go to the bulletin board to pick up fetch quests and Kill 20 X" bullshit? The world was cool but what seemed like the "side quests" felt like they set a new low for meaningless filler and I bounced out because I was bored as shit after a few hours of Taskrabbit The Game.

Yes. Those are mostly fire and forget quests, or if you want particular loot for fashion (remember getting most of my sunglasses Jean's and jackets this way)

The good sidequesting is the affinity missions.